from utils.logger import get_logger | |
import numpy as np | |
from rapidfuzz.distance.Levenshtein import normalized_distance | |
import multiprocessing | |
import time | |
import utils.alignment as alignment | |
def _get_mned_metric_from_TruePredict(true_text, predict_text): | |
return normalized_distance(predict_text, true_text) | |
def get_mned_metric_from_TruePredict(batch_true_text, batch_predict_text): | |
total_NMED = 0.0 | |
count = 0 | |
for true_text, predict_text in zip(batch_true_text, batch_predict_text): | |
total_NMED += _get_mned_metric_from_TruePredict(true_text, predict_text) | |
count += 1 | |
return total_NMED / count | |
def get_metric_for_tfm(batch_predicts, batch_targets, batch_length): | |
num_correct, num_wrong = 0, 0 | |
for predict, target, length in zip(batch_predicts, batch_targets, batch_length): | |
predict = predict[1:-1] | |
target = target[1:-1] | |
predict = np.array(predict[0:length]) | |
target = np.array(target[0:length]) | |
num_correct += np.sum(predict == target) | |
num_wrong += np.sum(predict != target) | |
return num_correct, num_wrong | |
def allign_seq2trueseq(seq, true_seq, gap_symbol = "-"): | |
prev_sep = None | |
next_sep = None | |
seq_list = [] | |
true_list = [] | |
accumulate_true_word = "" | |
accumulate_pred_word = "" | |
assert len(true_seq) == len(seq) | |
for i in range(len(true_seq)): | |
if true_seq[i] != " ": | |
accumulate_true_word += true_seq[i] | |
accumulate_pred_word += seq[i] | |
else: | |
if seq[i] == gap_symbol: | |
next_sep = gap_symbol | |
if prev_sep != None and prev_sep == gap_symbol: | |
accumulate_pred_word = "@@" + accumulate_pred_word | |
if next_sep != None and next_sep == gap_symbol: | |
accumulate_pred_word = accumulate_pred_word + "@@" | |
else: | |
next_sep = " " | |
if prev_sep != None and prev_sep == gap_symbol: | |
accumulate_pred_word = "@@" + accumulate_pred_word | |
if next_sep != None and next_sep == gap_symbol: | |
accumulate_pred_word = accumulate_pred_word + "@@" | |
true_list.append(accumulate_true_word.replace(gap_symbol, "")) | |
seq_list.append(accumulate_pred_word) | |
accumulate_pred_word = "" | |
accumulate_true_word = "" | |
prev_sep = next_sep | |
next_sep = None | |
return seq_list, true_list | |
def align_2seq2trueseq(wrong_text, pred_text, true_text, gap_symbol = "-"): | |
assert gap_symbol != None and len(gap_symbol) == 1 | |
seq1, true_seq = alignment.needle(wrong_text, true_text, gap_symbol) | |
seq1_list, true_list = allign_seq2trueseq(seq1, true_seq, gap_symbol) | |
seq2, true_seq = alignment.needle(pred_text, true_text, gap_symbol) | |
seq2_list, _ = allign_seq2trueseq(seq2, true_seq, gap_symbol) | |
return list(zip(seq1_list, seq2_list, true_list)) | |
def _get_metric_from_TrueWrongPredictV3(true_text, wrong_text, predict_text, vocab = None): | |
gap_symbol = None | |
if vocab != None: | |
all_symbols = set(list(vocab.chartoken2idx.keys())[4:]) | |
symbols = set(list(wrong_text + predict_text + true_text)) | |
usable_symbols = all_symbols.difference(symbols) | |
assert len(usable_symbols) > 0 | |
if "-" not in usable_symbols: | |
gap_symbol = usable_symbols.pop() | |
else: | |
gap_symbol = "-" | |
gap_symbol = gap_symbol if gap_symbol != None else "-" | |
alignment = align_2seq2trueseq(wrong_text, predict_text, true_text, gap_symbol) | |
TP, FP, FN = 0, 0, 0 | |
for wrong, predict, true in alignment: | |
if wrong == true: | |
if predict[:-2] == true: | |
pass | |
elif predict != true: | |
if len(predict.split(" ")) == len(true.split(" ")): | |
FP += 1 | |
else: | |
penalty = len(predict.split(" ")) - len(true.split(" ")) | |
assert penalty > 0 | |
FP += penalty | |
else: | |
if predict == true: | |
TP += 1 | |
else: | |
if len(predict.split(" ")) == len(true.split(" ")): | |
FN += 1 | |
else: | |
penalty = len(predict.split(" ")) - len(true.split(" ")) | |
assert penalty > 0 | |
FN += penalty | |
return TP, FP, FN | |
def worker_task(true_text, wrong_text, predict_text, vocab): | |
_TP, _FP, _FN = _get_metric_from_TrueWrongPredictV3(true_text, wrong_text, predict_text, vocab) | |
return (_TP, _FP, _FN) | |
from multiprocessing import Pool | |
def get_metric_from_TrueWrongPredictV3(batch_true_text, batch_wrong_text, batch_predict_text, vocab, twp_logger): | |
assert vocab != None | |
TPs, FPs, FNs = 0, 0, 0 | |
with Pool(int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 3)) as pool: | |
data = [(true_text, wrong_text, pred_text, vocab) for true_text, wrong_text, pred_text in zip(batch_true_text, batch_wrong_text, batch_predict_text)] | |
result = pool.starmap_async(worker_task, data) | |
for i, result in enumerate(result.get()): | |
TPs += result[0] | |
FPs += result[1] | |
FNs += result[2] | |
if twp_logger: | |
twp_logger.log(batch_true_text[i], file_only=True) | |
twp_logger.log(batch_wrong_text[i], file_only=True) | |
twp_logger.log(batch_predict_text[i], file_only=True) | |
twp_logger.log(f"{result[0]} - {result[1]} - {result[2]}", file_only=True) | |
return TPs, FPs, FNs |