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,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent
0,10200705.txt,270,am writing,MONOGLOSS,6,8,0.99933225,1,ROOT,ROOT,,VBG,aux_ROOT,VBP_VBG,AUX_VERB,writing,ROOT,punct_dep_nsubj_aux_prep_punct,Aspect=Prog|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part,",
I am writing with regard to the issue of making some changes at the school rules."
1,10200705.txt,270,believe,ENTERTAIN,41,42,0.99944574,3,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,believe,ROOT,dep_advcl_punct_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
2,10200705.txt,270,would,ENTERTAIN,44,45,0.9990608,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
3,10200705.txt,270,do not wear,DENY,70,73,0.9995171,3,Object,conj,,VB,aux_neg_conj,VBP_RB_VB,AUX_PART_VERB,everything,dobj,aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
4,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,81,82,0.9948944,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,wear,relcl,,VerbForm=Fin,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
5,10200705.txt,270,not wear,DENY,82,84,0.99910307,3,Dependent verb 1,relcl,,VB,neg_relcl,RB_VB,PART_VERB,time,conj,nsubj_aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
6,10200705.txt,270,are not allowed,DENY,86,89,0.99899775,3,Subject predicate to-cl (passive),relcl,,VBN,auxpass_neg_relcl,VBP_RB_VBN,AUX_PART_VERB,cloches,dobj,nsubjpass_auxpass_neg_xcomp,Aspect=Perf|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part,"To begin with, I believe that it would be a great idea for one change to these rules has be, to be allowing for each student to wear everything they want and do not wear a school uniform or every time a student will not wear cloches which are not allowed to be punished."
7,10200705.txt,270,believe,ENTERTAIN,94,95,0.9991372,4,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,believe,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,I believe that because students go to their school to be educated not be judged for that they wear.
8,10200705.txt,270,not be judged,DENY,105,108,0.9982193,4,Dependent verb 1,ccomp,,VBN,neg_auxpass_ccomp,RB_VB_VBN,PART_AUX_VERB,believe,ROOT,mark_advcl_neg_auxpass_prep,Aspect=Perf|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part,I believe that because students go to their school to be educated not be judged for that they wear.
9,10200705.txt,270,think,ENTERTAIN,117,118,0.99807894,6,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,advmod_punct_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Secondly, I think it would be a good idea for every student to have the opportunity to choose an after school activity in which they will join."
10,10200705.txt,270,would,ENTERTAIN,119,120,0.9767278,6,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"Secondly, I think it would be a good idea for every student to have the opportunity to choose an after school activity in which they will join."
11,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,140,141,0.9990068,6,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,join,relcl,,VerbForm=Fin,"Secondly, I think it would be a good idea for every student to have the opportunity to choose an after school activity in which they will join."
12,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,147,148,0.9992487,7,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"Also, this activity will be inside the school and it will begin after the end of all the school subjects."
13,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,154,155,0.99837863,7,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,begin,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,"Also, this activity will be inside the school and it will begin after the end of all the school subjects."
14,10200705.txt,270,believe,ENTERTAIN,166,167,0.9983943,8,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,believe,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,I believe that this will be a great chance for all the students to a sport or a activity which they want.
15,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,169,170,0.9991374,8,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,I believe that this will be a great chance for all the students to a sport or a activity which they want.
16,10200705.txt,270,think,ENTERTAIN,190,191,0.99905235,9,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,dep_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,I think that I have made two good suggestion which will help a lot of students.
17,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,199,200,0.9996132,9,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,help,relcl,,VerbForm=Fin,I think that I have made two good suggestion which will help a lot of students.
18,10200705.txt,270,as I said,ENTERTAIN,224,227,0.99910164,11,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBD,mark_nsubj_advcl,IN_PRP_VBD,SCONJ_PRON_VERB,conclude,prep,mark_nsubj,Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin,"To conclude, as I said."
19,10200705.txt,270,think,ENTERTAIN,229,230,0.99953735,12,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_dep_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I think that these recomandations will help many students to feel ""free"" and to do an activity which they like
Thank you for giving the opportunity to express my views on this issue."
20,10200705.txt,270,will,ENTERTAIN,233,234,0.99945694,12,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,help,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"I think that these recomandations will help many students to feel ""free"" and to do an activity which they like
Thank you for giving the opportunity to express my views on this issue."
21,10200705.txt,270,Thank,MONOGLOSS,251,252,0.8933448,12,Dependent verb 1,ccomp,,VBP,ccomp,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,dobj_prep,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I think that these recomandations will help many students to feel ""free"" and to do an activity which they like
Thank you for giving the opportunity to express my views on this issue."
22,10200705.txt,270,because students go to their school to be educated,JUSTIFYING,96,105,0.99954635,4,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_prep_poss_pobj_aux_auxpass_advcl,IN_NNS_VBP_IN_PRP$_NN_TO_VB_VBN,SCONJ_NOUN_VERB_ADP_PRON_NOUN_PART_AUX_VERB,judged,ccomp,mark_nsubj_prep_advcl,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,I believe that because students go to their school to be educated not be judged for that they wear.