KiteWind /
gstaff's picture
Add requirements support, query param, copy link, and automatic tab selection for stlite.
raw history blame
No virus
19.5 kB
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
class DemoType(Enum):
gradio_lite_html_template = Path('templates/gradio-lite/gradio-lite-template.html').read_text()
stlite_html_template = Path('templates/stlite/stlite-template.html').read_text()
gradio_lite_snippet_template = Path('templates/gradio-lite/gradio-lite-snippet-template.html').read_text()
stlite_snippet_template = Path('templates/stlite/stlite-snippet-template.html').read_text()
def starting_app_code(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO:
return Path('templates/gradio-lite/').read_text().replace('`', r'\`')
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT:
return Path('templates/stlite/').read_text().replace('`', r'\`')
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')
def load_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO:
return f"""() => {{
if (window.gradioLiteLoaded) {{
// Get the query string from the URL
const queryString =;
// Use a function to parse the query string into an object
function parseQueryString(queryString) {{
const params = {{}};
const queryStringWithoutQuestionMark = queryString.substring(1); // Remove the leading question mark
const keyValuePairs = queryStringWithoutQuestionMark.split('&');
keyValuePairs.forEach(keyValue => {{
const [key, value] = keyValue.split('=');
if (value) {{
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(value.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
return params;
// Parse the query string into an object
const queryParams = parseQueryString(queryString);
// Access individual parameters
const typeValue = queryParams.type;
let codeValue = null;
let requirementsValue = null;
if (typeValue === 'gradio') {{
codeValue = queryParams.code;
requirementsValue = queryParams.requirements;
const htmlString = '<iframe id="gradio-iframe" width="100%" height="512px" src="about:blank"></iframe>';
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html');
const iframe = doc.getElementById('gradio-iframe');
const div = document.getElementById('gradioDemoDiv');
let template = `{gradio_lite_html_template.replace('STARTING_CODE', starting_app_code(demo_type))}`;
if (codeValue) {{
template = `{gradio_lite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', codeValue.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'));
template = template.replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', requirementsValue || '');
const frame = document.getElementById('gradio-iframe');'text/html', 'replace');
window.gradioLiteLoaded = true;
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT:
return f"""() => {{
if (window.stliteLoaded) {{
// Get the query string from the URL
const queryString =;
// Use a function to parse the query string into an object
function parseQueryString(queryString) {{
const params = {{}};
const queryStringWithoutQuestionMark = queryString.substring(1); // Remove the leading question mark
const keyValuePairs = queryStringWithoutQuestionMark.split('&');
keyValuePairs.forEach(keyValue => {{
const [key, value] = keyValue.split('=');
if (value) {{
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(value.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
return params;
// Parse the query string into an object
const queryParams = parseQueryString(queryString);
// Access individual parameters
const typeValue = queryParams.type;
let codeValue = null;
let requirementsValue = null;
if (typeValue === 'streamlit') {{
codeValue = queryParams.code;
requirementsValue = queryParams.requirements;
const htmlString = '<iframe id="stlite-iframe" width="100%" height="512px" src="about:blank"></iframe>';
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html');
const iframe = doc.getElementById('stlite-iframe');
const div = document.getElementById('stliteDemoDiv');
let template = `{stlite_html_template.replace('STARTING_CODE', starting_app_code(demo_type))}`;
if (codeValue) {{
template = `{stlite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', codeValue.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`'));
const formattedRequirements = (requirementsValue || '').split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
template = template.replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', => `"${{x}}"`).join(', ') || '');
const frame = document.getElementById('stlite-iframe');;
window.stliteLoaded = true;
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')
def update_iframe_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const formattedRequirements = requirements.split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
let errorResult = null;
const attemptedRequirements = new Set();
const installedRequirements = [];
async function update() {{
// Remove existing stylesheet so it will be reloaded;
// see
const demoFrameWindow = document.getElementById('gradio-iframe').contentWindow;
const oldStyle = demoFrameWindow.document.querySelector("head style");
const appController = demoFrameWindow.window.appController;
const newCode = code + ` # Update tag ${{Math.random()}}`;
try {{
await appController.install(formattedRequirements);
await appController.run_code(newCode);
catch (e) {{
// Replace old style if code error prevented new style from loading.
const newStyle = demoFrameWindow.document.querySelector("head style");
if (!newStyle) {{
// If the error is caused by a missing module try once to install it and update again.
if (e.toString().includes('ModuleNotFoundError')) {{
try {{
const guessedModuleName = e.toString().split("'")[1].replaceAll('_', '-');
if (attemptedRequirements.has(guessedModuleName)) {{
throw Error(`Could not install pyodide module ${{guessedModuleName}}`);
console.log(`Attempting to install missing pyodide module "${{guessedModuleName}}"`);
await appController.install([guessedModuleName]);
return await update();
catch (err) {{
// Hide app so the error traceback is visible.
