import torch |
from transformers.models.gemma2 import modeling_gemma2 |
original_forward = modeling_gemma2.Gemma2Model.forward |
def patched_forward(self, |
input_ids=None, |
attention_mask=None, |
position_ids=None, |
past_key_values=None, |
inputs_embeds=None, |
use_cache=None, |
output_attentions=None, |
output_hidden_states=None, |
return_dict=None, |
cache_position=None): |
output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions |
output_hidden_states = output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states |
use_cache = use_cache if use_cache is not None else self.config.use_cache |
return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict |
if (input_ids is None) ^ (inputs_embeds is not None): |
raise ValueError("You must specify exactly one of input_ids or inputs_embeds") |
if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training and use_cache: |
logger.warning_once( |
"`use_cache=True` is incompatible with gradient checkpointing. Setting `use_cache=False`." |
) |
use_cache = False |
if inputs_embeds is None: |
inputs_embeds = self.embed_tokens(input_ids) |
if use_cache and past_key_values is None and not self.training: |
batch_size, seq_len, _ = inputs_embeds.shape |
past_key_values = modeling_gemma2.HybridCache( |
self.config, |
batch_size=batch_size, |
max_cache_len=seq_len, |
device=self.device, |
dtype=inputs_embeds.dtype, |
) |
if cache_position is None: |
past_seen_tokens = past_key_values.get_seq_length() if past_key_values is not None else 0 |
cache_position = torch.arange( |
past_seen_tokens, past_seen_tokens + inputs_embeds.shape[1], device=inputs_embeds.device |
) |
if position_ids is None: |
position_ids = cache_position.unsqueeze(0) |
causal_mask = self._update_causal_mask( |
attention_mask, inputs_embeds, cache_position, past_key_values, output_attentions |
) |
hidden_states = inputs_embeds |
normalizer = torch.tensor(self.config.hidden_size**0.5, dtype=hidden_states.dtype, device=hidden_states.device) |
hidden_states = hidden_states * normalizer |
all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None |
all_self_attns = () if output_attentions else None |
for decoder_layer in self.layers: |
if output_hidden_states: |
all_hidden_states += (hidden_states,) |
if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: |
layer_outputs = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( |
decoder_layer.__call__, |
hidden_states, |
causal_mask, |
position_ids, |
past_key_values, |
output_attentions, |
use_cache, |
cache_position, |
) |
else: |
layer_outputs = decoder_layer( |
hidden_states, |
attention_mask=causal_mask, |
position_ids=position_ids, |
past_key_value=past_key_values, |
output_attentions=output_attentions, |
use_cache=use_cache, |
cache_position=cache_position, |
) |
hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] |
if output_attentions: |
all_self_attns += (layer_outputs[1],) |
hidden_states = self.norm(hidden_states) |
if output_hidden_states: |
all_hidden_states += (hidden_states,) |
next_cache = past_key_values if use_cache else None |
if not return_dict: |
return tuple(v for v in [hidden_states, next_cache, all_hidden_states, all_self_attns] if v is not None) |
return modeling_gemma2.BaseModelOutputWithPast( |
last_hidden_state=hidden_states, |
past_key_values=next_cache, |
hidden_states=all_hidden_states, |
attentions=all_self_attns, |
) |
def apply_patch(): |
print("Gemma2Model's forward function has been patched.") |
modeling_gemma2.Gemma2Model.forward = patched_forward |