Update templates/menu_page.html
Browse files- templates/menu_page.html +13 -60
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
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23 |
<div class="menu-container">
24 |
<h1>Welcome to the Menu</h1>
25 |
<div id="menu-items"></div>
26 |
<button onclick="viewCart()">View Cart</button>
27 |
@@ -54,29 +59,11 @@
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const cart = [];
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const recognition = new (window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition)();
58 |
recognition.lang = 'en-US';
59 |
recognition.interimResults = false;
60 |
recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;
61 |
62 |
// Greeting the user
63 |
function speak(text, callback) {
64 |
const msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
65 |
msg.onend = callback;
66 |
67 |
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69 |
function askForVegOrNonVeg() {
70 |
speak("Would you prefer vegetarian or non-vegetarian?", () => {
71 |
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// Function to display menu based on user's choice (veg/non-veg)
76 |
function showMenu(type) {
77 |
const menuContainer = document.getElementById('menu-items');
78 |
menuContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous menu items
79 |
80 |
menuItems[type].forEach(item => {
81 |
const div = document.createElement('div');
82 |
@@ -94,20 +81,18 @@
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// Function to add items to the cart
98 |
function addToCart(itemName) {
99 |
const quantity = prompt(`How many ${itemName} would you like to add?`, 1);
100 |
if (quantity && !isNaN(quantity) && quantity > 0) {
101 |
const item = menuItems.veg.concat(menuItems.nonVeg).find(item => === itemName);
102 |
const cartItem = { ...item, quantity: parseInt(quantity) };
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} else {
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// Function to view cart
111 |
function viewCart() {
112 |
const cartContainer = document.getElementById('cart-container');
113 |
const cartItemsContainer = document.getElementById('cart-items');
@@ -121,49 +106,17 @@
121 | = 'block';
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// Function to place the final order
125 |
function placeOrder() {
126 |
if (cart.length > 0) {
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} else {
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// Speech recognition for handling the customer’s choice
137 |
recognition.onresult = (event) => {
138 |
const command = event.results[0][0].transcript.toLowerCase();
139 |
if (command.includes('vegetarian')) {
140 |
141 |
speak("Here are the vegetarian items.", () => askForItemsToAdd());
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} else if (command.includes('non-vegetarian')) {
143 |
144 |
speak("Here are the non-vegetarian items.", () => askForItemsToAdd());
145 |
} else {
146 |
speak("Please say vegetarian or non-vegetarian.", () => {
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recognition.onerror = (event) => {
153 |
console.error("Speech recognition error:", event.error);
154 |
speak("Sorry, I couldn't understand that. Please try again.", () => recognition.start());
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function askForItemsToAdd() {
158 |
speak("Please say the name of the item you'd like to add to the cart.", () => {
159 |
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163 |
// Initiating the process as soon as the page loads
164 |
window.onload = () => {
165 |
speak("Welcome to the Biryani Hub menu.", () => askForVegOrNonVeg());
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22 |
23 |
<div class="menu-container">
24 |
<h1>Welcome to the Menu</h1>
25 |
<!-- Buttons to select vegetarian or non-vegetarian menu -->
26 |
<div class="menu-option">
27 |
<button onclick="showMenu('veg')">Vegetarian Menu</button>
28 |
<button onclick="showMenu('nonVeg')">Non-Vegetarian Menu</button>
29 |
30 |
<div id="menu-items"></div>
31 |
<button onclick="viewCart()">View Cart</button>
32 |
59 |
60 |
const cart = [];
61 |
62 |
function showMenu(type) {
63 |
const menuContainer = document.getElementById('menu-items');
64 |
menuContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous menu items
65 |
66 |
// Display items based on selected menu type
67 |
menuItems[type].forEach(item => {
68 |
const div = document.createElement('div');
69 |
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84 |
function addToCart(itemName) {
85 |
const quantity = prompt(`How many ${itemName} would you like to add?`, 1);
86 |
if (quantity && !isNaN(quantity) && quantity > 0) {
87 |
const item = menuItems.veg.concat(menuItems.nonVeg).find(item => === itemName);
88 |
const cartItem = { ...item, quantity: parseInt(quantity) };
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90 |
alert(`${quantity} of ${itemName} added to your cart.`);
91 |
} else {
92 |
alert("Please enter a valid quantity.");
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function viewCart() {
97 |
const cartContainer = document.getElementById('cart-container');
98 |
const cartItemsContainer = document.getElementById('cart-items');
106 | = 'block';
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function placeOrder() {
110 |
if (cart.length > 0) {
111 |
alert("Your order has been placed successfully!");
112 |
cart.length = 0; // Clear the cart after placing the order
113 |
viewCart(); // Optionally, update cart view
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} else {
115 |
alert("Your cart is empty. Please add items before placing the order.");
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