stego-lm /
first release
history blame contribute delete
No virus
5.57 kB
import heapq
import numpy as np
def build_min_heap(freqs, inds=None):
'''Returns a min-heap of (frequency, token_index).'''
inds = inds or range(len(freqs))
# Add a counter in tuples for tiebreaking
freq_index = [(freqs[ind], i, ind) for i, ind in enumerate(inds)]
# O(n log n) where n = len(freqs)
return freq_index
def huffman_tree(heap):
'''Returns the Huffman tree given a min-heap of indices and frequencies.'''
# Add a counter in tuples for tiebreaking
t = len(heap)
# Runs for n iterations where n = len(heap)
while len(heap) > 1:
# Remove the smallest two nodes. O(log n)
freq1, i1, ind1 = heapq.heappop(heap)
freq2, i2, ind2 = heapq.heappop(heap)
# Create a parent node for these two nodes
parent_freq = freq1 + freq2
# The left child is the one with the lowest frequency
parent_ind = (ind1, ind2)
# Insert this parent node. O(log n)
heapq.heappush(heap, (parent_freq, t, parent_ind))
t += 1
code_tree = heap[0][2]
# Total runtime O(n log n).
return code_tree
def tv_huffman(code_tree, p):
Returns the total variation and cross entropy (in bits) between a
distribution over tokens and the distribution induced by a Huffman
coding of (a subset of) the tokens.
code_tree : tuple.
Huffman codes as represented by a binary tree. It might miss some
p : array of size of the vocabulary.
The distribution over all tokens.
tot_l1 = 0
# The tokens absent in the Huffman codes have probability 0
absence = np.ones_like(p)
tot_ce = 0
# Iterate leaves of the code tree. O(n)
stack = []
# Push the root and its depth onto the stack
stack.append((code_tree, 0))
while len(stack) > 0:
node, depth = stack.pop()
if type(node) is tuple:
# Expand the children
left_child, right_child = node
# Push the children and their depths onto the stack
stack.append((left_child, depth + 1))
stack.append((right_child, depth + 1))
# A leaf node
ind = node
tot_l1 += abs(p[ind] - 2 ** (-depth))
absence[ind] = 0
# The KL divergence of true distribution || Huffman distribution
tot_ce += p[ind] * depth + p[ind] * np.log2(p[ind])
# Returns total variation
return 0.5 * (tot_l1 + np.sum(absence * p)), tot_ce
def total_variation(p, q):
'''Returns the total variation of two distributions over a finite set.'''
# We use 1-norm to compute total variation.
# d_TV(p, q) := sup_{A \in sigma} |p(A) - q(A)|
# = 1/2 * sum_{x \in X} |p(x) - q(x)| = 1/2 * ||p - q||_1
return 0.5 * np.sum(np.abs(p - q))
def invert_code_tree(code_tree):
'''Build a map from letters to codes'''
code = dict()
stack = []
stack.append((code_tree, ''))
while len(stack) > 0:
node, code_prefix = stack.pop()
if type(node) is tuple:
left, right = node
stack.append((left, code_prefix + '0'))
stack.append((right, code_prefix + '1'))
code[node] = code_prefix
return code
def encode(code_tree, string):
'''Encode a string with a given Huffman coding.'''
code = invert_code_tree(code_tree)
encoded = ''
for letter in string:
encoded += code[letter]
return encoded
def decode(code_tree, encoded):
'''Decode an Huffman-encoded string.'''
decoded = []
state = code_tree
codes = [code for code in encoded]
# Terminate when there are no more codes and decoder state is resetted
while not (len(codes) == 0 and type(state) is tuple):
if type(state) is tuple:
# An internal node
left, right = state
code = codes.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise Exception('Decoder should stop at the end of the encoded string. The string may not be encoded by the specified Huffman coding.')
if code == 'l':
# Go left
state = left
# Go right
state = right
# A leaf node, decode a letter
# Reset decoder state
state = code_tree
return decoded
def tree_depth(tree):
'''Returns the depth of a tree.'''
if type(tree) is tuple:
left, right = tree
return 1 + max(tree_depth(left), tree_depth(right))
return 0
def tree_rank(tree):
'''Returns the rank of a tree.'''
if type(tree) is tuple:
left, right = tree
lr = tree_rank(left)
rr = tree_rank(right)
if lr == rr:
return lr + 1
return max(lr, rr)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# v = 256 ** 2
v = 5
p = np.random.dirichlet([1] * v)
# p = [0.7, 0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05]
p = [0.99] + [.01 / 4] * 4
# heap = build_min_heap(p, [0, 1, 2, 4])
heap = build_min_heap(p)
# print(heap)
tree = huffman_tree(heap)
print(tv_huffman(tree, p))
# print(invert_code_tree(tree))
string = np.random.choice(v, 10, p=p)
# string = [0, 0, 2, 4, 1, 0, 2, 2]
codes = encode(tree, string)
print(decode(tree, codes))