Elle McFarlane
add placeholder huggingface space app, gradio version == 4.15.0
import argparse
import logging as log
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import join as pjoin
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
import pyrender
from tqdm import tqdm
import trimesh
import numpy as np
import os
import imageio
import numpy as np
import smplx
import torch
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from torch import Tensor
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
MOCAP_DATASETS = {"egobody", "grab", "humanml", "grab_motion"}
DATA_DIR = "data"
MODELS_DIR = "models"
f"{DATA_DIR}/face_motion_data/smplx_322" # contains face motion data only
MOTION_DIR = f"{DATA_DIR}/motion_data/smplx_322"
ACTION_LABEL_DIR = f"{DATA_DIR}/semantic_labels"
EMOTION_LABEL_DIR = f"{DATA_DIR}/face_texts"
Page 12 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.00818.pdf shows:
smpl-x = {θb, θh, θf , ψ, r} = 3D body pose, 3D hand pose, jaw pose, facial expression, global root orientation, global translation
dims: (22x3, 30x3, 1x3, 1x50, 1x3) = (66, 90, 3, 50, 3, 3)
NOTE: I think they are wrong about n_body_joints though, data indicates it's actually 21x3 = 63, not 22x3 = 66
MY_REPO = os.path.abspath("")
log.info(f"MY_REPO: {MY_REPO}")
23 - 2
) # SMPL has hand joints but we're replacing them with more detailed ones by SMLP-X, paper: 22x3 total body dims * not sure why paper says 22
NUM_JAW_JOINTS = 1 # 1x3 total jaw dims
# Motion-X paper says there
NUM_HAND_JOINTS = 15 # x2 for each hand -> 30x3 total hand dims
50 # as per Motion-X paper, but why is default 10 in smplx code then?
BODY_SHAPE_DIMS = 10 # betas
TRANS_DIMS = 3 # same as root, no?
pose_type_to_dims = {
"pose_body": NUM_BODY_JOINTS * 3,
"pose_hand": NUM_HAND_JOINTS * 2 * 3, # both hands
"pose_jaw": NUM_JAW_JOINTS * 3,
"face_expr": NUM_FACIAL_EXPRESSION_DIMS * 1, # double check
"face_shape": FACE_SHAPE_DIMS * 1, # double check
"root_orient": ROOT_DIMS * 1,
"betas": BODY_SHAPE_DIMS * 1,
"trans": TRANS_DIMS * 1,
def names_to_arrays(root_dir, names, drop_shapes=True):
all_arrays = []
for name in names:
# Load each NumPy array and add it to the list
array = np.load(pjoin(f"{root_dir}/joints", f"{name}.npy"))
# drop shapes -> 212 dims
if drop_shapes:
array = drop_shapes_from_motion_arr(array)
return all_arrays
def get_seq_names(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
names = f.readlines()
names = [name.strip() for name in names]
return names
def get_data_path(dataset_dir: str, seq: str, file: str) -> str:
# MY_REPO/face_motion_data/smplx_322/GRAB/s1/airplane_fly_1.npy
top_dir = MOCAP_FACE_DIR if dataset_dir.lower() in MOCAP_DATASETS else MOTION_DIR
path = f"{os.path.join(MY_REPO, top_dir, dataset_dir, seq, file)}.npy"
return path
def get_label_paths(dataset_dir: str, seq: str, file: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
# MY_REPO/MotionDiffuse/face_texts/GRAB/s1/airplane_fly_1.txt
action_path = (
f"{os.path.join(MY_REPO, ACTION_LABEL_DIR, dataset_dir, seq, file)}.txt"
emotion_path = (
f"{os.path.join(MY_REPO, EMOTION_LABEL_DIR, dataset_dir, seq, file)}.txt"
paths = {"action": action_path, "emotion": emotion_path}
return paths
def load_data_as_dict(dataset_dir: str, seq: str, file: str) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
path = get_data_path(dataset_dir, seq, file)
motion = np.load(path)
motion = torch.tensor(motion).float()
