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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import warnings
from typing import List, Union
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.logging import print_log
from mmengine.utils.dl_utils import mmcv_full_available
def stack_batch(tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor],
pad_size_divisor: int = 1,
pad_value: Union[int, float] = 0) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Stack multiple tensors to form a batch and pad the tensor to the max
shape use the right bottom padding mode in these images. If
``pad_size_divisor > 0``, add padding to ensure the shape of each dim is
divisible by ``pad_size_divisor``.
tensor_list (List[Tensor]): A list of tensors with the same dim.
pad_size_divisor (int): If ``pad_size_divisor > 0``, add padding
to ensure the shape of each dim is divisible by
``pad_size_divisor``. This depends on the model, and many
models need to be divisible by 32. Defaults to 1
pad_value (int, float): The padding value. Defaults to 0.
Tensor: The n dim tensor.
assert isinstance(
list), (f'Expected input type to be list, but got {type(tensor_list)}')
assert tensor_list, '`tensor_list` could not be an empty list'
assert len({
for tensor in tensor_list
}) == 1, (f'Expected the dimensions of all tensors must be the same, '
f'but got {[tensor.ndim for tensor in tensor_list]}')
dim = tensor_list[0].dim()
num_img = len(tensor_list)
all_sizes: torch.Tensor = torch.Tensor(
[tensor.shape for tensor in tensor_list])
max_sizes = torch.ceil(
torch.max(all_sizes, dim=0)[0] / pad_size_divisor) * pad_size_divisor
padded_sizes = max_sizes - all_sizes
# The first dim normally means channel, which should not be padded.
padded_sizes[:, 0] = 0
if padded_sizes.sum() == 0:
return torch.stack(tensor_list)
# `pad` is the second arguments of `F.pad`. If pad is (1, 2, 3, 4),
# it means that padding the last dim with 1(left) 2(right), padding the
# penultimate dim to 3(top) 4(bottom). The order of `pad` is opposite of
# the `padded_sizes`. Therefore, the `padded_sizes` needs to be reversed,
# and only odd index of pad should be assigned to keep padding "right" and
# "bottom".
pad = torch.zeros(num_img, 2 * dim, dtype=torch.int)
pad[:, 1::2] = padded_sizes[:, range(dim - 1, -1, -1)]
batch_tensor = []
for idx, tensor in enumerate(tensor_list):
F.pad(tensor, tuple(pad[idx].tolist()), value=pad_value))
return torch.stack(batch_tensor)
def detect_anomalous_params(loss: torch.Tensor, model) -> None:
parameters_in_graph = set()
visited = set()
def traverse(grad_fn):
if grad_fn is None:
if grad_fn not in visited:
if hasattr(grad_fn, 'variable'):
parents = grad_fn.next_functions
if parents is not None:
for parent in parents:
grad_fn = parent[0]
for n, p in model.named_parameters():
if p not in parameters_in_graph and p.requires_grad:
f'{n} with shape {p.size()} is not '
f'in the computational graph \n',
def merge_dict(*args):
"""Merge all dictionaries into one dictionary.
If pytorch version >= 1.8, ``merge_dict`` will be wrapped
by ``torch.fx.wrap``, which will make ``torch.fx.symbolic_trace`` skip
trace ``merge_dict``.
If a function needs to be traced by ``torch.fx.symbolic_trace``,
but inevitably needs to use ``update`` method of ``dict``(``update``
is not traceable). It should use ``merge_dict`` to replace
*args: dictionary needs to be merged.
dict: Merged dict from args
output = dict()
for item in args:
assert isinstance(
dict), (f'all arguments of merge_dict should be a dict, but got '
return output
# torch.fx is only available when pytorch version >= 1.8.
# If the subclass of `BaseModel` has multiple submodules, and each module
# will return a loss dict during training process, i.e., `TwoStageDetector`
# in mmdet. It should use `merge_dict` to get the total loss, rather than
# `loss.update` to keep model traceable.
import torch.fx
# make torch.fx skip trace `merge_dict`.
merge_dict = torch.fx.wrap(merge_dict)
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('Cannot import torch.fx, `merge_dict` is a simple function '
'to merge multiple dicts')
class _BatchNormXd(nn.modules.batchnorm._BatchNorm):
"""A general BatchNorm layer without input dimension check.
