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Okay, now it is recorded, and I will update it later. As I was speaking to some people here before, you know, today, I want to offer you a very practical class. I mean, from the first minute to the last minute, I want to touch base with you guys. This is good. Okay, for me, give me a sec because I will lose your faces. Now, okay, okay, you is the difficult. Say again, please. What about Ohs Amanda? How much do we have of previous experience with it? So, not that I my my idea. He was to offer you all the secrets that I got that I know related to Well and Alex. Okay, in these two guys, one that in Carlos, did you play the trees before, I mean when you were a child? Yes, that is for you guys. A Hebrew, yes, you know he. Some people in a class like this one told me, "Professor, I don't know what the 3 is." You know, I got, you know, I got only like 10 to 12 years more in that moment, Diana. You know that was my passion when I was outside. Okay. They didn't know what that is. But I did. You don't know what the 3 is. Okay. How is they? Hungry bears? You know, these kind of things. Candy grass in the game, guys, is the game is the same levels and the screens. It's like this. Okay, are you watching my screen, guys? Yes, this is Google Analytics. Is everyone there? We will need it today. Carlos. And today, guys, I want to explain you. Okay, these three tabs. This for me, Dominique. Google Analytics has five levels. Okay, five levels of difficulty. Okay, and I want to introduce you to the two. I mean, I need to balance the level of the class. Okay, I need to balance the level. Okay, so please pay attention that we are going to work always, always guys with the demo account. Okay, of Google Merchandise Store, or website? Okay? And with Master View, I promise, I'm on the phone. So, all the data that you have in your screen. If you open Google Analytics, don't forget for the test analytics, don't we? Okay, always is data related to the demo account. It's our website. Oh, it's yes, it's our website to work. Do you see? And, guys, I love to say that if you go to the overview of the real time, you will see, like guys, 15 people worldwide. White caviar Christian. See? 15 people worldwide teams update like this one. Hey? Ivan, did you buy it right already? No, this one this one. Yeah. No. He well, no. Yet. No. Yet. Okay, you will. I appreciate you. You will. Okay, guys, I who is in Google Merchandise right now it does. And we're met and register all that in are doing. We will make some nice of store to Barbara. Did you like Google mentioned dice? Please, Google Merchandise with your desktop, everyone. Now, please. If you want to pass this up yet. If you don't want it, don't do it. Please, to this side, everyone. Hey? Everybody one guys. Okay. If you go here, who will refresh the page? You see us this number. It's increasing. Okay, that guys is your cooking. Is your logging that idea as well. I'm gonna refresh this one more time. Okay. And this real time a screen is so powerful. I don't know Tara for America for the New Year's time, because you are controlling the pages with the people is, you know, using a desktop, mobile or tablet. That that's the first screen and a Christian is not a consolidated data. Okay, Google Analytics has two tables. Okay, yeah. They consolidated one. Okay, this is only a flow. Guy. It's just to consume the data. You can download it. But knowing Google Analytics, you can use it to be Query. Okay, in a batch format to that to check that data. Okay, you can extract it. But knowing Google Analytics, okay, all of these guys are you for sure? Okay, and there is a screen. East. 2526, 27 people in the last minute in this side. Okay, if you go to Merchandise, the numbers are completely different. But the screen is, Stephanie is mild. I'm predomos. The the the, the the screen is always the same. Okay.What about you? Go to a location? This is the first real-time stop, I mean. But it's not the most important one. If you are here, you can check the country or the CD: okay. The city here. Okay, nowadays, right now, there are 8 people from the State in the United States. Okay. You can move here in order to check also the traffic sources. Okay, only for the United States that you remember yesterday I asked you how many ways you have to arrive to a site. If I do it, it will make sense today. Okay. But also, guys, you can just check the content that the people are taking in this moment. Okay. I also in the Black Friday, I'mathon, whatever you want. Okay, 2 days, I mean 2 weeks ago. Okay. Not denied. If you click here, do you have you in desktop? Are you hitting me, guys? Yes. If you pick here in this top you can select it. And this is only the best of people. Obviously, you can see. Okay. How this is working in this. If you are Mobile. My wife. Please, guys. Could you tell me a little bit? Go to move a merchandise in desktop in a smuggle. That's an essential com in desktop. Okay, and also use your phone to go to who am it and nicest We will see how this number is going to increase. Okay. Say in, please. Maybe not. Let's say by quite close. Okay, because sometimes you know this, this information