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,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent
0,10199235.txt,119,have,MONOGLOSS,2,3,0.9985781,0,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,have,ROOT,nsubj_advmod_dobj_prep_advcl_punct_cc_conj,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Airlines now have big seats in airplane because people want feel comfortable and in the back of the seat have tablets to service food, but some people want to have smaller seats to have lower ticket prices."
1,10199235.txt,119,have,MONOGLOSS,19,20,0.99765104,0,Dependent Verb phrase,conj,,VBP,conj,VBP,VERB,want,advcl,prep_dobj,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Airlines now have big seats in airplane because people want feel comfortable and in the back of the seat have tablets to service food, but some people want to have smaller seats to have lower ticket prices."
2,10199235.txt,119,but,COUNTER,25,26,0.9984452,0,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,have,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,"Airlines now have big seats in airplane because people want feel comfortable and in the back of the seat have tablets to service food, but some people want to have smaller seats to have lower ticket prices."
3,10199235.txt,119,In mine opinion,ENTERTAIN,40,43,0.91692364,1,Prepositional phrase,prep,,IN,prep_poss_pobj,IN_PRP$_NN,ADP_PRON_NOUN,is,ROOT,pobj,,"In mine opinion it is true if in-flight we have smaller seats, I will pay lower price than before."
4,10199235.txt,119,it is true,PROCLAIM,43,46,0.99341017,1,Extraposed that-cl (adj-complement),ROOT,,VBZ,nsubj_ROOT_acomp,PRP_VBZ_JJ,PRON_AUX_ADJ,is,ROOT,dep_prep_nsubj_acomp_ccomp_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"In mine opinion it is true if in-flight we have smaller seats, I will pay lower price than before."
5,10199235.txt,119,if in-flight we have smaller seats,ENTERTAIN,46,54,0.9987112,1,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_prep_punct_pobj_nsubj_advcl_amod_dobj,IN_IN_HYPH_NN_PRP_VBP_JJR_NNS,SCONJ_ADP_PUNCT_NOUN_PRON_VERB_ADJ_NOUN,pay,ccomp,mark_prep_nsubj_dobj,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"In mine opinion it is true if in-flight we have smaller seats, I will pay lower price than before."
6,10199235.txt,119,will,ENTERTAIN,56,57,0.9942338,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,pay,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"In mine opinion it is true if in-flight we have smaller seats, I will pay lower price than before."
7,10199235.txt,119,should,ENTERTAIN,69,70,0.9862726,2,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,have,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"In the other hand the airlines should have big seat to make more money, and people pay extra for food or water."
8,10199235.txt,119,agree,MONOGLOSS,90,91,0.9967488,3,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,agree,ROOT,dep_advmod_nsubj_xcomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Now I agree to have small seats, and pay lower ticket price because if I want to travel in a exotic place or somewhere else I can afford it."
9,10199235.txt,119,if I want to travel in a exotic place or somewhere else,ENTERTAIN,102,114,0.99964166,3,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_aux_xcomp_prep_det_amod_pobj_cc_advmod_conj,IN_PRP_VBP_TO_VB_IN_DT_JJ_NN_CC_RB_RB,SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB_ADP_DET_ADJ_NOUN_CCONJ_ADV_ADV,afford,advcl,mark_nsubj_xcomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Now I agree to have small seats, and pay lower ticket price because if I want to travel in a exotic place or somewhere else I can afford it."
10,10199235.txt,119,can,ENTERTAIN,115,116,0.9996025,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,afford,advcl,,VerbForm=Fin,"Now I agree to have small seats, and pay lower ticket price because if I want to travel in a exotic place or somewhere else I can afford it."
11,10199235.txt,119,because people want feel comfortable and in the back of the seat have tablets to service food,JUSTIFYING,7,24,0.9986488,0,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_xcomp_acomp_cc_prep_det_pobj_prep_det_pobj_conj_dobj_aux_relcl_dobj,IN_NNS_VBP_VB_JJ_CC_IN_DT_NN_IN_DT_NN_VBP_NNS_TO_NN_NN,SCONJ_NOUN_VERB_VERB_ADJ_CCONJ_ADP_DET_NOUN_ADP_DET_NOUN_VERB_NOUN_PART_NOUN_NOUN,have,ROOT,mark_nsubj_xcomp_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Airlines now have big seats in airplane because people want feel comfortable and in the back of the seat have tablets to service food, but some people want to have smaller seats to have lower ticket prices."