import multiprocessing |
import os |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple |
import torch |
import llm_studio.src.datasets.text_causal_language_modeling_ds |
from llm_studio.python_configs.base import DefaultConfig, DefaultConfigProblemBase |
from llm_studio.src import possible_values |
from llm_studio.src.augmentations.nlp_aug import BaseNLPAug |
from llm_studio.src.loggers import Loggers |
from llm_studio.src.losses import text_causal_language_modeling_losses |
from llm_studio.src.metrics import text_causal_language_modeling_metrics |
from llm_studio.src.models import text_causal_language_modeling_model |
from llm_studio.src.nesting import Dependency |
from llm_studio.src.optimizers import Optimizers |
from llm_studio.src.plots import text_causal_language_modeling_plots |
from llm_studio.src.schedulers import Schedulers |
from llm_studio.src.utils.modeling_utils import generate_experiment_name |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMDataset(DefaultConfig): |
dataset_class: Any = ( |
llm_studio.src.datasets.text_causal_language_modeling_ds.CustomDataset |
) |
personalize: bool = False |
chatbot_name: str = "h2oGPT" |
chatbot_author: str = "H2O.ai" |
train_dataframe: str = "/path/to/train.csv" |
validation_strategy: str = "automatic" |
validation_dataframe: str = "" |
validation_size: float = 0.01 |
data_sample: float = 1.0 |
data_sample_choice: Tuple[str, ...] = ("Train", "Validation") |
system_column: str = "None" |
prompt_column: Tuple[str, ...] = ("instruction", "input") |
answer_column: str = "output" |
parent_id_column: str = "None" |
text_system_start: str = "<|system|>" |
text_prompt_start: str = "<|prompt|>" |
text_answer_separator: str = "<|answer|>" |
limit_chained_samples: bool = False |
add_eos_token_to_system: bool = True |
add_eos_token_to_prompt: bool = True |
add_eos_token_to_answer: bool = True |
mask_prompt_labels: bool = True |
_allowed_file_extensions: Tuple[str, ...] = ("csv", "pq", "parquet") |
def __post_init__(self): |
self.prompt_column = ( |
tuple( |
self.prompt_column, |
) |
if isinstance(self.prompt_column, str) |
else tuple(self.prompt_column) |
) |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["train_dataframe"] = possible_values.Files( |
prefer_with=lambda path: "train" in path |
) |
self._possible_values["validation_strategy"] = possible_values.String( |
values=( |
("custom", "Custom holdout validation"), |
("automatic", "Automatic holdout validation"), |
), |
allow_custom=False, |
) |
self._possible_values["validation_dataframe"] = possible_values.Files( |
add_none=True, prefer_with=lambda path: "val" in path |
) |
self._possible_values["validation_size"] = (0.01, 0.95, 0.01) |
self._possible_values["data_sample"] = (0.01, 1, 0.01) |
self._possible_values["data_sample_choice"] = ["Train", "Validation"] |
self._possible_values["system_column"] = possible_values.Columns( |
prefer_with=lambda column: column in ("system",), add_none=True |
) |
self._possible_values["prompt_column"] = possible_values.Columns( |
prefer_with=lambda column: column in ("instruction", "prompt") |
) |
self._possible_values["answer_column"] = possible_values.Columns( |
prefer_with=lambda column: column in ("answer", "output") |
) |
self._possible_values["parent_id_column"] = possible_values.Columns( |
prefer_with=lambda column: column in ("parent",), add_none=True |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["chatbot_name", "chatbot_author"], |
[Dependency(key="personalize", value=True, is_set=True)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["validation_dataframe"], |
[Dependency(key="validation_strategy", value="custom", is_set=True)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["validation_size"], |
[Dependency(key="validation_strategy", value="automatic", is_set=True)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["data_sample_choice"], |
[Dependency(key="data_sample", value=1, is_set=False)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["limit_chained_samples"], |
[Dependency(key="parent_id_column", value="None", is_set=False)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["text_system_start", "add_eos_token_to_system"], |
[Dependency(key="system_column", value="None", is_set=False)], |
) |
self._visibility["dataset_class"] = -1 |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMTraining(DefaultConfig): |