guys is from the last 5 minutes. Okay, but the answer for almost is, Yes, we can modify this number with all. We will be capable. We will make a license Okay. So you see 34 now. Okay, Stefani Koshi Muhammad. This is a stupid size. Sorry, it is a stupid size. Sorry, this is the demo account guys and that you i'm at one. Okay, imagine Imagine I don't know who was they are using Google analytics as well as the funny. Okay. And these. Okay is the same interface. The processing capacity of the tool is different. If you are paying for the most of if you are not paying okay. But the interface guys, the interface is exactly the same. So in the next job. Okay, if people tell you. Hey, do you control? Yes. Okay. Yes. Come here here in this one is real time, real time. Okay. Real time information. You can download it. But you can see how many people is valuing in this moment when I mean budging. He is getting a goal in this side. We cannot go. Well, it depends on you. You are the data, guy, hey? A purchase is a goal for me. Here I purchase click on social media in that boat on your email. I got Ali here understood. Guys. See you one. Come here, please. Being honest Harriet, I I need to analyze it. Okay. But could be the reason. Okay. But you are this one right? No, no, for sure. You are, you know. 3 Pm. On a Saturday. We're in my time, my sister. And imagine it. Okay, you are that one. But what I want to tell you that this is real time, but it's not a perfect real time. Okay, there are better tools for just real time. Okay, done. Google analytics. But this is so useful, even if this is not perfect. Okay, if because, believe me, it's a I don't want to say it's fake. But this well, if it's not a pool for sure, real time. Okay. But in order to get the trend. What is working, what is not? This is good. Okay. For sure, my friend. Okay. You. I mean, you have to listen between personal data and no personal data. Okay. If that data is not personal. If you are in the State. I mean for for all the countries that's another way. You are okay. This is, I don't want to say, perfect, but almost perfect Malik one. Okay. But if you go to them to the Cp. I and I are speaking because I know it's paying very well the Christian. Okay. Sometimes you are in Madrid. I'm the only guy in Google that I store in the whole country and the to say Viggo or Barcelona. Okay. This is not because of this is not because Google analytics is because the provider, I mean, how do you know Internet is the was bill in Spain. You know it's not. No, no. No. So. Well, they have a No. A good partitioning data. Okay. So, yeah, this is the answer.In the United States, when I was in New York, I saw that history was very well known. Hi, Indiana. Okay, this is no secret: when the two lists, that's the mother. The reason they don't have that data is not because you are using an inconvenient or mode. It's not because of this. Sometimes you know, you lose the data. The connection is just JavaScript. You remember it, JavaScript. So sometimes you don't have the data. That's all. I will explain about this. Okay. And also you can get not provided in that not provided role. Google is collecting the data, but for many reasons they don't want to share it with you. Okay, they don't want to send it. Okay, I have to simplify this. Okay, because I want to focus on the most important mobile for me. Real time, that is Indiana or Christian. It's important too. Okay, but there are better tools for that. Okay, the point is, give me a sec. For me, the most important thing is audience. Okay, and remember the sentence for the test, but also for the future one. In now this you can find information about how the people who visit your site got it. You know the information about the cookies and the information about the people that Google Google analytics is collecting for you from your clients. Okay, from your users. It's here, and I will be fast. Okay. But the most important points. Okay. It's important for you. If you go here to demographics and you check it during the week. You can go here. Okay. If you are here, you can go ahead. I mean, you can check the information collected related to the age of your user. Go to us. Okay, I'm not going to add you. Where are you? Okay, here. But this is important. Okay, during the week these days. I asked you many, many questions related to data, okay, because Google guys and you will see it when we face Google analytics for okay. They are putting a lot of attention, a lot of power in the user identification. Why? You remember the cookie less. We're looking at all these things. Okay. Google has a chance in order to let us the information related to the users. Okay, they know a lot more. So much, I mean. And about you guys about me as a user. A sip like this one. For example. Got it? Okay. Targeted. Okay. So it is important. But the point is to show you more things that maybe you know, but if you click here in secondary dimensions. Yes, and you look forward again. There you can cross the information with the Gmail information. Thanks. Am I clear? See Carlos here. Okay. I don't know you one. You want your own conclusions. Okay. I'm going to put here browsers, and you can get the information