<h3 id='___change_pin'>change_pin</h3> |
<pre>ECO command. Modify pin connection of instances by inserting gates, changing connection to other signal (LLM: change pin insert gate) |
Two types of usages. |
<b>Usage1:</b> change_pin($pin_name, $net); |
Change pin's connection to a net |
$pin_name: In the format of "instance/pin", can be more than one pins separated by ",", |
"instance1/pinA,instance2/pinB", E.G. "U123/A", "U123/A,U345/B" |
Hierarchical naming style is supported as well, "u_abc/U123/A" |
The pins have to be input in this mode. |
$net: The net name the pin connects to. |
Hierarchical naming style is supported, "u_abc/net123" |
When the pin and the net are in different hierarchies, ports are added automatically |
E.G. |
# The tool creates 4 ports across the hierarchies to connect the net to the pin. |
change_pin("u_abc/u_cde/U200/A", "u_xyz/u_stv/net300"); |
# The tool gets the net tie to Y pin of U300 and do the the same as the previous example. |
change_pin("u_abc/u_cde/U200/A", "u_xyz/u_stv/U300/Y"); |
<b>Usage2:</b>my $inst = change_pin($pin_name, $leaf_cell, $new_instance, $connection); |
Insert a new leaf cell to drive the pin |
$inst: Return new instance name if new gate is created in the command. |
$pin_name: In the format of "instance/pin", E.G. U123/A Hierarchical naming is supported, u_abc/U123/A |
The pin can be output in this mode. The tool gets the net the pin drives, |
and change the command to |
change_net($thenet, $leaf_cell, $new_instance, $connection); |
$leaf_cell: The leaf cell name to drive the $pin_name |
$new_instance: The instance name for the new inserted leaf cell. |
The option is optional, the tool assigns one if it's empty |
If use '.', the instance is added to the same hierarchy as the $pin_name |
$connection: The pins connection for the new cell. |
Supported formats, 1. Detail format: ".A(net0),.B(net1),.C(net2)" |
2. Simple format: Connect to the pins in alphabetical sequence "net1,net0,net2" |
3. Mixed format: "u_abc/U123/Y,.B(net1),net2" |
4. Special character '-' is used to connect up the original connection |
5. Advanced nesting format: |
change_pin("U189/A", "AOI21X2", "", "U190/Y,,BUFX6(BUFX6(BUFX6(n412)))"); |
<b>Note:</b> All strings should be quoted by ' or " to avoid syntax error or undesired effects. |
<b>Examples:</b> |
#1. U123 has input pins A,B,C, U234 has input pins A0,A1,B |
# Change A pin of U123 to net12345 |
change_pin("U123/A", "net12345"); |
#2. Change A pin of U123 to $net which is defined in the ECO script. |
change_pin("U123/B", $net); |
#3. Change A pin of U123 to net12345 |
change_pin("U123/A,U234/B", "net12345"); |
#4. Insert "NAND2X2 eco12345_U0(.A(net1234),.B(net5678));" |
# to drive U123/A |
change_pin("U123/A", "NAND2X2", "eco12345_U0", "net1234,net5678"); |
#5. Same as above, with more detail of pin connections |
change_pin("U123/A", "NAND2X2", "eco12345_U0", ".A(net1234),.B(net5678)"); |
#6.Insert a buffer to U123 A pin |
change_pin("U123/A", "BUFX4", "", "-"); |
#7. Insert NAND2X1 to drive CK pin and new A connects to the original net |
change_pin("abc_reg_1_/CK", "NAND2X1", "", ".A(-),.B(1'b1)"); |
#8. Do hierarchical connection |
change_pin("u_abc/u_cde/U200/A", "u_xyz/u_stv/U300/Y"); |
#9. Nested connection |
change_pin("qcif/num2/u_spare1/B", "AOI21X2", "eco_inst_on_top1", \ |
"NAND2X2(gte_344/u_smod/U100/Y, gte_344/n114), gte_343/U111, BUFX6(BUFX6(n105))"); |
</pre> |