bmss /
dzyla's picture
Truncated history to latest commit
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import datetime
import requests
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import pandas as pd
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, models
import torch
import shutil
import dropbox
import streamlit as st
def load_data_embeddings():
existing_data_path = "aggregated_data"
new_data_directory = "db_update"
existing_embeddings_path = "biorxiv_ubin_embaddings.npy"
updated_embeddings_directory = "embed_update"
# Load existing database and embeddings
df_existing = pd.read_parquet(existing_data_path)
embeddings_existing = np.load(existing_embeddings_path, allow_pickle=True)
# Prepare lists to collect new updates
df_updates_list = []
embeddings_updates_list = []
# Ensure pairing of new data and embeddings by their matching filenames
new_data_files = sorted(Path(new_data_directory).glob("*.parquet"))
for data_file in new_data_files:
# Assuming naming convention allows direct correlation
corresponding_embedding_file = Path(updated_embeddings_directory) / (
data_file.stem + ".npy"
if corresponding_embedding_file.exists():
# Load and append DataFrame and embeddings
print(f"No corresponding embedding file found for {}")
# Concatenate all updates
if df_updates_list:
df_updates = pd.concat(df_updates_list)
df_updates = pd.DataFrame()
if embeddings_updates_list:
embeddings_updates = np.vstack(embeddings_updates_list)
embeddings_updates = np.array([])
# Append new data to existing, handling duplicates as needed
df_combined = pd.concat([df_existing, df_updates])
# create a mask for filtering
mask = ~df_combined.duplicated(subset=["title"], keep="last")
df_combined = df_combined[mask]
# Combine embeddings, ensuring alignment with the DataFrame
embeddings_combined = (
np.vstack([embeddings_existing, embeddings_updates])
if embeddings_updates.size
else embeddings_existing
# filter the embeddings based on dataframe unique entries
embeddings_combined = embeddings_combined[mask]
return df_combined, embeddings_combined
# Fast fetch data from bioRxiv
def fetch_and_save_data_block(endpoint, server, block_start, block_end, save_directory, format='json'):
base_url = f"{endpoint}/{server}/"
block_interval = f"{block_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}/{block_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
block_data = []
cursor = 0
continue_fetching = True
while continue_fetching:
url = f"{base_url}{block_interval}/{cursor}/{format}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to fetch data for block {block_interval} at cursor {cursor}. HTTP Status: {response.status_code}")
data = response.json()
fetched_papers = len(data['collection'])
if fetched_papers > 0:
cursor += fetched_papers # Update the cursor to fetch next set of data
print(f"Fetched {fetched_papers} papers for block {block_interval}. Total fetched: {cursor}.")
continue_fetching = False
if block_data:
save_data_block(block_data, block_start, block_end, endpoint, save_directory)
def save_data_block(block_data, start_date, end_date, endpoint, save_directory):
start_yymmdd = start_date.strftime("%y%m%d")
end_yymmdd = end_date.strftime("%y%m%d")
filename = f"{save_directory}/{endpoint}_data_{start_yymmdd}_{end_yymmdd}.json"
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
json.dump(block_data, file, indent=4)
print(f"Saved data block to {filename}")
def fetch_data(endpoint, server, interval, save_directory, format='json'):
os.makedirs(save_directory, exist_ok=True)
start_date, end_date = [datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") for date in interval.split('/')]
current_date = start_date
tasks = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor: # Adjust the number of workers as needed
while current_date <= end_date:
block_start = current_date
block_end = min(current_date + relativedelta(months=1) - relativedelta(days=1), end_date)
tasks.append(executor.submit(fetch_and_save_data_block, endpoint, server, block_start, block_end, save_directory, format))
current_date += relativedelta(months=1)
for future in as_completed(tasks):
def load_json_to_dataframe(json_file):
"""Load JSON data from a file into a pandas DataFrame."""
with open(json_file, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
return pd.DataFrame(data)
def save_dataframe(df, save_path):
"""Save DataFrame to a file in Parquet format."""
def process_json_files(directory, save_directory):
"""Process each JSON file in a directory and save its data to a Parquet file with a corresponding name."""
# Ensure the save directory exists
os.makedirs(save_directory, exist_ok=True)
json_files = list(Path(directory).glob('*.json'))
print(f'json_files {type(json_files)}: {json_files}')
for json_file in json_files:
df = load_json_to_dataframe(json_file)
# Optionally perform any data cleaning or preprocessing here
# Derive Parquet filename from JSON filename
parquet_filename = f"{json_file.stem}.parquet"
save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, parquet_filename)
# If the embedding for this file already exists, remove it
if os.path.exists(save_path):
npy_file_path = save_path.replace('db_update', 'embed_update').replace('parquet', 'npy')
if os.path.exists(npy_file_path):
print(f'Removed embedding file {npy_file_path} due to the dataframe update')
# Save the DataFrame to Parquet format
save_dataframe(df, save_path)
print(f"Processed and saved {} to {parquet_filename}")
def load_unprocessed_parquets(db_update_directory, embed_update_directory):
Load Parquet files from db_update_directory that do not have a corresponding
.npy file in embed_update_directory.
