import os; os.environ['no_proxy'] = '*' # 避免代理网络产生意外污染 | |
def main(): | |
import subprocess, sys | |
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'gradio-stable-fork']) | |
import gradio as gr | |
if gr.__version__ not in ['3.28.3','3.32.3']: assert False, "请用 pip install -r requirements.txt 安装依赖" | |
from request_llm.bridge_all import predict | |
from toolbox import format_io, find_free_port, on_file_uploaded, on_report_generated, get_conf, ArgsGeneralWrapper, DummyWith | |
# 建议您复制一个config_private.py放自己的秘密, 如API和代理网址, 避免不小心传github被别人看到 | |
# 如果WEB_PORT是-1, 则随机选取WEB端口 | |
PORT = find_free_port() if WEB_PORT <= 0 else WEB_PORT | |
from check_proxy import get_current_version | |
initial_prompt = "Serve me as a writing and programming assistant." | |
title_html = f'<h1 align=\"center\">ChatGPT 学术优化 {get_current_version()}<a href="">(模型by帛凡Ai)</a></h1>' | |
description = """代码开源和更新[地址🚀](,感谢热情的[开发者们❤️](""" | |
# 问询记录, python 版本建议3.9+(越新越好) | |
import logging | |
os.makedirs("gpt_log", exist_ok=True) | |
try:logging.basicConfig(filename="gpt_log/chat_secrets.log", level=logging.INFO, encoding="utf-8") | |
except:logging.basicConfig(filename="gpt_log/chat_secrets.log", level=logging.INFO) | |
print("所有问询记录将自动保存在本地目录./gpt_log/chat_secrets.log, 请注意自我隐私保护哦!") | |
# 一些普通功能模块 | |
from core_functional import get_core_functions | |
functional = get_core_functions() | |
# 高级函数插件 | |
from crazy_functional import get_crazy_functions | |
crazy_fns = get_crazy_functions() | |
# 处理markdown文本格式的转变 | |
gr.Chatbot.postprocess = format_io | |
# 做一些外观色彩上的调整 | |
from theme import adjust_theme, advanced_css | |
set_theme = adjust_theme() | |
# 代理与自动更新 | |
from check_proxy import check_proxy, auto_update, warm_up_modules | |
proxy_info = check_proxy(proxies) | |
gr_L1 = lambda: gr.Row().style() | |
gr_L2 = lambda scale: gr.Column(scale=scale) | |
if LAYOUT == "TOP-DOWN": | |
gr_L1 = lambda: DummyWith() | |
gr_L2 = lambda scale: gr.Row() | |
cancel_handles = [] | |
with gr.Blocks(title="ChatGPT 学术优化", theme=set_theme, analytics_enabled=False, css=advanced_css) as demo: | |
gr.HTML(title_html) | |
gr.HTML('''<center>本应用基于chatglm6b【帛凡 AI】的微调模型进行部署,模型中文总结能力优于GPT3.5,欢迎体验<a href="">下载地址</a></center>''') | |
cookies = gr.State({'api_key': API_KEY, 'llm_model': LLM_MODEL}) | |
with gr_L1(): | |
with gr_L2(scale=2): | |
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label=f"当前模型:{LLM_MODEL}") | | | |
history = gr.State([]) | |
with gr_L2(scale=1): | |
with gr.Accordion("输入区", open=True) as area_input_primary: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
txt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, lines=2, placeholder="请直接输入问题。").style(container=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
submitBtn = gr.Button("提交", variant="primary") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
resetBtn = gr.Button("重置", variant="secondary");"sm") | |
stopBtn = gr.Button("停止", variant="secondary");"sm") | |
clearBtn = gr.Button("清除", variant="secondary", visible=False);"sm") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
status = gr.Markdown(f"Tip: 按Enter提交, 按Shift+Enter换行。当前模型: {LLM_MODEL} \n {proxy_info}") | |
with gr.Accordion("基础功能区", open=True) as area_basic_fn: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
for k in functional: | |
if ("Visible" in functional[k]) and (not functional[k]["Visible"]): continue | |
variant = functional[k]["Color"] if "Color" in functional[k] else "secondary" | |
functional[k]["Button"] = gr.Button(k, variant=variant) | |
with gr.Accordion("函数插件区", open=True) as area_crazy_fn: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gr.Markdown("注意:以下“红颜色”标识的函数插件需从输入区读取路径作为参数.") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
for k in crazy_fns: | |
