import os |
import re |
import time |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from glob import iglob |
import torch |
from einops import rearrange |
from fire import Fire |
from PIL import ExifTags, Image |
from transformers import pipeline |
from flux.sampling import denoise, get_noise, get_schedule, prepare, unpack |
from flux.util import ( |
configs, |
load_ae, |
load_clip, |
load_flow_model, |
load_t5, |
) |
@dataclass |
class SamplingOptions: |
prompt: str |
width: int |
height: int |
num_steps: int |
guidance: float |
seed: int |
def parse_prompt(options: SamplingOptions) -> SamplingOptions: |
user_question = "Next prompt (write /h for help, /q to quit and leave empty to repeat):\n" |
usage = ( |
"Usage: Either write your prompt directly, leave this field empty " |
"to repeat the prompt or write a command starting with a slash:\n" |
"- '/w <width>' will set the width of the generated image\n" |
"- '/h <height>' will set the height of the generated image\n" |
"- '/s <seed>' sets the next seed\n" |
"- '/g <guidance>' sets the guidance (flux-dev only)\n" |
"- '/n <steps>' sets the number of steps\n" |
"- '/q' to quit" |
) |
while (prompt := input(user_question)).startswith("/"): |
if prompt.startswith("/w"): |
if prompt.count(" ") != 1: |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
continue |
_, width = prompt.split() |
options.width = 16 * (int(width) // 16) |
print( |
f"Setting resolution to {options.width} x {options.height} " |
f"({options.height * options.width / 1e6:.2f}MP)" |
) |
elif prompt.startswith("/h"): |
if prompt.count(" ") != 1: |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
continue |
_, height = prompt.split() |
options.height = 16 * (int(height) // 16) |
print( |
f"Setting resolution to {options.width} x {options.height} " |
f"({options.height * options.width / 1e6:.2f}MP)" |
) |
elif prompt.startswith("/g"): |
if prompt.count(" ") != 1: |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
continue |
_, guidance = prompt.split() |
options.guidance = float(guidance) |
print(f"Setting guidance to {options.guidance}") |
elif prompt.startswith("/s"): |
if prompt.count(" ") != 1: |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
continue |
_, seed = prompt.split() |
options.seed = int(seed) |
print(f"Setting seed to {options.seed}") |
elif prompt.startswith("/n"): |
if prompt.count(" ") != 1: |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
continue |
_, steps = prompt.split() |
options.num_steps = int(steps) |
print(f"Setting seed to {options.num_steps}") |
elif prompt.startswith("/q"): |
print("Quitting") |
return None |
else: |
if not prompt.startswith("/h"): |
print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") |
print(usage) |
if prompt != "": |
options.prompt = prompt |
return options |
@torch.inference_mode() |
def main( |
name: str = "flux-schnell", |
width: int = 1360, |
height: int = 768, |
seed: int = None, |
prompt: str = ( |
"a photo of a forest with mist swirling around the tree trunks. The word " |
'"FLUX" is painted over it in big, red brush strokes with visible texture' |
), |
device: str = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", |
num_steps: int = None, |
loop: bool = False, |
guidance: float = 3.5, |
offload: bool = False, |
output_dir: str = "output", |
add_sampling_metadata: bool = True, |
): |
""" |
Sample the flux model. Either interactively (set `--loop`) or run for a |
single image. |
Args: |
name: Name of the model to load |
height: height of the sample in pixels (should be a multiple of 16) |
width: width of the sample in pixels (should be a multiple of 16) |
seed: Set a seed for sampling |
output_name: where to save the output image, `{idx}` will be replaced |
by the index of the sample |
prompt: Prompt used for sampling |
device: Pytorch device |
num_steps: number of sampling steps (default 4 for schnell, 50 for guidance distilled) |
loop: start an interactive session and sample multiple times |
guidance: guidance value used for guidance distillation |
add_sampling_metadata: Add the prompt to the image Exif metadata |
""" |
nsfw_classifier = pipeline("image-classification", model="Falconsai/nsfw_image_detection") |
if name not in configs: |
available = ", ".join(configs.keys()) |
raise ValueError(f"Got unknown model name: {name}, chose from {available}") |
torch_device = torch.device(device) |
if num_steps is None: |
num_steps = 4 if name == "flux-schnell" else 50 |
height = 16 * (height // 16) |
width = 16 * (width // 16) |
output_name = os.path.join(output_dir, "img_{idx}.jpg") |
if not os.path.exists(output_dir): |
os.makedirs(output_dir) |
idx = 0 |
else: |
fns = [fn for fn in iglob(output_name.format(idx="*")) if re.search(r"img_[0-9]\.jpg$", fn)] |
if len(fns) > 0: |
idx = max(int(fn.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) for fn in fns) + 1 |
else: |
idx = 0 |
t5 = load_t5(torch_device, max_length=256 if name == "flux-schnell" else 512) |
clip = load_clip(torch_device) |
model = load_flow_model(name, device="cpu" if offload else torch_device) |
ae = load_ae(name, device="cpu" if offload else torch_device) |
rng = torch.Generator(device="cpu") |
opts = SamplingOptions( |
prompt=prompt, |
width=width, |
height=height, |
num_steps=num_steps, |
guidance=guidance, |
seed=seed, |
) |
if loop: |
opts = parse_prompt(opts) |
while opts is not None: |
if opts.seed is None: |
opts.seed = rng.seed() |
print(f"Generating with seed {opts.seed}:\n{opts.prompt}") |
t0 = time.perf_counter() |
x = get_noise( |
1, |
opts.height, |
opts.width, |
device=torch_device, |
dtype=torch.bfloat16, |
seed=opts.seed, |
) |
opts.seed = None |
if offload: |
ae = ae.cpu() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
t5, clip = t5.to(torch_device), clip.to(torch_device) |
inp = prepare(t5, clip, x, prompt=opts.prompt) |
timesteps = get_schedule(opts.num_steps, inp["img"].shape[1], shift=(name != "flux-schnell")) |
if offload: |
t5, clip = t5.cpu(), clip.cpu() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
model = model.to(torch_device) |
x = denoise(model, **inp, timesteps=timesteps, guidance=opts.guidance) |
if offload: |
model.cpu() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
ae.decoder.to(x.device) |
x = unpack(x.float(), opts.height, opts.width) |
with torch.autocast(device_type=torch_device.type, dtype=torch.bfloat16): |
x = ae.decode(x) |
t1 = time.perf_counter() |
fn = output_name.format(idx=idx) |
print(f"Done in {t1 - t0:.1f}s. Saving {fn}") |
x = x.clamp(-1, 1) |
x = rearrange(x[0], "c h w -> h w c") |
img = Image.fromarray((127.5 * (x + 1.0)).cpu().byte().numpy()) |
nsfw_score = [x["score"] for x in nsfw_classifier(img) if x["label"] == "nsfw"][0] |
if nsfw_score < NSFW_THRESHOLD: |
exif_data = Image.Exif() |
exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Software] = "AI generated;txt2img;flux" |
exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Make] = "Black Forest Labs" |
exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Model] = name |
if add_sampling_metadata: |
exif_data[ExifTags.Base.ImageDescription] = prompt |
img.save(fn, exif=exif_data, quality=95, subsampling=0) |
idx += 1 |
else: |
print("Your generated image may contain NSFW content.") |
if loop: |
print("-" * 80) |
opts = parse_prompt(opts) |
else: |
opts = None |
def app(): |
Fire(main) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app() |