Feat2GS / utils /stepfun.py
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# from internal import math
import numpy as np
import torch
def searchsorted(a, v):
"""Find indices where v should be inserted into a to maintain order.
a: tensor, the sorted reference points that we are scanning to see where v
should lie.
v: tensor, the query points that we are pretending to insert into a. Does
not need to be sorted. All but the last dimensions should match or expand
to those of a, the last dimension can differ.
(idx_lo, idx_hi), where a[idx_lo] <= v < a[idx_hi], unless v is out of the
range [a[0], a[-1]] in which case idx_lo and idx_hi are both the first or
last index of a.
i = torch.arange(a.shape[-1], device=a.device)
v_ge_a = v[..., None, :] >= a[..., :, None]
idx_lo = torch.max(torch.where(v_ge_a, i[..., :, None], i[..., :1, None]), -2).values
idx_hi = torch.min(torch.where(~v_ge_a, i[..., :, None], i[..., -1:, None]), -2).values
return idx_lo, idx_hi
def query(tq, t, y, outside_value=0):
"""Look up the values of the step function (t, y) at locations tq."""
idx_lo, idx_hi = searchsorted(t, tq)
yq = torch.where(idx_lo == idx_hi, torch.full_like(idx_hi, outside_value),
torch.take_along_dim(y, idx_lo, dim=-1))
return yq
def inner_outer(t0, t1, y1):
"""Construct inner and outer measures on (t1, y1) for t0."""
cy1 = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(y1[..., :1]),
torch.cumsum(y1, dim=-1)],
idx_lo, idx_hi = searchsorted(t1, t0)
cy1_lo = torch.take_along_dim(cy1, idx_lo, dim=-1)
cy1_hi = torch.take_along_dim(cy1, idx_hi, dim=-1)
y0_outer = cy1_hi[..., 1:] - cy1_lo[..., :-1]
y0_inner = torch.where(idx_hi[..., :-1] <= idx_lo[..., 1:],
cy1_lo[..., 1:] - cy1_hi[..., :-1], torch.zeros_like(idx_lo[..., 1:]))
return y0_inner, y0_outer
def lossfun_outer(t, w, t_env, w_env):
"""The proposal weight should be an upper envelope on the nerf weight."""
eps = torch.finfo(t.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
_, w_outer = inner_outer(t, t_env, w_env)
# We assume w_inner <= w <= w_outer. We don't penalize w_inner because it's
# more effective to pull w_outer up than it is to push w_inner down.
# Scaled half-quadratic loss that gives a constant gradient at w_outer = 0.
return (w - w_outer).clamp_min(0) ** 2 / (w + eps)
def weight_to_pdf(t, w):
"""Turn a vector of weights that sums to 1 into a PDF that integrates to 1."""
eps = torch.finfo(t.dtype).eps
return w / (t[..., 1:] - t[..., :-1]).clamp_min(eps)
def pdf_to_weight(t, p):
"""Turn a PDF that integrates to 1 into a vector of weights that sums to 1."""
return p * (t[..., 1:] - t[..., :-1])
def max_dilate(t, w, dilation, domain=(-torch.inf, torch.inf)):
"""Dilate (via max-pooling) a non-negative step function."""
t0 = t[..., :-1] - dilation
t1 = t[..., 1:] + dilation
t_dilate, _ = torch.sort(torch.cat([t, t0, t1], dim=-1), dim=-1)
t_dilate = torch.clip(t_dilate, *domain)
w_dilate = torch.max(
(t0[..., None, :] <= t_dilate[..., None])
& (t1[..., None, :] > t_dilate[..., None]),
w[..., None, :],
torch.zeros_like(w[..., None, :]),
), dim=-1).values[..., :-1]
return t_dilate, w_dilate
def max_dilate_weights(t,
domain=(-torch.inf, torch.inf),
"""Dilate (via max-pooling) a set of weights."""
eps = torch.finfo(w.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
p = weight_to_pdf(t, w)
t_dilate, p_dilate = max_dilate(t, p, dilation, domain=domain)
w_dilate = pdf_to_weight(t_dilate, p_dilate)
if renormalize:
w_dilate /= torch.sum(w_dilate, dim=-1, keepdim=True).clamp_min(eps)
return t_dilate, w_dilate
def integrate_weights(w):
"""Compute the cumulative sum of w, assuming all weight vectors sum to 1.
The output's size on the last dimension is one greater than that of the input,
because we're computing the integral corresponding to the endpoints of a step
function, not the integral of the interior/bin values.
w: Tensor, which will be integrated along the last axis. This is assumed to
sum to 1 along the last axis, and this function will (silently) break if
that is not the case.
cw0: Tensor, the integral of w, where cw0[..., 0] = 0 and cw0[..., -1] = 1
cw = torch.cumsum(w[..., :-1], dim=-1).clamp_max(1)
shape = cw.shape[:-1] + (1,)
# Ensure that the CDF starts with exactly 0 and ends with exactly 1.
cw0 = torch.cat([torch.zeros(shape, device=cw.device), cw,
torch.ones(shape, device=cw.device)], dim=-1)
return cw0
def integrate_weights_np(w):
"""Compute the cumulative sum of w, assuming all weight vectors sum to 1.
