AIorNot /
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lunarflu HF staff
ai >>> AI Generated
import gradio as gr
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
import numpy as np
import io
import os
from PIL import Image
def main(img):
model = keras.models.load_model('./ai_real_classifier.h5')
# Save the uploaded image to a temporary file
img_path = 'temp_image.jpg'
img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(150, 150, 3))
img_array = image.img_to_array(img)
img_array = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0)
img_array /= 255.0
# Make predictions
predictions = model.predict(img_array)
confidence = 0.001
# Interpret the predictions
if predictions[0][0] > confidence:
class_label = 'real'
class_label = 'AI Generated'
# Clean up the temporary image file
return "The image is classified as " + str(class_label) + " \n\n | Please note that this model is only a demonstration of how the A.I.R.S architecture works, we are working on better and more accurate models. If you would like to support us through a donation, you can visit"
demo = gr.Interface(fn=main, inputs="image", outputs="text", title="Artificial Image Recognition System", description="This model recognize whether an image is real or AI-generated. With the A.I.R.S architecture we aim to solve all the Deep Fake related problems. If you would like to support us through a donation, you can visit []( Created by [gr]( ")