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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import ast
import os.path as osp
import re
import sys
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib.util import find_spec
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from mmengine.fileio import load
from mmengine.utils import check_file_exist
PYTHON_ROOT_DIR = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(sys.executable))
'mmcls': 'mmcls',
'mmdet': 'mmdet',
'mmdet3d': 'mmdet3d',
'mmseg': 'mmsegmentation',
'mmaction': 'mmaction2',
'mmtrack': 'mmtrack',
'mmpose': 'mmpose',
'mmedit': 'mmedit',
'mmocr': 'mmocr',
'mmgen': 'mmgen',
'mmfewshot': 'mmfewshot',
'mmrazor': 'mmrazor',
'mmflow': 'mmflow',
'mmhuman3d': 'mmhuman3d',
'mmrotate': 'mmrotate',
'mmselfsup': 'mmselfsup',
'mmyolo': 'mmyolo',
'mmpretrain': 'mmpretrain',
'mmagic': 'mmagic',
# PKG2PROJECT is not a proper name to represent the mapping between module name
# (module import from) and package name (used by pip install). Therefore,
# PKG2PROJECT will be deprecated and this alias will only be kept until
# MMEngine v1.0.0
class ConfigParsingError(RuntimeError):
"""Raise error when failed to parse pure Python style config files."""
def _get_cfg_metainfo(package_path: str, cfg_path: str) -> dict:
"""Get target meta information from all 'metafile.yml' defined in `mode-
index.yml` of external package.
package_path (str): Path of external package.
cfg_path (str): Name of experiment config.
dict: Meta information of target experiment.
meta_index_path = osp.join(package_path, '.mim', 'model-index.yml')
meta_index = load(meta_index_path)
cfg_dict = dict()
for meta_path in meta_index['Import']:
meta_path = osp.join(package_path, '.mim', meta_path)
cfg_meta = load(meta_path)
for model_cfg in cfg_meta['Models']:
if 'Config' not in model_cfg:
warnings.warn(f'There is not `Config` define in {model_cfg}')
cfg_name = model_cfg['Config'].partition('/')[-1]
# Some config could have multiple weights, we only pick the
# first one.
if cfg_name in cfg_dict:
cfg_dict[cfg_name] = model_cfg
if cfg_path not in cfg_dict:
raise ValueError(f'Expected configs: {cfg_dict.keys()}, but got '
return cfg_dict[cfg_path]
def _get_external_cfg_path(package_path: str, cfg_file: str) -> str:
"""Get config path of external package.
package_path (str): Path of external package.
cfg_file (str): Name of experiment config.
str: Absolute config path from external package.
cfg_file = cfg_file.split('.')[0]
model_cfg = _get_cfg_metainfo(package_path, cfg_file)
cfg_path = osp.join(package_path, model_cfg['Config'])
return cfg_path
def _get_external_cfg_base_path(package_path: str, cfg_name: str) -> str:
"""Get base config path of external package.
package_path (str): Path of external package.
cfg_name (str): External relative config path with 'package::'.
str: Absolute config path from external package.
cfg_path = osp.join(package_path, '.mim', 'configs', cfg_name)
return cfg_path
def _get_package_and_cfg_path(cfg_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Get package name and relative config path.
cfg_path (str): External relative config path with 'package::'.
Tuple[str, str]: Package name and config path.
if re.match(r'\w*::\w*/\w*', cfg_path) is None:
raise ValueError(
'`_get_package_and_cfg_path` is used for get external package, '
'please specify the package name and relative config path, just '
'like `mmdet::faster_rcnn/faster-rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py`')
package_cfg = cfg_path.split('::')
if len(package_cfg) > 2:
raise ValueError('`::` should only be used to separate package and '
'config name, but found multiple `::` in '
package, cfg_path = package_cfg
assert package in MODULE2PACKAGE, (
f'mmengine does not support to load {package} config.')
package = MODULE2PACKAGE[package]
return package, cfg_path
class RemoveAssignFromAST(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Remove Assign node if the target's name match the key.
key (str): The target name of the Assign node.
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def visit_Assign(self, node):
if (isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name)
and node.targets[0].id == self.key):
return None
return node
def _is_builtin_module(module_name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a module is a built-in module.
module_name: name of module.
if module_name.startswith('.'):
return False
if module_name.startswith('mmengine.config'):
return True
if module_name in sys.builtin_module_names:
return True
spec = find_spec(module_name.split('.')[0])
# Module not found
if spec is None:
return False
origin_path = getattr(spec, 'origin', None)
if origin_path is None:
return False
origin_path = osp.abspath(origin_path)
if ('site-package' in origin_path or 'dist-package' in origin_path
or not origin_path.startswith(PYTHON_ROOT_DIR)):
return False
return True
class ImportTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
"""Convert the import syntax to the assignment of
:class:`mmengine.config.LazyObject` and preload the base variable before
parsing the configuration file.