- db_update_directory: Path to the directory containing the Parquet files.
- embed_update_directory: Path to the directory containing the .npy files.
- A list of pandas DataFrames loaded from unprocessed Parquet files.
# Convert string paths to Path objects for easier manipulation
db_update_directory = Path(db_update_directory)
embed_update_directory = Path(embed_update_directory)
# List all Parquet files in db_update_directory
parquet_files = list(db_update_directory.glob('*.parquet'))
# List all .npy files in embed_update_directory and strip extensions for comparison
npy_files = {f.stem for f in embed_update_directory.glob('*.npy')}
# Initialize an empty list to store loaded DataFrames from unprocessed Parquet files
unprocessed_dataframes = []
# Loop through Parquet files and load those without a corresponding .npy file
for parquet_file in parquet_files:
if parquet_file.stem not in npy_files:
# Load the Parquet file as a pandas DataFrame and add it to the list
#df = pd.read_parquet(parquet_file)
print(f"Loaded unprocessed Parquet file: {}")
print(f"Skipping processed Parquet file: {}")
return unprocessed_dataframes
def connect_to_dropbox():
dropbox_APP_KEY = st.secrets["dropbox_APP_KEY"]
dropbox_APP_SECRET = st.secrets["dropbox_APP_SECRET"]
dropbox_REFRESH_TOKEN = st.secrets["dropbox_REFRESH_TOKEN"]
dbx = dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(
app_key = dropbox_APP_KEY,
app_secret = dropbox_APP_SECRET,
oauth2_refresh_token = dropbox_REFRESH_TOKEN
return dbx
def upload_path(local_path, dropbox_path):
dbx = connect_to_dropbox()
local_path = Path(local_path)
if local_path.is_file():
relative_path =
dropbox_file_path = os.path.join(dropbox_path, relative_path).replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
upload_file(local_path, dropbox_file_path, dbx)
elif local_path.is_dir():
for local_file in local_path.rglob('*'):
if local_file.is_file():
relative_path = local_file.relative_to(local_path.parent)
dropbox_file_path = os.path.join(dropbox_path, relative_path).replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
upload_file(local_file, dropbox_file_path, dbx)
print("The provided path does not exist.")
def upload_file(file_path, dropbox_file_path, dbx):
# Normalize the path for Dropbox API
dropbox_file_path = dropbox_file_path.replace('\\', '/')
# Check if the file exists on Dropbox and get metadata
metadata = dbx.files_get_metadata(dropbox_file_path)
dropbox_mod_time = metadata.server_modified
local_mod_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(file_path.stat().st_mtime)
# Skip upload if the Dropbox file is newer or the same age
if dropbox_mod_time >= local_mod_time:
print(f"Skipped {dropbox_file_path}, Dropbox version is up-to-date.")
except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e:
if not isinstance(e.error, dropbox.files.GetMetadataError) or e.error.is_path() and e.error.get_path().is_not_found():
print(f"No existing file on Dropbox, proceeding with upload: {dropbox_file_path}")
raise e
# Proceed with uploading if file does not exist or is outdated
with'rb') as f:
dbx.files_upload(, dropbox_file_path, mode=dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite)
print(f"Uploaded {dropbox_file_path}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to upload {dropbox_file_path}: {str(e)}")
endpoint = "details"
server = "biorxiv"
df, embeddings = load_data_embeddings()
start_date = df['date'].max()
last_date ='%Y-%m-%d')
interval = f'{start_date}/{last_date}'
print(f'using interval: {interval}')
save_directory = "db_update_json"
fetch_data(endpoint, server, interval, save_directory)
directory = r'db_update_json' # Directory containing JSON files
save_directory = r'db_update' # Directory to save aggregated data
process_json_files(directory, save_directory)
db_update_directory = 'db_update'
embed_update_directory = 'embed_update'
unprocessed_dataframes = load_unprocessed_parquets(db_update_directory, embed_update_directory)
if unprocessed_dataframes:
for file in unprocessed_dataframes:
df = pd.read_parquet(file)
query = df['abstract'].tolist()
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model = SentenceTransformer("mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1")
query_embedding = model.encode(query, normalize_embeddings=True, precision='ubinary', show_progress_bar=True)
embeddings_path = f'embed_update/{file_path}', query_embedding)
print(f'Saved embeddings {embeddings_path}')
# remove old json directory
db_update_json = 'db_update_json'
print(f"Directory '{db_update_json}' and its contents have been removed.")
for path in ['db_update', 'embed_update']:
upload_path(path, '//')
print('Nothing to do')