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Record the class because I always forget it. We need to move forward with this. How difficult was my question? Guys, how difficult was it? Yes, Dominic, that was the point. Sorry, Amanda is coming in. I don't know, give me a second. Okay, everyone, that was the idea. Guys, you know, I mean, during these two weeks, if you don't face the tool, if you don't fight a little bit with the tool, and if you don't make a mistake, I didn't do my job. Okay, yes, because, well, I don't say it many times now, Christian, because I failed it one year ago. Okay, and this is universality. You need to understand it too, but they always say it is like I take a sock and you know, like to reverse, and because it's the way that you happen. Okay, this is technology, guys, and it's not perfect. Okay, it's not perfect, but it's an advanced Hassan. Okay, so now, okay, and we are I I I to and not to be in a hurry like explaining you this step, the second one, the third one and the fourth one. Okay, if I make, well, if I'm doing it well, a clicking your mind and you will understand it. Okay, so I have for you just a review of five. Well, the most important thing, guys, give me a sec. You have a test here. Okay, I put it. I modified it for this offline team. Okay, so last Thursday I put it at 11 PM Spanish time. Okay, but I will offer a two-day, three-day window. That's a mother for me. It's not important. I'm here to help you. Okay, you open the test and you have system in it. But you can do it in three days whenever you want. The questions, guys, are not the same for everyone, Dominique, but believe me, the balance, you know, I have a bucket of questions for audience. I have a bucket of questions for 10 questions, only 10 stupid questions, some. If you pay attention and if you use, I say, Sama, because you are bigger in the in the mar on my screen. Sorry. Okay, but if you pay attention like you touch the two, why not to pass? I know you are looking for a whole, or guys, but the whole North, like the World Cup, Alfonso is not for everyone. Okay, only one guy can get that. I have no, no, only one. Okay, but no, everyone can annoy you. I do something. I do something in order to do. You know, less pressure for you. Bye, bye. If you don't fail, I mean, if you don't pass the test, or if you pass it, but your score is what what you told you. That's something I'm setting the screen, guys. Yes, right. See? Google analytics for certification, and I will offer you extra points, but it's today only in order to reduce pressure to you. Okay, you can get more. You can get more more things. Okay, about my desk. But the question, the theme. I will open this. Okay, it's visible for you. But you can access because you need a code. Okay, I will open that code. I know on Monday during the morning, during the afternoon, and I will close it on Thursday. Okay? The questions are not the same for you, but I'm sure software. Okay, Christian, don't try to kill me if you, you know, if caviar or have a get a better score. But all of them are so similar, and they are so similar to those questions that we saw together, and that we are going to see today as well. Yeah, yes, it's enough to pass if you check those 70 questions. Okay. Here, one more thing. So let's go for a while. Okay. The point is last day during the week we spoke about the ways that we have to arrive at the side. Okay, and I understood that you got it. Okay, but I want to spend some minutes explaining it to you in detail, because with some comments during the week, I say, maybe I need to go deeper with these guys. Okay, it's not because of you. It's because this is online, and because I'm not the best. Okay. I mean, Google Analytics is going to offer you five, six, seven, eight ways to arrive at a display, email, direct, whatever. Okay. But my aim here is to make you understand that this is a stupid tool to it's coming. G. A. 4, you know. But in the future. Okay, you will have to use it. Okay. So let's go for a while.In the future, G.A. sees whatever changes you make to a dog. Analyze this. All the tools are working the same way. It's just stupid if you don't control it. You see, it's magic if you control it. You see all the good and bad things. I promise not to speak about football, but you know, I can't help it. Okay, I can't believe it. Okay. My wife hates it, but I know, checking it every day 3, 4, 5 times, you know, even with the application. But the point is, if I want to arrive at this side. Okay, if this side I put here, why? Because I know, it's on my mind, in my mind, that URL, that domain. It's like right blindly. The boys. We have something that we call direct traffic. Okay, data traffic. And this is the most important one for marketers. Have you, you know why? Because if they think if I know the URL, it's on my mind, and I come many times. Hey, that guy. He's engaged with me. Okay, market the second one, guys, if I use Google something later and I put here 4 to 1 or roco game TV channel. Why not? Okay, this one game time. Where to watch the game. Steve Catalyst, perfect this. What I is what I call third. I told you, you know, and this is my imagination. I mean it is on my mind. It's my way of explaining. Imagine there is a guy inside the tool, a guy inside the 2 you are receiving in a that's a with many, many variables like this one, guys. You remember everything is here. Everything is here. Okay, everything. You and guys, you see this one. This value is called reference, and it's the critical thing here. The key point. Why? Because I mean I refreshed. You know