if not crazy_fns[k].get("AsButton", True): continue | |
variant = crazy_fns[k]["Color"] if "Color" in crazy_fns[k] else "secondary" | |
crazy_fns[k]["Button"] = gr.Button(k, variant=variant) | |
crazy_fns[k]["Button"].style(size="sm") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Accordion("更多函数插件", open=True): | |
dropdown_fn_list = [k for k in crazy_fns.keys() if not crazy_fns[k].get("AsButton", True)] | |
with gr.Row(): | |
dropdown = gr.Dropdown(dropdown_fn_list, value=r"打开插件列表", label="").style(container=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
plugin_advanced_arg = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, label="高级参数输入区", visible=False, | |
placeholder="这里是特殊函数插件的高级参数输入区").style(container=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
switchy_bt = gr.Button(r"请先从插件列表中选择", variant="secondary") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Accordion("点击展开“文件上传区”。上传本地文件可供红色函数插件调用。", open=False) as area_file_up: | |
file_upload = gr.Files(label="任何文件, 但推荐上传压缩文件(zip, tar)", file_count="multiple") | |
with gr.Accordion("更换模型 & SysPrompt & 交互界面布局", open=(LAYOUT == "TOP-DOWN")): | |
system_prompt = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, placeholder=f"System Prompt", label="System prompt", value=initial_prompt) | |
top_p = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.01,interactive=True, label="Top-p (nucleus sampling)",) | |
temperature = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=2.0, value=1.0, step=0.01, interactive=True, label="Temperature",) | |
max_length_sl = gr.Slider(minimum=256, maximum=40960, value=5120, step=1, interactive=True, label="Local LLM MaxLength",) | |
checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup(["基础功能区", "函数插件区", "底部输入区", "输入清除键", "插件参数区"], value=["基础功能区", "函数插件区"], label="显示/隐藏功能区") | |
md_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(AVAIL_LLM_MODELS, value=LLM_MODEL, label="更换LLM模型/请求源").style(container=False) | |
gr.Markdown(description) | |
with gr.Accordion("备选输入区", open=True, visible=False) as area_input_secondary: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
txt2 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Input question here.", label="输入区2").style(container=False) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
submitBtn2 = gr.Button("提交", variant="primary") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
resetBtn2 = gr.Button("重置", variant="secondary");"sm") | |
stopBtn2 = gr.Button("停止", variant="secondary");"sm") | |
clearBtn2 = gr.Button("清除", variant="secondary", visible=False);"sm") | |
gr.HTML( | |
'''<center> 找图片:猴子 如果用户输入不是英文先请翻译为英文,把用户输入的英文或者你翻译的英文,替换“(<英语关键词>)”里的<英语关键词>"然后请使用Markdown格式对url进行封装,并且不要有反斜线,不要用代码块。现在,请按以下描述给我发送图片:</center>''' | |
'''<center>act": "作为基于文本的冒险游戏",\n "prompt": "我想让你扮演一个基于文本的冒险游戏。我在这个基于文本的冒险游戏中扮演一个角色。请尽可能具体地描述角色所看到的内容和环境,并在游戏输出1、2、3让用户选择进行回复,而不是其它方式。我将输入命令来告诉角色该做什么,而你需要回复角色的行动结果以推动游戏的进行。我的第一个命令是'醒来',请从这里开始故事 </center>''' | |
'''<center>熬夜对身体有什么危害? </center>''' | |
'''<center>新冠肺炎怎么预防</center>''' | |
'''<center>系统性红斑狼疮的危害和治疗方法是什么?</center>''' | |
'''<center>我经常感觉郁闷,而且控制不住情绪,经常对周围的人喊叫,怎么办?</center>''' | |
'''<center>太阳为什么会发热? </center>''' | |
'''<center>指南针是怎么工作的?</center>''' | |
'''<center>在野外怎么辨别方向?</center>''' | |
'''<center>发芽的土豆还能不能吃?</center>''' | |
'''<center>What NFL team won the Super Bowl in the year Justin Bieber was born? </center>''' | |
'''<center>What NFL team won the Super Bowl in the year Justin Bieber was born? Think step by step.</center>''' | |
'''<center>Explain the plot of Cinderella in a sentence.</center>''' | |
'''<center>How long does it take to become proficient in French, and what are the best methods for retaining information?</center>''' | |
