Browse files
@@ -108,132 +108,20 @@ for conta in instituicao_df['Conta'].unique():
108 |
# Combine all adjusted rows back into a single DataFrame
109 |
filtered_df = pd.concat(adjusted_rows)
110 |
111 |
#col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) # This divides the page into three equal parts
112 |
113 |
# Set custom width for columns
114 |
115 |
116 |
# Display the Forecasts values in the first column
117 |
col1.header('Composição da RLIT')
118 |
119 |
tab_df = df[df['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao]
120 |
121 |
data = []
122 |
123 |
124 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
125 |
conta_df = tab_df[tab_df['Conta'] == conta]
126 |
127 |
if len(conta_df['Modelo'].unique()) > 1 and "Linear Regression" in conta_df['Modelo'].unique():
128 |
conta_df = conta_df[conta_df['Modelo'] == "Linear Regression"]
129 |
130 |
# Initialize a variable to store the sum for the current 'Conta'
131 |
conta_sum = 0.0
132 |
133 |
# Take the first 'Modelo' for simplicity
134 |
modelo = conta_df['Modelo'].iloc[0]
135 |
136 |
# Iterate over each row in the filtered DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
137 |
for _, row in conta_df.iterrows():
138 |
lines = row['Forecasts'].split('\n')
139 |
for line in lines[:-1]: # Skip the summary line
140 |
if line.strip():
141 |
parts = line.split()
142 |
value = parts[-1]
143 |
144 |
conta_sum += float(value)
145 |
except ValueError:
146 |
print(f"Skipping line unable to convert to float: {line}")
147 |
148 |
# Append the data to the list
149 |
data.append({'Conta': conta, 'Modelo': modelo, 'Próximos 12 meses': conta_sum})
150 |
151 |
# Convert the list to a DataFrame
152 |
table_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
153 |
total_sum = table_data['Próximos 12 meses'].sum()
154 |
155 |
labels = table_data['Conta']
156 |
sizes = [(i / total_sum) * 100 for i in table_data['Próximos 12 meses']]
157 |
158 |
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
159 |
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',)
160 |
ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
# Display the Forecasts values in the first column
166 |
col2.header('Valores previstos')
167 |
168 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
169 |
data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0]
170 |
171 |
# Split the string into lines
172 |
lines = data_string.split('\n')
173 |
174 |
mes = 0
175 |
176 |
# Iterate through the lines and extract the values
177 |
for line in lines[:-1]: # Skip the last two lines which might not contain forecast data
178 |
period, value = line.split()
179 |
num_float = float(value)
180 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator
181 |
mes += 1
182 |
col2.write(f"Mês {mes}: {monetary_value}")
183 |
184 |
col2.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
185 |
186 |
# Display the Forecasts values as line plots in the second column
187 |
col3.header('Gráfico com previsões')
188 |
189 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
190 |
data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0]
191 |
192 |
# Create a list to store data for each period
193 |
data = []
194 |
195 |
# Split the string into lines
196 |
lines = data_string.split('\n')
197 |
198 |
mes = 0
199 |
200 |
# Iterate through the lines and extract the values
201 |
for line in lines[:-1]:
202 |
period, value = line.split()
203 |
num_float = float(value)
204 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator
205 |
mes += 1
206 |
data.append({'Period': int(mes), 'Monetary Value': num_float})
207 |
208 |
# Create a DataFrame from the list
209 |
chart_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
210 |
211 |
# Sort the DataFrame by 'Period'
212 |
chart_data = chart_data.sort_values(by='Period')
213 |
214 |
# Display line chart with "period" on X-axis and "Monetary Value" on Y-axis
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