I'm cheating the 2. But I refresh the page many times. This is if you come from Google here is not when to find you are not going to find, or do Google.s or Facebook? If you are coming via Facebook or Istan. Why not? We are this got it. That body able is going to be fine. Where are you going to be here here here? Oh, here, sorry I make a mistake, and this is here dirt. But if you I mean I'm living in Spain, Heva. If in Spain you tell me it's third for me, it's not a problem. Why? Because 99% of the search traffic is coming via Google. Okay, but for me, Google and Yahoo. Okay. And I don't know being in your money. Okay? Well, why not? By do? All of them are searched in Jane pages for me in my mind everything is the same. Yes, if the tools in that referee variable find by the you know that traffic in our city on that driving attribution, traffic, evolution is coming here. Okay, and Dominique during the days the I mean, I I think it was yesterday or 2 days ago told me something. Hey, friend, what about Co: organic search? What about Sam? Okay, if you are coming, guys. We assert you can arrive via seal. and you can arrive via 7. What's the difference between them guys, you know the define no salmon, no Christian, no, no. no! Csm is the first time that you had it. Nothing. I trust you a lot. It's my, you know he won the game. Okay, maybe he's in the semi-final. And now he knows. Okay, I mean, when you are. We will speak about. and later, I mean a Saturday. But if you are speaking about Co, this is organic traffic. Okay, I mean the people who receive the traffic is not paying for that link. Okay, it's popular for local. It's popular for Baidu. It's popular for Genesis whatever. Okay. But if we are speaking about Sam, and this is so interesting. I love Google. I love Google Stephanie because this I hate it, and I love it, You know I I I can define it, but it's like this. This is not organic. This is base marketing. Okay, these guys as well. Tyson. You remember the first day 97% of money of the revenue of Google, you remember. If Christian of one please tell me yes, lie me a little bit one Live Me? Okay. Sorry. 97% of the money who with Google resides. Please. Can you remember my bike? Right? Yes, I can't forget it, my friend. I can't forget it.Okay, he's coming. Is that okay? Oh, come in at least. Okay, you know the difference between these and these guys? No, no, for sure. I mean, okay, that's the point. You use it every day. Guys, if you stop and think a little bit, okay, pay attention to these, they are the same stupid things. You see, they're saying a stupid thing. But for the Canada Goose, how do you pronounce these guys out of Canada Goose? Okay, in this one they are paying for Google Salmon, and in this one hexan they are not paying for it. Okay, did you know these guys have here? Dominique. Give me 30 minutes. Okay, because if I tell you this one now I have to kill you later. Okay, that's all. But the point is, give me 30 minutes, and you will understand everything. Okay, and these two are the most important ones. What they try to explain is important. This is critical, and this is critical for that company. Why? Because in this one guys there is a budget, there's a marketing budget there. Okay, maybe in this one, well, some professionals are working for free. I don't want to say for free, okay, you need to control Google. So what in order to be good? Okay, but Dominique here, you know, and also yeah, three teams as well. You can. Do you know this? And have you heard? No, this okay. What's the meaning of this? Could you explain? Could you explain, my unit? His son, Dominique Kavier? Because here you can find it as well. You told any different guys at one. So Kevin Carlos, no guys. This is branding, and this is no branding. Okay, and it's so important, it's so important guys. Because if I'm looking for a free outlaw, Mike come here is the same. If I put three along bikes here that if I use canyon it's the same you said in temperature. We call it. Guys, on Tuesday I go to Paris. Okay, it's the same. If I put here Chip Hotel, Paris, something like that. Okay, that if I'm looking for is this saying, no, you know, I mean, and looking for a rising one. These it's a but here always well listen. But look at the previous one. This one, this one, this one, and this one. Okay, it's so important to understand this branding or no branding you said in caption or not, because it's nice. We are here speaking about traffic, but we can also speak about conversions. If you reserve it, you book that hotel room. Hey, to see you to send to direct traffic. Let's go for it. Okay, there is another important thing here. Social, okay, social. Why, social? Guys, social is a widely for the tool. Hey, are you coming from Facebook? Are you coming from that Richard include those understood? The first question is, are you coming from a third page? You know, by doing right she goes. I do. Gandhis Bean Yahoo! Are you coming from this one? Yes, so you go here from CEO from Send. There is an everybody able telling you if you are paying or not. Okay, I mean, if that is a paid leak or not. Okay? And then, guys, that is the older one. All those. Okay. Eve. You are not coming via Google. But if you are not in the wide list of social, the tool doesn't want that. Are you coming from? No, no, no, no! The third question you know what I didn't tell you during the week is, do you have? Do you have to record it? If the answer is yes, you come in. Chron. All this. And with others. Okay, give me a second display. Why not? What's this play guys? What's display? This is display. Guys, give me a second. This is display. Bye, bye. There. Okay, you are coming via email. Sorry, email marketing. Do you follow any newsletter guys? Another one. Do you arrive to a site coming from? I don't know. Like you are team. And so on. Okay, I'm sure something like. Give me a second. I mean, if you have a link. If you have a referendum, if you have a URL where you are coming from. But that one is not Google or not. You are right here. Okay, you know, it's less important for marketers. It's important. You have to detail it.Sorry, I didn't understand the question. However, it is less important to directly understand what is happening. For analytics, give me a sec. Sorry, for analytics. The order is not the same. Okay, this one is the first, this one is the second, this is the third, and this is the fourth. Why? This is a question for you. Okay, once explained, the point is that definition is correct. Yes, you are right, but these are marketer definitions. It's a marketer definition. If we are talking about analytics, give me a sec. You know, direct traffic is when you don't have a reference variable. This is important to understand. Okay, because you are right. If you are putting in, where are you coming from? Nowhere. You already start in the navigation. You start the navigation. Okay, you understand? Yes, for a marketer, direct traffic is when you type the URL. All that URL is here, because if I click here in marketer or if I click from here, where is the website I am arriving from? Nowhere. Okay, it's empty, completely empty. You can't know. So, for me, personally, this is the one. If you are in a company, that office, in that meeting room, you have to discuss with the marketing director. I'm really good, you know, speaking to the C-level. I'm really good, because you see, 55% of the people are arriving by direct traffic. My friend, you don't know anything about data or detail, and you don't. Maybe you are good, but not because of that reason. Okay, because that's a question for you. If I share with you, I'm pretty sure you have a link and you have a WhatsApp group, right? Do you have a WhatsApp group together? Yes, and then you are sending. You know, I'm really interesting link about detail analysis or about Google Analytics to the class. I'm Barbara, click on it. Okay, and imagine they arrive to. That's it's a simple, but it's an example. Okay, if they are arriving to, where is that traffic going to search? Social or direct? Don't divide that from social. Christian, Stephanie, you see that I'm pretty sure you are sad because of Germany as well, you know, but whoa! Got a look. If you know you have a test in 3 or 4 days, my friend. Okay, if I assume for these in the social, this you said, okay, and you were right because it's a social network, right? Yes, but from this point of view, from the analytics point of view, WhatsApp is direct traffic. You know why, guys? Because there is somebody able to put in WhatsApp, but Facebook blocks the referral variable before arriving to the server. So there is nobody able in that sense in that heat. Okay, the tool which is so simple, hey? No, everybody able. So you can see it, I for everyone see. Okay, so all this information is in analytics online. You remember, in analytics, and you can find information about how the people is arriving. You can find information about how the people arrive. And if you control these, you can face all these steps. Because if you go to all traffic channels, can I? You get the detail of everything? Give me a sec. Come yet. Tell me something. Oh, Stephanie, please! Have a really good question. Okay? The answer is the same in all this kind of platform. I mean WhatsApp, Telegram, whatever. In fact, you know it's easier to track in other kind of social. Okay, but the point is not because the social platform, or it's not because of this. It's because we are losing the referral variable in that transmission. That's all happens many times.I mean, no, many times, no, every time. But many times a lot of times happens, you know it's technology that you put it so. That a traffic is, you know, is a as that's your college set. It's funny. I thought that traffic. Because if you are coming from an email from Yahoo mail. But for other one, the outlook hopping the same. We have ways to solve them. We have to wait to solve them. You can trust the data. Okay. But if you don't implement these ways, it's simple. This one, you know. You didn't pay attention, but I did it. Okay, look at this. I told her son, my friend. These and these are the same. Are they saying guys is the same page this same URL Vienna. Here, guys. They paid one. I'm here the free one. If you see. You see. This is everything that you need to run the page. Everything. And here is the same. I'm gonna copy and paste these. Okay. And I'm going to get it working. We are working, Stephanie. But in this one, someone from the marketing point of view, I mean from the marketing department. Doc. Okay. These for someone in that company and preserved from the marketing department with this tagging. You know, using you DMs. tagging your campaigns with a speaker like this. Okay, you solve the problem. This is not seal anymore. Come on, I'm: I'm it's them. So this is them. Okay. But you can find this in another task of Google analytics. Okay? I go back to the email from Gmail. If you know that link served by salmon to Barbara in domain. If you don't tack that email, I mean that link is there only to diet traffic. You and me. We know that that came from Gmail, but the tool he's so stupid, my friend. You they didn't know it. But if