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import json
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Any, Tuple
from fastapi import HTTPException
from loguru import logger
from openai.types.chat import (
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer
from api.generation.utils import parse_messages
from api.utils.protocol import Role
TOOL_DESC = """{name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters: {parameters}"""
REACT_INSTRUCTION = """Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following APIs:
Use the following format:
Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tools_name_text}]
Action Input: the input to the action
Observation: the result of the action
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
def build_qwen_chat_input(
tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer,
messages: List[ChatCompletionMessageParam],
context_len: int = 8192,
max_new_tokens: int = 256,
functions: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = None,
tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> List[int]:
Builds the input tokens for Qwen chat generation.
tokenizer: The tokenizer used to encode the input tokens.
messages: The list of chat messages.
context_len: The maximum length of the context.
max_new_tokens: The maximum number of new tokens to add.
functions: Optional dictionary or list of dictionaries representing the functions.
tools: Optional list of dictionaries representing the tools.
The list of input tokens.
query, history = process_qwen_messages(messages, functions, tools)
return build_last_message_input(tokenizer, history)
messages = []
for q, r in history:
ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(role="user", content=q),
ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(role="assistant", content=r)
messages.append(ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(role="user", content=query))
max_input_tokens = context_len - max_new_tokens
system, rounds = parse_messages(messages)
system = f"You are a helpful assistant.{system}"
im_start_tokens, im_end_tokens = [tokenizer.im_start_id], [tokenizer.im_end_id]
nl_tokens = tokenizer.encode("\n")
def _tokenize_str(role, content):
return tokenizer.encode(
role, allowed_special=set()
) + nl_tokens + tokenizer.encode(content, allowed_special=set())
system_tokens_part = _tokenize_str("system", system)
system_tokens = im_start_tokens + system_tokens_part + im_end_tokens
max_history_tokens = max_input_tokens - len(system_tokens)
history_tokens = []
for r in rounds[::-1]:
round_tokens = []
for message in r:
if round_tokens:
round_tokens += nl_tokens
if message["role"] == Role.USER:
content_tokens = im_start_tokens + _tokenize_str("user", message["content"]) + im_end_tokens
content_tokens = im_start_tokens + _tokenize_str("assistant", message["content"]) + im_end_tokens
if len(history_tokens) == 0 or len(history_tokens) + len(round_tokens) <= max_history_tokens:
if history_tokens:
history_tokens = nl_tokens + history_tokens
history_tokens = round_tokens + history_tokens # concat left
if len(history_tokens) < max_history_tokens:
input_tokens = system_tokens + nl_tokens + history_tokens
if messages[-1]["role"] != Role.ASSISTANT:
input_tokens += nl_tokens + im_start_tokens + tokenizer.encode("assistant") + nl_tokens
return input_tokens[-max_input_tokens:] # truncate left
def check_is_qwen(model) -> bool:
Checks if the given model is a Qwen model.
model: The model to be checked.
bool: True if the model is a Qwen model, False otherwise.
return "QWenBlock" in getattr(model, "_no_split_modules", [])
def process_qwen_messages(
messages: List[ChatCompletionMessageParam],
functions: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = None,
tools: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, List[List[str]]]:
Process the Qwen messages and generate a query and history.
messages (List[ChatCompletionMessageParam]): The list of chat completion messages.
functions (Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]]): The functions to be used.
tools (Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]): The tools to be used.
Tuple[str, List[List[str]]]: The generated query and history.
if all(m["role"] != Role.USER for m in messages):
raise HTTPException(
detail=f"Invalid request: Expecting at least one user message.",
messages = deepcopy(messages)
default_system = "You are a helpful assistant."
