import numpy | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from torch_ac.intrinsic_reward_models import compute_forward_dynamics_loss, compute_inverse_dynamics_loss | |
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score | |
from torch_ac.algos.base import BaseAlgo | |
def compute_balance_mask(target, n_classes): | |
if target.float().var() == 0: | |
# all the same class, don't train at all | |
return torch.zeros_like(target).detach() | |
# compute the balance mask | |
per_class_n = torch.bincount(target, minlength=n_classes) | |
# number of times the least common class (that appeared) appeared | |
n_for_each_class = per_class_n[torch.nonzero(per_class_n)].min() | |
# undersample other classes | |
per_class_n = n_for_each_class # sample each class that many times | |
balanced_indexes_ = [] | |
for c in range(n_classes): | |
c_indexes = torch.where(target == c)[0] | |
if len(c_indexes) == 0: | |
continue | |
# c_sampled_indexes = c_indexes[torch.randint(len(c_indexes), (per_class_n,))] | |
c_sampled_indexes = c_indexes[torch.randperm(len(c_indexes))[:per_class_n]] | |
balanced_indexes_.append(c_sampled_indexes) | |
balanced_indexes = torch.concat(balanced_indexes_) | |
balance_mask = torch.zeros_like(target) | |
balance_mask[balanced_indexes] = 1.0 | |
return balance_mask.detach() | |
class PPOAlgo(BaseAlgo): | |
"""The Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm | |
([Schulman et al., 2015](""" | |
def __init__(self, envs, acmodel, device=None, num_frames_per_proc=None, discount=0.99, lr=0.001, gae_lambda=0.95, | |
entropy_coef=0.01, value_loss_coef=0.5, max_grad_norm=0.5, recurrence=4, | |
adam_eps=1e-5, clip_eps=0.2, epochs=4, batch_size=256, preprocess_obss=None, | |
reshape_reward=None, exploration_bonus=False, exploration_bonus_params=None, | |
expert_exploration_bonus=False, episodic_exploration_bonus=True, exploration_bonus_type="lang", | |
exploration_bonus_tanh=None, clipped_rewards=False, intrinsic_reward_epochs=0, | |
# default is set to fit RND | |
intrinsic_reward_coef=0.1, | |
intrinsic_reward_learning_rate=0.0001, | |
intrinsic_reward_momentum=0, | |
intrinsic_reward_epsilon=0.01, | |
intrinsic_reward_alpha=0.99, | |
intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm=40, | |
intrinsic_reward_loss_coef=0.1, | |
intrinsic_reward_forward_loss_coef=10, | |
intrinsic_reward_inverse_loss_coef=0.1, | |
reset_rnd_ride_at_phase=False, | |
balance_moa_training=False, | |
moa_memory_dim=128, | |
schedule_lr=False, | |
lr_schedule_end_frames=0, | |
end_lr=0.0, | |
): | |
num_frames_per_proc = num_frames_per_proc or 128 | |
# save config | |
self.config = locals() | |
super().__init__( | |
envs=envs, | |
acmodel=acmodel, | |
device=device, | |
num_frames_per_proc=num_frames_per_proc, | |
discount=discount, | |
lr=lr, | |
gae_lambda=gae_lambda, | |
entropy_coef=entropy_coef, | |
value_loss_coef=value_loss_coef, | |
max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, | |
recurrence=recurrence, | |
preprocess_obss=preprocess_obss, | |
reshape_reward=reshape_reward, | |
exploration_bonus=exploration_bonus, | |
expert_exploration_bonus=expert_exploration_bonus, | |
episodic_exploration_bonus=episodic_exploration_bonus, | |
exploration_bonus_params=exploration_bonus_params, | |
exploration_bonus_tanh=exploration_bonus_tanh, | |
exploration_bonus_type=exploration_bonus_type, | |
clipped_rewards=clipped_rewards, | |
intrinsic_reward_loss_coef=intrinsic_reward_loss_coef, | |