'''<center>What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing code?</center>''' | |
'''<center>Build a prompt to generate a beautiful portrait of a horse</center>''' | |
'''<center>Suggest four metaphors to describe the benefits of AI</center>''' | |
'''<center>Write a pop song about leaving home for the sandy beaches.</center>''' | |
'''<center>Write a summary demonstrating my ability to tame lions</center>''' | |
'''<center>有三个盒子,分别贴着“苹果”、“橘子”和“苹果和橘子”的标签,但是每个盒子的标签都是错误的。你只能打开一个盒子,然后从里面拿出一个水果,然后确定每个盒子里装的是什么水果。你应该打开哪个盒子?为什么?</center>''' | |
'''<center>春天来了,万物复苏,小鸟歌唱,生机勃勃。\n问题:以上文本表达的情绪是正向还是负向?</center>''' | |
'''<center>正无穷大加一大于正无穷大吗?</center>''' | |
'''<center>正无穷大加正无穷大大于正无穷大吗?</center>''' | |
'''<center>以今天对应的节气写一副对联</center>''' | |
'''<center>树上有5只鸟,猎人开枪打死了一只。树上还有几只鸟?Think step by step.</center>''' | |
'''<center>从零学习编程,请给我一个三个月的学习计划。</center>''' | |
'''<center>双喜临门,打一中国地名</center>''' | |
'''<center>以红楼梦的行文风格写一张委婉的请假条。不少于320字。</center>''' | |
'''<center>云南大学(Yunnan University),简称云大(YNU),位于云南省昆明市,是教育部与云南省“以部为主、部省合建”的全国重点大学,国家“双一流”建设高校 [31] 、211工程、一省一校、中西部高校基础能力建设工程,云南省重点支持的国家一流大学建设高校,“111计划”、卓越法律人才教育培养计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校,为中西部“一省一校”国家重点建设大学(Z14)联盟、南亚东南亚大学联盟牵头单位。云南大学始建于1922年,时为私立东陆大学。1930年,改为省立东陆大学。1934年更名为省立云南大学。1938年改为国立云南大学。1946年,《不列颠百科全书》将云南大学列为中国15所在世界最具影响的大学之一。1950年定名为云南大学。1958年,云南大学由中央高教部划归云南省管理。1978年,云南大学被国务院确定为88所全国重点大学之一。1996年首批列入国家“211工程”重点建设大学。1999年,云南政法高等专科学校并入云南大学。截至2023年6月,学校有呈贡、东陆两校区,占地面积4367亩,校舍建筑面积133余万平方米,馆藏书400万余册;设有28个学院,本科专业84个;有博士后科研流动站14个,22个一级学科博士学位授权点,1个专业博士学位授权,42个一级学科硕士学位授权,26个专业硕士学位授权;教职员工3000余人,全日制本科生近17000人,全日制硕士研究生近12000人,博士研究生1500余人。 总结这篇文章的主要内容和文章结构</center>''' | |
'''<center>In America, where cars are an important part of the national psyche, a decade ago people had suddenly started to drive less, which had not happened since the oil shocks of the 1970s. | |
翻成中文,列出3个版本</center>''' | |
'''<center>In America, where cars are an important part of the national psyche, a decade ago people had suddenly started to drive less, which had not happened since the oil shocks of the 1970s. | |
翻成中文,保留原意,但使用文学性的语言。不要写解释。列出3个版本</center>''' | |
'''<center>js 判断一个数是不是质数</center>''' | |
'''<center>js 实现python 的 range(10)</center>''' | |
'''<center>js 实现python 的 [*(range(10)]</center>''' | |
'''<center>假定 1 + 2 = 4, 试求 7 + 8,Think step by step." </center>''' | |
'''<center>2023年云南大学成立100周年,它是哪一年成立的?" </center>''' | |
'''<center>Erkläre die Handlung von Cinderella in einem Satz.</center>''' | |
'''<center>Erkläre die Handlung von Cinderella in einem Satz. Auf Deutsch</center>''' | |
) | |
def fn_area_visibility(a): | |
ret = {} | |
ret.update({area_basic_fn: gr.update(visible=("基础功能区" in a))}) | |
ret.update({area_crazy_fn: gr.update(visible=("函数插件区" in a))}) | |
ret.update({area_input_primary: gr.update(visible=("底部输入区" not in a))}) | |
ret.update({area_input_secondary: gr.update(visible=("底部输入区" in a))}) | |
ret.update({clearBtn: gr.update(visible=("输入清除键" in a))}) | |
ret.update({clearBtn2: gr.update(visible=("输入清除键" in a))}) | |
ret.update({plugin_advanced_arg: gr.update(visible=("插件参数区" in a))}) | |
if "底部输入区" in a: ret.update({txt: gr.update(value="")}) | |
return ret | |, [checkboxes], [area_basic_fn, area_crazy_fn, area_input_primary, area_input_secondary, txt, txt2, clearBtn, clearBtn2, plugin_advanced_arg] ) | |
# 整理反复出现的控件句柄组合 | |
input_combo = [cookies, max_length_sl, md_dropdown, txt, txt2, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, system_prompt, plugin_advanced_arg] | |
output_combo = [cookies, chatbot, history, status] | |
predict_args = dict(fn=ArgsGeneralWrapper(predict), inputs=input_combo, outputs=output_combo) | |
# 提交按钮、重置按钮 | |
cancel_handles.append(txt.submit(**predict_args)) | |
cancel_handles.append(txt2.submit(**predict_args)) | |