system = ""
if messages[0]["role"] == Role.SYSTEM:
system = messages.pop(0)["content"].lstrip("\n").rstrip()
if system == default_system:
system = ""
if tools:
functions = [t["function"] for t in tools]
if functions:
tools_text = []
tools_name_text = []
for func_info in functions:
name = func_info.get("name", "")
name_m = func_info.get("name_for_model", name)
name_h = func_info.get("name_for_human", name)
desc = func_info.get("description", "")
desc_m = func_info.get("description_for_model", desc)
tool = TOOL_DESC.format(
# Hint: You can add the following format requirements in description:
# "Format the arguments as a JSON object."
# "Enclose the code within triple backticks (`) at the beginning and end of the code."
parameters=json.dumps(func_info["parameters"], ensure_ascii=False),
tools_text = "\n\n".join(tools_text)
tools_name_text = ", ".join(tools_name_text)
system += "\n\n" + REACT_INSTRUCTION.format(
system = system.lstrip("\n").rstrip()
dummy_thought = {
"en": "\nThought: I now know the final answer.\nFinal answer: ",
"zh": "\nThought: 我会作答了。\nFinal answer: ",
_messages = messages
messages = []
for m_idx, m in enumerate(_messages):
role, content = m["role"], m["content"]
func_call, tool_calls = m.get("function_call", None), m.get("tool_calls", None)
if content:
content = content.lstrip("\n").rstrip()
if role in [Role.FUNCTION, Role.TOOL]:
if (len(messages) == 0) or (messages[-1]["role"] != Role.ASSISTANT):
raise HTTPException(
detail=f"Invalid request: Expecting role assistant before role function.",
messages[-1]["content"] += f"\nObservation: {content}"
if m_idx == len(_messages) - 1:
messages[-1]["content"] += "\nThought:"
elif role == Role.ASSISTANT:
if len(messages) == 0:
raise HTTPException(
detail=f"Invalid request: Expecting role user before role assistant.",
last_msg = messages[-1]["content"]
last_msg_has_zh = len(re.findall(r"[\u4e00-\u9fff]+", last_msg)) > 0
if func_call is None and tool_calls is None:
if functions or tool_calls:
content = dummy_thought["zh" if last_msg_has_zh else "en"] + content
if func_call:
f_name, f_args = func_call.get("name"), func_call.get("arguments")
f_name, f_args = tool_calls[0]["function"]["name"], tool_calls[0]["function"]["arguments"]
if not content:
if last_msg_has_zh:
content = f"Thought: 我可以使用 {f_name} API。"
content = f"Thought: I can use {f_name}."
if messages[-1]["role"] == Role.USER:
ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(role="assistant", content=content.lstrip("\n").rstrip())
messages[-1]["content"] += content
elif role == Role.USER:
ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(role="user", content=content.lstrip("\n").rstrip())
raise HTTPException(
status_code=400, detail=f"Invalid request: Incorrect role {role}."
if messages[-1]["role"] == Role.USER:
query = messages[-1]["content"]
messages = messages[:-1]
if len(messages) % 2 != 0:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid request")
history = [] # [(Q1, A1), (Q2, A2), ..., (Q_last_turn, A_last_turn)]
for i in range(0, len(messages), 2):
if messages[i]["role"] == Role.USER and messages[i + 1]["role"] == Role.ASSISTANT:
usr_msg = messages[i]["content"].lstrip("\n").rstrip()
bot_msg = messages[i + 1]["content"].lstrip("\n").rstrip()
if system and (i == len(messages) - 2):
usr_msg = f"{system}\n\nQuestion: {usr_msg}"
system = ""
for t in dummy_thought.values():
t = t.lstrip("\n")
if bot_msg.startswith(t) and ("\nAction: " in bot_msg):
bot_msg = bot_msg[len(t):]
history.append([usr_msg, bot_msg])
raise HTTPException(
detail="Invalid request: Expecting exactly one user (or function) role before every assistant role.",
if system:
assert query is not _TEXT_COMPLETION_CMD
query = f"{system}\n\nQuestion: {query}"
return query, history
def build_last_message_input(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, history: list):
im_start = "<|im_start|>"
im_end = "<|im_end|>"
prompt = f"{im_start}system\nYou are a helpful assistant.{im_end}"
for i, (query, response) in enumerate(history):
query = query.lstrip("\n").rstrip()
response = response.lstrip("\n").rstrip()
prompt += f"\n{im_start}user\n{query}{im_end}"
prompt += f"\n{im_start}assistant\n{response}{im_end}"
prompt = prompt[:-len(im_end)]
logger.debug(f"==== Prompt with tools ====\n{prompt}")
return tokenizer.encode(prompt)