guessing-game /
gstaff's picture
Fix guess logic
history blame
1.99 kB
import gradio as gr
import random
from transformers import pipeline
import pathlib
model = pipeline(model="declare-lab/flan-alpaca-large")
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.words = pathlib.Path('solutions.txt').read_text().splitlines()
self.word_list = random.sample(self.words, 5)
self.secret_word = random.choice(self.word_list)
def reset(self):
self.word_list = random.sample(self.words, 5)
self.secret_word = random.choice(self.word_list)
def prompt(self):
return f"Try to guess the word! Either enter the word or ask a hint. The word will be one of {self.word_list}"
game = Game()
with gr.Blocks(theme='gstaff/xkcd') as demo:
title = gr.Markdown("# Guessing Game")
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(value=[(None, game.prompt)])
msg = gr.Textbox()
restart = gr.Button("Restart")
def user(user_message, history):
return "", history + [[user_message, None]]
def bot(history):
user_input = history[-1][0]
if game.secret_word == user_input.strip().lower():
history[-1][1] = f"You win, the word was {game.secret_word}!"
return history
if user_input.strip().lower() in game.word_list:
history[-1][1] = "Wrong guess, try again."
return history
instructions = f"The secret word is {game.secret_word}. Answer this question to give a hint without saying the word: {user_input}"
bot_message = model(instructions, max_length=256, do_sample=True)[0]['generated_text']
response = bot_message.replace(game.secret_word, "?????").replace(game.secret_word.title(), "?????")
history[-1][1] = response
return history
def restart_game():
return [(None, game.prompt)]
msg.submit(user, [msg, chatbot], [msg, chatbot], queue=False).then(
bot, chatbot, chatbot
), None, chatbot, queue=False)