Since you are already looking at this part of the code, I believe you must
be interested in the mechanism of the ``lazy_import`` feature of
:class:`Config`. In this docstring, we will dive deeper into its
Most of OpenMMLab users maybe bothered with that:
* In most of popular IDEs, they cannot navigate to the source code in
configuration file
* In most of popular IDEs, they cannot jump to the base file in current
configuration file, which is much painful when the inheritance
relationship is complex.
In order to solve this problem, we introduce the ``lazy_import`` mode.
A very intuitive idea for solving this problem is to import the module
corresponding to the "type" field using the ``import`` syntax. Similarly,
we can also ``import`` base file.
However, this approach has a significant drawback. It requires triggering
the import logic to parse the configuration file, which can be
time-consuming. Additionally, it implies downloading numerous dependencies
solely for the purpose of parsing the configuration file.
However, it's possible that only a portion of the config will actually be
used. For instance, the package used in the ``train_pipeline`` may not
be necessary for an evaluation task. Forcing users to download these
unused packages is not a desirable solution.
To avoid this problem, we introduce :class:`mmengine.config.LazyObject` and
:class:`mmengine.config.LazyAttr`. Before we proceed with further
explanations, you may refer to the documentation of these two modules to
gain an understanding of their functionalities.
Actually, one of the functions of ``ImportTransformer`` is to hack the
``import`` syntax. It will replace the import syntax
(exclude import the base files) with the assignment of ``LazyObject``.
As for the import syntax of the base file, we cannot lazy import it since
we're eager to merge the fields of current file and base files. Therefore,
another function of the ``ImportTransformer`` is to collaborate with
``Config._parse_lazy_import`` to parse the base files.
global_dict (dict): The global dict of the current configuration file.
If we divide ordinary Python syntax into two parts, namely the
import section and the non-import section (assuming a simple case
with imports at the beginning and the rest of the code following),
the variables generated by the import statements are stored in
global variables for subsequent code use. In this context,
the ``global_dict`` represents the global variables required when
executing the non-import code. ``global_dict`` will be filled
during visiting the parsed code.
base_dict (dict): All variables defined in base files.
>>> from mmengine.config import read_base
>>> with read_base():
>>> from .._base_.default_runtime import *
>>> from .._base_.datasets.coco_detection import dataset
In this case, the base_dict will be:
>>> base_dict = {
>>> '.._base_.default_runtime': ...
>>> '.._base_.datasets.coco_detection': dataset}
and `global_dict` will be updated like this:
>>> global_dict.update(base_dict['.._base_.default_runtime']) # `import *` means update all data
>>> global_dict.update(dataset=base_dict['.._base_.datasets.coco_detection']['dataset']) # only update `dataset`
""" # noqa: E501
def __init__(self,
global_dict: dict,
base_dict: Optional[dict] = None,
filename: Optional[str] = None):
self.base_dict = base_dict if base_dict is not None else {}
self.global_dict = global_dict
# In Windows, the filename could be like this:
# "C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\AppData\\Local\\"
# Although it has been an raw string, ast.parse will firstly escape
# it as the executed code:
# "C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\\\"
# As you see, the `\U` will be treated as a part of
# the escape sequence during code parsing, leading to an
# parsing error
# Here we use `encode('unicode_escape').decode()` for double escaping
if isinstance(filename, str):
filename = filename.encode('unicode_escape').decode()
self.filename = filename
self.imported_obj: set = set()
def visit_ImportFrom(
self, node: ast.ImportFrom
) -> Optional[Union[List[ast.Assign], ast.ImportFrom]]:
"""Hack the ``from ... import ...`` syntax and update the global_dict.
>>> from mmdet.models import RetinaNet
Will be parsed as:
>>> RetinaNet = lazyObject('mmdet.models', 'RetinaNet')
``global_dict`` will also be updated by ``base_dict`` as the
class docstring says.
node (ast.AST): The node of the current import statement.
Optional[List[ast.Assign]]: There three cases:
* If the node is a statement of importing base files.
None will be returned.