about paid by. What about the browser by age? Okay. Yes, that for sure. It's my connection. Well, guys, it's working poor. Sorry. But enough to work on it. Sorry. Okay. If you want to sweat off your cameras for me today is not important. Okay, do it if in order to be faster. But the point here, browser and age. You can close dimension. You can close by the age. Okay. Here. If I select I don't know 25. Oh, in this one there. I got 25 to 34 year olds, bye. Okay, by that way. Got it. See? But look at this. Have you? If I use this in order to look for grown. What's gonna happen? The answer is going to be 0 for sure. Why? Why? Because if you go to the age once. Okay. You see. By the fall you are asking to the tool. This is the age plus gender. Okay. Unknown. You can come here. I'm saying, hey, I'm Bro. There! Good on. And then probably you can filter this information related. Please. Do you know how to do this? How to do this during the week. Guys it die. See the analysts don't know. You see. So far. The Mohammad these. You know that the age is 50. You those okay that in order to solve that question. You have to go to the audience. Okay. And then you have to go to the demographics. Okay. And then you have to go to the age. Okay. And then you have to go to the gender. Okay. And then you have to go to the browser. Okay. And then you have to go to the operating system. Okay. And then you have to go to the device. Okay. And then you have to go to the screen resolution. Okay. And then you have to go to the language. Okay.No, I'm kidding you guys. You know, if it was all day, I'd be open to the idea. Because, Muhammad, if you are using these 18 parameters, okay, you are only playing with two. Okay. But you remember I offered you some tricky questions. Lead it to three to close three or four. You know what a serial is? How many of you solved those questions, guys, with three variables? I hear it all right. Okay, how to solve it, my friend? That's the idea today, you know. I know that if you follow out, yes, I will pay attention to three, four, four, five more points. Okay. But the idea today is to use this one, guys. I was hiding it. Okay. Yeah. As for so, if you go to Admin Mohammed, if you want to add a segment. Okay, imagine. Well, I don't want to speak about Japan this week, you know, because in the World Cup they want us. Okay. Okay, but I will miss a country and also eight. Okay. Now we do it for you today. If you go here one more time to Admin Mohammed, you select a new one. Okay, I will do my best. Okay, I select it in 2534 Gsl. Okay, mail on the location well to join you in tune. Hey, Spain? Maybe we don't find anything right, but it's Spain and tell me well, this one. Hey, Spain, the maze 25. Third. Okay? And then I save it. It's simple. You know how to. I need the most important C. 9 See one me in am I for sure for this period. Okay. For this 2534 years old from Spain and mail 124 users today. Okay, I mean today. No. In for that video. Okay. Session. How many 160. Okay. Bounce right. 53 here is this difficult, guys, with these you are using three variables. Okay, three variables. You see, I'm working only with Seedle Point, one of the total users of we all. Okay, you Dominique. Do you know these? Yes. I I'm. Okay. I'm going to remove this. Okay, I do it so far in order to tissue. Okay, the point. I sorry I need to remove it. Okay. Now pay attention to Carlos, Barbara, Christian. Okay, you see here all the users, 100% of the users. See? Great. You know, there is no segmentation caviar or, hopefully here. Okay, you have the full number. The whole numbers. Sorry. This offer you the chance to close variables to cross dimension. Okay, if you use the filter doesn't matter the screen where you are. You can see two variables, only two. Okay. But what's happening, guys, that if you me to cross three, you need to cross four, or you need to close five second. See. One more time. You are on the second, and as you can see, guys, here I huh one of them. Okay. And also if I check it. I don't what I did so many single. Okay, you can save your own segments. But okay, pay attention to this. I didn't use. I already created segment. I created one more. Okay. If you click here to the new segment and see, you can select all these conditions. Or you can go to technology in order to choose. I know that kind of. Or you go to the table when you go to traffic sources where they you need to find that condition now. So far. Okay. We say we told 2534 Gsol guys. Okay. Sorry. I'm gonna repeat it. Guys? Sorry for the going up. I don't know what's happened. The you sacrament. It's okay. Are you hearing me perfect? You know, I selected 2534 in my previous year. Okay. You can select here a male for a female. Okay, I'm. So letting now female. Okay, and you can hey. People that speaking? Yes, Bonnies. Okay. Three. One a continent from a country for that city. And this is a contract. Okay. One more time this way. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Though. I'm gonna now for you. One more condition. I go here to technology. Why not? I'm the brochure. I'm gonna put good cool. Okay, now, my friend, I'm working with 0.7 of the total of user then they a tool is collecting. Okay. I'm going to offer you. I'll show your name females along in Spain. 