you go here. Give me a second email on sales planet. Okay, plan plan plan. If you go here. Maybe it's not working here, because nothing. Yeah. At this one. Okay. I really like this. Okay. You see this one is that with this is simple. With this is to be the simple I mean, in order to run the page, you don't need this one. But in order to tack. To attribute the traffic in a proper way, you need it. Okay. And this is campaign. See you, then, Newsletter, this is meeting Newsletter with this. You come fine. These Sophie here for okay. The point is, I don't. I don't know if I solved your question. Before I need Stefanie, You You wanted to speak of someone else. No. Okay. You can get all the information here have yet in channel. All the detail is a grouping very view. Okay, is that grouping analysis? I didn't. I didn't lie. You, my friends, died at Okay? Or, again, if there's no third in Jane Optimization. Okay. STEM paste shirt. Search in Jane marketing and then Social and others Christian display. With it all. Yeah. All those here you have no your data. But what's affiliate, my friends. Hey, mom. What is the meaning of? Affiliate Remember today beer, so that the books yeah. He died. What was that feeling? Give me just a second. It I Good. Okay. That this. Okay. One. I created. Believe me, it was my idea with other colleagues drinking beers. Okay, here is in Mundo and Javier Christian. Okay, yeah. It's in one, though. Okay. But you know something to offerAdd to the basket and imagine you love this kind of machine. You know how much money I get, Javier, if you buy these now for �2.5, it will go straight to my pocket. If you buy it, 10% of that will be change. But if you don't like this for your friends Christian, I have this one. It's �45. Oh, why not? You are there in Liana. If you like it, you can click it. Fran is getting money. Okay, always. You know the deal with Amazon is that you have to mine their catalogue and create news about whatever you want. And I do it. Books, you in June, you in June or in June. Christian. Maybe you are looking for something else. I have the solution for you. But maybe you don't like this one, or why not this one? Everything but the most important thing, the data, if they are working or not working. You can get the info here in channels, guys. As I told you during the week, source and median. Because you can come via Google. But this is organic. And this is CPC. Okay, CPC is the same, Salma, important for the test. Okay. Search via Google. But I have a question. Ian. Give me a sec. I have a question for you. If you are looking for something, you know, it was a tricky question. Okay. Give me a sec. Yeah, I mean, because only Amazon has the control of this. Okay, and they are using keywords in order to identify. You can try to cheat them. Okay, and you can destroy their data by using the same keyword. Okay. But there is a code for them. Okay. So you can, but you can track that one, and they can see the difference between, imagine, imagine your block. You know, display banner. Okay, and that display banner that content is from the display, and you can differentiate the organic way of visiting you and also the display one. Okay, that's the useful thing of this. Okay, yeah. But I'm sure you can get. You can get the info in the page. Okay. You see, guys, by do, Dominique? That was a question. My favorite one. No one got the correct answer. Oliviana or Darren. I don't remember who it was. Okay. Baidu organic, and by do. CPC: all of them are short. But this is Sam, and this is organic. Can you guys think that you can get all the information here? Imagine in Channel social. Social Facebook, Slat Societ. Okay, is the grouping a view, and then the unique view I mean the separated view. Okay. Here you can get Facebook and social. And here, in reference Christian, you can get the domain, the exact domain. Whatever you want. Okay. This is the like. Here any questions so far. You can get it now. I mean tagging Salma Italian. Okay. And you go here to campaigns and you can see the difference between paid keywords and organic keywords. Okay. But if someone from the social media team is not tied in your company, you are losing. You are using the track. Okay, you can differentiate. You can know that it's coming from from Facebook, but you are losing with the budget because you don't know if you have to pay what you don't have to pay because people are coming organically. Let me. And Dominique for both of them. Because, if you understand, sir, I mean but it was a tricky. You know that the hood makes sense. If you don't do it with me the first time, because I I use that question to explain you the difference. Okay, yes. But for search by you I mean to forget by you. Now. If I put here Canada, go check it. Okay. It's the same. This is the self-paid. But there is a difference between this one and this one and my friend. If I'm working in the Canada goose. This one is also different. So you need to differentiate all of them. Okay? Because if not, you are using the track. It's a very important job. Okay, in order to get the correct data. So many, many people survive without this. But if you want to exploit the data in a proper way, okay, people, Barbara, in the company.They don't love me, and they don't hurt me every day because I'm always a please. Don't forget to talk about the new campaign; it's funny. Hey, don't forget to talk about that email campaign, because then they want the correct data. But if they don't target it correctly, it's difficult. Okay. This is from my department. Why is Google so important? I always say that Google is at the top and is the most important for Google Analytics, but also for a company because a lot of money is spent on Google Apps and all the companies see it. Guys, if you go here you can link Google Analytics to the Google App and get info. As you can see here, they have Google, and I just don't. They only have one. Okay, they only have one. Okay. But here, guys, there is another point of view. The campaign point of view. Someone in Google merchandise is facing this. Okay, it's facing this. Dominique, for guys, someone has developed a marketing campaign for these. Okay, and that campaign for the period that I selected got 29,000 clicks, 29%. Yeah. Mohammad, is it profitable or expensive? No, it's expensive. What do you see? Less help? Let me help you, okay. That guy in the company, Google makes a nice store. Christian Spain, 21,000, 500 in this campaign at that moment. In this moment, I can tell you if this is profitable or not profitable. In this step, I mean, but the Cpc. Every time that unusual click was 0.76. Okay, this is expensive. I see your face, it's expensive. Please, third interception. And look at this from the revenue of this one. You know they are spending 21, and they are getting 1.2, my friend. If you are the same, especially in that company. Got it today. Yes, these interfaces. This page is the most important for the same, because they are controlling daily. I send a specialist. The guy in charge of this in a company is managing like 400-500 campaigns at the same time. But my favorite one is the US. Yes, the number of please is so similar 33. Okay, they go. What's 14. But, guys, I told you the first day I really love money. I really love money. He's my. You know there is no driving. You know, like money. It's going to be so. I'm a phone. Explain me in order to send traffic. Okay. That company that you have in mind is doing the same with that influence. I pay you if you offer me traffic. And if you ask me, I beg you, if you offer me a quality traffic that makes attributions conversion. Who is buying it? If you send traffic by traffic, I don't want to pay for that. Okay. But if I get good users, I mean, who you said, who are buying? Yeah, no, let's make an agreement. That's what we did. Okay, I mean different concepts, I mean. But behind it's almost the same. Yeah. See guys in Google ads. You can get the retail of the campaign. But that's the Dominique. I try to replay your questions. Okay. Here you have two tabs so you can get also the detail the keyword that they are using in keywords. And you have it, guys. You have it something here that I like. If you have a label. Now for you. See here, Dominique, look at this link. Okay, read it. Okay, in keywords. You can find information about what keywords the guy in the American in the marketing department selected that you use here. Hey, I want my advertising. I want my advertising. What do you say, sir? As planned, food there. Canada goose, check it.No, we cannot process a lot of geese like this. I don't want to be there. Okay, imagine if they disable it. Google, if you use trousers, don't use my, but jack it. I want to be there and I will pay for being there. Is that clear? So, in keywords, you find information about what the marketer has selected in order to appear there. Okay. Insert queries, guys, and this is not the same as search queries. You find information about the realty war that you said use because Christian marine sometimes you don't use. You are looking for Canadian groups, but you can put something like this here: Okay, and Google says, "Hey, you wanted to save this one. See, beloved, or you are looking for." Oh, can you come back? Okay, no, specifically 3 of alone. But why not be here? Okay, I will explain it to you next week. Something related to this. Okay, because we will go deeper, especially with questions. So far, guys, yes, because then how to explain. The marketer is selecting some keywords in order to appear there. That point of view is here in keywords. Okay, and you find information about what you said type in here. I think it's clear. But if you have questions about later, okay. Yes, but it's important. I mean, if you see an important. But guys, Google, that is so important for a company because a lot of users, a lot of dollars in that budget for sure. Okay, and because of here, everyone is going to. You know they are developing a digital status, and it's important. I also saw many people losing a lot of money because they don't control it. They think it's magic, but it's not magic, my friend, it's technology. Is that clear? Perfect. Don't you understand, please? You, I mean, you can track Ian. They, the time, the session, the number of sessions that the guy drove, and then you can actually boot. This is important, more important than the other one. Okay. But before arriving to your side, I'm sorry. Before I write into your side. Okay, before arriving, you don't get information. Okay, you get it only when that heat, you remember, arrived to the server. We saw it together in the first two weeks, I think. Okay, yeah. Perfect. One question, guys, more questions. Okay. But if you didn't do it before, you are lost. Okay. But if you do it in advance, that next heap I you can modify the criteria of. Well, yes. There should be four ways to arrive. Okay, four ways to arrive here. But your company maybe has the need of fourteen ways of a right, because, as I told you, you know, if you are right via I don't know this one. Yes, pay attention to this. Okay. You see you are arriving from America. I know I know that from America. But now, with this, that