col3.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
219 |
220 |
# Display the table in the third column
221 |
#col3 = st.columns(1) # You can use st.columns(1) to create a single column layout
222 |
223 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
224 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the selected institution
225 |
tab_df = df[df['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao]
226 |
227 |
# Create an empty list to store data
228 |
data = []
229 |
230 |
# Iterate through each unique 'Conta' in the filtered DataFrame
231 |
for conta in tab_df['Conta'].unique():
232 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
233 |
conta_df = tab_df[tab_df['Conta'] == conta]
234 |
235 |
if len(conta_df['Modelo'].unique()) > 1 and "Linear Regression" in conta_df['Modelo'].unique():
236 |
237 |
238 |
# Initialize a variable to store the sum for the current 'Conta'
239 |
conta_sum = 0.0
@@ -253,79 +141,184 @@ if not filtered_df.empty:
253 |
except ValueError:
254 |
print(f"Skipping line unable to convert to float: {line}")
255 |
256 |
# Format the sum as a monetary value
257 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {conta_sum:,.2f}'
258 |
259 |
# Append the data to the list
260 |
data.append({'Conta': conta, 'Modelo': modelo, 'Próximos 12 meses':
261 |
262 |
# Convert the list to a DataFrame
263 |
table_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
last_df['Últimos 12 meses'] = last_df['Últimos 12 meses'].apply(format_currency)
272 |
table_data = pd.merge(table_data, last_df)
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
# Calculate the grand total sum of 'Próximos 12 meses' and 'Últimos 12 meses' values
278 |
total_sum = sum(float(row['Próximos 12 meses'].replace('R$ ', '').replace(',', '')) for row in data)
279 |
total_sum_prev = last_sum
280 |
281 |
# Append the "Total" row
282 |
total_row = pd.DataFrame({
283 |
'Conta': ['TOTAL (RLIT)'],
284 |
'Modelo': [''],
285 |
'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {total_sum:,.2f}'],
286 |
'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {total_sum_prev:,.2f}']
287 |
288 |
table_data = pd.concat([table_data, total_row], ignore_index=True)
289 |
290 |
# Additional rows calculations and appending
291 |
# Assuming percentages for health and education as previously mentioned
292 |
saude_value = total_sum * 0.15
293 |
educacao_value = total_sum * 0.25
294 |
saude_value_prev = total_sum_prev * 0.15
295 |
educacao_value_prev = total_sum_prev * 0.25
296 |
saude_row = pd.DataFrame({'Conta': ['Saúde (15% da RLIT)'], 'Modelo': [''], 'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {saude_value:,.2f}'], 'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {saude_value_prev:,.2f}']})
297 |
educacao_row = pd.DataFrame({'Conta': ['Educação (25% da RLIT)'], 'Modelo': [''], 'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {educacao_value:,.2f}'], 'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {educacao_value_prev:,.2f}']})
298 |
299 |
# Append these rows to the table data
300 |
table_data = pd.concat([table_data, saude_row, educacao_row], ignore_index=True)
301 |
302 |
table_data.fillna('-', inplace=True)
303 |
304 |
# Display the table using Streamlit
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
st.error(f"Error in processing data: {str(e)}")
309 |
310 |
311 |
col5.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
"Últimos 12 meses": [saude_value_prev, educacao_value_prev], # Placeholder data for 'Last 12 Months'
316 |
"Próximos 12 meses": [saude_value, educacao_value] # Placeholder data for 'Next 12 Months'
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
<b>Observação:</b> Previsões realizadas com dados extraídos do Relatório Resumido de Execução Orçamentária (RREO) até o 6º bimestre de 2023 no Sistema de Informações Contábeis e Fiscais do Setor Público Brasileiro (SICONFI).
