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import copy
import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from transformers_gad.parser import (
from transformers_gad.utf8_utils import PartialUTF8, decode_utf8
from transformers_gad.utils import intervals_intersect
import logging
class AcceptState:
def __init__(self, stacks, partial_utf8):
self.stacks = stacks
self.partial_utf8 = partial_utf8
def empty_state():
return AcceptState([], PartialUTF8())
class StringRecognizer:
def __init__(
grammar_encoding: List[int],
start_rule_id: int = None,
rule_offsets: List[int] = None,
stacks: List[List[int]] = None,
# strictly speaking, we don't need to copy grammar_encoding because we don't modify it
# but we do it anyway to be safe
# in case where the grammar is very large, we can consider not copying it
self.grammar_encoding = grammar_encoding
if rule_offsets is not None:
self.rule_offsets = rule_offsets
if start_rule_id is None:
raise ValueError("start_rule_id cannot be None if rule_offsets is None")
self.rule_offsets = self.init_rules(start_rule_id)
# each stack is a list of indices into grammar_encoding
# each index points to a rule's
if stacks is not None:
self.stacks = stacks
if start_rule_id is None:
raise ValueError("start_rule_id cannot be None if stacks is None")
self.stacks: List[List[int]] = self.init_stack(start_rule_id)
self.start_rule_id = start_rule_id
def init_rules(self, start_rule_id: int) -> List[int]:
_rule_offset = 0
rule_offsets = []
# Build `rules` as an array of rule IDs to their positions in `grammar_src`
while self.grammar_encoding[_rule_offset] != 0xFFFF:
rule_id = self.grammar_encoding[_rule_offset]
# store the offset idx
if len(rule_offsets) <= rule_id:
rule_offsets.extend([-1] * (rule_id - len(rule_offsets) + 1))
rule_offsets[rule_id] = _rule_offset
# Skip rule ID
# _rule_offset += 1
simple_rhs_offset = _rule_offset + 1
# Skip rule alternates
while self.grammar_encoding[simple_rhs_offset] != END_OF_RULE_MARKER:
simple_rhs_offset = (
simple_rhs_offset + 1 + self.grammar_encoding[simple_rhs_offset]
# Skip 0 denoting end of rule
# _rule_offset += 1
_rule_offset = simple_rhs_offset + 1
retrieved_start_rule_id = self.grammar_encoding[rule_offsets[start_rule_id]]
assert retrieved_start_rule_id == start_rule_id
return rule_offsets
def init_stack(self, start_rule_id: int) -> List[List[int]]:
stacks = []
# Loop over alternates of start rule to build initial stacks
sub_rhs_offset = self.rule_offsets[start_rule_id] + 1
while self.grammar_encoding[sub_rhs_offset]:
stack: List[int] = []
# If alternate is nonempty, add to stack
element_offset = sub_rhs_offset + 1
if self.grammar_encoding[element_offset] != END_OF_ALTERNATE_MARKER:
sub_rhs_offset += 1 + self.grammar_encoding[sub_rhs_offset]
return stacks
def get_initial_accept_state(self) -> AcceptState:
return AcceptState(self.init_stack(self.start_rule_id), PartialUTF8())
def get_termination_accept_state(self) -> AcceptState:
return AcceptState([], PartialUTF8())
def advance_stack(self, stack: Tuple[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
stack = list(stack)
if len(stack) == 0:
return [stack]
# we get the last element of the stack, which is the element we are currently processing
cur_element_offset = stack[-1]
# if the element is a terminal, we don't need to advance the stack
if self.grammar_encoding[cur_element_offset] != REF_RULE_MARKER:
return [stack]
# the remaining case is that the element is a non-terminal, i.e. a reference to another rule
ref_rule_id = self.grammar_encoding[cur_element_offset + 1]
# find the offset of the referenced rule
ref_subrule_offset = self.rule_offsets[ref_rule_id] + 1
new_stacks: List[List[int]] = []
# Loop over alternates of referenced rule to build new stacks
while self.grammar_encoding[ref_subrule_offset] != END_OF_RULE_MARKER:
# copy the original stack without the last element
new_stack = stack[:-1]
# if the rule ref is followed by another element, we add it to the stack
next_element_offset = cur_element_offset + 2
if (
# if the referenced rule is not empty, we add its element offset to the stack
ref_element_offset = ref_subrule_offset + 1
if self.grammar_encoding[ref_element_offset] != END_OF_ALTERNATE_MARKER:
ref_subrule_offset += self.grammar_encoding[ref_subrule_offset] + 1
return new_stacks
def _consume_byte(self, byte: int, accept_state: AcceptState):
# suppose we have code point 一, ord('一') = 19968, we need to match 3 bytes
# we need to match 3 bytes, so we need to call _consume_byte_partial_match 3 times
self._consume_bytes(bytes([byte]), accept_state)
