SocialAISchool / scripts /
grg's picture
Cleaned old git history
history blame
No virus
11.7 kB
import argparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
from pathlib import Path
from utils.babyai_utils.baby_agent import load_agent
from import get_status
from utils.env import make_env
from utils.other import seed
from import get_model_dir
from models import *
from scipy import stats
print("Wrong script. This is from VIGIL")
start = time.time()
# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=0,
help="random seed (default: 0)")
parser.add_argument("--random-agent", action="store_true", default=False,
help="random actions")
parser.add_argument("--argmax", action="store_true", default=False,
help="select the action with highest probability (default: False)")
parser.add_argument("--episodes", type=int, default=1000,
help="number of episodes to test")
parser.add_argument("--test-p", type=float, default=0.05,
help="p value")
parser.add_argument("--n-seeds", type=int, default=16,
help="number of episodes to test")
parser.add_argument("--subsample-step", type=int, default=1,
help="subsample step")
parser.add_argument("--start-step", type=int, default=1,
help="at which step to start the curves")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Set seed for all randomness sources
assert args.seed == 1
assert not args.argmax
# assert args.num_frames == 28000000
# assert args.episodes == 1000
test_p = args.test_p
n_seeds = args.n_seeds
subsample_step = args.subsample_step
start_step = args.start_step
# Set device
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print(f"Device: {device}\n")
# what to load
models_to_evaluate = [
print("evaluating models: ", models_to_evaluate)
# what to put in the legend
label_parser_dict = {
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_no_explo": "Abl-MH-BabyAI",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_no_explo": "MH-BabyAI",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_mm_baby_short_rec_env": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_mm_baby_short_rec_env": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_deaf_no_explo": "Abl-Deaf-MH-BabyAI",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_deaf_no_explo": "Deaf-MH-BabyAI",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_bow": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-BOW",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_bow": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-BOW",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_no_mem": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-no-mem",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_no_mem": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-no-mem",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_bigru": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-bigru",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_bigru": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-bigru",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_attgru": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-attgru",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_attgru": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-attgru",
"RERUN_WizardGuide_lang64_curr_dial": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-current-dialogue",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_curr_dial": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-current-dialogue",
"RERUN_WizardTwoGuides_lang64_mm_baby_short_rec_100M": "MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus-100M"
# how do to stat tests
compare = {
"MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus": "Abl-MH-BabyAI-ExpBonus",
COLORS = ["red", "blue", "green", "black", "purpule", "brown", "orange", "gray"]
label_color_dict = {l: c for l, c in zip(label_parser_dict.values(), COLORS)}
test_set_check_path = Path("test_set_check_{}_nep_{}.json".format(args.seed, args.episodes))
def calc_perf_for_seed(i, model_name, num_frames, seed, argmax, episodes, random_agent=False):
print("seed {}".format(i))
model = Path(model_name) / str(i)
model_dir = get_model_dir(model)
if test_set_check_path.exists():
with open(test_set_check_path, "r") as f:
check_loaded = json.load(f)
print("check loaded")
print("check not loaded")
check_loaded = None
# Load environment
with open(model_dir+"/config.json") as f:
conf = json.load(f)
env_name = conf["env"]
env = make_env(env_name, seed)
print("Environment loaded\n")
# load agent
agent = load_agent(env, model_dir, argmax, num_frames)
status = get_status(model_dir, num_frames)
assert status["num_frames"] == num_frames
print("Agent loaded\n")
check = {}
seed_rewards = []
for episode in range(episodes):
print("[{}/{}]: ".format(episode, episodes), end="", flush=True)
obs = env.reset()
# check envs are the same during seeds
if episode in check:
assert check[episode] == int(obs['image'].sum())
check[episode] = int(obs['image'].sum())
if check_loaded is not None:
assert check[episode] == int(obs['image'].sum())
while True:
if random_agent:
action = agent.get_random_action(obs)
action = agent.get_action(obs)
obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
print(".", end="", flush=True)
agent.analyze_feedback(reward, done)
if done:
seed_rewards = np.array(seed_rewards)
seed_success_rates = seed_rewards > 0
if not test_set_check_path.exists():
with open(test_set_check_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(check, f)
print("check saved")
print("seed success rate:", seed_success_rates.mean())
print("seed reward:", seed_rewards.mean())
return seed_rewards.mean(), seed_success_rates.mean()
def get_available_steps(model):
model_dir = Path(get_model_dir(model))
per_seed_available_steps = {}
for seed_dir in model_dir.glob("*"):
per_seed_available_steps[seed_dir] = sorted([
for p in seed_dir.glob("status_*")
num_steps = min([len(steps) for steps in per_seed_available_steps.values()])
steps = list(per_seed_available_steps.values())[0][:num_steps]
for available_steps in per_seed_available_steps.values():
s_steps = available_steps[:num_steps]
assert steps == s_steps
return steps
def plot_with_shade(subplot_nb, ax, x, y, err, color, shade_color, label,
legend=False, leg_size=30, leg_loc='best', title=None,
ylim=[0, 100], xlim=[0, 40], leg_args={}, leg_linewidth=8.0, linewidth=7.0, ticksize=30,
zorder=None, xlabel='perf', ylabel='env steps', smooth_factor=1000):
# plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})
ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6)
ax.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=ticksize)
# smoothing
def smooth(x_, n=50):
return np.array([x_[max(i - n, 0):i + 1].mean() for i in range(len(x_))])
if smooth_factor > 0:
y = smooth(y, n=smooth_factor)
err = smooth(err, n=smooth_factor)
ax.plot(x, y, color=color, label=label, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=zorder)
ax.fill_between(x, y - err, y + err, color=shade_color, alpha=0.2)
if legend:
leg = ax.legend(loc=leg_loc, fontsize=leg_size, **leg_args) # 34
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=30)
if subplot_nb == 0:
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=30)
ax.set_xlim(xmin=xlim[0], xmax=xlim[1])
ax.set_ylim(bottom=ylim[0], top=ylim[1])
if title:
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=22)
def label_parser(label, label_parser_dict):
if sum([1 for k, v in label_parser_dict.items() if k in label]) != 1:
for k, v in label_parser_dict.items():
if k in label: return v
return label
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10.0, 6.0))
ax = [ax]
performances = {}
per_seed_performances = {}
stds = {}
label_parser_dict_reverse = {v: k for k, v in label_parser_dict.items()}
assert len(label_parser_dict_reverse) == len(label_parser_dict)
label_to_model = {}
# evaluate and draw curves
for model in models_to_evaluate:
label = label_parser(model, label_parser_dict)
label_to_model[label] = model
color = label_color_dict[label]
performances[label] = []
per_seed_performances[label] = []
stds[label] = []
steps = get_available_steps(model)
steps = steps[::subsample_step]
steps = [s for s in steps if s > start_step]
print("steps:", steps)
for step in steps:
results = []
for s in range(n_seeds):
rewards, success_rates = zip(*results)
rewards = np.array(rewards)
success_rates = np.array(success_rates)
means = np.array(performances[label])
err = np.array(stds[label])
label = label_parser(str(model), label_parser_dict)
max_steps = np.max(steps)
min_steps = np.min(steps)
min_y = 0.0
max_y = 1.0
ylabel = "performance"
smooth_factor = 0
plot_with_shade(0, ax[0], steps, means, err, color, color, label,
legend=True, xlim=[min_steps, max_steps], ylim=[min_y, max_y],
leg_size=20, xlabel="Env steps (millions)", ylabel=ylabel, linewidth=5.0, smooth_factor=smooth_factor)
assert len(label_to_model) == len(models_to_evaluate)
def get_compatible_steps(model1, model2, subsample_step):
steps_1 = get_available_steps(model1)[::subsample_step]
steps_2 = get_available_steps(model2)[::subsample_step]
min_steps = min(len(steps_1), len(steps_2))
steps_1 = steps_1[:min_steps]
steps_2 = steps_2[:min_steps]
assert steps_1 == steps_2
return steps_1
# stat tests
for k, v in compare.items():
dist_1_steps = per_seed_performances[k]
dist_2_steps = per_seed_performances[v]
model_k = label_to_model[k]
model_v = label_to_model[v]
steps = get_compatible_steps(model_k, model_v, subsample_step)
steps = [s for s in steps if s > start_step]
for step, dist_1, dist_2 in zip(steps, dist_1_steps, dist_2_steps):
assert len(dist_1) == n_seeds
assert len(dist_2) == n_seeds
p = stats.ttest_ind(
if np.isnan(p):
from IPython import embed; embed()
if p < test_p:
plt.scatter(step, 0.8, color=label_color_dict[k], s=50, marker="x")
print("{} (m:{}) <---> {} (m:{}) = p: {} result: {}".format(
k, np.mean(dist_1), v, np.mean(dist_2), p,
"Distributions different(p={})".format(test_p) if p < test_p else "Distributions same(p={})".format(test_p)