2534 years on and good on. It's okay, guys. Me and Carlos me in guys. I is anything. This. Maybe guys, I use many, many conditions for these segments. So the answer is zero. The idea is that you can collect. You can segment. Okay for all the conditions that you want, and you will reuse it today. Okay.See? Why isn't this one working? Yes, because look at this, I know for you. Sorry. I know. Thank you. You know, daily vision. Okay, a daily reason you got here. I mean, I selected month, you know, only for the vision. No, I didn't change it. And if you offer some mini to two s to this, here you have it. Okay. See? You know why that wasn't working because in a television, no people everything. Me, not for so. And that's not right. This is just an idea, guys. You come here and you can sell what they may do on this. Okay. And now, please answer my question. I don't know. Last week is the same as last 7 days. No problem. What's the difference if I ask you last week is Monday to Sunday? I suppose so. If it's on the configuration of the tool. But yes, last week is this one, but last 7 days. Okay? I know it's tricky, professor, as well if I select it last month, we had in December. Look at it! November got it. But if I select last 30 days it's not the same. You can fail my test because you didn't pay attention to this as stupid as permission. Okay, Carlos: okay, Christian. Okay, Muhammad Lady up, guys. The idea month through the information about people who we see your site is got it? And in demographics guys in demographics you have information about the age and gender. Okay, you can cross, then, whatever you need, you can use it. And and the other you need the gender by country. Okay? Second, that all the conference you need to select one well like this is not working because this filter is only up to the first. Okay. But if you come here to advance and you need I don't know. Give me a second, please. Again. There. Okay. Female. And we mentioned. Go on 3 in Spain. I don't know it's working because mail of mail. Yes. This two, one. Okay. I look at. If I put here Guys female is not the same. Something like this is still why 0, you know. I have only asked why? Because here you are telling the tool a exactly matching with the result. Teammate. Yes, if you put this nothing okay. But and demographics. I have another top. Another important tab in Terrace for me. And, guys, if you can hear affinity categories. Activity categories is a segmentation provided by Google about the interest of your users. See, Vianna, itai about your users. The please is not a: yeah. Maybe you like guarded him. Okay. And if you like gathering. You can be here. Q: Okay, okay, something here somewhere. Okay, people love technology, music, cinema. This kind of No, by your intention. Okay. No intention of who chasing 10, he probably. But what is Google say to the tools to the user to the segment to the market, hey? I know my users. Okay. And if you want to filter by interns, you come here you can come here and, guys, there is another one in Markets segments in this one, Diana, this one. Okay. And let me follow with the guarded in the sample javier in affinity categories Javier is into. They got their in you, too. They got their in segment. He doesn't want to buy anything just lost. Got it. See? In the market segment. Javier is also in. That means that Javier is looking for a product related to to buy it two values. Okay. And this is so powerful guys. Okay, because you can close interest information with demographics and also guys with you. Please tell one more time. This is location info countries regions. It is okay. But this one is already consolidated. Okay, it's already consolidated, as I told you. In the real time is just a flow. I sometimes I can know where the data is providing by. Okay. But in the location here story. In this one. Okay, in this one. All the information is consolidated. Okay. So if the provider of Internet in your country all fairly that information. I'm gonna find it here. You have a lease of them. But you need. I don't know 100 country. Just give me a second and you. We have okay. And then guys users. My sister's bounce ways time one day where you want. Okay.My friends, if we have a test for the Fada Oramathon, who are analyzing, we can know exactly how much money they made that day. Okay, the revenue of Amazon or the revenue of Okay. They are, I mean, internal data. And they are very important data. Can you? Yes. Here. So demographics interview, and I will go to explain two more things. Technology. Okay, and also guys internally so fast you can get information about the process that you are using. Okay. The process that you are using. So to an internet, a phone, whatever you want. Okay, one more time you can cross it by opening the system. I'm pretty almost. I can even know the solution for the site of your mobile phone. Okay, is that information important guys? Who knows. Okay, one, we are thinking, you know, about to. We sign a new program and you sure for it. I You know, they added a fast device in a bigger one. Let's see. Okay. And we are controlling that