# @lru_cache(maxsize=32768)
def _probe_bytes(
byte_seq: bytes,
stacks: List[List[int]],
partial_utf8: PartialUTF8,
if type(byte_seq) is list:
byte_seq = bytes(byte_seq)
code_points, new_partial_utf8 = decode_utf8(byte_seq, partial_utf8)
if verbose:
f"code_points: {code_points}; new_partial_utf8: {new_partial_utf8}"
new_stacks = self._consume_code_points(code_points, stacks)
for stack in new_stacks:
# stack is empty, meaning that the variables are all consumed
if len(stack) == 0:
return True
element_offset = stack[-1]
if self.partial_utf8_accept_at_element(element_offset, new_partial_utf8):
return True
return False
def _consume_bytes(
byte_seq: bytes,
accept_state: AcceptState = None,
if accept_state is None:
accept_state = self.get_initial_accept_state()
stacks = accept_state.stacks
partial_utf8 = accept_state.partial_utf8
if type(byte_seq) is list:
byte_seq = bytes(byte_seq)
code_points, new_partial_utf8 = decode_utf8(byte_seq, partial_utf8)
if verbose:
f"code_points: {code_points}; new_partial_utf8: {new_partial_utf8}"
new_stacks = self._consume_code_points(code_points, stacks)
new_new_stacks = []
for stack in new_stacks:
if len(stack) == 0:
element_offset = stack[-1]
if self.partial_utf8_accept_at_element(element_offset, new_partial_utf8):
return AcceptState(new_new_stacks, new_partial_utf8)
# Code point recognition
def _consume_code_point(
self, code_point: int, stacks: Tuple[Tuple[int]]
) -> List[List[int]]:
consume a character from the stack
char_code_point: can be a Unicode code point, including ascii code points which are in the range [0, 127]
new_stacks = []
stacks: List[List[int]] = list([list(stack) for stack in stacks])
if code_point == 0:
return new_stacks
for stack in stacks:
self._consume_code_point_per_stack(code_point, tuple(stack))
return new_stacks
def _consume_code_point_per_stack(
self, code_point: int, stack: Tuple[int]
) -> List[List[int]]:
consume a character from the stack
char_code_point: can be a Unicode code point, including ascii code points which are in the range [0, 127]
# TODO, the below code will raise an error when the stack is empty, but why is this happening?
# if len(stacks) == 0:
# raise ValueError("Stacks don't contain any stack, meaning that no character can be consumed")
# code_point = 0 is a special case when the uf8 sequence is not complete, we return an empty stack
# to indicate that the character is not accepted
stack = list(stack)
new_stacks = []
if code_point == 0:
return new_stacks
# stack is empty
if len(stack) == 0:
return new_stacks
element_offset = stack[-1]
found = self.accept_code_point_at_element(code_point, element_offset)
if not found:
return new_stacks
size = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset]
element_offset += size + 1
new_stack = stack[:-1]
if self.grammar_encoding[element_offset]:
return self.advance_stack(tuple(new_stack))
def _consume_code_points(
self, code_points: List[int], stacks: List[List[int]], verbose=False
) -> List[List[int]]:
for i, code_point in enumerate(code_points):
# for lru_cache to work, we need to convert the list of stacks into a tuple of stacks
tuple_stacks: Tuple[Tuple[int]] = tuple([tuple(stack) for stack in stacks])
stacks = self._consume_code_point(code_point, tuple_stacks)
if len(stacks) > 0 and verbose:
accepted_code_point = code_points[: i + 1]
corresponding_char = chr(code_point)
f"code point {accepted_code_point} corresponding to {corresponding_char} is accepted"
return stacks
def _accept_code_points(
self, code_points: List[int], stacks: List[List[int]], verbose=False
) -> bool:
stacks = self._consume_code_points(code_points, stacks, verbose)
return len(stacks) > 0
def accept_code_point_at_element(
self, code_point: int, element_offset: int
) -> bool:
size = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset]
# to make idx point to the range_start of the first range
element_offset += 1
for i in range(0, size, 2):
if (
self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i]
<= code_point
<= self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i + 1]
return True
return False
# def _accept_code_point(self, code_point: int, stacks: List[List[int]]):
# # for lru_cache to work, we need to convert the list of stacks into a tuple of stacks
# tuple_stacks: Tuple[Tuple[int]] = tuple([tuple(stack) for stack in stacks])
# new_stacks: List[List[int]] = self._consume_code_point(code_point, tuple_stacks)
# return len(new_stacks) > 0
# Partial UTF-8 recognition
def partial_utf8_accept_at_element(
self, element_offset: int, partial_utf8: PartialUTF8
) -> bool:
# Extract the accumulated value and the number of remaining bytes from the partial_utf8 object.
partial_value = partial_utf8.value
n_remain = partial_utf8.n_remain
# Return False if there are no remaining bytes to process or if it's an invalid UTF-8 sequence.
if n_remain == 1 and partial_value < 2:
return False
# If there are no remaining bytes, this means we had already consumed a complete UTF-8 sequence.
if n_remain <= 0:
return True
# Calculate the lowest possible Unicode code point that can be formed with the remaining bytes.
low = partial_value << (n_remain * 6)
# Calculate the highest possible Unicode code point by setting all remaining bits to 1.
high = low | ((1 << (n_remain * 6)) - 1)
# If the low end of the range is 0 and a specific number of bytes remain, adjust low to the minimum value
# that can be represented with that number of bytes. This accounts for UTF-8 encoding rules.
if low == 0:
if n_remain == 2:
low = 1 << 11 # Minimum value representable with 2 additional bytes.
elif n_remain == 3:
low = 1 << 16 # Minimum value representable with 3 additional bytes.
# Get the size of the grammar rule starting at the current element_offset.
size = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset]
# Move the element_offset to the start of the grammar rule's definition.
element_offset += 1
# Iterate over the grammar rule, checking if the range defined by low-high overlaps with any specified ranges.
for i in range(0, size, 2):
# If the current range (specified in the grammar encoding) overlaps with the low-high range, return True.
if intervals_intersect(
self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i],
self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i + 1],
return True
# If no overlap is found with any of the ranges, return False, indicating no valid partial match.
return False
# String recognition
def _consume_string(self, string: str, accept_state: AcceptState):
# _bytes = bytes(string, "utf-8")
code_points = [ord(char) for char in string]
stacks = self._consume_code_points(code_points, accept_state.stacks)
return AcceptState(stacks, accept_state.partial_utf8)
def _accept_prefix(self, string: str, accept_state: AcceptState = None):
if accept_state is None:
accept_state = self.get_initial_accept_state()
new_accept_state = self._consume_string(string, accept_state)
return len(new_accept_state.stacks) > 0
def _accept_string(self, string: str, accept_state: AcceptState = None):
if accept_state is None:
accept_state = self.get_initial_accept_state()
new_accept_state = self._consume_string(string, accept_state)
at_least_one_stack_is_empty = any(
len(stack) == 0 for stack in new_accept_state.stacks
return at_least_one_stack_is_empty
def _can_stop(self, stacks: List[List[int]]):
# This happens in practice, but maybe it shouldn't? TODO
if len(stacks) == 0:
return True
# if any of the stack is empty, we can stop
for stack in stacks:
if len(stack) == 0:
return True
return False
def _must_stop(self, stacks: List[List[int]]):
return len(stacks) == 0 or all(len(stack) == 0 for stack in stacks)
# Not Used
# For each sub-rule in the grammar, cache whether each byte is accepted.
def char_acceptance_at_element(self, element_offset):
Caches and returns a dictionary indicating whether a Unicode character is accepted
at a given rule position. This function considers Unicode characters, dynamically
inserting accepted ranges into a dictionary to optimize memory usage.
- rule_offset: The offset in the grammar encoding where the rule starts.
- A dictionary where each key is a Unicode character (or range) and the value is True if accepted.
logging.debug(f"element_offset: {element_offset}")
acceptance = {}
num_chars = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset]
element_offset += 1
for i in range(0, num_chars, 2):
start = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i]
end = self.grammar_encoding[element_offset + i + 1]
for j in range(start, end + 1):
acceptance[j] = True
return acceptance
def _consume_code_points_new(
self, code_points: List[int], stacks: List[List[int]], verbose=False
) -> List[List[int]]:
new_stacks: List[List[int]] = []
for stack in stacks:
tuple(code_points), tuple(stack), verbose
return new_stacks
def _consume_code_points_per_stack(
self, code_points: Tuple[int], stack: Tuple[int], verbose=False
) -> List[List[int]]:
code_points = list(code_points)
stacks = (stack,)
for i, code_point in enumerate(code_points):
# for lru_cache to work, we need to convert the list of stacks into a tuple of stacks
stacks = self._consume_code_point(code_point, stacks)
stacks = tuple([tuple(stack) for stack in stacks])
return [list(stack) for stack in stacks]