intrinsic_reward_coef=intrinsic_reward_coef, | |
intrinsic_reward_learning_rate=intrinsic_reward_learning_rate, | |
intrinsic_reward_momentum=intrinsic_reward_momentum, | |
intrinsic_reward_epsilon=intrinsic_reward_epsilon, | |
intrinsic_reward_alpha=intrinsic_reward_alpha, | |
intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm=intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm, | |
intrinsic_reward_forward_loss_coef=intrinsic_reward_forward_loss_coef, | |
intrinsic_reward_inverse_loss_coef=intrinsic_reward_inverse_loss_coef, | |
balance_moa_training=balance_moa_training, | |
moa_memory_dim=moa_memory_dim, | |
reset_rnd_ride_at_phase=reset_rnd_ride_at_phase, | |
) | |
self.clip_eps = clip_eps | |
self.epochs = epochs | |
self.intrinsic_reward_epochs = intrinsic_reward_epochs | |
self.batch_size = batch_size | |
assert self.batch_size % self.recurrence == 0 | |
if self.exploration_bonus and "soc_inf" in self.exploration_bonus_type: | |
adam_params = list(dict.fromkeys(list(self.acmodel.parameters()) + list(self.moa_net.parameters()))) | |
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(adam_params, lr, eps=adam_eps) | |
else: | |
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.acmodel.parameters(), lr, eps=adam_eps) | |
self.schedule_lr = schedule_lr | |
self.lr_schedule_end_frames = lr_schedule_end_frames | |
assert end_lr <= lr | |
def lr_lambda(step): | |
if self.lr_schedule_end_frames == 0: | |
# no schedule | |
return 1 | |
end_factor = end_lr/lr | |
final_diminished_factor = 1-end_factor | |
n_frames = self.step_to_n_frames(step) | |
return 1 - (min(n_frames, self.lr_schedule_end_frames) / self.lr_schedule_end_frames) * final_diminished_factor | |
self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(self.optimizer, lr_lambda) | |
self.batch_num = 0 | |
def load_status_dict(self, status): | |
super().load_status_dict(status) | |
if "optimizer_state" in status: | |
self.optimizer.load_state_dict(status["optimizer_state"]) | |
if "lr_scheduler_state" in status: | |
self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(status["lr_scheduler_state"]) | |
def get_status_dict(self): | |
status_dict = super().get_status_dict() | |
status_dict["optimizer_state"] = self.optimizer.state_dict() | |
status_dict["lr_scheduler_state"] = self.lr_scheduler.state_dict() | |
return status_dict | |
def update_parameters(self, exps): | |
# Collect experiences | |
self.acmodel.train() | |
self.update_epoch += 1 | |
intr_rew_perf = torch.tensor(0.0) | |
intr_rew_perf_ = 0.0 | |
social_influence = False | |
if self.exploration_bonus: | |
if "rnd" in self.exploration_bonus_type: | |
imgs = exps.obs.image.reshape( | |
self.num_procs, self.num_frames_per_proc, *exps.obs.image.shape[1:] | |
).transpose(0, 1) | |
mask = exps.mask.reshape( | |
self.num_procs, self.num_frames_per_proc, 1, | |
).transpose(0, 1) | |
self.random_target_network.train() | |
self.predictor_network.train() | |
random_embedding = self.random_target_network(imgs).reshape(self.num_frames_per_proc, self.num_procs, 128) | |
predicted_embedding = self.predictor_network(imgs).reshape(self.num_frames_per_proc, self.num_procs, 128) | |
intr_rew_loss = self.intrinsic_reward_loss_coef * compute_forward_dynamics_loss(mask*predicted_embedding, mask*random_embedding.detach()) | |
# update the intr rew models | |
self.intrinsic_reward_optimizer.zero_grad() | |
