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,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent
0,10204170.txt,149,is,MONOGLOSS,1,2,0.9995401,0,Main verb 1,ROOT,,VBZ,ROOT,VBZ,AUX,is,ROOT,nsubj_attr_advcl_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Music is something thing and very beautiful thing thing if you start to learn one musical instrument.
1,10204170.txt,149,if you start to learn one musical instrument,ENTERTAIN,9,17,0.9992248,0,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_aux_xcomp_nummod_amod_dobj,IN_PRP_VBP_TO_VB_CD_JJ_NN,SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB_NUM_ADJ_NOUN,is,ROOT,mark_nsubj_xcomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Music is something thing and very beautiful thing thing if you start to learn one musical instrument.
2,10204170.txt,149,will,ENTERTAIN,19,20,0.99952245,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,you will be more better as a person but students they should learn how to play a musical instrument.
3,10204170.txt,149,but,COUNTER,26,27,0.9985145,1,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,be,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,you will be more better as a person but students they should learn how to play a musical instrument.
4,10204170.txt,149,should,ENTERTAIN,29,30,0.99966574,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,learn,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,you will be more better as a person but students they should learn how to play a musical instrument.
5,10204170.txt,149,In my opinion,ENTERTAIN,39,42,0.9985876,2,Prepositional phrase,prep,,IN,prep_poss_pobj,IN_PRP$_NN,ADP_PRON_NOUN,'s,ROOT,pobj,,In my opinion it's a very difficult to learn how to a musical instrument because you need a lot of time and practic to learn a musical instrument.
6,10204170.txt,149,have,MONOGLOSS,74,75,0.9993044,3,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,have,ROOT,dep_prep_punct_nsubj_dobj_cc_conj,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"In addition, students have a lot of studying and they should focus on it."
7,10204170.txt,149,should,ENTERTAIN,81,82,0.9982399,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,focus,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,"In addition, students have a lot of studying and they should focus on it."
8,10204170.txt,149,can,ENTERTAIN,92,93,0.99973804,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,help,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,In the other hand that way can help students to be more creating and can makes them more happy and sociable because they will met new persons and the will make new friend.
9,10204170.txt,149,can,ENTERTAIN,100,101,0.99875224,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,makes,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,In the other hand that way can help students to be more creating and can makes them more happy and sociable because they will met new persons and the will make new friend.
10,10204170.txt,149,because they will met new persons and the will make new friend,JUSTIFYING,107,119,0.9996743,4,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VB,mark_nsubj_aux_advcl_amod_dobj_cc_nsubj_aux_conj_amod_dobj,IN_PRP_MD_VB_JJ_NNS_CC_DT_MD_VB_JJ_NN,SCONJ_PRON_AUX_VERB_ADJ_NOUN_CCONJ_PRON_AUX_VERB_ADJ_NOUN,makes,conj,mark_nsubj_aux_dobj_cc_conj,VerbForm=Inf,In the other hand that way can help students to be more creating and can makes them more happy and sociable because they will met new persons and the will make new friend.
11,10204170.txt,149,will,ENTERTAIN,109,110,0.999678,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,met,advcl,,VerbForm=Fin,In the other hand that way can help students to be more creating and can makes them more happy and sociable because they will met new persons and the will make new friend.
12,10204170.txt,149,will,ENTERTAIN,115,116,0.9997054,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,make,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,In the other hand that way can help students to be more creating and can makes them more happy and sociable because they will met new persons and the will make new friend.
13,10204170.txt,149,should,ENTERTAIN,125,126,0.999874,5,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,focus,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,Like I said studends they should focus for their students to take wel grades because music in something that you learned on your free time not on school.
14,10204170.txt,149,not on school,DENY,145,148,0.9993729,5,Negative particle,neg,,RB,neg_prep_pobj,RB_IN_NN,PART_ADP_NOUN,on,prep,,Polarity=Neg,Like I said studends they should focus for their students to take wel grades because music in something that you learned on your free time not on school.
15,10204170.txt,149,because you need a lot of time and practic to learn a musical instrument,JUSTIFYING,54,68,0.9983516,2,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_det_dobj_prep_pobj_cc_conj_aux_xcomp_det_amod_dobj,IN_PRP_VBP_DT_NN_IN_NN_CC_JJ_TO_VB_DT_JJ_NN,SCONJ_PRON_VERB_DET_NOUN_ADP_NOUN_CCONJ_ADJ_PART_VERB_DET_ADJ_NOUN,'s,ROOT,mark_nsubj_dobj_xcomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,In my opinion it's a very difficult to learn how to a musical instrument because you need a lot of time and practic to learn a musical instrument.