Browse files
@@ -292,7 +292,128 @@ with tab3:
292 |
293 |
st.warning(f"**Dados insuficientes para inferência do valor. Mínimo necessário:** {k_threshold}")
294 |
295 |
with st.spinner('Carregando análise...'):
296 |
profile = ProfileReport(filtered_data, title="Análise Exploratória dos Dados", explorative=True)
297 |
profile_html = profile.to_html()
298 |
292 |
293 |
st.warning(f"**Dados insuficientes para inferência do valor. Mínimo necessário:** {k_threshold}")
294 |
295 |
import streamlit as st
296 |
297 |
# Generate the profile report
298 |
with st.spinner('Carregando análise...'):
299 |
profile = ProfileReport(filtered_data, title="Análise Exploratória dos Dados", explorative=True)
300 |
profile_html = profile.to_html()
301 |
302 |
# Replace English text with Portuguese
303 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Overview", "Visão geral")
304 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Alerts", "Alertas")
305 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Reproduction", "Reprodução")
306 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Dataset statistics", "Estatísticas do conjunto de dados")
307 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Variable types", "Tipos de variáveis")
308 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Variables", "Variáveis")
309 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Interactions", "Interações")
310 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Correlations", "Correlações")
311 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Missing values", "Valores faltantes")
312 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Sample", "Amostra")
313 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Number of variables", "Número de variáveis")
314 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Number of observations", "Número de observações")
315 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Missing cells", "Células faltantes")
316 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Missing cells (%)", "Células faltantes (%)")
317 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Duplicate rows", "Linhas duplicadas")
318 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Duplicate rows (%)", "Linhas duplicadas (%)")
319 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Total size in memory", "Tamanho total na memória")
320 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Average record size in memory", "Tamanho médio do registro na memória")
321 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Text", "Texto")
322 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Numeric", "Numérico")
323 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Categorical", "Categórico")
324 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct", "Distinto")
325 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct (%)", "Distinto (%)")
326 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Missing", "Faltando")
327 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Missing (%)", "Faltando (%)")
328 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Memory size", "Tamanho da memória")
329 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Real number", "Número real")
330 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Infinite", "Infinito")
331 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Infinite (%)", "Infinito (%)")
332 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Mean", "Média")
333 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Minimum", "Mínimo")
334 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Maximum", "Máximo")
335 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Zeros", "Zeros")
336 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Zeros (%)", "Zeros (%)")
337 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Negative", "Negativo")
338 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Negative (%)", "Negativo (%)")
339 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Other values (2)", "Outros valores (2)")
340 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Link", "Link")
341 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("UNIQUE", "ÚNICO")
342 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("CONSTANT", "CONSTANTE")
343 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Average", "Média")
344 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Number of rows", "Número de linhas")
345 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct values", "Valores distintos")
346 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Histogram", "Histograma")
347 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Top", "Top")
348 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Bottom", "Inferior")
349 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Frequency", "Frequência")
350 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("has constant value", "tem valores constantes")
351 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("has unique value", "tem valores únicos")
352 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Analysis started", "Início da análise")
353 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Analysis finished", "Término da análise")
354 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Duration", "Duração")
355 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Software version", "Versão do software")
356 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Download configuration", "Configuração para download")
357 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Select Columns", "Selecione coluna")
358 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Length", "Comprimento")
359 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Max length", "Comprimento máximo")
360 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Median length", "Comprimento mediano")
361 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Mean length", "Comprimento médio")
362 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Min length", "Comprimento mínimo")
363 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Characters and Unicode", "Caracteres e Unicode")
364 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Total characters", "Total de caracteres")
365 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct characters", "Caracteres distintos")
366 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct categories", "Categorias distintas")
367 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct scripts", "Scripts distintos")
368 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Distinct blocks", "Blocos distintos")
369 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables.", "O Padrão Unicode atribui propriedades de caracteres a cada ponto de código, que podem ser usados para analisar variáveis textuais.")
370 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Unique", "Único")
371 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Unique (%)", "Único (%)")
372 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Words", "Palavras")
373 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Characters", "Caracteres")
374 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most occurring characters", "Caracteres mais frequentes")
375 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Categories", "Categorias")
376 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most occurring categories", "Categorias mais frequentes")
377 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("(unknown)", "(desconhecido)")
378 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most frequent character per category", "Caractere mais frequente por categoria")
379 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Scripts", "Scripts")
380 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most occurring scripts", "Scripts mais frequentes")
381 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most frequent character per script", "Caractere mais frequente por script")
382 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Blocks", "Blocos")
383 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most occurring blocks", "Blocos mais frequentes")
384 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Frequency (%)", "Frequência (%)")
385 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Most frequent character per block", "Caractere mais frequente por bloco")
386 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Matrix", "Matriz")
387 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("First rows", "Primeiras linhas")
388 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Last rows", "Últimas linhas")
389 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("More details", "Maior detalhamento")
390 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Statistics", "Estatísticas")
391 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Quantile statistics", "Estatísticas de quantis")
392 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Common values", "Valores comuns")
393 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Extreme values", "Valores extremos")
394 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("5-th percentile", "5º percentil")
395 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("median", "mediana")
396 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("95-th percentile", "95º percentil")
397 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Range", "Intervalo")
398 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Interquartile range (IQR)", "Intervalo Interquartil")
399 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Descriptive statistics", "Estatísticas descritivas")
400 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Standard deviation", "Desvio padrão")
401 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Coefficient of variation (CV)", "Coeficiente de variação (CV)")
402 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Kurtosis", "Curtose")
403 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)", "Desvio Absoluto Mediano (MAD)")
404 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Skewness", "Assimetria")
405 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Sum", "Soma")
406 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Variance", "Variância")
407 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Monotonicity", "Monotonicidade")
408 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Not monotonic", "Não monotônica")
409 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Histogram with fixed size bins (bins=16)", "Histograma com intervalos de tamanho fixo (intervalos=16)")
410 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Minimum 10 values", "Mínimo 10 valores")
411 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("Maximum 10 values", "Máximo 10 valores")
412 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("1st row", "1ª linha")
413 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("2nd row", "2ª linha")
414 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("3rd row", "3ª linha")
415 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("4th row", "4ª linha")
416 |
profile_html = profile_html.replace("5th row", "5ª linha")
417 |
418 |
# Display the modified HTML in Streamlit
419 |
components.html(profile_html, height=600, scrolling=True)