information. Canoli. Bruce and also network. Okay. I can get it I the name of your provider. When you are checking my side we will make a nice okay. Give me give me a second guys, I mean. Well, now for you, one more time. This is simple. Okay for for 2015. Okay, I May I remember? I I don't think November on this, but I don't know what I said. 11. Okay, you think so a minute. We will see it together. Okay. Give me a sec. My way. The point nowadays. I don't know who was asking before for the the point. I if you I mean. If you ask me years ago, 7 years ago, for the information I told you for sure. I'm collecting the provider. I'm collecting the provider nowadays. Okay, it's funny you can get that. No set, not set. Okay like this one. Why? Because where analytics considers that that information is personal and they don't. Okay time. Warner. Guys very soon, Comcast. Let me offer you something. I will come here and I will create a new segment. I'd be not here. I will come to country on the screen. It's clear for everyone, you see. Right? Pardon me, No, no, you can get whatever you want. Yeah. I mean 5 countries. You can get all the conditions that you want in a segment. But you can 2, 3, 4, and also 5. I don't remember now, Segments, let me show you how. Okay, this is an explain one. Okay, and it's P: One see? And the Javier is popular for you, I mean, please. Okay. Mobile phone. Yes, the intern is provided in the spring. I will go to add in order to compare this information. I know the segment. Where are you leaving my friend London? Okay. I will look for it. I'm not one to select. I'm not going to. Let me see. a lot. London. Okay. I P: 1 1 and I'm going to say. I'm comparing now he pays paying that data with that data. You see. Okay, here you get it. Okay, and maybe for the provider. But let's see for gender. Okay. this one. Okay. Here you have Ebay Spain. If a London female lovely name for the here you have users. But you put here your sessions. and that information is related to systems. See. I mean last week in this day we play with the tool. But my end today is that of you a deeper vision of the two. I can offer you everything you need to touch guys again. You need to touch. Okay, but you can sell it whatever you want and programmers we can put here. Let me see Bangladesh. I have it from all the clerk. Okay. And you are comparing. Now, if it is paying. If a London and Bangladesh Okay. And you can compare desktop and why users could on. And why you said whatever you want, okay, as complex, as you see. as complex as you need see. Nice is this interesting, Diana. See. We move just one more thing, and you play. I'm gonna delete it. I'm going to delete everything, guys. And now I go to work with all the users. One more thing related to audience. Mobile. If you can hear in the overview. What people is using. See? One, c. Is the funny If you go to the devices. Okay. At first, so I can tell you the model that you are using. And these guys, it's powerful pretty result. You good. And the needle.Hello, Carlos, Juan, Stefani, Heba, Mohammed, and Dominique. How many of you are already in Google? Everyone? Great. You know, I told you we have to train in order to get a beer, but we need to pay for it. Today, I'm not sharing the screen. Sorry. We are training for the obvious model. We have time today at the Ecdon Module, and you will receive around 60 to 70 questions. Until December 14, you will have two days to finish the test that Diana, Heva, Hassan, or Hima is going to give you. It will be practical and you need to solve Google Analytics questions. Use your mobile phones to answer the questions. This professor is the most tricky one. How are you all? With this competition, we can see how Juan is doing. In a face-to-face class, I saw people with their elbows in order to win. You will get around 8 to 10 questions. Nice to meet you. I love Theka Hood music. Sometimes I kind of sleep and I use it. You will find a question and you have to use all the model information to solve it. This is easy, Carlos. Okay, with the second question, it's the funny. I first of all, today no camera. Thank you, Stephanie. You know why? Because I was waiting for this because you didn't ask me during the whole week. I'll phone. So, Stephanie, thank you very much. Okay, with the second question, it's the funny.Stephanie has no chocolate, no beer, and no books today. Yes, if you go here, guys, I told you I promise that this one lets me do the same interface that the players are using, but it's the free version. Remember, it's the funny one. Also, with the free version, if you go here, guys, you will see these, Simon. Okay. Because with the free version, you can get sampling. What sampling, guys? Google analytics is not working with 100% of the data in order and to be faster. Okay, yes, the funny. So, in order to reply with the answer of that question, they are not managing at that moment 100% of the data. No, 100% of those lines in the data. They are using 80, 70%, or maybe 2% of them. Obviously, with this sampling, it's impossible to get the correct data. You can only check the trends. It's the funny. Okay, so don't worry sometimes because this is 18, 19, or 25, it doesn't matter. Okay, because