dalle-mini / app /app.py
boris's picture
fix: unused import
history blame
4.01 kB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from dalle_mini.backend import ServiceError, get_images_from_backend
import streamlit as st
# streamlit.session_state is not available in Huggingface spaces.
# Session state hack https://huggingface.slack.com/archives/C025LJDP962/p1626527367443200?thread_ts=1626525999.440500&cid=C025LJDP962
from streamlit.report_thread import get_report_ctx
def query_cache(q_emb=None):
ctx = get_report_ctx()
session_id = ctx.session_id
session = st.server.server.Server.get_current()._get_session_info(session_id).session
if not hasattr(session, "_query_state"):
setattr(session, "_query_state", q_emb)
if q_emb:
session._query_state = q_emb
return session._query_state
def set_run_again(state):
def should_run_again():
state = query_cache()
return state if state is not None else False
.aligncenter {
text-align: center;
<p class="aligncenter">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borisdayma/dalle-mini/main/img/logo.png"/>
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
<p style='text-align: center'>
DALL·E mini is an AI model that generates images from any prompt you give!
<p style='text-align: center'>
Created by Boris Dayma et al. 2021
<a href="https://github.com/borisdayma/dalle-mini" target="_blank">GitHub</a> | <a href="https://wandb.ai/dalle-mini/dalle-mini/reports/DALL-E-mini--Vmlldzo4NjIxODA" target="_blank">Project Report</a>
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.header('DALL·E mini')
st.subheader('Generate images from text')
prompt = st.text_input("What do you want to see?")
test = st.empty()
DEBUG = False
if prompt != "" or (should_run_again and prompt != ""):
container = st.empty()
# The following mimics `streamlit.info()`.
# I tried to get the secondary background color using `components.streamlit.config.get_options_for_section("theme")["secondaryBackgroundColor"]`
# but it returns None.
<style> p {{ margin:0 }} div {{ margin:0 }} </style>
<div data-stale="false" class="element-container css-1e5imcs e1tzin5v1">
<div class="stAlert">
<div role="alert" data-baseweb="notification" class="st-ae st-af st-ag st-ah st-ai st-aj st-ak st-g3 st-am st-b8 st-ao st-ap st-aq st-ar st-as st-at st-au st-av st-aw st-ax st-ay st-az st-b9 st-b1 st-b2 st-b3 st-b4 st-b5 st-b6">
<div class="st-b7">
<div class="css-whx05o e13vu3m50">
<div data-testid="stMarkdownContainer" class="css-1ekf893 e16nr0p30">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borisdayma/dalle-mini/main/app/img/loading.gif" width="30"/>
Generating predictions for: <b>{prompt}</b>
<small><i>Predictions may take up to 40s under high load. Please stand by.</i></small>
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
backend_url = st.secrets["BACKEND_SERVER"]
print(f"Getting selections: {prompt}")
selected = get_images_from_backend(prompt, backend_url)
cols = st.beta_columns(4)
for i, img in enumerate(selected):
set_run_again(st.button('Again!', key='again_button'))
except ServiceError as error:
container.text(f"Service unavailable, status: {error.status_code}")
except KeyError:
**Error: BACKEND_SERVER unset**
Please, create a file called `.streamlit/secrets.toml` inside the app's folder and include a line to configure the server URL:
BACKEND_SERVER="<server url>"
container.markdown('Error -5, please try again or [report it](mailto:pcuenca-dalle@guenever.net).')