enzostvs's picture
enzostvs HF staff
refacto models + community
history blame
1.23 kB
<script lang="ts">
import Banner from "$lib/assets/banner.webp";
import Sparkles from "$lib/assets/sparkles.svg";
import Button from "$lib/components/Button.svelte";
<div class="w-full rounded-xl mb-8 relative p-6 xl:p-8 flex flex-col xl:flex-row items-start xl:items-center justify-between gap-4 ring-4 ring-white/20">
class="bg-cover bg-center brightness-75 absolute left-0 top-0 h-full w-full rounded-xl"
background-image: url(${Banner});
background-position: 0% 0%;
<p class="text-xl xl:text-2xl font-extrabold text-white drop-shadow">
Share with community!
<p class="text-base font-medium text-white drop-shadow mt-1">
Once you generate an image, you can share it with the community!
<span class="hidden xl:block">
You can also see what others have generated, and like their images.
<Button href="/gallery">
See gallery
<img src={Sparkles} alt="" class="absolute -top-4 -left-2 w-8 object-contain brightness-200 grayscale" />
<img src={Sparkles} alt="" class="absolute -rotate-180 -right-4 -bottom-2 w-8 object-contain brightness-200 grayscale" />