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Upload folder using huggingface_hub
Copyright (c) 2008 - Chris Buckley.
Permission is granted for use and modification of this file for
research, non-commercial purposes.
#include "common.h"
#include "sysfunc.h"
#include "trec_eval.h"
#include "trec_format.h"
#include <ctype.h>
/* Read all relevance information from text_qrels_file.
Relevance for each docno to qid is determined from text_qrels_file, which
consists of text tuples of the form
qid iter docno rel
giving TREC document numbers (docno, a string) and their relevance (rel,
an integer between -127 and 127) to query qid (a string). Iter is ignored
Fields are separated by whitespace, string fields can contain no whitespace.
File may contain no NULL characters.
All <docno,rel> pairs stored in per query arrays within all_rel_info.
Each list of query judgments is sorted lexicographically by docno.
/* Declarations in trec_eval.h (generic q info) and trec_format.h
(qrels specific info) for the output format */
typedef struct { * For each relevance judgement *
char *docno; * document id *
long rel; * document judgement *
typedef struct { * For each qid in query *
long num_text_qrels; * number of judged documents *
TEXT_QRELS *text_qrels; * Array of judged TEXT_QRELS.
Kept sorted by docno *
typedef struct {
char *qid; * query id *
char *rel_format; * format of rel_info data. Eg, "qrels" *
void *q_rel_info; * relevance info for this qid *
typedef struct { * Overall relevance judgements *
long num_q_rels; * Number of REL_INFO queries *
long max_num_q_rels; * Num queries space reserved for *
REL_INFO *rel_info; * Array of REL_INFO queries *
/* Temp structure for values in input line */
typedef struct {
char *qid;
char *docno;
char *rel;
static int parse_qrels_line (char **start_ptr, char **qid_ptr,
char **docno_ptr, char **rel_ptr);
static int comp_lines_qid_docno ();
/* static pools of memory, allocated here and never changed.
Declared static so one day I can write a cleanup procedure to free them */
static char *trec_qrels_buf = NULL;
static TEXT_QRELS_INFO *text_info_pool = NULL;
static TEXT_QRELS *text_qrels_pool = NULL;
static REL_INFO *rel_info_pool = NULL;
te_get_qrels (EPI *epi, char *text_qrels_file, ALL_REL_INFO *all_rel_info)
int fd;
int size = 0;
char *ptr;
char *current_qid;
long i;
LINES *lines;
LINES *line_ptr;
long num_lines;
long num_qid;
/* current pointers into static pools above */
REL_INFO *rel_info_ptr;
TEXT_QRELS_INFO *text_info_ptr;
TEXT_QRELS *text_qrels_ptr;
/* Read entire file into memory */
if (-1 == (fd = open (text_qrels_file, 0)) ||
0 >= (size = lseek (fd, 0L, 2)) ||
NULL == (trec_qrels_buf = malloc ((unsigned) size+2)) ||
-1 == lseek (fd, 0L, 0) ||
size != read (fd, trec_qrels_buf, size) ||
-1 == close (fd)) {
fprintf (stderr,
"trec_eval.get_qrels: Cannot read qrels file '%s'\n",
return (UNDEF);
/* Append ending newline if not present, Append NULL terminator */
if (trec_qrels_buf[size-1] != '\n') {
trec_qrels_buf[size] = '\n';
trec_qrels_buf[size] = '\0';
/* Count number of lines in file */
num_lines = 0;
for (ptr = trec_qrels_buf; *ptr; ptr = index(ptr,'\n')+1)
/* Get all lines */
if (NULL == (lines = Malloc (num_lines, LINES)))
return (UNDEF);
line_ptr = lines;
ptr = trec_qrels_buf;
while (*ptr) {
if (UNDEF == parse_qrels_line (&ptr, &line_ptr->qid,
&line_ptr->docno, &line_ptr->rel)) {
fprintf (stderr, "trec_eval.get_qrels: Malformed line %ld\n",
(long) (line_ptr - lines + 1));
return (UNDEF);
num_lines = line_ptr-lines;
/* Sort all lines by qid, then docno */
qsort ((char *) lines,
(int) num_lines,
sizeof (LINES),
/* Go through lines and count number of qid */
num_qid = 1;
for (i = 1; i < num_lines; i++) {
if (strcmp (lines[i-1].qid, lines[i].qid))
/* New query */
/* Allocate space for queries */
if (NULL == (rel_info_pool = Malloc (num_qid, REL_INFO)) ||
NULL == (text_info_pool = Malloc (num_qid, TEXT_QRELS_INFO)) ||
NULL == (text_qrels_pool = Malloc (num_lines, TEXT_QRELS)))
return (UNDEF);
rel_info_ptr = rel_info_pool;
text_info_ptr = text_info_pool;
text_qrels_ptr = text_qrels_pool;
/* Go through lines and store all info */
current_qid = "";
for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
if (strcmp (current_qid, lines[i].qid)) {
/* New query. End old query and start new one */
if (i != 0) {
text_info_ptr->num_text_qrels =
text_qrels_ptr - text_info_ptr->text_qrels;
current_qid = lines[i].qid;
text_info_ptr->text_qrels = text_qrels_ptr;
*rel_info_ptr =
(REL_INFO) {current_qid, "qrels", text_info_ptr};
text_qrels_ptr->docno = lines[i].docno;
text_qrels_ptr->rel = atol (lines[i].rel);
/* End last qid */
text_info_ptr->num_text_qrels = text_qrels_ptr - text_info_ptr->text_qrels;
all_rel_info->num_q_rels = num_qid;
all_rel_info->rel_info = rel_info_pool;
Free (lines);
return (1);
static int comp_lines_qid_docno (LINES *ptr1, LINES *ptr2)
int cmp = strcmp (ptr1->qid, ptr2->qid);
if (cmp) return (cmp);
return (strcmp (ptr1->docno, ptr2->docno));
static int
parse_qrels_line (char **start_ptr, char **qid_ptr,
char **docno_ptr, char **rel_ptr)
char *ptr = *start_ptr;
/* Get qid */
while (*ptr != '\n' && isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
*qid_ptr = ptr;
while (! isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\n') return (UNDEF);
*ptr++ = '\0';
/* Get iter, ignore */
while (*ptr != '\n' && isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
while (! isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\n') return (UNDEF);
/* Get docno */
while (*ptr != '\n' && isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
*docno_ptr = ptr;
while (! isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\n') return (UNDEF);
*ptr++ = '\0';
/* Get relevance */
while (*ptr != '\n' && isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr == '\n') return (UNDEF);
*rel_ptr = ptr;
while (! isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr != '\n') {
*ptr++ = '\0';
while (*ptr != '\n' && isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
if (*ptr != '\n') return (UNDEF);
*ptr++ = '\0';
*start_ptr = ptr;
return (0);
te_get_qrels_cleanup ()
if (trec_qrels_buf != NULL) {
Free (trec_qrels_buf);
trec_qrels_buf = NULL;
if (text_info_pool != NULL) {
Free (text_info_pool);
text_info_pool = NULL;
if (text_qrels_pool != NULL) {
Free (text_qrels_pool);
text_qrels_pool = NULL;
if (rel_info_pool != NULL) {
Free (rel_info_pool);
rel_info_pool = NULL;
return (1);