from enum import Enum |
from pathlib import Path |
class DemoType(Enum): |
GRADIO = 1 |
gradio_lite_html_template = Path('templates/gradio-lite/gradio-lite-template.html').read_text() |
stlite_html_template = Path('templates/stlite/stlite-template.html').read_text() |
gradio_lite_snippet_template = Path('templates/gradio-lite/gradio-lite-snippet-template.html').read_text() |
stlite_snippet_template = Path('templates/stlite/stlite-snippet-template.html').read_text() |
def starting_app_code(demo_type: DemoType) -> str: |
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO: |
return Path('templates/gradio-lite/gradio_lite_starting_code.py').read_text().replace('`', r'\`') |
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT: |
return Path('templates/stlite/stlite_starting_code.py').read_text().replace('`', r'\`') |
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type') |
def load_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str: |
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO: |
return f"""() => {{ |
if (window.gradioLiteLoaded) {{ |
return |
}} |
const htmlString = '<iframe id="gradio-iframe" width="100%" height="512px" src="about:blank"></iframe>'; |
const parser = new DOMParser(); |
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html'); |
const iframe = doc.getElementById('gradio-iframe'); |
const div = document.getElementById('gradioDemoDiv'); |
div.appendChild(iframe); |
const template = `{gradio_lite_html_template.replace('STARTING_CODE', starting_app_code(demo_type))}`; |
const frame = document.getElementById('gradio-iframe'); |
frame.contentWindow.document.open('text/html', 'replace'); |
frame.contentWindow.document.write(template); |
frame.contentWindow.document.close(); |
window.gradioLiteLoaded = true; |
}}""" |
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT: |
return f"""() => {{ |
if (window.stliteLoaded) {{ |
return |
}} |
const htmlString = '<iframe id="stlite-iframe" width="100%" height="512px" src="about:blank"></iframe>'; |
const parser = new DOMParser(); |
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html'); |
const iframe = doc.getElementById('stlite-iframe'); |
const div = document.getElementById('stliteDemoDiv'); |
div.appendChild(iframe); |
const template = `{stlite_html_template.replace('STARTING_CODE', starting_app_code(demo_type))}`; |
const frame = document.getElementById('stlite-iframe'); |
frame.contentWindow.document.open(); |
frame.contentWindow.document.write(template); |
frame.contentWindow.document.close(); |
window.stliteLoaded = true; |
}}""" |
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type') |
def update_iframe_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str: |
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO: |
return f"""async (code) => {{ |
async function update() {{ |
const appController = document.getElementById('gradio-iframe').contentWindow.window.appController; |
const newCode = code + ` # Update tag ${{Math.random()}}`; |
appController.run_code(newCode); |
}}; |
await update(); |
}}""" |
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT: |
return f"""async (code) => {{ |
async function update() {{ |
const appController = document.getElementById('stlite-iframe').contentWindow.window.appController; |
const newCode = code + ` # Update tag ${{Math.random()}}`; |
const entrypointFile = "streamlit_app.py"; |
appController.writeFile(entrypointFile, newCode); |
}}; |
await update(); |
}}""" |
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type') |
def copy_snippet_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str: |
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO: |
return f"""async (code) => {{ |
const escapedCode = code.replace('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'); |
const template = `{gradio_lite_snippet_template}`; |
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content |
const completedTemplate = template.replace('STARTING_CODE', code); |
const snippet = completedTemplate; |
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(snippet); |
}}""" |
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT: |
return f"""async (code) => {{ |
const escapedCode = code.replace('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'); |
const template = `{stlite_snippet_template}`; |
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content |
const completedTemplate = template.replace('STARTING_CODE', code); |
const snippet = completedTemplate; |
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(snippet); |
}}""" |
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type') |
def download_code_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str: |
if demo_type == demo_type.GRADIO: |
return f"""(code) => {{ |
const escapedCode = code.replace('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'); |
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content |
const completedTemplate = `{gradio_lite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', escapedCode); |
// Step 2: Create a Blob from the HTML content |
const blob = new Blob([completedTemplate], {{ type: "text/html" }}); |
// Step 3: Create a URL for the Blob |
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
// Step 4: Create a download link |
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); |
downloadLink.href = url; |
downloadLink.download = "gradio-lite-app.html"; // Specify the filename for the download |
// Step 5: Trigger a click event on the download link |
downloadLink.click(); |
// Clean up by revoking the URL |
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); |
}}""" |
elif demo_type == demo_type.STREAMLIT: |
return f"""(code) => {{ |
const escapedCode = code.replace('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'); |
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content |
const completedTemplate = `{stlite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', escapedCode); |
// Step 2: Create a Blob from the HTML content |
const blob = new Blob([completedTemplate], {{ type: "text/html" }}); |
// Step 3: Create a URL for the Blob |
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
// Step 4: Create a download link |
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); |
downloadLink.href = url; |
downloadLink.download = "stlite-app.html"; // Specify the filename for the download |
// Step 5: Trigger a click event on the download link |
downloadLink.click(); |
// Clean up by revoking the URL |
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); |
}}""" |
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type') |