we are using the same. I mean, we are using the sample in person. You know, the free person with sampling. Okay, guys, sometimes, if you are looking at this, I don't want to spend a lot of time, but if you are using these. Okay, if you are using this, it's a long time alone period. For sure, you see, this is not green. This is only working properly with 1011% of the system. And there often you are a data. Obviously, he says, stack data is not okay. Stephanie, it's enough to make you understand what's the problem with the data. Am I clear? Perfect. That's pro, you know. I, I, I maybe I didn't pay attention to your answer at that moment, but I'm pretty sure that I mean I'm pretty sure 90% of the time, 90% of the data in that question is not because of something I need to double check it. But these are good at this problem. I don't know why. But if they answer Sido, it's not a problem. Maybe you sorry. Yeah, I mean, you make a mistake creating the segment also, and then you click, but less less double check it together. Okay, if you put it in the forum during this week, I will pay attention to it because I control all the questions that I offer you in order not to mess you up. Perfect. I will. I will. I will pay special attention to this. Okay. No problem. But the point is. Yes, Amanda. On Monday, we will have the link for the Kahoo. Okay? And but you will have more than okay. I mean, I will put this and other taku that we are when I play together. But more question is, and also the last week. But I will offer you. I mean the last week before the test. I will offer you all the answer that we shall do another. Okay. No problem. Follow when three questions you don't want to play. Let's go for it. Okay. He was Carlos. What was the most used browser set in October 2018? I'm in it, guys. 40s that in a ready answer. Sometimes guys, always a tricky question. Okay, Hassan Muhammad, I will. Someone is setting. Yes, yes, yes, at the point. Now. If you think you know when you are learning well, analysis. Okay, you know the interface is always like in front of you. He died. If you open your eyes and you think a little bit, you don't need to use Google analytics unless for this one. Okay. It offers you more points if the answer is correct. But if you are faster than your colleagues. Okay. So let's see this answer. Wow. Look at this Javier and a house, you know which? Okay, for question, guys. Let's let me solve you this one. I was looking for a I was looking for. Ottawa. You know my advice that in that in or it's definitely always the calendar I was looking for October right. 19 plus always pay attention to the calendar. Because it's more to get on me. Okay. Always the calendar first. Then I was looking for browsers. Okay, Rose, it is an obvious. I don't remember everything. You know, I, you know, like, hey, how the people who visit my site is okay, technology number of. And then here you have it the end. Okay. Definitely. From this one. I was looking for this. Okay.How many new iPhone users were there in January 2021? 18 guys always face the calendar, Stephanie Muhammad. It's always 80s guys difficult. The rain is difficult. This one is 12, 11. Then I'm on guys, my people is mission everything. Okay. That's in here you know the pain. Point is what if you guys. It was difficult, this one Heba. Against this one, this one this one Dominique. Sorry. Okay. And also I'll a lot to another tricky thing. Okay, imagine doesn't matter that that's another result. Okay. But if you put here iPhone. If you put here iPhone and you selected this one. I mean, sorry if you selected this one. Okay. You are missing almost 100, why? Because you put your attention. You pay your attention here. And there are more iPhones. Okay, so you need to use lives. You. You can do two things here in Atlanta. You see, matching exactly. You put contain an iPhone. You send a stupid chain happily. Okay, and you can get it. Or if you got here you go to a new segment. You will put here iPhones. And you go to the technology and branding, and then are you good on things? I first it's the same man. This is the same. But different ways. Yes, you are. Do you? The boys. Javier. Now, Dominique, where you, my friend. Somewhere, you know. You know the Anna. I put my pressure to someone. What's happened the same. It's always like this. Okay. But Dominique, no worries, no beer, no chocolate, no book two days. Okay, you need. You need to win the final. That's all the how many people in the rest state illusory in January 2021? Could you hear the music, Stephanie? I love Kah. If you believe me. We will solve all the questions to get him during the week. Okay, no problem. 40s guys. Only three answers. You know, Carlos, I love to ask. This is difficult. The first question always, always. You know how many users yesterday. So we see, my friend. But for okay. You know, I'm increasing the level as in the territories. You remember it? Question by question. Are you 11? 20? Let's go for it. Okay. Thirteenth question. 