cancel_handles.append(**predict_args)) | |
cancel_handles.append(**predict_args)) | | ([], [], "已重置"), None, [chatbot, history, status]) | | ([], [], "已重置"), None, [chatbot, history, status]) | | ("",""), None, [txt, txt2]) | | ("",""), None, [txt, txt2]) | |
# 基础功能区的回调函数注册 | |
for k in functional: | |
if ("Visible" in functional[k]) and (not functional[k]["Visible"]): continue | |
click_handle = functional[k]["Button"].click(fn=ArgsGeneralWrapper(predict), inputs=[*input_combo, gr.State(True), gr.State(k)], outputs=output_combo) | |
cancel_handles.append(click_handle) | |
# 文件上传区,接收文件后与chatbot的互动 | |
file_upload.upload(on_file_uploaded, [file_upload, chatbot, txt, txt2, checkboxes], [chatbot, txt, txt2]) | |
# 函数插件-固定按钮区 | |
for k in crazy_fns: | |
if not crazy_fns[k].get("AsButton", True): continue | |
click_handle = crazy_fns[k]["Button"].click(ArgsGeneralWrapper(crazy_fns[k]["Function"]), [*input_combo, gr.State(PORT)], output_combo) | |
click_handle.then(on_report_generated, [cookies, file_upload, chatbot], [cookies, file_upload, chatbot]) | |
cancel_handles.append(click_handle) | |
# 函数插件-下拉菜单与随变按钮的互动 | |
def on_dropdown_changed(k): | |
variant = crazy_fns[k]["Color"] if "Color" in crazy_fns[k] else "secondary" | |
ret = {switchy_bt: gr.update(value=k, variant=variant)} | |
if crazy_fns[k].get("AdvancedArgs", False): # 是否唤起高级插件参数区 | |
ret.update({plugin_advanced_arg: gr.update(visible=True, label=f"插件[{k}]的高级参数说明:" + crazy_fns[k].get("ArgsReminder", [f"没有提供高级参数功能说明"]))}) | |
else: | |
ret.update({plugin_advanced_arg: gr.update(visible=False, label=f"插件[{k}]不需要高级参数。")}) | |
return ret | |, [dropdown], [switchy_bt, plugin_advanced_arg] ) | |
def on_md_dropdown_changed(k): | |
return {chatbot: gr.update(label="当前模型:"+k)} | |, [md_dropdown], [chatbot] ) | |
# 随变按钮的回调函数注册 | |
def route(k, *args, **kwargs): | |
if k in [r"打开插件列表", r"请先从插件列表中选择"]: return | |
yield from ArgsGeneralWrapper(crazy_fns[k]["Function"])(*args, **kwargs) | |
click_handle =,[switchy_bt, *input_combo, gr.State(PORT)], output_combo) | |
click_handle.then(on_report_generated, [cookies, file_upload, chatbot], [cookies, file_upload, chatbot]) | |
cancel_handles.append(click_handle) | |
# 终止按钮的回调函数注册 | |, inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=cancel_handles) | |, inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=cancel_handles) | |
# gradio的inbrowser触发不太稳定,回滚代码到原始的浏览器打开函数 | |
def auto_opentab_delay(): | |
import threading, webbrowser, time | |
print(f"如果浏览器没有自动打开,请复制并转到以下URL:") | |
print(f"\t(亮色主题): http://localhost:{PORT}") | |
print(f"\t(暗色主题): http://localhost:{PORT}/?__theme=dark") | |
def open(): | |
time.sleep(2) # 打开浏览器 | |
DARK_MODE, = get_conf('DARK_MODE') | |
if DARK_MODE: webbrowser.open_new_tab(f"http://localhost:{PORT}/?__theme=dark") | |
else: webbrowser.open_new_tab(f"http://localhost:{PORT}") | |
threading.Thread(target=open, name="open-browser", daemon=True).start() | |
threading.Thread(target=auto_update, name="self-upgrade", daemon=True).start() | |
threading.Thread(target=warm_up_modules, name="warm-up", daemon=True).start() | |
auto_opentab_delay() | |
demo.queue(concurrency_count=CONCURRENT_COUNT).launch(server_name="", share=False, favicon_path="docs/logo.png", blocked_paths=["","","docker-compose.yml","Dockerfile"]) | |
# 如果需要在二级路径下运行 | |
# CUSTOM_PATH, = get_conf('CUSTOM_PATH') | |
# if CUSTOM_PATH != "/": | |
# from toolbox import run_gradio_in_subpath | |
# run_gradio_in_subpath(demo, auth=AUTHENTICATION, port=PORT, custom_path=CUSTOM_PATH) | |
# else: | |
# demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=PORT, auth=AUTHENTICATION, favicon_path="docs/logo.png", | |
# blocked_paths=["","","docker-compose.yml","Dockerfile"]) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |