data_dynamos4 / CORR_TEXT_ZOOM_VIS_2.txt
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Good afternoon, everyone. Hello, Stephanie, Heba, Barbara. Okay, everyone. How was the exam that you had? Was it tough? Okay, so let's give it a couple more minutes for everyone. Mohammed and Dominique should be here soon. It looks like we're almost everyone is here, just one more minute. Any questions in the meantime? From the last forum, was there anything about the assignment? No? Okay, let's just give everyone a minute. Okay, let's get started. Good afternoon, everyone. First, I want to mention that I'm actually very surprised and very humbled by the quality of the responses. Really, I think it's the best forum I've been a part of in my six plus years as a professor. So hats off to everyone for the quality of the responses and how thorough and detailed they were. It's also funny how the contrast is because you're not the most vocal group in class, but then on the forums you're on it. I think this is the best group I've had by far, so congratulations to everyone on that. Just a couple of things before we get started. So the assignment was posted. I didn't know how to post it with the new Blackboard, so it took me a couple more days. But now it's online. The only thing is, on the last one, I need to go to the questions on the last thread to give you feedback. I've been preparing this session for today, and it's actually going to be on Python. I could have done the one on perception and cognition, but it would be more theory, and I think everyone is really keen on just getting their hands dirty and start creating these sorts of stations and putting into practice everything that we've learned so far. So that's what we're going to be doing today. It's actually data analysis. We're going to be creating a lot of different graphs and charts with Python. So the only thing is, again, it took me some time to adapt all the sessions and other materials I had to Python, so I will ask everyone to bear with me because I'm a little bit rusty on Python. But still, we have a lot of content that we're going to cover, and it should give you a good sense of how to explore your data efficiently and effectively as well through Python. Any questions before we get started? Nope. So let's get right into it. Okay. So in the very first session, we identified that there were two main purposes of data visualization: one was communication, trying to convey different ideas through data and through graphs and charts, and the other was to better understand the data and do it in a faster way once you receive a data set. That is something that we're going to be doing today. So the first thing to mention is that at the core and heart of exploratory data analysis, which was created around the sixteenth century, is to look at the data properties. I receive a data set. Am I looking at continuous variables? Categorical ones? Am I looking at dates? What am I looking at? So that is the very first thing. The second one is correlations. Are there big patterns in the data? It's interesting how data has evolved and some API tools can throw a data set at them and they do what is called smart data scoring and tell you the correlations between different data sets and distributions. It's amazing. So that's something that we're going to be doing today.We're going to learn how to do it manually and really understand from a statistical standpoint what we're looking at. Before we start modeling, we can better understand correlations to be more effective in our models and to debug. For example, we can graph the data to look for values or anomalies. On the second assignment, which is a group one and will be our last assignment before the final project, we will use it a little bit to communicate results, but it's not aimed to communicate results, not because the design might not be the best, but because this is a practice and it's for our personal understanding. We will create a lot of different graphs to better understand it for ourselves, not for the public. Therefore, exploratory graphs are made quickly. How does this distribution look like? How does the other variable look like? Are they correlated? It's going to be something we're going to be creating a lot. As I said before, don't worry about design itself, even on the assignment design is not that relevant. We will be looking at examples created on the plot 9 library in Python or the Gg. Pl. To library. These are based on the grammar of graphics, which is the foundation of data visualization. Every graph is created by a set of concepts, a data set, marks, and how we want those marks to look like, which would be the aesthetic. We use a coordinate system, but the most important thing is that we can start adding layers. We can visualize one another in seabourne and save the different graphs as a variable. If everyone has Jupiter notebook installed, I will share everything, most likely tomorrow. Please stop me as many times as needed so that no one is left behind. Are you going to share an advanced Python file? Not yet, but if not, we wouldn't learn. We would just be hitting shift-enter and that wouldn't be very useful. So the first thing is, we need to install the library. Let me see...Now I'm going to open the floor to answers. We want to visualize just one variable. This starts by visualizing one variable which is going to be continuous. A continuous variable is one that can take any infinite set of ordered values, any number, any time. For example, let's say we want to see the highway consumption of cars. How would you visualize this? We just want to see the distribution of the variable. Very good. How would you then plot it? We can define the bins and play with it. The height of the bars displays how many observations there are with each value. For example, we see that 24 has more than 60 cars that consume 24 liters of fuel in the highway per mile. We can also try to visualize it with a box plot. What mark? Scatter plot. That's it. Scatter plot. Perfect. So, engine displacement and mileage consumption in highway. Scatter plot. And there you go.That is a very good and relevant question. So I would say, it depends on the software itself. For example, in Tableau, you can define the colors at