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No, okay. Deploying Carlos Juan, do you hear about these? Is it legal in your country, Bob? Stephanie had funds before. Should I work or look for another job? I'm very worried. Is it illegal in Spain, Christian? I want to speak about four topics today, which is a summary of the last class. I'm updating my curriculum and resume, which is one of my aims this year. The funny thing is, don't smile too much. Tony, he smiled. This is true and a real problem in some countries. Why? Maybe you heard it. The legal or illegal situation of Google Analytics is the first topic. It is provided by a lettuce tool and there is no free land. In Austria, Italy, and Denmark, you can use Google Analytics. In France, they are deleting all the data. The US government can access the data due to security reasons. Europe has decided to cut it. This could be a real problem for Google and companies in some countries. I need to explain why this is. I want to speak about four topics. That's all.These two tools are controlling everything based on this thing. What's the solution? Well, there are many, many analysis tools. Okay? No, no. It's forward food. That's nice in order. You know, and they are growing because of this. Okay, in order to control the consumer or the user, they have to board consumption on your side. Okay. One, this one, madamo. And this is only for the future guys, this is only for the future. Well, this is growing a lot. Dominique, do you know in your company now? Yes, a while. Now, Mark, what about you? Never. It's Stephanie. Never in your country. Okay? Well, this is not Google and all these guys. But with those arguments and these excuses, they are growing a little. I don't want to say a lot, but foundation, national institution, as I told you, national bank, governments. I don't think so. If you will analyze this, well, I know the biggest esper, the low part, but how we had. No, he's not the leader. Okay? Because if you speak to some lawyers, hey, you are transferring my data because of your IP, because my IP, because my login, it's easy to understand. You know. Do you think well knows guys? And this is another part. Do you think Google knows a lot about you, Christian? They have a lot of information about you. Would they create a real personal profile of you? Have your opinion. How you, you know, you can check what Google knows about you as well. Google knows about you. Okay, and I have no day. I have another solution. Okay, this is only my opinion. Okay. But this is my profile, guys. What Google knows about me. They know a lot of things. Obviously, I'm using Chrome, you know, Android. I drive many Provo. Okay. But, guys, well, this is me. Okay, this is me. What? Let's see the two, two, two, two, two good music. His son is coming. Okay, they know that I'm between 35 and 44, Stephanie. It's still not 40. Okay. And this is important. It's still about 40 clear, and they know that I control two, three languages. Okay? Well, I'm not right. Sometimes it's good some days. Okay. But I'm married and Google knows it. Okay? Well, I went to the university. I love technology and working up well. Why not a big company. Okay. I have a more gate, and this is so important. By what? For me, you know, it's like something here, always. Okay, I think you feel it as well. Okay, I have children. Okay, that's the information that Google has for me. It's important. Carlos for advertising in order to create a profile. I finish, you know. Okay, to sell me different, to sell me. I mean different problem than to Barbara. Not to pay, you, you know, but it's about an in place, my friend. I don't remember how yet. How do you say that? Does it like it? For me, advertising is different. But if you ask me. Okay, I just activated everything. What about preference? What about these skills, you know, in Terrace? Well, I love software. Yes, 10 minutes ago I was looking for Al Fona term that is, for Photoshop while we went. So much. Okay? Well, I love you know. I'm building a new, a second home. Okay, and always checking. You know, materials, budget, everything. Okay, hotels, toys, you know, Christmas last week in Spain. Okay. Banking, movies, obviously export. You see, this is too much guys using Google. Can you know me? I mean personal information, Barbara. Are you up right? Speak. Come on. Well, it's a good point. Okay. But I think I offer you this a simple by one. If you go to a cafe. You know, and you like coffee with me. You know. Imagine the first day that waiter. Hey? Please. Coffee with me. Two portions of sugar. Okay, no cream. Okay. What happened if you arrived today. Got it that coffee shop dream two months daily. And you have to repeat a coffee with meal two portions of sugar. I don't remember what I said, no cream. You've seen. The waiter is stupid, right? But I mean you like a personalized attention. Yeah, sometimes you know, for that coffee is okay, you know. But if you go to a bank, you know, and you have to repeat the same information every time. You know, it's not okay. You know, it's not okay. Okay, so this is my opinion.Imagine you are speaking to Stephanie in that coffee shop. You know about Don Fields' books and the course they offer, and it seems like too much right? Two months? Okay, I want to show you that idea. You have to pay attention to your data. Companies like this one, even Google, in my personal opinion, don't know everything. It's impossible to know. When I'm speaking about data about Google, I don't think this is a stupid tool. The intelligence, if you have it, is here. It's like this always. You can make many mistakes using data if you don't know how to use it. Last class, I was speaking about marketing and artificial intelligence. You will see in the next years how people who don't know how to control the ecosystem and don't know how to use the data will make many mistakes. Please don't be like that. When it comes to Google Analytics, it's not illegal yet, at least not in Spain or France. But this situation is going to change soon because it's at the government level. Google Analytics doesn't collect personal information about you, it aggregates information. Obviously, you can pass your email, but that's illegal. My friend, you need to anonymize the data in a legal way. If you do it in a way that's a problem, it's not a Google Analytics problem, it's your problem. Okay, if you collect too much information, like in the coffee shop, you have to be professional. Sometimes, I prefer to be honest in my past professional career and not ask my lawyer. I promise I did it. But the situation now, seven years later, is not the same as seven years before. You have to pay attention to your data as a professional and as a user. But I defend why I have to delete the data, nothing personal. You need to make people understand what you are doing. Nothing illegal, it depends. But this was the first topic I wanted to speak about and you will hear it. Yes, you will. Google Analytics is not illegal yet, unless in Spain or France. But this situation is going to change soon because it's at the government level. Google Analytics doesn't collect personal information about you, it aggregates information. Obviously, you can pass your email, but that's illegal. My friend, you need to anonymize the data in a legal way. If you do it in a way that's a problem, it's not a Google Analytics problem, it's your problem. Okay, if you collect too much information, like in the coffee shop, you have to be professional. Sometimes, I prefer to be honest in my past professional career and not ask my lawyer. I promise I did it. But the situation now, seven years later, is not the same as seven years before. You have to pay attention to your data as a professional and as a user. But I defend why I have to delete the data, nothing personal. You need to make people understand what you are doing. Nothing illegal, it depends. But this was the first topic I wanted to speak about and you will hear it. Yes, you will. Google Analytics is not illegal yet, unless in Spain or France. But this situation is going to change soon because it's at the government level. Google Analytics doesn't collect personal information about you, it aggregates information. Obviously, you can pass your email, but that's illegal. My friend, you need to anonymize the data in a legal way. If you do it in a way that's a problem, it's not a Google Analytics problem, it's your problem. Okay, if you collect too much information, like in the coffee shop, you have to be professional. Sometimes, I prefer to be honest in my past professional career and not ask my lawyer. I promise I did it. But the situation now, seven years later, is not the same as seven years before. You have to pay attention to your data as a professional and as a user. But I defend why I have to delete the data, nothing personal. You need to make people understand what you are doing. Nothing illegal, it depends. But this was the first topic I wanted to speak about and you will hear it. Yes, you will. Google Analytics is not illegal yet, unless in Spain or France. But this situation is going to change soon because it's at the government level. If you don't want to use Google Analytics, don't do it. There are better professional tools like Adobe Analytics, but you have to pay a lot of money. You also have many other open source tools and hosting in Europe where you or your company own the data. There are only two things: as I told you, I thought Dominique was working on it. This is going to be popular this month. Why? Because the GDPR is in place and you don't have to worry about it. But you have to be careful. If you want to allow it, you have to be careful. But understand the ecosystem. The first class, the first or second week, understanding and trying to explain it and communicate. I was fighting with the lawyer of the National Bank two weeks ago. Let me explain. You know more than me out loud, but I know more than you what's in the week. Do you want to use Google Analytics? Don't do it. There are better professional tools like Adobe Analytics, but you have to pay a lot of money. You also have many other open source tools and hosting in Europe where you or your company own the data.If you go to a market, they don't use cookies. They use dice. Cookies are needed for each one. Okay, for all of them, but they are respecting your privacy. That's all the questions so far, my friends. No more questions, Diana. Barbara, phone shop one, maybe your company in the future, I mean in the next month. Okay, he's facing these problems. Javier, call me okay. I don't need money, just a beer. Okay, be here and I will offer you my ideas because it's coming. Okay, if you like this to work. Okay, the point I wanted to speak about is that in the future, as a data professional, do you think marketing is going to use more data? Stephanie, what is your opinion? Are you all ready to use the models you are learning and the programming languages like Python and SQL for these? Yes, many chances, guys, many, many chances in marketing and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is just data. It's true to mine for understood data. That's on. Okay, if you are interested in marketing during these weeks, you told me, Fran, I don't come from marketing. Okay, I'm an economics guy and a technology guy, whatever. Okay, many, many chances here. Why? Because they don't use the proper money of the prepared models in order to know that's like. And all the people here think that everything is related to money and it's not. You can base everything that you have on no results nice. You remember, Sam, right? Search in Jain. Marketing is the best idea, the basic simple that I have to offer you. Fran, I have 2,000 users per day. I won't resolve, and Frank has to say. Hey, I don't want you as a client. Why? Because it's not about money. You have no content. You have nothing to sell. When I say to sell for the user your loss. It's not if you have money always in life. You know, money helps, but it's like this. Okay, and guys, there are many, many tendencies in this kind of area on topics. If you work with data in the next 3-4 years, guys, you know, trying to know your user a little bit more, you know, you have to think in a marginal way. You get it. Okay, you ready because well for everything. I have a business case for you today, but for everything. If you know your client better, guys, let me offer you something. You remember that we saw Will and it is together. I went to audience and I told you, hey, you can know you can know these. They can know that you are up 25 years old in 40% of the chances. Their race 60% they don't know anything about you know your aids. Okay? And that's Google, my friend. Okay, imagine the rest of the companies. What about gender, guys? And you know this interface already? Okay, only 40, only 45% of the cookies of the user has attacked with a gender, male or female. 55. Nothing. Okay. So we think people think that we know everything about the user but it's not true. Chances for you. I mean, the story of my life is like this: taking these kind of chances. You are my friends now, so I wonder what is best for you? Okay, I thought so many chances here. Customer value. Well, well trouble on you hotels.Why not redeem Oh, insurance? I'm pretty sure you know, in your professional case, in your business case related to Google, you mentioned this story, you spoke about A/B testing and segmentation. Yeah, I know your business cases. I didn't open the documents yet, but believe me, you are the magical friend. You have chances here in the future to predict churn. Ian, what could you help to explain what the churn is for Kiva? That's just two minutes cool about a New Year. Oh, he woke you up next. Kiva. Come on. Well, with the finish of here, you know you are right on time for me today. Okay, the point is, in order to avoid that, the client that you have with a lot of goes in order to come in your company, if you have the chance to avoid that, it's a lot of money for your company, a lot of money. How many of you has how many of you has next please in 2021? Everyone, Harvey, we know Petro, just keep right before or not. Nice serious now. Never, no one. Hassan Heba, you have. How many of you is thinking about the content of Netflix is not like in the past? Well, they are increasing the most money the fee. Is there a chance to cancel the subscription for you in this year? Dominique, is that please? Boring, my friends. Is HBO better? Mark, you are trying to ask that you like Emily in Paris, right? Because two days ago, three days ago, but the point guys not least. You will see in the next year, I mean, maybe in two years, they are in trouble. Okay, because a lot of people are going to say, "Bye, bye, Netflix, I don't need you. I don't need you. Why? Because you know, economic problems. Okay, because it's too expensive for the content that before was okay. But now, Emily in Paris, six on three, Heba great. You know the guy is handsome, but then you lost $10 per month. Come on. Okay, today I will speak about this. Okay, Mike, my personal life, I mean my professional life. But they are more day by day. And this term prediction is so important because you are spending a lot of money in order to, but right then, in order to get that's the caption, and then in well, three, four months, two years, they are what you mean. Yes, how much money is that one? If you are right to a company, maybe your current company, but maybe your future company with a solution with a data driver solution. Well, the human is open for you. Yeah, okay, it's like this. I'm enough. Please say yes, Amanda, I mean that's what it's not a simple but a chance for provides, like you, in order to offer some intelligence, some tools. Okay, to the company to try to avoid to reduce the churn prediction in this kind of sites for you. Correct? No, sorry. Is this one? What? Six percent, seven percent? What happened? How much money? If you try to reduce the churn until five percent, it's a lot of money for the company. Okay, yeah, it. Second, second is simple today. How many of you has a newspaper subscription in your country? How many, how much? How many of you are paying for news? One, yeah, you see, Ian and Dominic for one newspaper for the second one. I want to hear your reason, my friend. Okay. Well, I look back, send you pay, I mean, for the first one it's for personal reason, I mean because you read it every day or for us all professionals. Not that no meaning. You pay for it, national papers, right? National newspaper in your country, as well. One, what are you living in Dubai, you know, interested in Chile? Right? Well, no one in Spain, guys, no one in this pain. No, no, no, this is not, but the point. Christian. You know how many people in my country 47 million of people paid for a newspaper. Give me a number. How about? Come on? Well, I me a little bit of fun. So individuals or like businesses like Bar so Federal focus on me focusing the class. Okay, forget about. We are still here. Okay? No, the boy needs yes, individual. 10% is one million, my friend. It's half a million Christian. Okay, so there are 47 million people living in the country. How many people are paying for our subscription in Spain? Let's say 50,000. Does 150,000 people pay for a newspaper? Okay, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, that was the market. Christian, you know. I have to look for another job. Just kidding. Okay, I asked a lot of you to, because of the data, the boy needs 100, 5,130 1,000 people in the full country speaking for a newspaper. Okay, is this profitable? Believe me, it's not. But I come back to the first topic. You need to know your users. Okay, it's a promise, I promise. I don't remember how to say it, but the point is, we have to. They have to work on it. Okay, you know what the total market is in order to pay for a newspaper in the spring? 400,000 in 2,025. 400,000. Okay, are you going to pay in your country for newspapers? For sure you are going to pay for sure you are going to pick, as Amanda said 10 years ago. You used to, you know, now, loading tools. No, most of us, said I, don't even know who pays for Netflix �7, �8, �9. Okay, some of you pay and more people in your company are watching Netflix. Okay, it's reading the news. But they wait. It's going to cancel that. Okay, in two years. The subscription account for sure, for sure. Okay, if you want to pay it, have you? You can. You can set it with your brother, with your father, or with your phone in the B as well. Fees individual subscription, maybe less money, maybe with advertising. Well, is your aim? I mean, if you are working in these kind of industries to solve that problem, it's so difficult. It's so complex, guys. But if people with data don't do it, no one. No web. Okay. The point is, I have these for you. Okay. So let's see who is going to pay fares of this class education. Think it if you are looking for an it for Internet provider. Oh, guys. Believe me, this is known. You okay, I didn't guys. I I don't know if I told you, but I I have. I have leukemia, you know. You give me an answer. Yes, you understand it. Okay? So for me, that's also the medical insurance. Well, so difficult. It's not this thing done for my wife. Okay. It's not the same. This is no, you many companies did it to the many years segmenting people and depending on the profile. This is for you, or this is for you. But now you have a legal approach. You have cookies even with that cookie less in order to develop application in order to to to activate this kind of data, at least your job guys. Okay, that's the reason. I hope you are doing this course, this master for something like this mark. Okay. But here scoring segmentation, you have many, many chances. Okay? And that was was the second topic of today. Okay, if you ask Frank. Obviously using all the tools, all the artificial intelligence that you have in the future. That is going to be a lot. Okay, you have to face it. Okay. And you have here some ideas from Fran to me. Okay, imagine El Mundo. I was introducing you to this. Okay. It's Mundo has two things. This is a company like your business case. Okay? Two things to do improved the radio station level. I mean, how many people is logging in order to quit articles, and I'm pretty sure you are going to see it, not for a Lund of for all the newspaper in your country, and also international. And then, guys. So I need to get subscriptions. Okay. One more question, how many people not pay for a subscription? And I I told you 150,000 in a country of 47 million people. But how many of you log in in order to check to read the articles? The news? If you read news? Okay, I hope so. You know, Amanda love Fiona is more than me. You see, Graceian. Okay, you know you remember my to my child. You know I always say this yo, you know, to my journalist friends. Okay, she kind of study whatever she wants. But if she chooses journalists, she paid for that great Javier. Okay, puppy, Daddy is not going to pay. No, I'm kidding guys, but it's true.You know why to choose Why, to pay for content that your competitor has. Okay, you tell this to the journalists. I was so happy working on it. But I think I did it. We changed the newsroom and they are now focused on it being different. Okay, but this is so complex. Coming back to my question, how many people are logging into Elmundo? It does a navigating window without login 2%, 3%, sometimes 5% of the total usage. That's nothing, just nothing for a company like this one. Okay, I told you Google 50, 45 and this kind of companies something like this. These numbers are real. We compare between 8 publishing companies. You know, this is the kind of approach I wish for you in the future, okay, inside your company. Okay, well, the market penetration, households and cookies. 3% off a minimum chances, obviously, but loyalty, my friends. Well, no sense. I'm busy by user engagement. You remember my bar. Okay, 3.1. Not that and only this is these: are you? Don't pay for newspapers. Okay, well, no, but far from the publisher number a. Well, okay, but you see, detail only subscriber nothing. We have no information yet. This is 2021 data. Okay, in order to be honest, but many chances here, guys, many changes here. Then, okay, you have a lot of things to say data people. I mean how we try to get those clients. Obviously, we are changing every day. We are testing every day as well to get more. Okay, but baby station. Okay, why, to know why, to who's you in order to register? Okay, it's a surviving question for this kind of company. Well, first, in order to collect rich information. Okay, I need to know Dominique Carlo. So problem a little bit more. Okay, in order to obviously to get a better. It's the big bad guys cookies. I'm not going to disappear, but it is going to be more difficult for profiles like me, for profiles like you. You know the outline between technology and marketing to know the guys. If I don't have first party data, you will be mailed your phone, your number and those for sure. I lost. Okay, so sorry. This is how people are doing. And this is how I sell these ideas inside the company. If it's useful for you, why not? Mr. Funny, I selected some metrics and I offered the information like this. Okay, I didn't want to speak about this before that line in order not to offer you extra information. Radio station conversion rate, percent of known cookies users. Well, those metrics are so important in the newsroom of okay, also for Malta. Why? Because my department, me having this, well, paying a lot of attention to this, please, please, please. Okay, in order to get a mature conversation inside the company. Okay, this is good. Well, look at the and sometimes it's so difficult that conversation. Believe me, Javier Carlos. You know I wasn't. I had no a lot of phrase inside because I was training with data things that they didn't want to hear. Okay, but I offered the information in this way. See the radio station conversion rate, known users something like this. Pay attention to the graphics, pay attention to the ideas. Okay, radio station. Okay, when you think about what is more important to you. This is the answer of our times. Okay, testing also everything. An idea of what Fran is thinking. It's a really good idea, a copy of this telegraph idea, and we already compete. Okay, that's the idea how people get registers. I mean, when you start logging people mainly by email. Okay, they point me so. An ideas. She no use lit there for Mobile. No, no. Let's do it. Okay, and also should be soon. Okay, another another. I don't want to say idea product. Okay, complementary Pro. Okay, why to pay with these guys, why, to pay with this? Well.We have to think of these people and were thinking of three ideas at the smaller value proposition, obviously pricing and the description flow. Okay, my idea is Dominique and his son Ian. Sorry, I don't remember what on the old day Guy was. Peri Juan? Pardon me, why are they paying? Why? Young was clear for personal and professional career, for professional needs. Dominique, why are you paying for it? But my one question is, Dominic industrial, can you pay for the article? I mean, there are close articles and if you don't pay, you don't check it. I wanted to offer you some ideas. Okay, in order to control how close you are to the subscription, we are developing some metrics. Okay, but give me a sec. Okay, we are testing guys. This is a competitor in Spain. You see, this one and I have no subscription for him. 40. Sorry. Okay, I go here. You know, and you guys, believe me, there is something different. If you offer this part of the test, this blue theme, or if you don't know if you work, guys have you? You know the article only with the title. See? And these people are testing. And my expertise says, hey, if you me, you know something else. No, the pool article, something else. You know, you can move that percent date. Okay, I was asking Dominique these questions because it is for simple by competitors and always paying attention to the market. You know, they changed it 6 months ago this, certainly. But before you can read 25 articles for free. You choose one. Okay, in the article 26 you have to pay for it. Okay, doesn't matter the topic. 25 that mode the first newspaper with the premium wall. Okay, besides it not to follow. That is that okay? They are sorry. Let's see. Lovely. Okay, there are some articles like this one that you can read for free in the new country. Yes, always. And some articles that if you don't pay, okay, you don't see? Okay, this is premium oratory. There are many models in order to try to solve that problem. In my opinion, this one is much, much better because what happened I told you the first, the second, the third week. If you're looking for a trip for a fly. If you change your browser, the price is different. Right? It's more difficult to know you. Here's one. Give me one more thing. Team. It's not here. One more time. Give me a sec. Okay, I will try to or something. Don't tell me I exactly. Okay, why, guys, if I use this one. You see. Oh, they are off to me this okay? But after this. Hey, you see this one here, you see my sorry. I want to. You see my screen. You see this one guys I didn't offer you. I mean, they didn't offer me this when I was low in, because they know a little bit more about me. Now. A 50%, 44, $45 like to fool you. Okay, just modify this just modify ending. So you need to know your clients a little bit in order to try to sell it a little bit more. Okay, but the point at this moment, this one. Okay, we analyze how many news, how the news has to be in order to Dominique. If you are right via Facebook. Okay, you are a parachute for me. I mean, you are right to a Mundo, but no loyalty, no loyalty. Okay, should I use a wall in order to block the content? Or should I offer you the content for free? But Stephanie would visit me every day. More chances to compare. Should I block that article for her, hey? She's interested in this. What's this that you some publisher guys offered you the content for free if you are right via a social network on the social platform. Facebook, Twitter, especially Twitter. Cool. Whatever I don't want to say, start on Monday. Okay, but some other. It's out looking all the articles. What do you think is the best thing? Come back to my I mean, let's let me come back to the symbol. You are paying for that subscription. �7. Thank you to spend month. Okay. Okay. And you like it. Some people they it depending on the article I would