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import argparse
import logging
import sys
from typing import List
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# EBNF Grammar Parsing #
class ParseState:
def __init__(self):
self.symbol_table = {}
self.grammar_encoding = [] # old name: out_grammar
def print(self, file=sys.stdout):
print_grammar(file, self)
def get_symbol_id(state: ParseState, symbol_name: str) -> int:
if symbol_name not in state.symbol_table:
state.symbol_table[symbol_name] = len(state.symbol_table)
return state.symbol_table[symbol_name]
def generate_symbol_id(state: ParseState, base_name: str) -> int:
next_id = len(state.symbol_table)
state.symbol_table[base_name + "_" + str(next_id)] = next_id
return next_id
def is_word_char(c: str) -> bool:
Check if a char is a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, i.e., chars allowed as rule names
return c.isalnum() or c == "-" or c == "_"
def hex_to_int(c: str) -> int:
Convert a hex char to int, c should be in the range of 0-9, a-f, A-F
case insensitive
c: a hex char
int: the int value of the hex char
if c.isdigit():
return int(c)
elif "a" <= c.lower() <= "f":
return ord(c.lower()) - ord("a") + 10
return -1
def remove_leading_white_space(src, rm_leading_newline):
Skips over whitespace and comments in the input string.
This function processes the input string, skipping over any spaces, tabs,
and content following a '#' character, which denotes a comment. The parsing
of a comment continues until the end of the line (denoted by newline characters
'\r' or '\n'). If the 'rm_leading_newline' parameter is set to False, the function
will stop processing and return the remaining string upon encountering a
newline character, otherwise it will skip over newline characters as well.
src (str): The input string to be processed.
rm_leading_newline (bool): A flag indicating whether encountering a newline character
should stop the parsing (False) or if it should be skipped (True).
str: The remaining portion of the input string after skipping whitespace and comments.
pos = 0
while pos < len(src) and (src[pos].isspace() or src[pos] == "#"):
if src[pos] == "#":
while pos < len(src) and src[pos] not in ("\r", "\n"):
pos += 1
if not rm_leading_newline and src[pos] in ("\r", "\n"):
pos += 1
return src[pos:]
def parse_name(src) -> (str, str):
parse the leading name from the input string
src: the input grammar string
name, remaining_src
pos = 0
while pos < len(src) and is_word_char(src[pos]):
pos += 1
if pos == 0:
raise RuntimeError("expecting name at " + src)
return src[:pos], src[pos:]
def parse_char(src) -> (str, str):
parse the leading char from the input string
:param src:
:return: char, remaining_src
# if we have a backslash, it's maybe an escape
if src[0] == "\\":
esc = src[1]
if esc == "x":
first = hex_to_int(src[2])
if first > -1:
second = hex_to_int(src[3])
if second > -1:
return (first << 4) + second, src[4:]
raise RuntimeError("expecting \\xNN at " + src)
elif esc in ('"', "[", "]"):
return esc, src[2:]
elif esc == "r":
return "\r", src[2:]
elif esc == "n":
return "\n", src[2:]
elif esc == "t":
return "\t", src[2:]
elif esc == "\\":
return "\\", src[2:]
elif esc == "/":
return "\\", src[1:]
raise RuntimeError("unknown escape at " + src)
elif src:
return src[0], src[1:]
raise RuntimeError("unexpected end of input")
def _parse_rhs_literal_string(src: str, outbuf: List[int]) -> str:
assert src[0] == '"', f"rule should start with '\"', but got {src[0]}"
remaining_src = src[1:]
# advance until we get an end quote or run out of input
while remaining_src and remaining_src[0] != '"':
char, remaining_src = parse_char(remaining_src)
# print(f"char: {char}")
# in case we ran out of input before finding the end quote
if not remaining_src:
raise RuntimeError(f"expecting an end quote at {src},but not found")
# remove the end quote and return the remaining string
return remaining_src[1:]
def _parse_rhs_char_ranges(src: str, outbuf: List[int]) -> str:
assert src[0] == "[", f"rule should start with '[', but got {src[0]}"
remaining_src = src[1:]
start_idx = len(outbuf)
# num chars in range - replaced at end of loop
while remaining_src and remaining_src[0] != "]":
char, remaining_src = parse_char(remaining_src)
if remaining_src[0] == "-" and remaining_src[1] != "]":
endchar_pair, remaining_src = parse_char(remaining_src[1:])
# This is the case for enumerate, e.g., [0123456789], [abcdef]
# Each char is considered as a range of itself, i.e., c-c
if not remaining_src:
raise RuntimeError(
f"expecting an ] at {src},but not found, is the char range closed?"