I know that you are writing from this, from this that is in the homepage of anyone. This is space. Sorry, I don't. But from this one. Okay. So the answer. Okay, in order to make it to to for everyone. Okay. Yes. With this that you can replace, you can offer your own order to that classification. Yeah. And you can create five, six, seven, fourteen, twenty different. I don't want to say channels. But this channel, okay, ways of arriving to assign. Because maybe newsletter is so important for you and use letter is in others for data traffic. If you tag it, you can differentiate between paid to use letter or premium, use letter and free newsletter. Whatever you want, you can do it. For sure. Okay. And most of the company in an advanced analytics level used it. You know they call it personal life channels option. Do things. Yes. Okay. But you are trying to adapt that data from the market to your company, that's all. And that's nothing. But okay, question guys. No questions. The answer is yet. But no, we do. I mean, the answer is, it depends. Okay, but for sure, not with we do an analysis you can get. You can get the int. I mean, if you match Google. That information with Google analytics, you know. Here in Google, at you have a lot of. A lot of information about the user. Okay. So you can match it with the market. Okay. And you can get the information that you need. Okay. Is that clear?In fact, you have the CBC. You have all the ways of the day to get people speaking okay, and you can get a lot of information about your rivals. However, I don't know where you are getting information about how much money they are paying. In fact, guys, this is the Coca-Cola secret for Google. Okay, this you know, 97% of the revenue of Google is coming from this. And it's almost a perfect machine. This is my opinion. Okay. And we will discuss this further next Saturday. But this is almost a perfect machine of advertising. It's getting better day by day, and they don't often use the user. They do it for them. Okay. Let me explain this to you on Saturday, because I think this lapse from sales to this is not only you, okay? I mean, there is no subject covering this, so I have to break my subject down in order to explain it to you in an hour and a half. See you then, and that's the reason you will understand this today, how they are the almost perfect matching of that testing. Okay. But give me a second. Okay, you have more questions, Heba? No questions? Please go ahead. Then it's time. I was looking for the source. Okay. It may be because my way and you don't get that information in. You get it in keywords. Okay? And the second one is when I mentioned like, how many people were seeing this. It's always okay. Okay, Stephanie. We will discuss it. No problem. Okay. But I will try to make my point in order to make you understand. Okay, the difference. Don't worry too much. Okay, we will find that solution for that and more keywords. I'm working on a question. Sorry. No. No. Okay. This is a and guys, I normally have a formula for you. Okay? But I said it before I assumed in order to review it after this class. Okay, and you will see the key pain points of this model. Okay, okay, Carlos. Okay, the point I need to spend so many displaying the Hay Board and National Conversion. Okay. If you understand on an audience we are facing with the interface of realities today. Okay. So if you phase behavior, you always find an overview. Okay. As I told you in audience, you can find information about how the people arrive to your side and in behavior you can find information about what the people are doing on that side. Okay. I'm if you go to behavior, you go to site content, and all the pages I'm breaking down all the information by URL by URL you can get it. Okay. Page views, unit page views, fine bounce, right? That's someone during the week and spoke about this. I don't know if it's Stefani or Juan or I don't remember who? Okay, and the page value. I have 10 URL for you, the main for the experience. But if you go more than 250, 50,000. You can get all of them. and you can analyze this information. Okay, yes. You arrive to market. You go to the homepage, then food board, then basket, then then it's, and then you leave by URL, you have it here. Do you? Yes, but including the times. Okay? Well, I don't know who was speaking. Well, depending on the company, it could be different. But let let me see if the company is doing well. Only one line. Okay, only one line. Yeah. I mean, you can group it or you can ungroup this information. But the correct way, the right way in this page all pages. The top is to get the grouping version by URL. Okay. There is something in SEO called Canonical URL, and this is the canonical URL should be the canonical. You are okay. Could be mistakes. Yes. Could be companies working in another way. Yes. But the correct I mean, sorry for saying this. Okay, they go red Ways group in. Then here. Here in this top the points I didn't want to pay attention to that. I want to pay attention to landing pages, or what a landing page is? Well, that's the first page of that session, that's all. Okay, the first page. That's the landing page. That's the page that the user arrives to your side. Okay. If you go to behavior, you go to site content, and all the pages I'm breaking down all the information by URL by URL you can get it. Okay. Page views, unit page views, fine bounce, right? That's someone during the week and spoke about this. I don't know if it's Stefani or Juan or I don't remember who? Okay, and the page value. I have 10 URL for you, the main for the experience. But