return {
"root_orient": motion[:, :3], # controls the global root orientation
"pose_body": motion[:, 3 : 3 + 63], # controls the body
"pose_hand": motion[:, 66 : 66 + 90], # controls the finger articulation
"pose_jaw": motion[:, 66 + 90 : 66 + 93], # controls the jaw pose
"face_expr": motion[:, 159 : 159 + 50], # controls the face expression
"face_shape": motion[:, 209 : 209 + 100], # controls the face shape
"trans": motion[:, 309 : 309 + 3], # controls the global body position
"betas": motion[:, 312:], # controls the body shape. Body shape is static
def motion_arr_to_dict(
motion_arr: ArrayLike, shapes_dropped=False
) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
# TODO (elmc): why did I need to convert to tensor again???
motion_arr = torch.tensor(motion_arr).float()
motion_dict = {
"root_orient": motion_arr[:, :3], # controls the global root orientation
"pose_body": motion_arr[:, 3 : 3 + 63], # controls the body
"pose_hand": motion_arr[:, 66 : 66 + 90], # controls the finger articulation
"pose_jaw": motion_arr[:, 66 + 90 : 66 + 93], # controls the jaw pose
"face_expr": motion_arr[:, 159 : 159 + 50], # controls the face expression
if not shapes_dropped:
motion_dict["face_shape"] = motion_arr[
:, 209 : 209 + 100
] # controls the face shape
motion_dict["trans"] = motion_arr[
:, 309 : 309 + 3
] # controls the global body position
motion_dict["betas"] = motion_arr[
:, 312:
] # controls the body shape. Body shape is static
motion_dict["trans"] = motion_arr[:, 209:] # controls the global body position
return motion_dict
def drop_shapes_from_motion_arr(motion_arr: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike:
if isinstance(motion_arr, torch.Tensor):
new_motion_arr = motion_arr.numpy()
# Slice the array to exclude 'face_shape' and 'betas'
new_motion_arr = np.concatenate(
(motion_arr[:, :209], motion_arr[:, 309:312]), axis=1
return new_motion_arr
def load_label_from_file(file_path: str) -> str:
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
# Read the contents of the file into a string
label = file.read()
return label
def load_label(dataset_dir: str, seq: str, file_path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
paths = get_label_paths(dataset_dir, seq, file_path)
action_path, emotion_path = paths["action"], paths["emotion"]
log.info(f"loading labels from {action_path} and {emotion_path}")
paths = {}
with open(action_path, "r") as file:
# Read the contents of the file into a string
action_label = file.read()
with open(emotion_path, "r") as file:
# Read the contents of the file into a string
emotion_label = file.read()
return {"action": action_label, "emotion": emotion_label}
def label_code(full_label):
# take first 3 letters of label
# surprise -> sur
# airplane -> air
return full_label[:3]
def get_seq_type(motion_label_dir, file_name):
# e.g. s5/airplane_fly_1 -> airplane fly (motion label)
seq_type_path = pjoin(motion_label_dir, f"{file_name}.txt")
with open(seq_type_path, "r") as f:
seq_type = f.readline().strip()
return seq_type
def calc_mean_stddev_pose(arrays):
# all_arrays = []
# for file_path in file_list:
# # Load each NumPy array and add it to the list
# array = np.load(file_path)
# all_arrays.append(array)
# Concatenate all arrays along the first axis (stacking them on top of each other)
concatenated_arrays = np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)
# Calculate the mean and standard deviation across all arrays
mean = np.mean(concatenated_arrays, axis=0)
stddev = np.std(concatenated_arrays, axis=0)
return mean, stddev
def get_info_from_file(file_path, emotions_label_dir, motion_label_dir):
# train_names = get_seq_names(pjoin(data_dir, "train.txt"))
names = get_seq_names(file_path)
seq_type_to_emotions = defaultdict(set)
emotions_count = defaultdict(int)
seq_type_count = defaultdict(int)
obj_count = defaultdict(int)
code_to_label = {}
emotion_to_names = defaultdict(list)
n_seq = len(names)
for name in names:
seq_type = get_seq_type(motion_label_dir, name)
emotion = load_label_from_file(pjoin(emotions_label_dir, f"{name}.txt"))
object_ = seq_type.split(" ")[0]
emo_code = label_code(emotion)
emotions_count[emo_code] += 1
seq_type_count[seq_type] += 1
obj_code = label_code(object_)
obj_count[label_code(object_)] += 1
code_to_label[emo_code] = emotion
code_to_label[obj_code] = object_
unique_emotions = set([code_to_label[code] for code in emotions_count])
info_dict = {
"seq_type_to_emotions": seq_type_to_emotions,
"emotions_count": emotions_count,
"seq_type_count": seq_type_count,
"obj_count": obj_count,
"code_to_label": code_to_label,
"emotion_to_names": emotion_to_names,
"unique_emotions": unique_emotions,
"n_seq": n_seq,
"code_to_label": code_to_label,
return info_dict
def to_smplx_dict(
motion_dict: Dict[str, Tensor], timestep_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
if timestep_range is None:
# get all timesteps
timestep_range = (0, len(motion_dict["pose_body"]))
smplx_params = {
"global_orient": motion_dict["root_orient"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
], # controls the global root orientation
"body_pose": motion_dict["pose_body"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
], # controls the body
"left_hand_pose": motion_dict["pose_hand"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
][:, : NUM_HAND_JOINTS * 3], # controls the finger articulation
"right_hand_pose": motion_dict["pose_hand"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
][:, NUM_HAND_JOINTS * 3 :],
"expression": motion_dict["face_expr"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
], # controls the face expression
"jaw_pose": motion_dict["pose_jaw"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
], # controls the jaw pose
# 'face_shape': motion_dict['face_shape'][timestep], # controls the face shape, drop since we don't care to train on this
"transl": motion_dict["trans"][
timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
], # controls the global body position
# "betas": motion["betas"][
# timestep_range[0] : timestep_range[1]
# ], # controls the body shape. Body shape is static, drop since we don't care to train on this
return smplx_params
def smplx_dict_to_array(smplx_dict):
# convert smplx dict to array
# list keys to ensure known order when iterating over dict
keys = [
smplx_array = []
for key in keys:
smplx_array = torch.cat(smplx_array, dim=1)
return smplx_array
def save_gif(gif_path, gif_frames, duration=0.01):
if gif_frames:
print(f"Saving GIF with {len(gif_frames)} frames to {gif_path}")
imageio.mimsave(uri=gif_path, ims=gif_frames, duration=duration)
print("No frames to save.")