pay.Amanda said, "I know, you know. Okay, imagine you are paying $10 for that subscription, and it's funny arriving via Facebook for free. How do you feel about that article? But he was interested, my friend. It was very interesting, and Stephanie got a description for free only because of Twitter and you were paying for it. That's happening, guys. That's happening. Okay? What if Dominique... Coming back to right now, all the articles, all the blog articles are the same for all of you. You want access to this one, you pay, but you don't see it doesn't matter who you are. But imagine, yeah, I'm pretty sure your interests are completely different or very different than Javier. What's happening in order to increase my conversion rate? Knowing you a little bit, are you interested in some interesting articles for your blog? But that's new. Then you get it completely free for Javier. But then we are speaking about economy or technology or sports things that you don't like, that you do. You will like for half year that one blog for you is free. Do you think this is happening now? Do you think this is interesting? Someone, Mark was my... I don't know if he is still here, but he is still here. But the point is, where Mark was saying, hey, I don't cancel my subscription of Netflix because sometimes depending on the quarter, depending on the part, there you see something interesting. See? Yeah, give me movies, right? Serials and depending on the question number. What if I open a discussion now? What if I offer you the chance only to pay for one article, for one station season 4, one outdoor? You pay for it, for the rest if I offered you the idea that season Emily in Paris, see some 3 mark. Okay, but for �2, my friend, no, �5, 2. I wouldn't do it. I'll just keep paying the 10. Nothing and Barbara, who like I mean in Paris because she likes the CP. He likes friends to know they they the the the guy. 2 years and a half. Is this happening, guys? What do you think? This is happening, I mean. And this is the beginning, that this is the beginning. Okay, we are speaking about newspapers because it's just an excuse. But for the problem for the offers for the discounts, something like this: personalized data driving. Okay. It's not my chance, guys. I need the man now, we'd like it. I can escape, but it's your chance. Okay. It's your son and you will talk. You will stop that's right. These documents. It's already. It's already in blackboard, but open to discuss the value proposition on pricing. Is this the topic? Is this the most important thing? You pay no �14 users for C's for 4. You know that 150,000 people who are paying in Spain for for newspapers. Then the the average subscription, it's funny how much money, but in your country it's the same, �1, �1, is there by rates pricing there right now currently what that you keep in the newspaper �1. Because if you pay more, you don't subscribe. Okay. I always make this job. It's not the salary of the subscription directory in the in the company. Okay, it's not the salary you said to sure by then you know it's up. It's obviously you should buy for no video on newspapers. But it might be not. You know that kind of yeah, thanks. See why you don't people. If you put here 5, they don't. They don't 5 on me, I mean, I was. Maybe your mind thinks it's this. I do know it's. Thank you, Kavanaugh. We didn't speak about this, but it's the first point, you know. Completely legal. You can do it my phone, but you didn't do it before, because you have not the tools. You have not the no lead now in the future project. Project this area in the next 5 years. Obviously, in fact, we are doing it. What's happening? We are learning day by day. Yet we don't know how to. Okay. There is another tool called piano. You know Europe base.You know they are collecting the data, like piano and this, and Hey Laps segment in real time automatically. I don't need this funny. No, no. And depending on the client's user ID, they often have automatic pricing. I don't decide it, my friend. I don't decide. I mean, obviously I follow their frames, but for the price is different. Who knows? You know it's impossible to Barbara Itai horses. What also are you speaking between them in the same moment that they note that offer? It's for you, depending on your lifetime value. It's very important for me. Less price. You have not like what? Right, give me a second. I don't know if you are taking my screen now, but for sure something here. How we are something here. Say you, that this is okay. For sure. You know, I trust my lawyer very well. And you see how many of you say, hey? Yes to everything, in order to see how many of you. Okay, coming back to the first topic. Okay, yes, there you have to answer you, sir. That okay. But here the coffee that coffee for Barbara is 0.7 for you see, paying 1.5, my friend don't think too much. Click. You know it's a joke, but this is happening, and this is increasing. It's your chance, I mean, then, depend on you in order to do everything legal and transparent. You know. Cool. Be a little bit earlier. Well, depend on you. Okay. But this is guys, this is Guy. Okay? And I have guys the last topic for you. I mean, it's a me. But the last topic for you. Okay, some some of you. It spoke to me about sorry Google analysis. But speaking of the future mark. We need to speak at least 30, 40 min. It's done about about GA4. These problems about privacy, these problems about primitive analysis is the offer of Google for you. They call it Google Analytics for. And if you ask me, Barbara, okay, if you ask me, this is the future of these kind of analysis. You, as you can see, the interfaces, is not the same, but it's not so different. Okay, it's not so