if you go more than 250, 50,000. You can get all of them. and you can analyze this information. Okay, yes. You arrive to market. You go to the homepage, then food board, then basket, then then it's, and then you leave by URL, you have it here. Do you? Yes, but including the times. Okay? Well, I don't know who was speaking. Well, depending on the company, it could be different. But let let me see if the company is doing well. Only one line. Okay, only one line. Yeah. I mean, you can group it or you can ungroup this information. But the correct way, the right way in this page all pages. The top is to get the grouping version by URL. Okay. There is something in SEO called Canonical URL, and this is the canonical URL should be the canonical. You are okay. Could be mistakes. Yes. Could be companies working in another way. Yes. But the correct I mean, sorry for saying this. Okay, they go red Ways group in. Then here. Here in this top the points I didn't want to pay attention to that. I want to pay attention to landing pages, or what a landing page is? Well, that's the first page of that session, that's all. Okay, the first page. That's the landing page. That's the page that the user arrives to your side. Okay. Then you can find information about how the people arrive to your side and in behavior you can find information about what the people are doing on that side. Okay. I'm if you go to behavior, you go to site content, and all the pages I'm breaking down all the information by URL by URL you can get it. Okay. Page views, unit page views, fine bounce, right? That's someone during the week and spoke about this. I don't know if it's Stefani or Juan or I don't remember who? Okay, and the page value. I have 10 URL for you, the main for the experience. But if you go more than 250, 50,000. You can get all of them. and you can analyze this information. Okay, yes. YouThis one is not the same data. I have done all the information about the URL. If only the session user clicked on that URL first, it would attract the user. And guys, this is London, they will definitely see the same. But if you click on the asset pages, you can get information about those URLs being the last one and you can see the reframe. Here in the landing pages, you have information about duration time and here in the message pages, you have the upseat base views. If you are working in my department, we are working together in order to improve this. There is only one page, only one URL when Fran is happy to find it here. The rest, if I find all of this, I'm not happy. I work to improve it. There is only one page when you can leave my side. By the way, now Diana, thank you for purchasing. In that moment, you can leave. If not, sorry. You can use this data to improve it. You understand it? Okay, you get it. Hey, you can get me that guy out right via CEO, this page, this page, and this page that we sell. But why, my friends? Okay, let's check. Why? Maybe because the timing of the loading for that page, analyzing and in behavior, you have information about how long, how many seconds that page needed to load. Okay, because maybe many pictures, maybe I don't know. You can optimize all of these things in this top and mobile in your country in your mobile phone is the same. If you are using Wi-Fi or data out there, I mean if you are at home it's faster than connected to Wi-Fi data. I can analyze all that information, guys, all that people. Okay. And you can find the formation here. Okay, here. And also, my friends, if you go to Wilmington as a store, but many older companies have the same. You have an internal search. I can tell you the keywords and the page where people were using this work to optimize it, you know, for real much, and they say stupid. You know they don't. They don't use it. But if you will here site, sir, you can analyze the use. They, you know, keywords that they use, and also the page where they look for it? Okay. Look for you. Yeah. So far, nothing. Okay. The point is in behavior, you find information about what the people is doing, and then offering you information about all the P. But you remember the first day of the second day that I told you a bounce rate is when they are right and they leave without more option to the analysis tool, because only one hit. And I told you, hey, you can solve it, put in a even or even 25% of this call 50 of 75. Or if you are looking clicking here. Okay, you can get all that information in behavior noisers, sir, is in sight. Search in events. Okay, and one more time we're much analysis. Store is so poor in order to make you understand this. But if you are to top events, you can find some of them. Okay. Those. So no. Then it's contact me. Okay. Okay. If you click in contact me, these people Google meet a nicer store is sending information to the survey about a that guy. You know the number of times that someone sent a hit with that information was this. Okay. And you can get also the pages. But, guys, you can be sure you can track also debate the view of the program. The project bes of the time that you add something to the basket all a busy of you. Whatever you want or when you click in a stop that video. Okay, so you can analyze all this information. As I told you, behavior is so important, but it's easier if you understand. I don't know. Yes, okay, and guys in the test, let me tell you something, guys, this want to be for questions related to audience. Okay. Three questions related to as I said. Two questions. My friend, how we are related to the cable. Okay? And one question related to conversation. Yeah. See. The point is.In conversion, the last 11 of this interface of Google, you can get many, many things. You can track many things, goals, or whatever you want. But for me, there are two important things. If you go to the product performance, it's a way of offering you the forward of this tool. You can get the detail of each product. So, these ecosystems see, guys, you see, this thermostat is the best-selling product in Guru Meadows and their most at Christian. The revenue of this one was one million US dollars. How many purchases? 