the beginning of the graph, so if you put color on the aesthetics, those colors will just override all the colors of all the different layers that you put on top. But if you want different colors for each layer, you can define them on the graph. However, I don't know why in Python it doesn't let you. Probably there's a way, so I'll look into that. If you want a gradient, you just need a continuous variable for color. If you just want specific colors to be assigned to specific points, then you just need a categorical variable. To visualize a second variable on the Y-axis, it would have to be done with another layer. So the data is Mpg. The aesthetics are the position, which is the displacement and the horsepower. And then the mark is the point. So the thing is, with the violin plot, you can actually see the distribution of the data. So you can see the distribution of the highway mileage consumption across the different classes. Okay, so let's see what Dominique has done. So, for example, if I want to look at the distribution of the highway miles per gallon, I can create a facet grid and I can put the different categories in different columns and rows. So I can have a better sense of the distribution of the different categories. Okay, so that's one way of looking at it.Let's look at the engine displacement in highway by class. How would you do it to continue your variable? We can use G on point, right? What if I want to see this inverse relationship? What if I want to visualize it by class? We can use shape, color, or bubbles. With shape, we can assign a color to each category. With color, we can use a continuous color scale. With bubbles, we can use the size of the bubbles to represent the engine displacement.I want to add another variable to the class. So it's the size. Okay, let's do it. Size, equal class. Is it effective when you have too many variables? It's hard to tell, but it is another way. Just a couple more tricks, as we said before, so I'm just going to use the same visualization. I'm going to put color here, and I'm going to do as I did before. I'm just going to call a what I'm going to do is just so, you know there are different ways of I mean. First of all, let's say I want to add a title. Okay, for India, you just do very basic. Did you title? I? You say mileage or gas consumption and highway by this clip. So did you title again. Now I'm just going to show you in the next 3 minutes just very basic tips here in terms of annotations and how to change your graph. Then you could do Xl and Ylab. They basically show you how to change the legends so let's say on the X and Y. X to let's say a club. I want to say engine displacement. I have changed here engine displacement. And if I said I think it was predominantly the one who asked, how can I limit both vx and the Y-axis? So I could do with Xlim. Let's say, explain when I say to to it to on Sixth. For example, because I'm interested in those 2 values. And then I could be from 20 to 30. So, as you can see, I have defined both what I see on the x-axis and the y-axis with Xlim and Weylum and I'm gonna stop here. I know that I've thrown a lot of concepts today. We're going to be practicing a lot in the next class. This should really help you. Also, once you receive any data set to be more effective in data science and be the panel it. I'm better on. I can have a better and quicker understanding of your data, with different graphical patterns and modes of this relaxation. But do you have any questions before we leave? And what I said before, I will probably upload the notebook by tomorrow night. In which you will see all the categories and how to visualize everything. So it will be very comprehensive. And out of that notebook, you can just easily respond to any of the questions on the Forum from this week. Any questions before we go? Anyone that has struggled, anyone that is a little bit lost, anyone that needs help? If not, please shoot me an email. Let me know if there's any way in which I can help you. If you think this is too complex, or actually you want to dig deeper into a specific aspect? I think there were also some great questions today that I need to do a follow up on. So I will do that throughout the week. Yes. So that that's embedded in one of the I think, in session 9 or 10. Yes. There is a short answer which is in terms of visualization. Probably those tools are the best ones. I mean the bi tools. Now, this is the best one in terms of, if you will need to do some transformation or you're exploring. Probably don't export data directly on power Bi, or to blow, although they're very powerful. You're not expectable. I don't know many data scientists that really explore data in those tools, although they have really again improved under function. I'm not sure it's also a visual interface. So therefore you need to spend a little time exploring data. On my graph, it's it's more than fine. It's more for you to really convey the message to me. If I can understand what you're thinking rather than really creating a perfect graph. If you do it, it's it's okay. But it's not expected. Yeah. Even just like a catch should be more than enough. And I don't expect anyone to be a graphic artist. So if you can just say, I mean, your bars are not gonna be perfect. Your points are not gonna be perfect, but it's more from a conceptual standpoint. Yes. Total freedom. Okay, there's a question here. No, I'm gonna try those Carlos. Thank you for sharing and Muhammad as well. Okay, we're in time.I want to give you seven minutes of your Saturday, and hopefully the class was productive. You learned that you're going to be practicing and really seeing if you learn or not throughout the week. But hopefully you will. We'll be creating a lot of graphs and charts. Grammar of graphics is easy. I need the stepping stone towards being a great data visualization practitioner on Tableau or in any other tool. Knowing this conceptually how it works, you're going to be way more effective than using any other visualization library. If you want to use them in the future. So thank you so much again. I'm very happy with how the course is going so far. If you have any questions, just let me know. Shoot me an email. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.