330 |
331 |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
108 |
# Combine all adjusted rows back into a single DataFrame
109 |
filtered_df = pd.concat(adjusted_rows)
110 |
111 |
# Set custom width for columns
112 |
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["Composição RLIT", "Valores Previstos", "Tabela Resumo", "Comparativo - Saúde e Eduacação"])
113 |
114 |
tab_df = df[df['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao]
115 |
116 |
data = []
117 |
118 |
with tab1:
119 |
for conta in tab_df['Conta'].unique():
120 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
121 |
conta_df = tab_df[tab_df['Conta'] == conta]
122 |
123 |
if len(conta_df['Modelo'].unique()) > 1 and "Linear Regression" in conta_df['Modelo'].unique():
124 |
conta_df = conta_df[conta_df['Modelo'] == "Linear Regression"]
125 |
126 |
# Initialize a variable to store the sum for the current 'Conta'
127 |
conta_sum = 0.0
141 |
except ValueError:
142 |
print(f"Skipping line unable to convert to float: {line}")
143 |
144 |
# Append the data to the list
145 |
data.append({'Conta': conta, 'Modelo': modelo, 'Próximos 12 meses': conta_sum})
146 |
147 |
# Convert the list to a DataFrame
148 |
table_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
149 |
total_sum = table_data['Próximos 12 meses'].sum()
150 |
151 |
labels = table_data['Conta']
152 |
sizes = [(i / total_sum) * 100 for i in table_data['Próximos 12 meses']]
153 |
154 |
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
155 |
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',)
156 |
ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle.
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
with tab1:
161 |
162 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
163 |
data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0]
164 |
165 |
# Split the string into lines
166 |
lines = data_string.split('\n')
167 |
168 |
mes = 0
169 |
170 |
# Iterate through the lines and extract the values
171 |
for line in lines[:-1]: # Skip the last two lines which might not contain forecast data
172 |
period, value = line.split()
173 |
num_float = float(value)
174 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator
175 |
mes += 1
176 |
st.write(f"Mês {mes}: {monetary_value}")
177 |
178 |
st.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
179 |
180 |
# Display the Forecasts values as line plots in the second column
181 |
182 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
183 |
data_string = filtered_df['Forecasts'].iloc[0]
184 |
185 |
# Create a list to store data for each period
186 |
data = []
187 |
188 |
# Split the string into lines
189 |
lines = data_string.split('\n')
190 |
191 |
mes = 0
192 |
193 |
# Iterate through the lines and extract the values
194 |
for line in lines[:-1]:
195 |
period, value = line.split()
196 |
num_float = float(value)
197 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {num_float:,.2f}' # Adding commas for thousands separator
198 |
mes += 1
199 |
data.append({'Period': int(mes), 'Monetary Value': num_float})
200 |
201 |
# Create a DataFrame from the list
202 |
chart_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
203 |
204 |
# Sort the DataFrame by 'Period'
205 |
chart_data = chart_data.sort_values(by='Period')
206 |
207 |
# Display line chart with "period" on X-axis and "Monetary Value" on Y-axis
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
st.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
212 |
213 |
214 |
with tab3:
215 |
if not filtered_df.empty:
216 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the selected institution
217 |
tab_df = df[df['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao]
218 |
219 |
# Create an empty list to store data
220 |
data = []
221 |
222 |
# Iterate through each unique 'Conta' in the filtered DataFrame
223 |
for conta in tab_df['Conta'].unique():
224 |
# Filter the DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
225 |
conta_df = tab_df[tab_df['Conta'] == conta]
226 |
227 |
if len(conta_df['Modelo'].unique()) > 1 and "Linear Regression" in conta_df['Modelo'].unique():
228 |