The output's size on the last dimension is one greater than that of the input,
because we're computing the integral corresponding to the endpoints of a step
function, not the integral of the interior/bin values.
w: Tensor, which will be integrated along the last axis. This is assumed to
sum to 1 along the last axis, and this function will (silently) break if
that is not the case.
cw0: Tensor, the integral of w, where cw0[..., 0] = 0 and cw0[..., -1] = 1
cw = np.minimum(1, np.cumsum(w[..., :-1], axis=-1))
shape = cw.shape[:-1] + (1,)
# Ensure that the CDF starts with exactly 0 and ends with exactly 1.
cw0 = np.concatenate([np.zeros(shape), cw,
np.ones(shape)], axis=-1)
return cw0
def invert_cdf(u, t, w_logits):
"""Invert the CDF defined by (t, w) at the points specified by u in [0, 1)."""
# Compute the PDF and CDF for each weight vector.
w = torch.softmax(w_logits, dim=-1)
cw = integrate_weights(w)
# Interpolate into the inverse CDF.
t_new = math.sorted_interp(u, cw, t)
return t_new
def invert_cdf_np(u, t, w_logits):
"""Invert the CDF defined by (t, w) at the points specified by u in [0, 1)."""
# Compute the PDF and CDF for each weight vector.
w = np.exp(w_logits) / np.exp(w_logits).sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
cw = integrate_weights_np(w)
# Interpolate into the inverse CDF.
interp_fn = np.interp
t_new = interp_fn(u, cw, t)
return t_new
def sample(rand,
"""Piecewise-Constant PDF sampling from a step function.
rand: random number generator (or None for `linspace` sampling).
t: [..., num_bins + 1], bin endpoint coordinates (must be sorted)
w_logits: [..., num_bins], logits corresponding to bin weights
num_samples: int, the number of samples.
single_jitter: bool, if True, jitter every sample along each ray by the same
amount in the inverse CDF. Otherwise, jitter each sample independently.
deterministic_center: bool, if False, when `rand` is None return samples that
linspace the entire PDF. If True, skip the front and back of the linspace
so that the centers of each PDF interval are returned.
t_samples: [batch_size, num_samples].
eps = torch.finfo(t.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
device = t.device
# Draw uniform samples.
if not rand:
if deterministic_center:
pad = 1 / (2 * num_samples)
u = torch.linspace(pad, 1. - pad - eps, num_samples, device=device)
u = torch.linspace(0, 1. - eps, num_samples, device=device)
u = torch.broadcast_to(u, t.shape[:-1] + (num_samples,))
# `u` is in [0, 1) --- it can be zero, but it can never be 1.
u_max = eps + (1 - eps) / num_samples
max_jitter = (1 - u_max) / (num_samples - 1) - eps
d = 1 if single_jitter else num_samples
u = torch.linspace(0, 1 - u_max, num_samples, device=device) + \
torch.rand(t.shape[:-1] + (d,), device=device) * max_jitter
return invert_cdf(u, t, w_logits)
def sample_np(rand,
numpy version of sample()
eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
# Draw uniform samples.
if not rand:
if deterministic_center:
pad = 1 / (2 * num_samples)
u = np.linspace(pad, 1. - pad - eps, num_samples)
u = np.linspace(0, 1. - eps, num_samples)
u = np.broadcast_to(u, t.shape[:-1] + (num_samples,))
# `u` is in [0, 1) --- it can be zero, but it can never be 1.
u_max = eps + (1 - eps) / num_samples
max_jitter = (1 - u_max) / (num_samples - 1) - eps
d = 1 if single_jitter else num_samples
u = np.linspace(0, 1 - u_max, num_samples) + \
np.random.rand(*t.shape[:-1], d) * max_jitter
return invert_cdf_np(u, t, w_logits)
def sample_intervals(rand,
domain=(-torch.inf, torch.inf)):
"""Sample *intervals* (rather than points) from a step function.
rand: random number generator (or None for `linspace` sampling).
t: [..., num_bins + 1], bin endpoint coordinates (must be sorted)
w_logits: [..., num_bins], logits corresponding to bin weights
num_samples: int, the number of intervals to sample.
single_jitter: bool, if True, jitter every sample along each ray by the same
amount in the inverse CDF. Otherwise, jitter each sample independently.
domain: (minval, maxval), the range of valid values for `t`.
t_samples: [batch_size, num_samples].
if num_samples <= 1:
raise ValueError(f'num_samples must be > 1, is {num_samples}.')
# Sample a set of points from the step function.
centers = sample(
# The intervals we return will span the midpoints of each adjacent sample.
mid = (centers[..., 1:] + centers[..., :-1]) / 2
# Each first/last fencepost is the reflection of the first/last midpoint
# around the first/last sampled center. We clamp to the limits of the input
# domain, provided by the caller.
minval, maxval = domain
first = (2 * centers[..., :1] - mid[..., :1]).clamp_min(minval)
last = (2 * centers[..., -1:] - mid[..., -1:]).clamp_max(maxval)
t_samples = torch.cat([first, mid, last], dim=-1)
return t_samples
def lossfun_distortion(t, w):
"""Compute iint w[i] w[j] |t[i] - t[j]| di dj."""