different. And, guys, you have a report part. It's not the most important part. You know it's not the most important part we are comparing. We sorry with this. The data are always the same, almost the same, my friends, but you have to pay attention to Google, and it is for because it's coming in. The companies in 3, 4 meant it's not 3, 4, C small a year. Okay. But you see these that were so important. The stops are no as important in in universality. But I want to to introduce you to the base option. The best option of Google analytics for okay and guys, they bet you know of Google. It's this one. Okay, this is great. You can get it. Okay, you will on it. GA4 be query and also data studio. Okay. In a glance it just in 2 s. And, guys, we were looking for gender. Okay, then there give me a sec. Get there, and also Aids. Hey? It's perfect unless you I'm trying to and prepared my data. And we were looking for. I don't know sessions. BC: nice. And you said views per user session producer and 50 users. Okay, I'm pretty ready. My date. Then you put it here. Actually here. And then views by you, sir. On systems. And sorry I don't know why it's not working now, but you put it here. And you are getting seconds. You are getting seconds and the information. Well, you need more sorry. You need more countries. You don't need to know what an alert is my friends with GA4. You put it here. You look just type country. And you put it here. And you get the gender by country of this in how many seconds. Something like this this is going to be guys. This is going to be the future. Why? Why? Because friend work with a doom analytics for the last 10 years. Okay. And these guys is a copy. It's a completely copy. I can't offer you right now, our first to in the but it's a copy of adobe. Okay, here, guys. And in blackboard you will see in blackboard. You will see these slides. Okay, it's for the future. Okay, it's just a approach. This is an intro. Okay. Of the GA4.Okay, maybe next year for the message students I have to speak about the A4 and then about the past universals. But not now. Okay, just be ready for this. Okay, because Google Analytics is this. I mean, is there a Google approach to this kind of solution? We are speaking about GDPR. Okay, it's better than universals. We are speaking about artificial intelligence. Google A4 offers you all the solutions of Google inside. If we are speaking about this, the same is closer to the business. Okay, so I think who was the group developing the A4 for the You It Right. G.A. 4 guys. The first thing I mean, I'm pretty sure you just talked about this and it, I'm pretty sure you know it's changing from that session data model to a hit data model. It's so different. Okay, but it's completely different to okay. Sometimes when what? Sometimes not, you were working in universals and the attention was to the session. Okay, the way that Google collected that information was related to linking to the session. Now with G4, that's destroyed. Okay, Google is collecting the information by even the session is not important anymore. Okay, so you can get more information, faster information if you are using that, we an analytics in a professional way you are facing. You are battling with the sampling right? No sampling in year 4, I mean G.A. 4 is working is that we will promise with 100% of the data. Okay, so you have all this information. Obviously, you will need to know everything. Automatic events collect it automatically for you. Recommended. Well, if you want to just put this line of go in Gtm or personalize everything that you want. Okay, guys, this is for your future. It's not for today. Okay, this is everything that I have for you. If you like G.A. 4 go for that certification today. Who has the that line? Okay, some people. It's asking me to extend that deadline. Line. I'm thinking it okay. But I, I don't going to do anything without the one and your approach. Okay, if you are thinking on it. But my idea is not to extend that deadline. If we don't have a 100% agreement. Okay, the point is this is G.A. 4 is the future. You have to go for it, you know. This is just a 5, 6 weeks course. Okay. And it's almost over. Dominique, you know, from grad. Okay, the point is nice. I will be here for you. Yes, you have, all of you. Most of you have my email. One has my phone. Guys, the last thing that I want to say is, it was a pleasure. I have no more content for you. I hope, unless you like it a little bit. Okay, you don't cry. I don't cry too much. Okay, we're in contact and the point maybe. Do you know anything about marketing? I hope you learn a little bit. Maybe you didn't know about Google Analytics. I hope because of me you control it a little bit more. Okay, and maybe you are thinking in your personal project in the future at console. Why not? Okay, no bars, my friend. No bars. Okay, but related to data. Use this knowledge, these and also pay me up here if you like. Okay, nice. It was a pleasure. I have nothing to say to what? Okay, you were a really, really good group and I'm happy to meet you. Okay, then you have to come back. If you have to come to Spain, to Madrid, it's funny. I will be there. Okay, three beers free. I don't want to say, Coke. But beers. Okay, just one more thing after my goodbye. Okay, yesterday you offered me and your group assignment. I will check it this week. So I hope on Friday or Saturday you will have your final mark for the group assignment. Any doubt? Okay, with your final mark, with my feedback, whatever. Come to me. Okay, then next week I will correct all your individual assignments, and in order to offer you the final mark of the subject in January 20. Okay, you more or less have it in your mind. Please, group