# based on https://github.com/vchoutas/smplx/blob/main/examples/demo.py
def render_meshes(output, should_save_gif=False, gif_path=None):
should_display = not should_save_gif
vertices_list = output.vertices.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
joints_list = output.joints.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
# TODO (elmc): why do I wrap these in a list again?
if len(vertices_list.shape) == 2:
vertices_list = [vertices_list]
joints_list = [joints_list]
scene = pyrender.Scene()
if should_display:
viewer = pyrender.Viewer(scene, run_in_thread=True)
mesh_node = None
joints_node = None
# Rotation matrix (90 degrees around the X-axis)
rot = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(np.radians(90), [1, 0, 0])
gif_frames = []
if should_save_gif:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(gif_path), exist_ok=True)
for i in tqdm(range(len(vertices_list))):
vertices = vertices_list[i]
joints = joints_list[i]
# print("Vertices shape =", vertices.shape)
# print("Joints shape =", joints.shape)
# from their demo script
plotting_module = "pyrender"
plot_joints = False
if plotting_module == "pyrender":
vertex_colors = np.ones([vertices.shape[0], 4]) * [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8]
tri_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(
vertices, model.faces, vertex_colors=vertex_colors
# Apply rotation
##### RENDER LOCK #####
if should_display:
if mesh_node:
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(tri_mesh)
mesh_node = scene.add(mesh)
camera = pyrender.PerspectiveCamera(yfov=np.pi / 3.0, aspectRatio=1.0)
min_bound, max_bound = mesh.bounds
# Calculate the center of the bounding box
center = (min_bound + max_bound) / 2
# Calculate the extents (the dimensions of the bounding box)
extents = max_bound - min_bound
# Estimate a suitable distance
distance = max(extents) * 2 # Adjust the multiplier as needed
# Create a camera pose matrix
cam_pose = np.array(
[1.0, 0, 0, center[0]],
[0, 1.0, 0, center[1] - 1.0],
[0, 0, 1.0, center[2] + distance + 0.5],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
# Rotate around X-axis
# Rotate around X-axis
angle = np.radians(90)
cos_angle = np.cos(angle)
sin_angle = np.sin(angle)
rot_x = np.array(
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, cos_angle, -sin_angle, 0],
[0, sin_angle, cos_angle, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
cam_pose = np.matmul(cam_pose, rot_x)
cam_pose[:3, 3] += np.array([0, -2.5, -3.5])
scene.add(camera, pose=cam_pose)
# Add light for better visualization
light = pyrender.DirectionalLight(color=np.ones(3), intensity=2.0)
scene.add(light, pose=cam_pose)
# TODO: rotation doesn't work here, so appears sideways
if plot_joints:
sm = trimesh.creation.uv_sphere(radius=0.005)
sm.visual.vertex_colors = [0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]
tfs = np.tile(np.eye(4), (len(joints), 1, 1))
# tfs[:, :3, 3] = joints
for i, joint in enumerate(joints):
tfs[i, :3, :3] = rot[:3, :3]
tfs[i, :3, 3] = joint
joints_pcl = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(sm, poses=tfs)
if joints_node:
joints_node = scene.add(joints_pcl)
if should_save_gif:
r = pyrender.OffscreenRenderer(
viewport_width=640, viewport_height=480
color, _ = r.render(scene)
r.delete() # Free up the resources
if should_display:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if should_display:
save_gif(gif_path, gif_frames)
save_gif(gif_path, gif_frames)
def get_numpy_file_path(prompt, epoch, n_frames):
# e.g. "airplane_fly_1_1000_60f.npy"
prompt_no_spaces = prompt.replace(" ", "_")
return f"{prompt_no_spaces}_{epoch}_{n_frames}f"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Minimum number of timesteps to render",
help="Maximum number of timesteps to render",
help="Display mesh if this flag is present",
# for now just specifies file name (with spaces) made by inference
help="Prompt for inference display",
help="file for non-inference display",
# add model_path arg
help="Path to model directory e.g. ./checkpoints/grab/grab_baseline_dp_2gpu_8layers_1000",