# replace num chars with actual
outbuf[start_idx] = len(outbuf) - start_idx - 1
return remaining_src[1:]
def _parse_rhs_symbol_reference(src: str, state: ParseState, outbuf: List[int]) -> str:
assert is_word_char(src[0]), f"rule should start with a word char, but got {src[0]}"
name, remaining_src = parse_name(src)
ref_rule_id = get_symbol_id(state, name)
return remaining_src
def _parse_rhs_grouping(
remaining_src: str, state: ParseState, rule_name: str, outbuf: List[int]
) -> str:
assert (
remaining_src[0] == "("
), f"rule should start with '(', but got {remaining_src[0]}"
remaining_src = remove_leading_white_space(remaining_src[1:], True)
# parse nested alternates into synthesized rule
synthetic_rule_id = generate_symbol_id(state, rule_name)
remaining_src = parse_rhs(state, remaining_src, rule_name, synthetic_rule_id, True)
# output reference to synthesized rule
if not remaining_src or remaining_src[0] != ")":
raise RuntimeError("expecting ')' at " + remaining_src)
return remaining_src[1:]
def _parse_rhs_repetition_operators(
remaining_src: str,
state: ParseState,
rule_name: str,
last_sym_start: int,
outbuf: List[int],
) -> str:
assert remaining_src[0] in (
), f"rule should start with '*', '+', or '?', but got {remaining_src[0]}"
out_grammar = state.grammar_encoding
# last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
# apply transformation to previous symbol (last_sym_start -
# end) according to rewrite rules:
# S* --> S' ::= S S' |
# S+ --> S' ::= S S' | S
# S? --> S' ::= S |
sub_rule_id = generate_symbol_id(state, rule_name)
sub_rule_offset = len(out_grammar)
# placeholder for size of 1st alternate
# add preceding symbol to generated rule
if remaining_src[0] in ("*", "+"):
# cause generated rule to recurse
# apply actual size
out_grammar[sub_rule_offset] = len(out_grammar) - sub_rule_offset
# mark end of 1st alternate
sub_rule_offset = len(out_grammar)
# placeholder for size of 2nd alternate
if remaining_src[0] == "+":
# add preceding symbol as alternate only for '+'
# apply actual size of 2nd alternate
out_grammar[sub_rule_offset] = len(out_grammar) - sub_rule_offset
# mark end of 2nd alternate, then end of rule
# in original rule, replace previous symbol with reference to generated rule
outbuf[last_sym_start:] = [REF_RULE_MARKER, sub_rule_id]
return remaining_src[1:]
def parse_simple_rhs(state, rhs: str, rule_name: str, outbuf, is_nested):
simple_rhs_offset = len(outbuf)
# sequence size, will be replaced at end when known
last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
remaining_rhs = rhs
while remaining_rhs:
if remaining_rhs[0] == '"': # literal string
# mark the start of the last symbol, for repetition operator
last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
remaining_rhs = _parse_rhs_literal_string(remaining_rhs, outbuf)
elif remaining_rhs[0] == "[": # char range(s)
# mark the start of the last symbol, for repetition operator
last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
remaining_rhs = _parse_rhs_char_ranges(remaining_rhs, outbuf)
elif is_word_char(remaining_rhs[0]): # rule reference
# mark the start of the last symbol, for repetition operator
last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
remaining_rhs = _parse_rhs_symbol_reference(remaining_rhs, state, outbuf)
elif remaining_rhs[0] == "(": # grouping
# mark the start of the last symbol, for repetition operator
last_sym_start = len(outbuf)
remaining_rhs = _parse_rhs_grouping(remaining_rhs, state, rule_name, outbuf)
elif remaining_rhs[0] in ("*", "+", "?"): # repetition operator
# No need to mark the start of the last symbol, because we already did it
if len(outbuf) - simple_rhs_offset - 1 == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"expecting preceeding item to */+/? at " + remaining_rhs
remaining_rhs = _parse_rhs_repetition_operators(
remaining_rhs, state, rule_name, last_sym_start, outbuf
# case for newline, i.e., end of rule
assert remaining_rhs[0] in [
], f"rule should end with newline or '|', but got {remaining_rhs[0]}"
# we break here so that we call parse_rule again to parse the next rule
# Here we do not rm newline deliberately so that we know the rhs is ended
remaining_rhs = remove_leading_white_space(
remaining_rhs, rm_leading_newline=is_nested
# apply actual size of this alternate sequence
outbuf[simple_rhs_offset] = len(outbuf) - simple_rhs_offset
# mark end of alternate
return remaining_rhs
def parse_rhs(state, rhs: str, rule_name, rule_id, is_nested):
outbuf = []
remaining_rhs = parse_simple_rhs(state, rhs, rule_name, outbuf, is_nested)
while remaining_rhs and remaining_rhs[0] == "|":
remaining_rhs = remove_leading_white_space(remaining_rhs[1:], True)
remaining_rhs = parse_simple_rhs(
state, remaining_rhs, rule_name, outbuf, is_nested
# Now we have finished parsing the rhs, we can add the rule to the grammar_encoding
return remaining_rhs
def parse_rule(state: ParseState, rule_text: str) -> str:
name, remaining_rule_text = parse_name(rule_text)
remaining_rule_text = remove_leading_white_space(remaining_rule_text, False)