// First div in main is the error traceback, second is the app.
const appBody = demoFrameWindow.document.querySelectorAll("div.main > div")[1]; = "hidden";
errorResult = e.toString();
const allRequirements = formattedRequirements.concat(installedRequirements);
console.log(allRequirements, errorResult);
return [allRequirements, errorResult];
await update();
const allRequirements = formattedRequirements.concat(installedRequirements);
// Update URL query params to include the current demo code state
const currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
currentUrl.searchParams.set('type', 'gradio');
currentUrl.searchParams.set('requirements', allRequirements.join('\\n'));
currentUrl.searchParams.set('code', code);
// Replace the current URL with the updated one
history.replaceState({{}}, '', currentUrl.href);
return [allRequirements, errorResult];
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const formattedRequirements = requirements.split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
let errorResult = null;
const attemptedRequirements = new Set();
const installedRequirements = [];
async function update() {{
const appController = document.getElementById('stlite-iframe').contentWindow.window.appController;
try {{
await appController.install(formattedRequirements);
const newCode = code + ` # Update tag ${{Math.random()}}`;
const entrypointFile = "";
// TODO: As code rerun happens inside streamlit this won't throw an error for self-healing imports
await appController.writeFile(entrypointFile, newCode);
catch (e) {{
// If the error is caused by a missing module try once to install it and update again.
if (e.toString().includes('ModuleNotFoundError')) {{
try {{
const guessedModuleName = e.toString().split("'")[1].replaceAll('_', '-');
if (attemptedRequirements.has(guessedModuleName)) {{
throw Error(`Could not install pyodide module ${{guessedModuleName}}`);
console.log(`Attempting to install missing pyodide module "${{guessedModuleName}}"`);
await appController.install([guessedModuleName]);
return await update();
catch (err) {{
errorResult = e.toString();
const allRequirements = formattedRequirements.concat(installedRequirements);
return [allRequirements, errorResult];
await update();
const allRequirements = formattedRequirements.concat(installedRequirements);
// Update URL query params to include the current demo code state
const currentUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
currentUrl.searchParams.set('type', 'streamlit');
currentUrl.searchParams.set('requirements', allRequirements.join('\\n'));
currentUrl.searchParams.set('code', code);
// Replace the current URL with the updated one
history.replaceState({{}}, '', currentUrl.href);
return [allRequirements.join('\\n'), errorResult];
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')
def copy_share_link_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.set('type', 'gradio');
url.searchParams.set('requirements', requirements);
url.searchParams.set('code', code);
// TODO: Figure out why link doesn't load as expected in Spaces.
const shareLink = url.toString().replace('', '');
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(shareLink);
return [code, requirements];
if demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.set('type', 'streamlit');
url.searchParams.set('requirements', requirements);
url.searchParams.set('code', code);
// TODO: Figure out why link doesn't load as expected in Spaces.
const shareLink = url.toString().replace('', '');
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(shareLink);
return [code, requirements];
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')
def copy_snippet_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == DemoType.GRADIO:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const escapedCode = code.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`');
const template = `{gradio_lite_snippet_template}`;
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content
const completedTemplate = template.replace('STARTING_CODE', escapedCode).replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', requirements);
const snippet = completedTemplate;
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(snippet);
return [code, requirements];
elif demo_type == DemoType.STREAMLIT:
return f"""async (code, requirements) => {{
const escapedCode = code.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`');
const template = `{stlite_snippet_template}`;
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content
const formattedRequirements = (requirements || '').split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
const completedTemplate = template.replace('STARTING_CODE', code).replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', => `"${{x}}"`).join(', ') || '');
const snippet = completedTemplate;
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(snippet);
return [code, requirements];
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')
def download_code_js(demo_type: DemoType) -> str:
if demo_type == demo_type.GRADIO:
return f"""(code, requirements) => {{
const escapedCode = code.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`');
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content
const completedTemplate = `{gradio_lite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', escapedCode).replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', requirements);
// Step 2: Create a Blob from the HTML content
const blob = new Blob([completedTemplate], {{ type: "text/html" }});
// Step 3: Create a URL for the Blob
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Step 4: Create a download link
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.href = url; = "gradio-lite-app.html"; // Specify the filename for the download
// Step 5: Trigger a click event on the download link;
// Clean up by revoking the URL
elif demo_type == demo_type.STREAMLIT:
return f"""(code, requirements) => {{
const escapedCode = code.replaceAll(String.fromCharCode(92), String.fromCharCode(92) + String.fromCharCode(92)).replaceAll('`', String.fromCharCode(92) + '`');
// Step 1: Generate the HTML content
const formattedRequirements = (requirements || '').split('\\n').filter(x => x && !x.startsWith('#')).map(x => x.trim());
const completedTemplate = `{stlite_html_template}`.replace('STARTING_CODE', escapedCode).replace('STARTING_REQUIREMENTS', => `"${{x}}"`).join(', ') || '');
// Step 2: Create a Blob from the HTML content
const blob = new Blob([completedTemplate], {{ type: "text/html" }});
// Step 3: Create a URL for the Blob
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Step 4: Create a download link
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.href = url; = "stlite-app.html"; // Specify the filename for the download
// Step 5: Trigger a click event on the download link;
// Clean up by revoking the URL
raise NotImplementedError(f'{demo_type} is not a supported demo type')