conta_df = conta_df[conta_df['Modelo'] == "Linear Regression"]
229 |
230 |
# Initialize a variable to store the sum for the current 'Conta'
231 |
conta_sum = 0.0
232 |
233 |
# Take the first 'Modelo' for simplicity
234 |
modelo = conta_df['Modelo'].iloc[0]
235 |
236 |
# Iterate over each row in the filtered DataFrame for the current 'Conta'
237 |
for _, row in conta_df.iterrows():
238 |
lines = row['Forecasts'].split('\n')
239 |
for line in lines[:-1]: # Skip the summary line
240 |
if line.strip():
241 |
parts = line.split()
242 |
value = parts[-1]
243 |
244 |
conta_sum += float(value)
245 |
except ValueError:
246 |
print(f"Skipping line unable to convert to float: {line}")
247 |
248 |
# Format the sum as a monetary value
249 |
monetary_value = f'R$ {conta_sum:,.2f}'
250 |
251 |
# Append the data to the list
252 |
data.append({'Conta': conta, 'Modelo': modelo, 'Próximos 12 meses': monetary_value})
253 |
254 |
# Convert the list to a DataFrame
255 |
table_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
256 |
257 |
last_df = ultimo_ano[ultimo_ano['Instituição'] == selected_instituicao]
258 |
last_df.drop(['Instituição'], axis=1, inplace=True)
259 |
260 |
last_sum = last_df.iloc[:,-1].sum()
261 |
def format_currency(x):
262 |
return "R${:,.2f}".format(x)
263 |
last_df['Últimos 12 meses'] = last_df['Últimos 12 meses'].apply(format_currency)
264 |
table_data = pd.merge(table_data, last_df)
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
# Calculate the grand total sum of 'Próximos 12 meses' and 'Últimos 12 meses' values
270 |
total_sum = sum(float(row['Próximos 12 meses'].replace('R$ ', '').replace(',', '')) for row in data)
271 |
total_sum_prev = last_sum
272 |
273 |
# Append the "Total" row
274 |
total_row = pd.DataFrame({
275 |
'Conta': ['TOTAL (RLIT)'],
276 |
'Modelo': [''],
277 |
'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {total_sum:,.2f}'],
278 |
'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {total_sum_prev:,.2f}']
279 |
280 |
table_data = pd.concat([table_data, total_row], ignore_index=True)
281 |
282 |
# Additional rows calculations and appending
283 |
# Assuming percentages for health and education as previously mentioned
284 |
saude_value = total_sum * 0.15
285 |
educacao_value = total_sum * 0.25
286 |
saude_value_prev = total_sum_prev * 0.15
287 |
educacao_value_prev = total_sum_prev * 0.25
288 |
saude_row = pd.DataFrame({'Conta': ['Saúde (15% da RLIT)'], 'Modelo': [''], 'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {saude_value:,.2f}'], 'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {saude_value_prev:,.2f}']})
289 |
educacao_row = pd.DataFrame({'Conta': ['Educação (25% da RLIT)'], 'Modelo': [''], 'Próximos 12 meses': [f'R$ {educacao_value:,.2f}'], 'Últimos 12 meses': [f'R$ {educacao_value_prev:,.2f}']})
290 |
291 |
# Append these rows to the table data
292 |
table_data = pd.concat([table_data, saude_row, educacao_row], ignore_index=True)
293 |
294 |
table_data.fillna('-', inplace=True)
295 |
296 |
# Display the table using Streamlit
297 |
298 |
299 |
except Exception as e:
300 |
st.error(f"Error in processing data: {str(e)}")
301 |
302 |
303 |
st.warning('No data available for the selected filters.')
304 |
305 |
306 |
<b>Observação:</b> Previsões realizadas com dados extraídos do Relatório Resumido de Execução Orçamentária (RREO) até o 6º bimestre de 2023 no Sistema de Informações Contábeis e Fiscais do Setor Público Brasileiro (SICONFI).
307 |
308 |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
309 |
310 |
311 |
with tab4:
312 |
data = {
313 |
"Últimos 12 meses": [saude_value_prev, educacao_value_prev], # Placeholder data for 'Last 12 Months'
314 |
"Próximos 12 meses": [saude_value, educacao_value] # Placeholder data for 'Next 12 Months'
315 |
316 |
317 |
# Define the index names
318 |
index_names = ["Saúde", "Educação"] # 'Health' and 'Education'
319 |
320 |
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index_names).reset_index().melt(id_vars='index', var_name='Period', value_name='Value')
321 |
322 |
# Create the bar chart
323 |
fig =, x='index', y='Value', color='Period', barmode='group')
324 |