guyar's picture
initial commit
history blame
13.5 kB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import argparse
import math
import time
import yaml
def main(folderlocation, vpdfdir, featdfdir, playerdropdir):
"""This is the script version of creatingVPdata.ipynb for the dvc pipeline."""
# load data in
gameevents = pd.read_csv(f'{folderlocation}game_events.csv')
games = pd.read_csv(f'{folderlocation}games.csv')
gameslist = list(pd.unique(gameevents['game']))
allfactions = pd.unique(gameevents['faction'])
gamescoringtiles = pd.read_csv(f'{folderlocation}game_scoring_tiles.csv')
gameoptions = pd.read_csv(f'{folderlocation}game_options.csv')
stats = pd.read_csv(f'{folderlocation}stats.csv')
# two vp dataset functions
def makenewdf():
"""make an empty dataframe, organised in the way we want the target data, ready to be populated"""
validfactions = ['witches', 'auren', 'swarmlings', 'mermaids', 'cultists', 'halflings', 'dwarves', 'engineers', 'chaosmagicians', 'giants', 'fakirs', 'nomads', 'darklings', 'alchemists']
dfcols = ['game'] + validfactions
vpdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=dfcols)
return vpdf, dfcols, validfactions
vpdf, dfcols, validfactions = makenewdf()
def get_vp_from_game(singleGameEvents):
"""Input game events for a single game. This is a pd.DataFrame.
Output a row where each faction in the game has its vp populated (the rest are nans)
newdf = pd.DataFrame([[np.nan] * 15], columns=dfcols)
# assign the game number
gameno = list(pd.unique(singleGameEvents['game']))
# assert len(gameno) == 1, 'More than 1 unique game was found'
newdf['game'].replace({np.nan: gameno[0]}, inplace=True)
print(f'DEBUGGING: len of table is {len(singleGameEvents)}')
print(f'DEBUGGING: gamnos list: {gameno}')
# find factions - there are some artifacts in the data. E.g. the "faction", "all". We need to filter them out.
rawfactions = list(pd.unique(singleGameEvents['faction']))
verifiedfactions = [rawfaction for rawfaction in rawfactions if rawfaction in validfactions]
for faction in verifiedfactions:
vpfaction = sum(singleGameEvents[(singleGameEvents['event'] == 'vp') & (singleGameEvents['faction'] == faction)]['num'])
newdf[faction].replace({np.nan: vpfaction}, inplace=True)
return newdf
# two features dataset functions
def emptyfeaturesdf():
"""make an empty dataframe, organised in the way we want the feature data, ready to be populated"""
colnames = ['game']
uniqueScoreTiles = np.sort(pd.unique(gamescoringtiles['tile']))
# One-hot of round tiles, for each round
for gameround in range(1, 7):
# Boolean of bonus tiles
for bon in range(1, 11):
# One-hot player count
# Boolean of other colours present on the board
colnames = colnames + ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'grey', 'yellow', 'brown']
# acceptable maps
"""126fe960806d587c78546b30f1a90853b1ada468 - map1
95a66999127893f5925a5f591d54f8bcb9a670e6 - map2
be8f6ebf549404d015547152d5f2a1906ae8dd90 - map3
featuresdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=colnames)
return featuresdf, colnames
featuresdf, featcolnames = emptyfeaturesdf()
def get_features_from_game(singlegameevents, singlegamemeta, singlegameST, singleendplayers=None):
singlegameevents <pd.DataFrame> - is game events for a single game
singlegamemeta <pd.DataFrame> - is a single row from `games` that gives map & player count
singlegameST <pd.DataFrame> - is a single row from `gamescoringtiles` that gives... score tile (suprisingly)
singleendplayers <pd.DataFrame> - is a single row from `end players` that gives the amount of players at end of game, after dropouts
Return: <pd.DataFrame> - a row where features have been found (will be sparse)
newdf = pd.DataFrame([[0] * len(featcolnames)], columns=featcolnames)
# assign game string
newdf['game'].replace({0: singlegamemeta.iloc[0]['game']}, inplace=True)
# find the round tiles for each round
for gameround in range(1, 7):
roundstr = f'round{gameround}tile'
scoretile = singlegameST[singlegameST['round'] == gameround]['tile'].values[0]
newdf[roundstr].replace({0: scoretile}, inplace=True)
# Boolean of bonus tiles
uniqueevents = list(pd.unique(singlegameevents['event']))
bonustiles = [event[5:] for event in uniqueevents if event.startswith('pass:BON')]
for bontile in bonustiles:
newdf[bontile].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
# get faction colour
factions = pd.unique(singlegameevents['faction'])
if 'auren' in factions or 'witches' in factions:
newdf['green'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'swarmlings' in factions or 'mermaids' in factions:
newdf['blue'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'cultists' in factions or 'halflings' in factions:
newdf['brown'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'darklings' in factions or 'alchemists' in factions:
newdf['black'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'nomads' in factions or 'fakirs' in factions:
newdf['yellow'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'giants' in factions or 'chaosmagicians' in factions:
newdf['red'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
if 'engineers' in factions or 'dwarves' in factions:
newdf['grey'].replace({0: 1}, inplace=True)
# Number player count (from 2, 3, 4 or 5 players)
if singleendplayers is None:
noplayers = singlegamemeta.iloc[0]['player_count']
print('gamemeta used for player count')
noplayers = singleendplayers.iloc[0]['endplayers']
newdf['no_players'].replace({0: noplayers}, inplace=True)
# one hot of the map used
mapdict = {'126fe960806d587c78546b30f1a90853b1ada468': 'map1',
'95a66999127893f5925a5f591d54f8bcb9a670e6': 'map2',
'be8f6ebf549404d015547152d5f2a1906ae8dd90': 'map3'
basemap = singlegamemeta.iloc[0]['base_map']
gamemap = mapdict[basemap]
newdf['map'].replace({0: gamemap}, inplace=True)
return newdf
# filtering
# making a dataset for ease
data = dict()
data['gameevents'] = gameevents
data['games'] = games
data['gamescoringtiles'] = gamescoringtiles
def filteringByBadgames(data, badgames):
""" Data is a dict containing gameevents, games, gamescoringtiles
badgames is a pd.dataframe that contains ['game'] to filter by
gameeventsfil = data['gameevents']
gamesfil = data['games']
gamescoringtilesfil = data['gamescoringtiles']
badgameslist = badgames['game']
gameeventsfilbefore = len(gameeventsfil)
gamesbefore = len(gamesfil)
gameSTbefore = len(gamescoringtilesfil)
gameeventsfil = gameeventsfil[~gameeventsfil['game'].isin(badgameslist)]
gamesfil = gamesfil[~gamesfil['game'].isin(badgameslist)]
gamescoringtilesfil = gamescoringtilesfil[~gamescoringtilesfil['game'].isin(badgameslist)]
print(f'game events before: {gameeventsfilbefore}, game events after: {len(gameeventsfil)}, game events removed: {gameeventsfilbefore-len(gameeventsfil)}')
print(f'games before: {gamesbefore}, games after: {len(gamesfil)}, games removed: {gamesbefore-len(gamesfil)}')
print(f'gameST before: {gameSTbefore}, gameST after: {len(gamescoringtilesfil)}, games removed: {gameSTbefore-len(gamescoringtilesfil)}')
data['gameevents'] = gameeventsfil
data['games'] = gamesfil
data['gamescoringtiles'] = gamescoringtilesfil
return data
# player count
badgames = games[games["player_count"].isin([1, 6, 7])]
data = filteringByBadgames(data, badgames)
extendedfactions = validfactions + ['dragonlords', 'riverwalkers', 'yetis', 'icemaidens', 'shapeshifters', 'acolytes']
def check_game_ended(singlegame, verbose=False):
r5 = singlegame[singlegame['round'] == 5]
rawfactions = pd.unique(singlegame['faction'])
verifiedfactions = [rawfaction for rawfaction in rawfactions if rawfaction in extendedfactions]