505,000. The quantity of this 6.7. The average price is 1.150 dollars. You can get the retail one for each product. Also, the rate of up to the grass or dividing thing. Even the ref questions. So far she goes. The point is, Amanda, give me just two minutes and I will offer you a review of everything. Because in conversions, if I don't do it, just remember me. But I have one more thing. In the product performance, you have the road with view. And in the sales performance, you have for conversions. This the the order view. That's all. You can check this one, the interception Id and you, if you are lucky, you can get the detail of this. This is the point. And you can get you see it that forwarded. Id this one, including this. Yes. And if in the test I offer you a give me, I don't know the problem revenue for Google women T. Degree. You get it in the prompt performer, and also you can go deeper in each or the Id perception Id is the the way that we will. And I just say 250. I will offer you some questions related to behavioral convention and natural oxygen. In order to practice, I have guys, and I promise I have a cahoot goal. Be here to class on books somewhere. We have to play about this. So I prefer because I think you have another class in 14 minutes. A start with this next day. Next day we will play this, and I will offer you the beer, the book of it, of the Chip lab. and then we will speak about Csm. And we will use this 14 minutes in order, as Amanda set to review everything. For me, the top audience where the people, how the the police at the city, on how they arrive, behavior, what they are doing and commercial when they are valid. That's all. Christian, I don't remember all the taps, you know. I look for them. I mean, I have an inst to here, my mind and I look for it. In order to solve, or in order to try to help you with that segment or no segment. commit Amanda. It's a way of working. Some people prefer to use the filter in order to cross variables here. But my advice to you give me a sec. I want to modify this one because it's too heavy. and the well is when you have to cross 3. By the El. Those guys you are done. You need to create a segment. And in order to trying to replay to Amanda. But also everyone. Look at this. If I put here techno. And I look for it in the filter. I'm selecting they categories, including that here. But if I go to in market segments. I lost. I lost that here. But if you go to segment and you create a new segment with the and you put it here. are you selecting right now the same thing, Amanda. The same thing. Okay. least one. The point is. because I need markets. I have to go here to think together with the same thing. But if you move around the tool using a segment. the segment is going to be here forever for labor. If you go to countries and let's see here and location here. you are not working anymore with that 100% of users, Not You are working with the segmentation that you did previously. You need to modify it. Why not? 8 plus mail done? Okay done? This one could be done. So this is the point. In order to help Amanda, you need to create a segment and you need to use the filter in order to cross variables.If you want to do it 100% properly, you can use segments in Google Analytics to compare metrics like bounce rate between different categories. For example, you can compare the bounce rate between sports, shopping, and technology. This way, you can make sure that you are getting information for everyone, and not just for one category. If you have any more questions related to Google Analytics, please let me know.You know, they have been using segments, and I'm coming back to my way for replay. Yes, you can move around the interface with a segment, but if you use a filter you can do it more efficiently. Some people use the wrong way of doing it in my opinion. You should filter. But you know, I love productivity. My mind always thinks of things like this, and it's a faster and better way to do it. But maybe Salmon, Heba, or Carlos use another one and they find the solution as well. Okay, but I think my way is better than them. That's all okay. But it's not the first thing or what you were saying. Here she goes. One question, sorry, because you were right, and that discussion of time is a mess because I try to analyze all of them. But it's so difficult to see if you comment this week or not. Okay, so I tried to always pass around. But guys, we have a deal this week. Okay, I will offer you those cahoots like 60 to 70 questions. I don't know how many. Okay, I will put it in cameras. I will open it on Tuesday and Stefanie, I can promise that I'm not going to block those during those days. Okay, because the questions could be similar. Okay, you hear me? See? And please, don't tell. Well, I mean, the questions are different, obviously the answers as well. But you are competing guys. Okay, if you are selling something to your colleagues, up to you. Okay, two days window. It's okay for you. Perfect. Though. Okay, it's my good luck for tonight. Thank you very much. See you guys, see you, bye bye.