13 answered. Yet the 2016. What's happening here? Well, not Carlos Stefani, his son, you know I have a friend, you know, who play the hood, and he told me a really good advice. Even if you don't know the answer. Theyana, as also in the last five s. That's yeah. See whatever if I try to look for it. But if you don't find it in the last five s click somewhere. Got it. Dominique? I I don't make a joke about. You see. Let's go for it later. If you have any questions. Sorry I clear already. Click. If you have any question we will solve it. Okay. But now was what was the main conversion rate in April 2021? Who was speaking guys who wanted to speak. This is so so easy. If you know how to find it. What come, Indiana, do you know it? Why, that that's my I go. Where Amanda? Everything? Okay. 1010 s. Guys, you make somewhere 5, 4, 3. The is heavier in the first position. There. What he's he's the leader, and he's on fire. Diana. You see. You have. Yeah, you like? Would you prefer? I think, two more question guys. And we finished with this: okay. What was the category? So in the highest bounce rate in March 2020, I don't know what a minute in order to solve it. Come on. Vladimir Putin, are you there? He smile. 10 s guys click in red, blue, yellow, or green. Whatever you want. Wow! 4 years is what's correct for you. Well. You know, like a step by step, question my question. In the last one guys in the last one guys in the last one you have to the last one. You have to see the It's Stefanie Diana. Your chances are no press over there. 40 s. You know one. You can do something that I call creative analysis. Okay, you don't find the answer in Google analytics. So you tell your voice first number with gangs to your mind. Okay, you read it before. I? Yes, we created a number and thank you. Not Mail for sure. Ten-second guys and the kahood is sober. Okay, maybe Javier, maybe Heba maybe Diana. Who knows? You know. 12. It's not difficult.We will see all the answers together going their way. Diana Almos is the winner today. Yeah, this is interesting, but not for now. Okay, congratulations. The point is Google and it is still interesting for you. Yes, okay. My idea was to look at it as well today. Okay, but we will offer it. I will offer you the information during the week, before and including next Saturday. We will look at the rest of the world analysis. Okay, where it is universal. After that Saturday we will take the test of where it is going to be so practical. But let me explain something. You know we have only 10 minutes, but I need to solve. Okay, that's right. Good. All the questions that you have to relate to our business case over a group assignment. Okay. And I need you to offer me that you email me only one this week. Okay, as I told you, you have to select. I know of four options. Okay, give me a pick of one. It's funny, Indiana, because depending on the year, the semester and they are there that I offer you these ideas one more. The other one I don't know why, but maybe I pay attention to this option 1, 2, 3, or 4, and you select this. Okay, you have all the information in Camba in Blackboard. Okay, but, guys, I offer you always using we will make some nice a store. Okay, option number one. Not every single line. Yeah, you know, you have to solve a business problem. Okay, you need to offer me an answer for that business problem. Not in I mean, you are selecting your group, not everything online. You need to find a place mainly in Europe, but some people told me in Asia, and I'm thinking about this. It was a really good idea. You don't have to go to Asia. Okay, only Europe or Asia. About where to open. Diana Dominique, the first flag, a store of. And, guys, you have all the Google analytics. The formation related to don't use only two elements and is a start if a Google itc for if you choose this one. Okay, I mean, some people come from 0, you who's that information? So people is really good because they are already in market research and go for it. Okay, all the data is available. But you have to offer me two answers for that option one where you are going to open that flag. See the store? Okay? And the second question, Vienna. The top 10 of product that you are going to sell. Are you clear, guys? Two things also option number one. If you are duty, you are using a juicy. I also as a group. I only need one mail, only one main, with all the members of the group. Hey, Fran during the week, you know there's like Thursday. We are this group and we will choose. Develop the option number one. Am I clear guys? See? Well. Okay. Okay. Another second option. Okay, what I call could upselling go upselling an upsetting. Okay, guys in this one. Well. You have to offer me new ideas, us about how limits and I can improve the Cpr. they pull chasing button. You know what I mean. I mean sometimes colors. You know what group selling you up, selling these right? So you can okay, sometime, my friend, you go to use one here. Okay, this one. Okay, why not you want to? Why. Please. This Heva don't. Tell don't. Tell my children okay, don't turn my phone. Okay. But the point is well. You can they of a you have this one. So this one, and also this one for this price. You know this is crop selling good. I mean. Sometimes you find you. You buy out iphone to upload, and they sold you. Also, they want to sell you to sell you the case. Okay, piano or another one