help="Save gif if this flag is present",
# add which_epoch
help="which epoch to load",
args = parser.parse_args()
prompt = args.prompt
is_inference = len(prompt) > 0
if args.seq_file != "" and args.prompt != "":
"cannot provide both prompt and seq_file; if trying to verify model inference, use --prompt, otherwise specify numpy --seq_file name to display"
elif args.seq_file == "" and args.prompt == "":
"must provide either prompt or seq_file; if trying to verify model inference, use --prompt, otherwise specify numpy --seq_file name to display"
if not is_inference:
name = args.seq_file
data_root = "./data/GRAB"
motion_dir = pjoin(data_root, "joints")
log.info("converting prompt into file name")
name = get_numpy_file_path(prompt, args.which_epoch, args.max_t - args.min_t)
model_type = args.model_path
motion_dir = pjoin(model_type, "outputs")
motion_path = pjoin(motion_dir, name + ".npy")
log.info(f"loading motion from {motion_path}")
motion_arr = np.load(motion_path)
t = 999
mean_path = "/work3/s222376/MotionDiffuse2/text2motion/checkpoints/grab/md_fulem_2g_excl_196_seed42/meta/mean.npy"
std_path = "/work3/s222376/MotionDiffuse2/text2motion/checkpoints/grab/md_fulem_2g_excl_196_seed42/meta/std.npy"
mean = np.load(mean_path)
std = np.load(std_path)
# do range skipping by 100
list_ = [t for t in range(10, 91, 10)]
list_ += [t for t in range(100, 200, 30)]
for t in list_:
name = f"sample_tensor([{t}])"
# breakpoint()
motion_arr = np.load(
motion_arr = np.squeeze(motion_arr)
motion_arr = motion_arr * std + mean
# drop shapes for ground-truth to have same dimensionality as inference
# for fair comparisons and reducing bugs
if not is_inference:
# directly get smplx dimensionality by dropping body and face shape data
print("warning, dropping body and face shape data")
motion_arr = drop_shapes_from_motion_arr(motion_arr)
assert (
motion_arr.shape[1] == 212
), f"expected 212 dims, got {motion_arr.shape[1]}"
# our MotionDiffuse predicts motion data that doesn't include face and body shape
motion_dict = motion_arr_to_dict(motion_arr, shapes_dropped=True)
n_points = len(motion_dict["pose_body"])
min_t = args.min_t
max_t = args.max_t or n_points
if max_t > n_points:
max_t = n_points
timestep_range = (min_t, max_t)
frames = max_t - min_t
log.info(f"POSES: {n_points}")
# checks data has expected shape
tot_dims = 0
for key in motion_dict:
dims = motion_dict[key].shape[1]
exp_dims = pose_type_to_dims.get(key)
tot_dims += motion_dict[key].shape[1]
log.info(f"{key}: {motion_dict[key].shape}, dims {dims}, exp: {exp_dims}")
log.info(f"total MOTION-X dims: {tot_dims}\n")
smplx_params = to_smplx_dict(motion_dict, timestep_range)
tot_smplx_dims = 0
for key in smplx_params:
tot_smplx_dims += smplx_params[key].shape[1]
log.info(f"{key}: {smplx_params[key].shape}")
log.info(f"TOTAL SMPLX dims: {tot_smplx_dims}\n")
if not is_inference:
action_label_path = pjoin(data_root, "texts", name + ".txt")
action_label = load_label_from_file(action_label_path)
emotion_label_path = pjoin(data_root, "face_texts", name + ".txt")
emotion_label = load_label_from_file(emotion_label_path)
log.info(f"action: {action_label}")
log.info(f"emotion: {emotion_label}")
if is_inference:
emotion_label = args.prompt.split(" ")[0]
if args.display_mesh:
model_folder = os.path.join(MY_REPO, MODELS_DIR, "smplx")
batch_size = max_t - min_t
log.info(f"calculating mesh with batch size {batch_size}")
model = smplx.SMPLX(
use_pca=False, # our joints are not in pca space
output = model.forward(**smplx_params, return_verts=True)
log.info(f"output size {output.vertices.shape}")
log.info(f"output size {output.joints.shape}")
log.info("rendering mesh")
model_name = (
args.model_path.split("/")[-1] if args.model_path else "ground_truth"
gif_path = f"gifs/{model_name}/{name}_{emotion_label}.gif"
render_meshes(output, gif_path=gif_path, should_save_gif=args.save_gif)
"if you don't see the mesh animation, make sure you are running on graphics compatible DTU machine (vgl xterm)."