# The loss incurred between all pairs of intervals.
ut = (t[..., 1:] + t[..., :-1]) / 2
dut = torch.abs(ut[..., :, None] - ut[..., None, :])
loss_inter = torch.sum(w * torch.sum(w[..., None, :] * dut, dim=-1), dim=-1)
# The loss incurred within each individual interval with itself.
loss_intra = torch.sum(w ** 2 * (t[..., 1:] - t[..., :-1]), dim=-1) / 3
return loss_inter + loss_intra
def interval_distortion(t0_lo, t0_hi, t1_lo, t1_hi):
"""Compute mean(abs(x-y); x in [t0_lo, t0_hi], y in [t1_lo, t1_hi])."""
# Distortion when the intervals do not overlap.
d_disjoint = torch.abs((t1_lo + t1_hi) / 2 - (t0_lo + t0_hi) / 2)
# Distortion when the intervals overlap.
d_overlap = (2 *
(torch.minimum(t0_hi, t1_hi) ** 3 - torch.maximum(t0_lo, t1_lo) ** 3) +
3 * (t1_hi * t0_hi * torch.abs(t1_hi - t0_hi) +
t1_lo * t0_lo * torch.abs(t1_lo - t0_lo) + t1_hi * t0_lo *
(t0_lo - t1_hi) + t1_lo * t0_hi *
(t1_lo - t0_hi))) / (6 * (t0_hi - t0_lo) * (t1_hi - t1_lo))
# Are the two intervals not overlapping?
are_disjoint = (t0_lo > t1_hi) | (t1_lo > t0_hi)
return torch.where(are_disjoint, d_disjoint, d_overlap)
def weighted_percentile(t, w, ps):
"""Compute the weighted percentiles of a step function. w's must sum to 1."""
cw = integrate_weights(w)
# We want to interpolate into the integrated weights according to `ps`.
fn = lambda cw_i, t_i: math.sorted_interp(torch.tensor(ps, device=t.device) / 100, cw_i, t_i)
# Vmap fn to an arbitrary number of leading dimensions.
cw_mat = cw.reshape([-1, cw.shape[-1]])
t_mat = t.reshape([-1, t.shape[-1]])
wprctile_mat = fn(cw_mat, t_mat) # TODO
wprctile = wprctile_mat.reshape(cw.shape[:-1] + (len(ps),))
return wprctile
def resample(t, tp, vp, use_avg=False):
"""Resample a step function defined by (tp, vp) into intervals t.
t: tensor with shape (..., n+1), the endpoints to resample into.
tp: tensor with shape (..., m+1), the endpoints of the step function being
vp: tensor with shape (..., m), the values of the step function being
use_avg: bool, if False, return the sum of the step function for each
interval in `t`. If True, return the average, weighted by the width of
each interval in `t`.
eps: float, a small value to prevent division by zero when use_avg=True.
v: tensor with shape (..., n), the values of the resampled step function.
eps = torch.finfo(t.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
if use_avg:
wp = torch.diff(tp, dim=-1)
v_numer = resample(t, tp, vp * wp, use_avg=False)
v_denom = resample(t, tp, wp, use_avg=False)
v = v_numer / v_denom.clamp_min(eps)
return v
acc = torch.cumsum(vp, dim=-1)
acc0 = torch.cat([torch.zeros(acc.shape[:-1] + (1,), device=acc.device), acc], dim=-1)
acc0_resampled = math.sorted_interp(t, tp, acc0) # TODO
v = torch.diff(acc0_resampled, dim=-1)
return v
def resample_np(t, tp, vp, use_avg=False):
numpy version of resample
eps = np.finfo(t.dtype).eps
if use_avg:
wp = np.diff(tp, axis=-1)
v_numer = resample_np(t, tp, vp * wp, use_avg=False)
v_denom = resample_np(t, tp, wp, use_avg=False)
v = v_numer / np.maximum(eps, v_denom)
return v
acc = np.cumsum(vp, axis=-1)
acc0 = np.concatenate([np.zeros(acc.shape[:-1] + (1,)), acc], axis=-1)
acc0_resampled = np.vectorize(np.interp, signature='(n),(m),(m)->(n)')(t, tp, acc0)
v = np.diff(acc0_resampled, axis=-1)
return v
def blur_stepfun(x, y, r):
xr, xr_idx = torch.sort(torch.cat([x - r, x + r], dim=-1))
y1 = (torch.cat([y, torch.zeros_like(y[..., :1])], dim=-1) -
torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(y[..., :1]), y], dim=-1)) / (2 * r)
y2 = torch.cat([y1, -y1], dim=-1).take_along_dim(xr_idx[..., :-1], dim=-1)
yr = torch.cumsum((xr[..., 1:] - xr[..., :-1]) *
torch.cumsum(y2, dim=-1), dim=-1).clamp_min(0)
yr = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(yr[..., :1]), yr], dim=-1)
return xr, yr