loss_class: Any = text_causal_language_modeling_losses.Losses |
loss_function: str = "TokenAveragedCrossEntropy" |
optimizer: str = "AdamW" |
learning_rate: float = 0.0001 |
differential_learning_rate_layers: Tuple[str, ...] = () |
differential_learning_rate: float = 0.00001 |
use_flash_attention_2: bool = False |
batch_size: int = 2 |
drop_last_batch: bool = True |
epochs: int = 1 |
schedule: str = "Cosine" |
warmup_epochs: float = 0.0 |
weight_decay: float = 0.0 |
gradient_clip: float = 0.0 |
grad_accumulation: int = 1 |
lora: bool = True |
lora_r: int = 4 |
lora_alpha: int = 16 |
lora_dropout: float = 0.05 |
lora_target_modules: str = "" |
save_best_checkpoint: bool = False |
evaluation_epochs: float = 1.0 |
evaluate_before_training: bool = False |
train_validation_data: bool = False |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["loss_function"] = self.loss_class.names() |
self._possible_values["optimizer"] = Optimizers.names() |
self._possible_values["learning_rate"] = possible_values.Number( |
step=1e-9, min=1e-9 |
) |
self._possible_values["differential_learning_rate_layers"] = ( |
possible_values.String( |
values=("backbone", "embed"), |
allow_custom=False, |
placeholder="Select optional layers...", |
) |
) |
self._possible_values["differential_learning_rate"] = self._possible_values[ |
"learning_rate" |
] |
self._possible_values["batch_size"] = (1, 256, 1) |
self._possible_values["epochs"] = (0, 10, 1) |
self._possible_values["schedule"] = Schedulers.names() |
self._possible_values["warmup_epochs"] = (0.0, 5, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["weight_decay"] = possible_values.Number(step=1e-5, min=0) |
self._possible_values["gradient_clip"] = (0.0, 10.0, 0.1) |
self._possible_values["grad_accumulation"] = (1, 8, 1) |
self._possible_values["lora_r"] = (1, 256, 1) |
self._possible_values["lora_alpha"] = (1, 256, 1) |
self._possible_values["lora_dropout"] = (0.0, 0.5, 0.01) |
self._possible_values["evaluation_epochs"] = (0.01, 1, 0.01) |
self._visibility["loss_class"] = -1 |
self._visibility["drop_last_batch"] = -1 |
self._visibility["differential_learning_rate_layers"] = 1 |
self._visibility["differential_learning_rate"] = 1 |
self._nesting.add( |
["differential_learning_rate"], |
[ |
Dependency( |
key="differential_learning_rate_layers", value=None, is_set=False |
) |
], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["lora_r", "lora_alpha", "lora_dropout", "lora_target_modules"], |
[Dependency(key="lora", value=False, is_set=False)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
["train_validation_data"], |
[Dependency(key="save_best_checkpoint", value=False, is_set=True)], |
) |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMTokenizer(DefaultConfig): |
max_length_prompt: int = 256 |
max_length_answer: int = 256 |
max_length: int = 512 |
add_prompt_answer_tokens: bool = False |
padding_quantile: float = 1.0 |
use_fast: bool = True |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["max_length_prompt"] = (32, 1024 * 16, 32) |
self._possible_values["max_length_answer"] = (32, 1024 * 16, 32) |
self._possible_values["max_length"] = (32, 1024 * 16, 32) |
self._possible_values["padding_quantile"] = (0, 1, 0.01) |
self._padding_side = "left" |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMArchitecture(DefaultConfig): |
model_class: Any = text_causal_language_modeling_model.Model |
pretrained: bool = True |
backbone_dtype: str = "int4" |
gradient_checkpointing: bool = True |
force_embedding_gradients: bool = False |
intermediate_dropout: float = 0 |
pretrained_weights: str = "" |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["backbone_dtype"] = possible_values.String( |
values=("float32", "bfloat16", "float16", "int8", "int4"), |
allow_custom=False, |
) |
self._possible_values["intermediate_dropout"] = (0, 0.5, 0.05) |
self._nesting.add( |
["force_embedding_gradients"], |
[Dependency(key="lora", value=False, is_set=False)], |
) |
self._visibility["model_class"] = -1 |
self._visibility["pretrained"] = -1 |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPAugmentation(DefaultConfig): |
nlp_augmentations_class: Any = BaseNLPAug |
token_mask_probability: float = 0.0 |
skip_parent_probability: float = 0.0 |
random_parent_probability: float = 0.0 |