allbool = []
for faction in verifiedfactions:
factionbool = len(r5[(r5['faction'] == faction) & (r5['event'].str.startswith('pass'))]) == 1
if verbose:
print(f'faction: {faction} ended their turn?: {factionbool}')
isgood = all(allbool)
startplayers = len(verifiedfactions)
boolsum = sum(allbool)
playersdropped = startplayers - boolsum
return isgood, startplayers, playersdropped
gameevents = data['gameevents']
gameslist = list(pd.unique(gameevents['game']))
gamelengthlen = len(gameslist)
gamesroundup = math.ceil(gamelengthlen / 100.0) * 100
jj = 0
playerdropdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['game', 'nodrops', 'startplayers', 'playersdropped'])
for ii in range(100, gamesroundup+1, 100):
ii = min(ii, gamelengthlen)
if (ii % 10000) == 0: # update every 10000 games
print(f'Progressed to {ii}th game')
next100games = gameslist[jj:ii]
jj = ii # so that we don't get any repetitions at the very end, where our set will be smaller
gameevents100 = gameevents[gameevents['game'].isin(next100games)]
for game in next100games:
singlegame = gameevents100[gameevents100['game'] == game]
if not len(singlegame) == 0:
isgood, startplayers, playersdropped = check_game_ended(singlegame)
newdf = pd.DataFrame([[game, isgood, startplayers, playersdropped]], columns=['game', 'nodrops', 'startplayers', 'playersdropped'])
playerdropdf = playerdropdf.append(newdf, ignore_index=True)
playerdropdf['endplayers'] = playerdropdf['startplayers'] - playerdropdf['playersdropped']
badgames = playerdropdf[playerdropdf['endplayers'].isin([0, 1])]
data = filteringByBadgames(data, badgames)
# removing unwanted maps
acceptablemaps = ['126fe960806d587c78546b30f1a90853b1ada468',
badgames = games[~games["base_map"].isin(acceptablemaps)]
data = filteringByBadgames(data, badgames)
# creating full dataset
vpdf, _, _ = makenewdf()
featdf, _ = emptyfeaturesdf()
gameevents = data['gameevents']
games = data['games']
gamescoringtiles = data['gamescoringtiles']
gameslist = list(pd.unique(gameevents['game']))
gamelengthlen = len(gameslist)
gamesroundup = math.ceil(gamelengthlen / 100.0) * 100
jj = 0
for ii in range(100, gamesroundup+1, 100):
ii = min(ii, gamelengthlen)
if (ii % 10000) == 0: # update every 10000 games
print(f'Progressed to {ii}th game')
next100games = gameslist[jj:ii]
jj = ii # so that we don't get any repetitions at the very end, where our set will be smaller
gameevents100 = gameevents[gameevents['game'].isin(next100games)]
gamemeta100 = games[games['game'].isin(next100games)]
gameST100 = gamescoringtiles[gamescoringtiles['game'].isin(next100games)]
endplayers100 = playerdropdf[playerdropdf['game'].isin(next100games)] # use this for player count
for game in next100games:
singlegame = gameevents100[gameevents100['game'] == game]
singlegamemeta = gamemeta100[gamemeta100['game'] == game]
singlegameST = gameST100[gameST100['game'] == game]
singleendplayers = endplayers100[endplayers100['game'] == game]
if not len(singlegame) == 0:
vpforgame = get_vp_from_game(singlegame)
featsforgame = get_features_from_game(singlegame, singlegamemeta, singlegameST, singleendplayers=singleendplayers)
vpdf = vpdf.append(vpforgame, ignore_index=True)
featdf = featdf.append(featsforgame, ignore_index=True)
print(f"no of unique games in table is: {len(list(pd.unique(vpdf['game'])))}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Input DVC params.')
parser.add_argument('--params', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
paramsdir = args.params
with open(paramsdir, 'r') as fd:
params = yaml.safe_load(fd)
vpdfdir = params['prepare']['vp-data-dir']
featdfdir = params['prepare']['feature-data-dir']
playerdropdir = params['prepare']['player-drop-dir']
folderlocation = params['prepare']['folderlocation']
main(folderlocation, vpdfdir, featdfdir, playerdropdir)