model-editing /
Charles Lin
Generation working. Todo: model edits; add model checkpoints. Also, we are only loading an editable model upon switching algs but we should load it when the page loads
history blame
No virus
5.12 kB
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import time
import importlib
from torch.cuda import is_available as use_cuda
import algs
import config
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
"MEND: Model editor networks using gradient decomposition",
"SERAC: Semi-parametric editing with a retrieval-augmented counterfactual model",
"ENN: Editable neural networks",
"KE: KnowledgeEditor",
"FT: Fine-tuning",
"LU: Lookup Cache",
def generate(ids):
output_ids = st.session_state.editable_model.generate(input_ids=ids, max_new_tokens=20, min_length=1,
num_return_sequences=1, num_beams=3)
return st.session_state.tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
def reset():
st.session_state.edits.drop(st.session_state.edits.index, inplace=True)
st.session_state.model_outputs.drop(st.session_state.edits.index, inplace=True)
selected_alg = st.session_state.alg_selector
selected_alg_idx = EDIT_ALGS.index(selected_alg)
with st.spinner('Loading model...'):
alg_abbrv = selected_alg[:selected_alg.index(":")]
alg_module = importlib.import_module(f"algs.{alg_abbrv.lower()}")
alg_class = getattr(alg_module, alg_abbrv.upper())
st.session_state.config = getattr(config, f"{alg_abbrv.lower()}_config")
st.session_state.editable_model = alg_class(
lambda: copy.deepcopy(st.session_state.model),
def apply_edit():
st.session_state.edits.loc[len(st.session_state.edits)] = [str(edit_input), str(edit_label)]
############# Actually do the edit to the model
def sample_model():
input_str = str(test_input)
with st.spinner('Generating completion...'):
encoding = st.session_state.tokenizer(input_str, return_tensors="pt")
ids = encoding["input_ids"].to(st.session_state.device)
model_output = generate(ids)
n_edits = len(st.session_state.edits)
alg_name = st.session_state.alg_selector
alg_abbrv = alg_name[:alg_name.index(":")]
st.session_state.model_outputs.loc[len(st.session_state.model_outputs)] = [input_str, model_output, n_edits, alg_abbrv]
#### Backend initialization ####
if "init" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.edits = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["Edit input", "Edit label"])
st.session_state.model_outputs = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["Input", "Output", "N edits", "Alg"])
st.session_state.init = True
st.session_state.config = None
st.session_state.device = "cuda" if use_cuda() else "cpu"
with st.spinner('Loading model...'):
st.session_state.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/t5-large-ssm-nq")
st.session_state.model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("google/t5-large-ssm-nq").to(st.session_state.device).eval()
st.session_state.editable_model = None
#### Interface code ####
st.title("Language Model Editing")
st.markdown("**Note: this HF space is currently under development and doesn't actually work yet!**")
st.markdown("The goal of this demo is to give you a sense of the *abilities* and *limitations* of existing methods for **editing** pre-trained language models. **Model editing** algorithms use a single input-output pair to update a pre-trained model's behavior for that input (and ideally, related inputs).")
st.markdown("This demo uses a [T5-large]( model fine-tuned on [Natural Questions]( as the base pre-trained model.")
st.write("You can choose from a variety of algorithms for model editing in the dropdown below. At the bottom of the page, you can query the model for whatever input you want before/after editing.")
col1, col2 = st.columns([5,1])
with col1:
alg_selector = st.selectbox("Editing algorithm:", EDIT_ALGS, key="alg_selector", on_change=reset)
with col2:
st.button("Clear edits", on_click=reset)
st.write("Edits applied so far:")
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 2, 1])
with col1:
edit_input = st.text_input("Edit input:", placeholder="e.g., 'What is the tallest mountain on Earth?'")
with col2:
edit_label = st.text_input("Edit target:", placeholder="e.g., 'Denali'")
with col3:
edit_button = st.button("Apply edit", on_click=apply_edit)
if len(st.session_state.edits) == 0:
title = "Input to sample from *unedited* model:"
title = f"Input to sample from *edited* model:"
col1, col2 = st.columns([5, 1])
with col1:
test_input = st.text_input(title, placeholder="e.g., 'What is the earth's tallest mountain?'")
with col2:
generate_button = st.button("Generate", on_click=sample_model)
st.write("Model generation history:")