neftune_noise_alpha: float = 0.0 |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["token_mask_probability"] = (0.0, 0.9, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["skip_parent_probability"] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["random_parent_probability"] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["neftune_noise_alpha"] = (0.0, 15, 0.05) |
self._visibility["nlp_augmentations_class"] = -1 |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMPrediction(DefaultConfig): |
metric_class: Any = text_causal_language_modeling_metrics.Metrics |
metric: str = "GPT" |
metric_gpt_model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301" |
metric_gpt_template: str = "general" |
min_length_inference: int = 2 |
max_length_inference: int = 256 |
max_time: float = 0 |
batch_size_inference: int = 0 |
do_sample: bool = False |
num_beams: int = 1 |
temperature: float = 0.0 |
repetition_penalty: float = 1.0 |
stop_tokens: str = "" |
top_k: int = 0 |
top_p: float = 1.0 |
num_history: int = 4 |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["metric"] = self.metric_class.names() |
self._possible_values["metric_gpt_model"] = possible_values.String( |
values=( |
"gpt-3.5-turbo-0301", |
"gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", |
"gpt-4-0314", |
"gpt-4-0613", |
"gpt-4-1106-preview", |
), |
allow_custom=True, |
) |
self._possible_values["metric_gpt_template"] = possible_values.String( |
values=(f.split(".")[0] for f in os.listdir("prompts")) |
) |
self._possible_values["batch_size_inference"] = (0, 512, 1) |
self._possible_values["min_length_inference"] = (0, 1024, 1) |
self._possible_values["max_length_inference"] = (1, 4096, 1) |
self._possible_values["max_time"] = (0.0, 600.0, 1.0) |
self._possible_values["num_beams"] = (1, 4, 1) |
self._possible_values["temperature"] = (0, 10, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["repetition_penalty"] = (1, 10, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["top_k"] = (0, 100, 1) |
self._possible_values["top_p"] = (0.5, 1, 0.05) |
self._possible_values["num_history"] = (1, 50, 1) |
self._visibility["metric_class"] = -1 |
self._visibility["num_history"] = -1 |
self._nesting.add( |
["metric_gpt_model", "metric_gpt_template"], |
[Dependency(key="metric", value="GPT", is_set=True)], |
) |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMEnvironment(DefaultConfig): |
gpus: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(str(x) for x in range(torch.cuda.device_count())) |
mixed_precision: bool = True |
mixed_precision_dtype: str = "bfloat16" |
compile_model: bool = False |
use_deepspeed: bool = False |
deepspeed_method: str = "ZeRO2" |
deepspeed_allgather_bucket_size: int = int(1e6) |
deepspeed_reduce_bucket_size: int = int(1e6) |
deepspeed_stage3_prefetch_bucket_size: int = int(1e6) |
deepspeed_stage3_param_persistence_threshold: int = int(1e6) |
find_unused_parameters: bool = False |
trust_remote_code: bool = True |
huggingface_branch: str = "main" |
number_of_workers: int = 4 |
seed: int = -1 |
_seed: int = 0 |
_distributed: bool = False |
_distributed_inference: bool = True |
_local_rank: int = 0 |
_world_size: int = 1 |
_curr_step: int = 0 |
_curr_val_step: int = 0 |
_rank: int = 0 |
_device: str = "cuda" |
_cpu_comm: Any = None |
_model_card_template: str = "text_causal_language_modeling_model_card_template.md" |
_summary_card_template: str = ( |
"text_causal_language_modeling_experiment_summary_card_template.md" |
) |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["gpus"] = possible_values.String( |
values=tuple( |
[(str(x), f"GPU #{x+1}") for x in range(torch.cuda.device_count())] |
), |
allow_custom=False, |
) |
self._possible_values["mixed_precision_dtype"] = possible_values.String( |
values=("bfloat16", "float16"), |
allow_custom=False, |
) |
self._possible_values["number_of_workers"] = (1, multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 1) |
self._possible_values["seed"] = possible_values.Number(step=1, min=-1) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_method"] = ["ZeRO2", "ZeRO3"] |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_allgather_bucket_size"] = ( |
possible_values.Number(step=1, min=1e6) |
) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_reduce_bucket_size"] = possible_values.Number( |
step=1, min=1e6 |
) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_stage3_prefetch_bucket_size"] = ( |
possible_values.Number(step=1, min=1e6) |
) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_stage3_param_persistence_threshold"] = ( |
possible_values.Number(step=1, min=1e6) |
) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_stage3_max_live_parameters"] = ( |
possible_values.Number(step=1, min=1e6) |
) |
self._possible_values["deepspeed_stage3_max_reuse_distance"] = ( |
possible_values.Number(step=1, min=1e6) |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
[ |
"mixed_precision_dtype", |
], |
[Dependency(key="mixed_precision", value=True, is_set=True)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
[ |
"deepspeed_method", |
"deepspeed_reduce_bucket_size", |
], |
[Dependency(key="use_deepspeed", value=True, is_set=True)], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
[ |
"deepspeed_allgather_bucket_size", |
], |
[ |
Dependency(key="use_deepspeed", value=True, is_set=True), |
Dependency(key="deepspeed_method", value="ZeRO2", is_set=True), |
], |
) |
self._nesting.add( |
[ |
"deepspeed_stage3_prefetch_bucket_size", |
"deepspeed_stage3_param_persistence_threshold", |
], |
[ |
Dependency(key="use_deepspeed", value=True, is_set=True), |
Dependency(key="deepspeed_method", value="ZeRO3", is_set=True), |
], |
) |
@dataclass |
class ConfigNLPCausalLMLogging(DefaultConfig): |
logger: str = "None" |
neptune_project: str = "" |
_neptune_debug: bool = False |
plots_class: Any = text_causal_language_modeling_plots.Plots |
_logger: Any = None |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._possible_values["logger"] = Loggers.names() |
self._nesting.add( |
["neptune_project"], |
[Dependency(key="logger", value="Neptune", is_set=True)], |
) |
self._visibility["plots_class"] = -1 |
@dataclass |
class ConfigProblemBase(DefaultConfigProblemBase): |
output_directory: str = f"output/{os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]}" |
experiment_name: str = field(default_factory=generate_experiment_name) |
_parent_experiment: str = "" |
llm_backbone: str = "h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-7b" |
dataset: ConfigNLPCausalLMDataset = field(default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMDataset) |
tokenizer: ConfigNLPCausalLMTokenizer = field( |
default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMTokenizer |
) |
architecture: ConfigNLPCausalLMArchitecture = field( |
default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMArchitecture |
) |
training: ConfigNLPCausalLMTraining = field( |
default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMTraining |
) |
augmentation: ConfigNLPAugmentation = field(default_factory=ConfigNLPAugmentation) |
prediction: ConfigNLPCausalLMPrediction = field( |
default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMPrediction |
) |
environment: ConfigNLPCausalLMEnvironment = field( |
default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMEnvironment |
) |
logging: ConfigNLPCausalLMLogging = field(default_factory=ConfigNLPCausalLMLogging) |
def __post_init__(self): |
super().__post_init__() |
self._visibility["output_directory"] = -1 |
self._possible_values["llm_backbone"] = possible_values.String( |
values=( |
"h2oai/h2o-danube2-1.8b-base", |
"h2oai/h2o-danube2-1.8b-chat", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-7b", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-7b-chat", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-13b", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-13b-chat", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-70b", |
"h2oai/h2ogpt-4096-llama2-70b-chat", |
"tiiuae/falcon-7b", |
"mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1", |
"HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta", |
"google/gemma-2b", |
"google/gemma-7b", |
"stabilityai/stablelm-3b-4e1t", |
"microsoft/phi-2", |
"facebook/opt-125m", |
), |
allow_custom=True, |
) |
def check(self) -> Dict[str, List]: |
errors: Dict[str, List] = {"title": [], "message": []} |
if self.prediction.temperature > 0 and not self.prediction.do_sample: |
errors["title"] += ["Do sample needs to be enabled for temperature > 0"] |
errors["message"] += [ |
"Please enable do sample if you want to use temperature > 0." |
] |
if self.prediction.temperature == 0 and self.prediction.do_sample: |
errors["title"] += ["Temperature needs to be > 0 for do sample"] |
errors["message"] += [ |
"Please increase temperature if you want to use do sample." |
] |
return errors |