* If the node is a statement of importing a builtin module,
node will be directly returned
* Otherwise, it will return the assignment statements of
# Built-in modules will not be parsed as LazyObject
module = f'{node.level*"."}{node.module}'
if _is_builtin_module(module):
# Make sure builtin module will be added into `self.imported_obj`
for alias in node.names:
if alias.asname is not None:
elif alias.name == '*':
raise ConfigParsingError(
'Cannot import * from non-base config')
return node
if module in self.base_dict:
for alias_node in node.names:
if alias_node.name == '*':
return None
if alias_node.asname is not None:
base_key = alias_node.asname
base_key = alias_node.name
self.global_dict[base_key] = self.base_dict[module][
return None
nodes: List[ast.Assign] = []
for alias_node in node.names:
# `ast.alias` has lineno attr after Python 3.10,
if hasattr(alias_node, 'lineno'):
lineno = alias_node.lineno
lineno = node.lineno
if alias_node.name == '*':
# TODO: If users import * from a non-config module, it should
# fallback to import the real module and raise a warning to
# remind users the real module will be imported which will slow
# down the parsing speed.
raise ConfigParsingError(
'Illegal syntax in config! `from xxx import *` is not '
'allowed to appear outside the `if base:` statement')
elif alias_node.asname is not None:
# case1:
# from mmengine.dataset import BaseDataset as Dataset ->
# Dataset = LazyObject('mmengine.dataset', 'BaseDataset')
code = f'{alias_node.asname} = LazyObject("{module}", "{alias_node.name}", "{self.filename}, line {lineno}")' # noqa: E501
# case2:
# from mmengine.model import BaseModel
# BaseModel = LazyObject('mmengine.model', 'BaseModel')
code = f'{alias_node.name} = LazyObject("{module}", "{alias_node.name}", "{self.filename}, line {lineno}")' # noqa: E501
nodes.append(ast.parse(code).body[0]) # type: ignore
except Exception as e:
raise ConfigParsingError(
f'Cannot import {alias_node} from {module}'
'1. Cannot import * from 3rd party lib in the config '
'2. Please check if the module is a base config which '
'should be added to `_base_`\n') from e
return nodes
def visit_Import(self, node) -> Union[ast.Assign, ast.Import]:
"""Work with ``_gather_abs_import_lazyobj`` to hack the ``import ...``
>>> import mmcls.models
>>> import mmcls.datasets
>>> import mmcls
Will be parsed as:
>>> # import mmcls.models; import mmcls.datasets; import mmcls
>>> mmcls = lazyObject(['mmcls', 'mmcls.datasets', 'mmcls.models'])
node (ast.AST): The node of the current import statement.
ast.Assign: If the import statement is ``import ... as ...``,
ast.Assign will be returned, otherwise node will be directly
# For absolute import like: `import mmdet.configs as configs`.
# It will be parsed as:
# configs = LazyObject('mmdet.configs')
# For absolute import like:
# `import mmdet.configs`
# `import mmdet.configs.default_runtime`
# This will be parsed as
# mmdet = LazyObject(['mmdet.configs.default_runtime', 'mmdet.configs])
# However, visit_Import cannot gather other import information, so
# `_gather_abs_import_LazyObject` will gather all import information
# from the same module and construct the LazyObject.
alias_list = node.names
assert len(alias_list) == 1, (
'Illegal syntax in config! import multiple modules in one line is '
'not supported')
# TODO Support multiline import
alias = alias_list[0]
if alias.asname is not None:
if _is_builtin_module(alias.name.split('.')[0]):
return node
return ast.parse( # type: ignore
f'{alias.asname} = LazyObject('
f'location="{self.filename}, line {node.lineno}")').body[0]
return node
def _gather_abs_import_lazyobj(tree: ast.Module,
filename: Optional[str] = None):
"""Experimental implementation of gathering absolute import information."""
if isinstance(filename, str):
filename = filename.encode('unicode_escape').decode()
imported = defaultdict(list)
abs_imported = set()
new_body: List[ast.stmt] = []
# module2node is used to get lineno when Python < 3.10
module2node: dict = dict()
for node in tree.body:
if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
for alias in node.names:
# Skip converting built-in module to LazyObject
if _is_builtin_module(alias.name):
module = alias.name.split('.')[0]
module2node.setdefault(module, node)
for key, value in imported.items():
names = [_value.name for _value in value]
if hasattr(value[0], 'lineno'):
lineno = value[0].lineno
lineno = module2node[key].lineno
lazy_module_assign = ast.parse(
f'{key} = LazyObject({names}, location="{filename}, line {lineno}")' # noqa: E501
) # noqa: E501
new_body.insert(0, lazy_module_assign.body[0])
tree.body = new_body
return tree, abs_imported