assignment upfront. Exactly.You will receive an email from me as a group, with the individual assignment and individual feedback for you. In eighteenth, the final will be on January 20. Everyone is honored in this class, believe me. But mark, I have only C 7, 8. So don't try to match. I hope you appreciate the knowledge. Can you hear me? Yes, give me a second. I will double check the latest because I saw I was coming today and I was worried because I spoke to Stephanie. That's right. Yeah. And I thought she was. I mean, the point is for option A and also for option B, you can choose whatever you want. I mean, you know, sometimes people make a mess. Oh, you know it's confusing because I offered you Google Data Studio and access to store data, you know. But this is the last option, I mean, if you have no personal idea, I mean a personal project. If it is so difficult to get that data set, use Google Data Studio and access to store data. Okay, but it's not necessary. It's not mandatory. I mean, in fact, these approaches that you focus on will help you develop your personal project. Okay, so to prove that we can create a dashboard on this right? That's the goal. Okay. Some people are doing it about the health system. Okay, all the people who are interested in technology can go for it or other people about cars or bikes like my case, you know, up to you. Okay? No, no, no, no. Sorry this is option B, right? Okay, you. It will help to double check. No, no, there is no relationship between option A or B. If you don't want. Okay. Thank you. So sorry. But guys don't doubt email me. Okay, yes, for this one and for all that, things email me. Okay, some people did it before during the Christmas. So if you need 10 min, 15 min or 30, I can label for you. Okay, we will do. Thank you very much. Dominique. You know 4 copies for me. You know what I mean for ideas. Look, let me see. Give me a second. I will offer you what I want in order to make a fan, you know, to make a mistake. I'm saying this man. You see, I'm looking for Lego Star Wars. Imagine this is your idea. Okay. They will. Yes, this one. Why not? Okay, DC's STEM. Okay. And this is Sam. Okay. And this is Sam. Hey, Dominique? I'm looking for a simple like this one, or maybe like this one. Okay. Or maybe like this one. I don't know, it depends on you. Okay, because you see it's different. Okay. And this is same. But then you like, you know all the this. You see. All ideas are up to you for a simple lightning. That these campaigns are the Dominique. Imagine a hotel. I don't remember if you chose a hotel. Okay. A hotel has some branding campaigns during the whole year. Okay? And then, when holidays come in, they put more money. These kind of things. Okay. The boy needs an imaginative approach to this society like, hey? I'm developing the same marketing plan for 2023 developing like this. Okay. And if this is helping you, okay. The full year. So sometimes a hotel has no advertising that month. I remember. I don't know April not. We're taking an apple, and it's a good chance. Okay, it's a good idea. But you know those that one you see. And during during the winter I don't know why that hotel is. You know, low level advertising kind of no all the budget, but because some reasons explain me that's one. Okay. But the business is so different. I don't know from call the Dominique, because you have different ideas. I think, in the full year 2023. Okay, and if unique, you know you have an academic project from October to July, whatever. But it doesn't matter that okay. But a long period of okay. Okay. And and Dominique, my expertise, my advice, my idea. Okay, my way of thinking is Google Data Studio is for free. Yeah. Okay. So all the companies have some. They I mean, not all of them, but most of them. Okay have a data visualization tool. If they don't have it, they should. Okay. Maybe my company we use for Wi-fi. Okay. So we have a data visualization. Okay. So you can use it. Okay. And also, you can use Google Data Studio and access to store data. Okay. But this is the last option. I mean, if you have no personal idea, I mean, a personal project. If it is so difficult to get that data set, use Google Data Studio and access to store data. Okay, but it's not mandatory. I mean, in fact, these approaches that you focus on will help you develop your personal project. Okay, so to prove that we can create a dashboard on this right? That's the goal. Okay.All the feature reports are done in Phoenix. But sometimes, you know, you have an informal level that you can do faster. Will it be the studio? Okay, and it's simple. Yeah, and you can use it, you know, like for this. So this is an ecosystem report of every port ecosystem; you have the official one, and then you use it in this way. Sometimes it's so we can see it in order to connect it. Okay. Oh, for the marketing department, because the marketing department, you know, they have tactics, not strategy, so they prefer to use the official data. But if you want to use it for your daily job, use it. It's free and simple, and sometimes the marketing department doesn't know anything about Power BI, so they block it and use Data Studio. Okay, it's not the best one, but it's free. Okay, so in a company it's always present and used in different ways. Okay, that's my advice. Dominic. Sounds good. Okay, thank you a lot. I mean, if it helps you in order to control your money, my wife and I are using Data Studio as well. Hey, you spend more than me, and this is the key because we are efficient with it, and it takes us only 30 minutes to visualize it. Okay, any kind of guys. It was a pleasure. Okay, they were that. Okay, yeah, I hope to see you in the future. Okay, guys, thank you for listening.