engagement-analyzer-demo5 / # Specify latent true scores
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# Specify latent true scores
lx1 =~ 1 * x1
lx2 =~ 1 * x2
lx3 =~ 1 * x3
# Specify mean of latent true scores
lx1 ~ gamma_lx1 * 1
lx2 ~ 0 * 1
lx3 ~ 0 * 1
# Specify variance of latent true scores
lx1 ~~ sigma2_lx1 * lx1
lx2 ~~ 0 * lx2
lx3 ~~ 0 * lx3
# Specify intercept of obseved scores
x1 ~ 0 * 1
x2 ~ 0 * 1
x3 ~ 0 * 1
# Specify variance of observed scores
x1 ~~ sigma2_ux * x1
x2 ~~ sigma2_ux * x2
x3 ~~ sigma2_ux * x3
# Specify autoregressions of latent variables
lx2 ~ 1 * lx1
lx3 ~ 1 * lx2
# Specify latent change scores
dx2 =~ 1 * lx2
dx3 =~ 1 * lx3
# Specify latent change scores means
dx2 ~ 0 * 1
dx3 ~ 0 * 1
# Specify latent change scores variances
dx2 ~~ 0 * dx2
dx3 ~~ 0 * dx3
# Specify constant change factor
g2 =~ 1 * dx2 + 1 * dx3
# Specify constant change factor mean
g2 ~ alpha_g2 * 1
# Specify constant change factor variance
g2 ~~ sigma2_g2 * g2
# Specify constant change factor covariance with the initial true score
g2 ~~ sigma_g2lx1 * lx1
# Specify proportional change component
dx2 ~ beta_x * lx1
dx3 ~ beta_x * lx2
# Specify autoregression of change score
dx3 ~ phi_x * dx2