import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import openpyxl | |
from geopy.distance import geodesic | |
# Create a DataFrame with sample data | |
data = pd.read_excel('ven_ter_fim_PEDÓ.xlsx') | |
# Function to calculate distance in meters between two coordinates | |
def calculate_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): | |
coords_1 = (lat1, lon1) | |
coords_2 = (lat2, lon2) | |
return geodesic(coords_1, coords_2).meters | |
# Find the maximum distance between coordinates | |
max_distance = 0 | |
for index, row in data.iterrows(): | |
distance = calculate_distance(row['latitude'], row['longitude'], data['latitude'].mean(), data['longitude'].mean()) | |
if distance > max_distance: | |
max_distance = distance | |
# Calculate a zoom level based on the maximum distance | |
zoom_level = round(15 - np.log10(max_distance)) | |
# Create a sidebar for controls | |
with st.sidebar: | |
# Display a title | |
st.title('') | |
# Dropdown to select specific coordinates | |
selected_coords = st.selectbox('Selecione Coordenadas', ['Random', 'Custom']) | |
if selected_coords == 'Custom': | |
custom_lat = st.number_input('Enter Latitude', value=0.0) | |
custom_lon = st.number_input('Enter Longitude', value=0.0) | |
else: | |
custom_lat, custom_lon = data['latitude'].mean(), data['longitude'].mean() | |
# Slider for setting the zoom level | |
zoom_level = st.slider('Nível de zoom', min_value=1, max_value=15, value=zoom_level) | |
# Slider to set the radius in meters | |
radius_in_meters = st.slider('Selecione raio (em metros)', min_value=100, max_value=5000, value=1000) | |
# Filter data based on the radius | |
if selected_coords == 'Custom': | |
filtered_data = data[data.apply(lambda x: calculate_distance(x['latitude'], x['longitude'], custom_lat, custom_lon), axis=1) <= radius_in_meters] | |
else: | |
filtered_data = data | |
# Add a custom CSS class to the map container | |
st.markdown(f"""<style> | |
.map {{ | |
width: 100%; | |
height: 100vh; | |
}} | |
</style>""", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Wrap the map in a container with the custom CSS class | |
with st.container(): | |, zoom=zoom_level, use_container_width=True) |