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,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent
0,10200978.txt,180,My opinion is,ENTERTAIN,0,3,0.9993112,0,Subject predicate that-cl,ROOT,,VBZ,poss_nsubj_ROOT,PRP$_NN_VBZ,PRON_NOUN_AUX,is,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
1,10200978.txt,180,agree,ENTERTAIN,5,6,0.9997882,0,Dependent verb 1,ccomp,,VBP,ccomp,VBP,VERB,is,ROOT,mark_nsubj_prep_advcl,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
2,10200978.txt,180,will,ENTERTAIN,12,13,0.5700997,0,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,want,advcl,,VerbForm=Fin,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
3,10200978.txt,180,maybe,ENTERTAIN,19,20,0.9995766,0,Adverbial phrase,advmod,,RB,advmod,RB,ADV,are,conj,,,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
4,10200978.txt,180,think,ENTERTAIN,31,32,0.99922025,1,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I think that if the crew of the plane is trying to entertain some of the passengers, the ones who sleep will not have a good time traveling."
5,10200978.txt,180,if the crew of the plane is trying to entertain some of the passengers,ENTERTAIN,33,47,0.9087778,1,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBG,mark_det_nsubj_prep_det_pobj_aux_advcl_aux_xcomp_dobj_prep_det_pobj,IN_DT_NN_IN_DT_NN_VBZ_VBG_TO_VB_DT_IN_DT_NNS,SCONJ_DET_NOUN_ADP_DET_NOUN_AUX_VERB_PART_VERB_PRON_ADP_DET_NOUN,have,ccomp,mark_nsubj_aux_xcomp,Aspect=Prog|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part,"I think that if the crew of the plane is trying to entertain some of the passengers, the ones who sleep will not have a good time traveling."
6,10200978.txt,180,will,ENTERTAIN,52,53,0.99726224,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,have,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"I think that if the crew of the plane is trying to entertain some of the passengers, the ones who sleep will not have a good time traveling."
7,10200978.txt,180,not have,DENY,53,55,0.99918,1,Dependent verb 1,ccomp,,VB,neg_ccomp,RB_VB,PART_VERB,think,ROOT,mark_advcl_punct_nsubj_aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"I think that if the crew of the plane is trying to entertain some of the passengers, the ones who sleep will not have a good time traveling."
8,10200978.txt,180,understand,ENTERTAIN,62,63,0.99958533,2,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,understand,ROOT,dep_nsubj_ccomp_punct_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
9,10200978.txt,180,will,ENTERTAIN,66,67,0.9994168,2,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,want,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
10,10200978.txt,180,but,COUNTER,78,79,0.9988599,2,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,understand,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
11,10200978.txt,180,don't know,DENY,80,83,0.999759,2,ROOT,conj,,VB,aux_neg_conj,VBP_RB_VB,AUX_PART_VERB,understand,ROOT,nsubj_aux_neg_ccomp_punct_cc_conj,VerbForm=Inf,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
12,10200978.txt,180,think,ENTERTAIN,93,94,0.9644517,2,ROOT,conj,,VBP,conj,VBP,VERB,know,conj,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
13,10200978.txt,180,should,ENTERTAIN,95,96,0.9996006,2,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,take,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"I understand that many people will want to eat while they are aboard on the plane, but you don't know if the food is good or not, and I think you should take food from your home, and eat it there."
14,10200978.txt,180,think,ENTERTAIN,108,109,0.99908924,3,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_advcl_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I think is better because you know what it has inside, and how its made."
15,10200978.txt,180,don't have,DENY,126,129,0.999331,4,ROOT,ROOT,,VB,aux_neg_ROOT,VBP_RB_VB,AUX_PART_VERB,have,ROOT,nsubj_aux_neg_dobj_cc_conj,VerbForm=Inf,"Many people don't have the money to afford a high priced ticket but if you cant afford a ticket, I think is better for you to find other plane company that is cheaper and you can afford it."
16,10200978.txt,180,but,COUNTER,137,138,0.99966383,4,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,have,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,"Many people don't have the money to afford a high priced ticket but if you cant afford a ticket, I think is better for you to find other plane company that is cheaper and you can afford it."
17,10200978.txt,180,if you cant afford a ticket,ENTERTAIN,138,145,0.99973804,4,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VB,mark_nsubj_aux_neg_advcl_det_dobj,IN_PRP_MD_MD_VB_DT_NN,SCONJ_PRON_AUX_AUX_VERB_DET_NOUN,think,conj,mark_nsubj_aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"Many people don't have the money to afford a high priced ticket but if you cant afford a ticket, I think is better for you to find other plane company that is cheaper and you can afford it."
18,10200978.txt,180,think,ENTERTAIN,147,148,0.99958974,4,ROOT,conj,,VBP,conj,VBP,VERB,have,ROOT,advcl_punct_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Many people don't have the money to afford a high priced ticket but if you cant afford a ticket, I think is better for you to find other plane company that is cheaper and you can afford it."
19,10200978.txt,180,think,ENTERTAIN,168,169,0.9970584,5,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,dep_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,I think my statements helped the plane companies by solving some problems.
20,10200978.txt,180,my statements,ATTRIBUTION,169,171,0.9814497,5,Subject,nsubj,,NNS,poss_nsubj,PRP$_NNS,PRON_NOUN,helped,ccomp,poss,Number=Plur,I think my statements helped the plane companies by solving some problems.
21,10200978.txt,180,"because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep",JUSTIFYING,9,29,0.64264095,0,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VB,mark_amod_nsubj_aux_advcl_advmod_aux_xcomp_advmod_cc_advmod_nsubj_conj_acomp_punct_cc_nsubj_conj_aux_xcomp,"IN_JJ_NNS_MD_VB_RB_TO_VB_RB_CC_RB_PRP_VBP_JJ_,_CC_PRP_VBP_TO_VB",SCONJ_ADJ_NOUN_AUX_VERB_ADV_PART_VERB_ADV_CCONJ_ADV_PRON_AUX_ADJ_PUNCT_CCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB,agree,ccomp,mark_nsubj_aux_xcomp_cc_conj,VerbForm=Inf,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
22,10200978.txt,180,exhausted,JUSTIFYING,22,23,0.99654204,0,Adjectival complement,acomp,,JJ,acomp,JJ,ADJ,are,conj,,Degree=Pos,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
23,10200978.txt,180,they want to sleep,JUSTIFYING,25,29,0.98356265,0,Dependent Verb phrase,conj,,VBP,nsubj_conj_aux_xcomp,PRP_VBP_TO_VB,PRON_VERB_PART_VERB,are,conj,nsubj_xcomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"My opinion is that I agree with the statement because many people will want just to travel somewhere and maybe they are exhausted, and they want to sleep."
24,10200978.txt,180,"because you know what it has inside, and how its made",JUSTIFYING,111,123,0.9990815,3,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_dobj_nsubj_ccomp_advmod_punct_cc_advmod_auxpass_conj,"IN_PRP_VBP_WP_PRP_VBZ_RB_,_CC_WRB_PRP_VBN",SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PRON_PRON_VERB_ADV_PUNCT_CCONJ_SCONJ_AUX_VERB,think,ROOT,mark_nsubj_ccomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"I think is better because you know what it has inside, and how its made."