# check if the rule is already defined, TODO: what will happen if the rule is already defined?
rule_id = get_symbol_id(state, name)
if remaining_rule_text[:3] != "::=":
raise RuntimeError("expecting ::= at " + remaining_rule_text)
remaining_rule_text = remove_leading_white_space(remaining_rule_text[3:], True)
remaining_rule_text = parse_rhs(state, remaining_rule_text, name, rule_id, False)
if remaining_rule_text and remaining_rule_text[0] == "\r":
remaining_rule_text = (
if remaining_rule_text[1] == "\n"
else remaining_rule_text[1:]
elif remaining_rule_text and remaining_rule_text[0] == "\n":
remaining_rule_text = remaining_rule_text[1:]
elif remaining_rule_text:
raise RuntimeError("expecting newline or end at " + remaining_rule_text)
return remove_leading_white_space(remaining_rule_text, True)
def parse_ebnf(grammar_text: str) -> ParseState:
state = ParseState()
remaining_grammar_text = remove_leading_white_space(grammar_text, True)
last_grammar_repr = ""
while remaining_grammar_text:
if last_grammar_repr:
last_parsed_rule_len = len(last_grammar_repr) - len(
f"last_parsed_rule: {last_grammar_repr[:last_parsed_rule_len]}"
last_grammar_repr = remaining_grammar_text
remaining_grammar_text = parse_rule(state, remaining_grammar_text)
return state
except RuntimeError as err:
logger.warning("error parsing grammar:", err)
return ParseState()
# EBNF Grammar Parsing ends here #
def break_grammar_into_rules(grammar_encoding: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
offset = 0
# we loop until we reach the end of the grammar_encoding
rule_encodings = []
i = 0
while i < len(grammar_encoding) - 2:
if (
grammar_encoding[i] == END_OF_ALTERNATE_MARKER
and grammar_encoding[i + 1] == END_OF_RULE_MARKER
rule_encodings.append(grammar_encoding[offset : i + 2])
offset = i + 2
# This is mandatory because if we do not skip the END_OF_RULE_MARKER
# we fail in the case where the next rule has rule_id 0
i += 1
i += 1
return rule_encodings
def break_rule_into_elements(rule_encoding: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
rule_id = rule_encoding.pop(0)
end_of_rule_marker = rule_encoding.pop(-1)
assert (
end_of_rule_marker == END_OF_RULE_MARKER
), f"rule should end with {END_OF_RULE_MARKER}, but got {end_of_rule_marker}"
offset = 0
elements = []
while offset < len(rule_encoding):
element_size = rule_encoding[offset]
assert (
rule_encoding[offset + element_size] == END_OF_ALTERNATE_MARKER
), f"element should end with {END_OF_ALTERNATE_MARKER}, but got {rule_encoding[offset + element_size]}"
elements.append(rule_encoding[offset : offset + element_size + 1])
offset += element_size + 1
return elements
def _print_annotated_grammar(file, grammar_encoding, symbol_id_names, index=0):
rule_id = grammar_encoding[index]
print(f"<{index}>{symbol_id_names[rule_id]} ::=", end=" ", file=file)
pos = index + 1
while grammar_encoding[pos]:
if pos - 1 > index:
print("|", end=" ", file=file)
pos += 1 # sequence size, not needed here
while grammar_encoding[pos]:
if grammar_encoding[pos] == REF_RULE_MARKER:
ref_rule_id = grammar_encoding[pos + 1]
end=" ",
pos += 2