intr_rew_loss.backward() | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.predictor_network.parameters(), self.intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm) | |
self.intrinsic_reward_optimizer.step() | |
intr_rew_perf = intr_rew_loss | |
elif "ride" in self.exploration_bonus_type: | |
imgs = exps.obs.image.reshape( | |
self.num_procs, self.num_frames_per_proc, *exps.obs.image.shape[1:] | |
).transpose(0, 1) | |
mask = exps.mask.reshape( | |
self.num_procs, self.num_frames_per_proc | |
).transpose(0, 1).to(torch.int64) | |
# we only take the first (primitive) action | |
action = exps.action[:, 0].reshape( | |
self.num_procs, self.num_frames_per_proc | |
).transpose(0, 1).to(torch.int64) | |
_mask = mask[:-1] | |
_obs = imgs[:-1] | |
_actions = action[:-1] | |
_next_obs = imgs[1:] | |
self.state_embedding_model.train() | |
self.forward_dynamics_model.train() | |
self.inverse_dynamics_model.train() | |
state_emb = self.state_embedding_model( | |
next_state_emb = self.state_embedding_model( | |
pred_next_state_emb = self.forward_dynamics_model(state_emb, | |
pred_actions = self.inverse_dynamics_model(state_emb, next_state_emb) | |
forward_dynamics_loss = self.intrinsic_reward_forward_loss_coef * \ | |
compute_forward_dynamics_loss(_mask[:,:,None]*pred_next_state_emb, _mask[:,:,None]*next_state_emb) | |
inverse_dynamics_loss = self.intrinsic_reward_inverse_loss_coef * \ | |
compute_inverse_dynamics_loss(_mask[:,:,None]*pred_actions, _mask*_actions) | |
# update the intr rew models | |
self.state_embedding_optimizer.zero_grad() | |
self.forward_dynamics_optimizer.zero_grad() | |
self.inverse_dynamics_optimizer.zero_grad() | |
intr_rew_loss = forward_dynamics_loss + inverse_dynamics_loss | |
intr_rew_loss.backward() | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.state_embedding_model.parameters(), self.intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm) | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.forward_dynamics_model.parameters(), self.intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm) | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.inverse_dynamics_model.parameters(), self.intrinsic_reward_max_grad_norm) | |
self.state_embedding_optimizer.step() | |
self.forward_dynamics_optimizer.step() | |
self.inverse_dynamics_optimizer.step() | |
intr_rew_perf = intr_rew_loss | |
elif "soc_inf" in self.exploration_bonus_type: | |
# trained together with the policy | |
social_influence = True | |
self.moa_net.train() | |
if self.intrinsic_reward_epochs > 0: | |
raise DeprecationWarning(f"Moa must be trained with the agent. intrinsic_reward_epochs must be 0 but is {self.intrinsic_reward_epochs}") | |
for _ in range(self.epochs): | |
# Initialize log values | |
log_entropies = [] | |
log_values = [] | |
log_policy_losses = [] | |
log_value_losses = [] | |
log_grad_norms = [] | |
log_lrs = [] | |
for inds in self._get_batches_starting_indexes(): | |
# Initialize batch values | |
batch_entropy = 0 | |
batch_value = 0 | |
batch_policy_loss = 0 | |
batch_value_loss = 0 | |
batch_loss = 0 | |
# intr reward metrics | |
batch_intr_rew_loss = 0 | |
batch_intr_rew_acc = 0 | |
batch_intr_rew_f1 = 0 | |
# Initialize memory | |
if self.acmodel.recurrent: | |
memory = exps.memory[inds] | |
if social_influence: | |
# Initialize moa memory | |
moa_memory = exps.moa_memory[inds] | |
prev_npc_prim_action = None | |
for i in range(self.recurrence): | |