Reproduced from @kapily's work:
The only difference between BatchNorm1d, BatchNorm2d, BatchNorm3d, etc
is `_check_input_dim` that is designed for tensor sanity checks.
The check has been bypassed in this class for the convenience of converting
def _check_input_dim(self, input: torch.Tensor):
def revert_sync_batchnorm(module: nn.Module) -> nn.Module:
"""Helper function to convert all `SyncBatchNorm` (SyncBN) and
`mmcv.ops.sync_bn.SyncBatchNorm`(MMSyncBN) layers in the model to
`BatchNormXd` layers.
Adapted from @kapily's work:
module (nn.Module): The module containing `SyncBatchNorm` layers.
module_output: The converted module with `BatchNormXd` layers.
module_output = module
module_checklist = [torch.nn.modules.batchnorm.SyncBatchNorm]
if mmcv_full_available():
from mmcv.ops import SyncBatchNorm
if isinstance(module, tuple(module_checklist)):
module_output = _BatchNormXd(module.num_features, module.eps,
module.momentum, module.affine,
if module.affine:
# no_grad() may not be needed here but
# just to be consistent with `convert_sync_batchnorm()`
with torch.no_grad():
module_output.weight = module.weight
module_output.bias = module.bias
module_output.running_mean = module.running_mean
module_output.running_var = module.running_var
module_output.num_batches_tracked = module.num_batches_tracked
module_output.training = module.training
# qconfig exists in quantized models
if hasattr(module, 'qconfig'):
module_output.qconfig = module.qconfig
for name, child in module.named_children():
# Some custom modules or 3rd party implemented modules may raise an
# error when calling `add_module`. Therefore, try to catch the error
# and do not raise it. See https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmengine/issues/638 # noqa: E501
# for more details.
module_output.add_module(name, revert_sync_batchnorm(child))
except Exception:
F'Failed to convert {child} from SyncBN to BN!',
del module
return module_output
def convert_sync_batchnorm(module: nn.Module,
implementation='torch') -> nn.Module:
"""Helper function to convert all `BatchNorm` layers in the model to
`SyncBatchNorm` (SyncBN) or `mmcv.ops.sync_bn.SyncBatchNorm` (MMSyncBN)
layers. Adapted from `PyTorch convert sync batchnorm`_.
module (nn.Module): The module containing `SyncBatchNorm` layers.
implementation (str): The type of `SyncBatchNorm` to convert to.
- 'torch': convert to `torch.nn.modules.batchnorm.SyncBatchNorm`.
- 'mmcv': convert to `mmcv.ops.sync_bn.SyncBatchNorm`.
nn.Module: The converted module with `SyncBatchNorm` layers.
.. _PyTorch convert sync batchnorm:
""" # noqa: E501
module_output = module
if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.batchnorm._BatchNorm):
if implementation == 'torch':
SyncBatchNorm = torch.nn.modules.batchnorm.SyncBatchNorm
elif implementation == 'mmcv':
from mmcv.ops import SyncBatchNorm # type: ignore
raise ValueError('sync_bn should be "torch" or "mmcv", but got '
module_output = SyncBatchNorm(module.num_features, module.eps,
module.momentum, module.affine,
if module.affine:
with torch.no_grad():
module_output.weight = module.weight
module_output.bias = module.bias
module_output.running_mean = module.running_mean
module_output.running_var = module.running_var
module_output.num_batches_tracked = module.num_batches_tracked
if hasattr(module, 'qconfig'):
module_output.qconfig = module.qconfig
for name, child in module.named_children():
convert_sync_batchnorm(child, implementation))
del module
return module_output