print("<{}>[".format(pos), end="", file=file)
num_chars = grammar_encoding[pos]
pos += 1
for i in range(0, num_chars, 2):
"{}-".format(chr(grammar_encoding[pos + i])), end="", file=file
if i + 1 < num_chars:
"{}".format(chr(grammar_encoding[pos + i + 1])),
print("]", end=" ", file=file)
pos += num_chars
pos += 1
return pos + 1
def print_grammar(file, state):
pos = 0
symbol_id_names = {v: k for k, v in state.symbol_table.items()}
print("Grammar Rules:", file=file)
while (
pos < len(state.grammar_encoding)
and state.grammar_encoding[pos] != END_OF_GRAMMAR_MARKER
pos = _print_annotated_grammar(
file, state.grammar_encoding, symbol_id_names, pos
if pos > len(state.grammar_encoding):
raise Warning(f"grammar_encoding is not ended with {END_OF_GRAMMAR_MARKER}")
pos = 0
print("\nGrammar Hex representation:", file=file)
while (
pos < len(state.grammar_encoding)
and state.grammar_encoding[pos] != END_OF_GRAMMAR_MARKER
print(f"{state.grammar_encoding[pos]:04x}", end=" ", file=file)
pos += 1
if pos > len(state.grammar_encoding):
raise Warning(f"grammar_encoding is not ended with {END_OF_GRAMMAR_MARKER}")
print("Rules Decimal representation:", file=file)
# we loop until we reach the end of the grammar_encoding
rule_encodings = break_grammar_into_rules(state.grammar_encoding)
for rule_encoding in rule_encodings:
rule_id = rule_encoding[0]
f"<{rule_id}> {break_rule_into_elements(rule_encoding)}",
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse EBNF grammar files.")
help="Path to the grammar file",
args = parser.parse_args()
# set logging level
with open(args.grammar_file, "r") as file:
input_text = file.read()
parsed_grammar = parse_ebnf(input_text)
print("parse state:")
# print(f"symbol_ids: \n{parsed_grammar.symbol_table}")
# start_rule_id = parsed_grammar.symbol_table["root"]
# DEBUG: __main__:last_parsed_rule: root: := "0"d | "1"a
# DEBUG: __main__:last_parsed_rule: a: := "0"c | "1"b
# DEBUG: __main__:last_parsed_rule: b: := "0" | "1"
# DEBUG: __main__:last_parsed_rule: c: := "0" | "1"
# DEBUG: __main__:last_parsed_rule: d: := "0"e
# parse state:
# Grammar Rules:
# < 0 > root: := < 2 > [0 - 0] < 5 > d | < 9 > [1 - 1] < 12 > a
# < 16 > a: := < 18 > [0 - 0] < 21 > c | < 25 > [1 - 1] < 28 > b
# < 32 > b: := < 34 > [0 - 0] | < 39 > [1 - 1]
# < 44 > c: := < 46 > [0 - 0] | < 51 > [1 - 1]
# < 56 > d: := < 58 > [0 - 0] < 61 > e
# < 65 > e: := < 67 > [0 - 0]
# Grammar Hex representation:
# 0000 0006 0002 0030 0030 0001 0001 0000
# 0006 0002 0031 0031 0001 0002 0000 0000
# 0002 0006 0002 0030 0030 0001 0003 0000
# 0006 0002 0031 0031 0001 0004 0000 0000
# 0004 0004 0002 0030 0030 0000 0004 0002
# 0031 0031 0000 0000 0003 0004 0002 0030
# 0030 0000 0004 0002 0031 0031 0000 0000
# 0001 0006 0002 0030 0030 0001 0005 0000
# 0000 0005 0004 0002 0030 0030 0000 0000 ffff
# Rules Decimal representation:
# < 0 > [[6, 2, 48, 48, 1, 1, 0], [6, 2, 49, 49, 1, 2, 0]]
# < 2 > [[6, 2, 48, 48, 1, 3, 0], [6, 2, 49, 49, 1, 4, 0]]
# < 4 > [[4, 2, 48, 48, 0], [4, 2, 49, 49, 0]]
# < 3 > [[4, 2, 48, 48, 0], [4, 2, 49, 49, 0]]
# < 1 > [[6, 2, 48, 48, 1, 5, 0]]
# < 5 > [[4, 2, 48, 48, 0]]