# Create a sub-batch of experience | |
sb = exps[inds + i] | |
# Compute loss | |
if self.acmodel.recurrent: | |
dist, value, memory, policy_embeddings = self.acmodel(sb.obs, memory * sb.mask, return_embeddings=True) | |
else: | |
dist, value, policy_embeddings = self.acmodel(sb.obs, return_embeddings=True) | |
losses = [] | |
for head_i, d in enumerate(dist): | |
action_masks = self.acmodel.calculate_action_gradient_masks(sb.action).type(sb.log_prob.type()) | |
entropy = (d.entropy() * action_masks[:, head_i]).mean() | |
ratio = torch.exp(d.log_prob(sb.action[:, head_i]) - sb.log_prob[:, head_i]) | |
surr1 = ratio * sb.advantage | |
surr2 = torch.clamp(ratio, 1.0 - self.clip_eps, 1.0 + self.clip_eps) * sb.advantage | |
policy_loss = ( | |
-torch.min(surr1, surr2) * action_masks[:, head_i] | |
).mean() | |
value_clipped = sb.value + torch.clamp(value - sb.value, -self.clip_eps, self.clip_eps) | |
surr1 = (value - sb.returnn).pow(2) | |
surr2 = (value_clipped - sb.returnn).pow(2) | |
value_loss = ( | |
torch.max(surr1, surr2) * action_masks[:, head_i] | |
).mean() | |
head_loss = policy_loss - self.entropy_coef * entropy + self.value_loss_coef * value_loss | |
losses.append(head_loss) | |
if social_influence: | |
# moa loss | |
imgs = sb.obs.image | |
mask = | |
# we only take the first (primitive) action | |
agent_action = | |
infos = numpy.array(sb.infos) | |
npc_prim_action = torch.tensor( | |
numpy.array([self.fn_name_to_npc_prim_act[info["NPC_prim_action"]] for info in infos])) | |
npc_utt_action = torch.tensor( | |
numpy.array([self.npc_utterance_to_id[info["NPC_utterance"]] for info in infos])) | |
assert infos.shape == imgs.shape[:1] == agent_action.shape[:1] # [bs] | |
if i == 0: | |
prev_npc_prim_action = npc_prim_action | |
prev_npc_utt_action = npc_utt_action | |
else: | |
# compute loss and train moa net | |
if self.utterance_moa_net: | |
# transform to long logits | |
target = npc_prim_action.detach().to(self.device) * self.num_npc_utterance_actions + npc_utt_action.detach().to(self.device) | |
else: | |
target = npc_prim_action.detach().to(self.device) | |
if self.balance_moa_training: | |
balance_mask = compute_balance_mask(target, n_classes=self.num_npc_all_actions) | |
else: | |
balance_mask = torch.ones_like(target) | |
moa_predictions_logs, moa_memory = self.moa_net( | |
embeddings=policy_embeddings, | |
npc_previous_prim_actions=prev_npc_prim_action.detach().to(self.device), | |
npc_previous_utterance_actions=prev_npc_utt_action.detach().to(self.device) if self.utterance_moa_net else None, | |
agent_actions=agent_action.detach().to(self.device), | |
memory=moa_memory * mask, | |
) | |
# moa_predictions_logs = moa_predictions_logs.reshape([*prev_shape, -1]) # is this needed | |
# loss | |
ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') | |
intr_rew_loss = ( | |
balance_mask * mask * ce_loss( | |
input=moa_predictions_logs, | |
target=target, | |
)).mean() * self.intrinsic_reward_loss_coef | |
preds = moa_predictions_logs.detach().argmax(dim=-1) | |
intr_rew_f1 = f1_score( | |
y_pred=preds.detach().cpu().numpy(), | |
y_true=target.detach().cpu().numpy(), | |
average="macro" | |
) | |
intr_rew_acc = ( | |
torch.argmax(, dim=-1) == target | |
).to(float).mean() | |
batch_intr_rew_loss += intr_rew_loss | |
batch_intr_rew_acc += intr_rew_acc.detach().cpu().numpy().mean() | |
batch_intr_rew_f1 += intr_rew_f1 | |
losses.append(intr_rew_loss) # trained with the policy optimizer | |