okay. No, Monique. Absolutely. I have no idea. I have not done a sample of this right now. But the point is. Yes, upselling is when you are looking for a fly. Okay, economy class that I think you are paying for the costs. So economy, economic class, no money for that or more. Okay, and you are inviting these. You are inviting the customer to buy more. Okay, so this is upselling. Okay.I'll first say, "Hey, do you want a plus? You know, a business class only for this money? And you're saving this. Okay, that's up. I mean, if you want to choose option number two, and you want to develop how to sell more, so you have to mail me as a group with only one mail plan. We are this group, and we are choosing option number two. Am I clear? I forgot something so important, he died. If you are choosing this option, okay. London is for B. Then, okay. London is 4 billion, you know, Brexit and these kinds of things. And you again, okay. But if you check the data, London is not really a good area. Okay, for us then I have another option. Guys, option number three, us. You have to offer me ideas related to the page, related to the product, to the process of buying something. Google makes a nice system. Give me a second. Okay, I will offer you just an idea. Don't use it for Tesla if you arrive to. Okay, hey Bob, oh Christian, you find this page. I mean this page. Okay, I'll first. So it doesn't matter where you click, you arrive to the same thing. Okay, is there another way of asking you for the country? Well, I see this one, why not? Okay, they're asking you for the country, maybe they select it. I already selected it, but yes, I but maybe some other ways to solve that problem. Okay, oh, for me something. If you put if you put this one here and you click here and you go for a problem. Okay, if you go for a probably give me a second. This one, why not? Is my favorite one, believe me. Okay, see? I found. So Kristen, Barbara, if you put this discount in red for me here, or maybe here people are buying more. Who knows? Okay, and if you go two days and you see you got something here, or something here, or this button is another column, it's people by anymore, or for me ideas. I promise, Carlo, if your ideas are good, I'm going to steal it. I'm getting there. I'm getting nice. Yes, but the point is when you are asking your team for a proposal, you don't know it yet. Okay, but my idea is find your both in that presentation or for me a way to this. Okay, and let me know, Fran. I want to try. You know this is not a really professional or an optimized solution. We are thinking each one and let me be sure with this KPI, with this KPI, and with this KPI, and in two, three, four weeks I will tell you if this is running or not. But it's impossible, and you are right to know it. But in order to send an idea you don't need to have the numbers before. Okay, you can here. I mean you got here. You can't say, or you need to face the presentation as well, meeting with your boss in order to get the problem for that option. Yes, yes, and programmers. There are many tools. No, I mean you have the Google analytics data in order to see this is working or not. If it is not working, there are many tools in order to offer me a proposal. That's the point in this option number three, usability, CR, these kinds of things. If you are interested in this, I will go. I will go deeper for you with a look. Check this to check this one, and check this one. It's helpful for this one, please. Okay, the option number one is a business problem where you have to solve the country like CD. In the option number two, you have to offer me ideas in order to sell more. Okay, in the option number three, you need to offer me ideas about how to develop a page more interested for the user, okay, more interested. And one more time in order to see more. Okay, if you if you are interested, ask me during the week, okay, alone. Okay, another one right? The option number four. And we didn't speak enough about these guys. Yeah, four. Please come in a new version of V4. It's coming. I don't want to say to the city, but to overlive Kiwa. If you are interested in this one, you have to offer me. I'm your boss. I don't know anything about the A4. Okay, you have to offer me ideas in order to develop this one.Hey, analytics guys, the new data is coming to me. We have to move it all. All of our internal data is going to wait, check it in G4 by that year. Okay, what's the plan for implementation? Are you asking me for money or time for my developers? Okay, money or time. I need to understand last. Be clear. Okay, if you like option 1, 2, 3, or 4, please send me an email by group. Okay, option 1, 2, 3, or 4. Okay, you can modify it. Yes, you have. If you send me the email by Monday, you will have until Wednesday to change it, but after that no changes. Okay, are you guys interested? Okay, that's all. I promise not to disturb you. I'll pass you on with the email tomorrow. You hear me? Okay, option 1, 2, 3, and 4 guys, you need to mail me with your selection. I'm giving you until Wednesday to change it, but after that no changes. Okay, it was a pleasure to see you. Sorry for the connection. I hope you can follow the class. Have a good week.