loss = torch.stack(losses).mean() | |
# Update batch values | |
batch_entropy += entropy.item() | |
batch_value += value.mean().item() | |
batch_policy_loss += policy_loss.item() | |
batch_value_loss += value_loss.item() | |
batch_loss += loss | |
# Update memories for next epoch | |
# assert self.acmodel.recurrent == (self.recurrence > 1) | |
if self.acmodel.recurrent and i < self.recurrence - 1: | |
exps.memory[inds + i + 1] = memory.detach() | |
if social_influence and i < self.recurrence - 1: | |
exps.moa_memory[inds + i + 1] = moa_memory.detach() | |
# Update batch values | |
batch_entropy /= self.recurrence | |
batch_value /= self.recurrence | |
batch_policy_loss /= self.recurrence | |
batch_value_loss /= self.recurrence | |
batch_loss /= self.recurrence | |
# Update actor-critic | |
self.optimizer.zero_grad() | |
batch_loss.backward() | |
grad_norm = sum( ** 2 for p in self.acmodel.parameters()) ** 0.5 | |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.acmodel.parameters(), self.max_grad_norm) | |
self.optimizer.step() | |
self.lr_scheduler.step() | |
if social_influence: | |
# recurrence-1 because we skipped the first step | |
batch_intr_rew_loss /= self.recurrence - 1 | |
batch_intr_rew_acc /= self.recurrence - 1 | |
batch_intr_rew_f1 /= self.recurrence - 1 | |
intr_rew_perf_ = batch_intr_rew_f1 | |
intr_rew_perf = batch_intr_rew_acc | |
# Update log values | |
log_entropies.append(batch_entropy) | |
log_values.append(batch_value) | |
log_policy_losses.append(batch_policy_loss) | |
log_value_losses.append(batch_value_loss) | |
log_grad_norms.append(grad_norm) | |
log_lrs.append(self.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']) | |
# Log some values | |
logs = { | |
"entropy": numpy.mean(log_entropies), | |
"value": numpy.mean(log_values), | |
"policy_loss": numpy.mean(log_policy_losses), | |
"value_loss": numpy.mean(log_value_losses), | |
"grad_norm": numpy.mean(log_grad_norms), | |
"intr_reward_perf": intr_rew_perf, | |
"intr_reward_perf_": intr_rew_perf_, | |
"lr": numpy.mean(log_lrs), | |
} | |
return logs | |
def _get_batches_starting_indexes(self): | |
"""Gives, for each batch, the indexes of the observations given to | |
the model and the experiences used to compute the loss at first. | |
First, the indexes are the integers from 0 to `self.num_frames` with a step of | |
`self.recurrence`, shifted by `self.recurrence//2` one time in two for having | |
more diverse batches. Then, the indexes are splited into the different batches. | |
Returns | |
------- | |
batches_starting_indexes : list of list of int | |
the indexes of the experiences to be used at first for each batch | |
""" | |
indexes = numpy.arange(0, self.num_frames, self.recurrence) | |
indexes = numpy.random.permutation(indexes) | |
# Shift starting indexes by self.recurrence//2 half the time | |
if self.batch_num % 2 == 1: | |
indexes = indexes[(indexes + self.recurrence) % self.num_frames_per_proc != 0] | |
indexes += self.recurrence // 2 | |
self.batch_num += 1 | |
num_indexes = self.batch_size // self.recurrence | |
batches_starting_indexes = [indexes[i:i+num_indexes] for i in range(0, len(indexes), num_indexes)] | |
return batches_starting_indexes | |
def get_config_dict(self): | |
del self.config['envs'] | |
del self.config['acmodel'] | |
del self.config['__class__'] | |
del self.config['self'] | |
del self.config['preprocess_obss'] | |
del self.config['device'] | |
return self.config | |