"""k-diffusion transformer diffusion models, version 2. |
Codes adopted from https://github.com/crowsonkb/k-diffusion |
""" |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from functools import lru_cache, reduce |
import math |
from typing import Union |
from einops import rearrange |
import torch |
from torch import nn |
import torch._dynamo |
from torch.nn import functional as F |
from . import flags, flops |
from .axial_rope import make_axial_pos |
try: |
import natten |
except ImportError: |
natten = None |
try: |
import flash_attn |
except ImportError: |
flash_attn = None |
if flags.get_use_compile(): |
torch._dynamo.config.cache_size_limit = max(64, torch._dynamo.config.cache_size_limit) |
torch._dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True |
def zero_init(layer): |
nn.init.zeros_(layer.weight) |
if layer.bias is not None: |
nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) |
return layer |
def checkpoint(function, *args, **kwargs): |
if flags.get_checkpointing(): |
kwargs.setdefault("use_reentrant", True) |
return torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint(function, *args, **kwargs) |
else: |
return function(*args, **kwargs) |
def downscale_pos(pos): |
pos = rearrange(pos, "... (h nh) (w nw) e -> ... h w (nh nw) e", nh=2, nw=2) |
return torch.mean(pos, dim=-2) |
def tag_param(param, tag): |
if not hasattr(param, "_tags"): |
param._tags = set([tag]) |
else: |
param._tags.add(tag) |
return param |
def tag_module(module, tag): |
for param in module.parameters(): |
tag_param(param, tag) |
return module |
def apply_wd(module): |
for name, param in module.named_parameters(): |
if name.endswith("weight"): |
tag_param(param, "wd") |
return module |
def filter_params(function, module): |
for param in module.parameters(): |
tags = getattr(param, "_tags", set()) |
if function(tags): |
yield param |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def linear_geglu(x, weight, bias=None): |
x = x @ weight.mT |
if bias is not None: |
x = x + bias |
x, gate = x.chunk(2, dim=-1) |
return x * F.gelu(gate) |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def rms_norm(x, scale, eps): |
dtype = reduce(torch.promote_types, (x.dtype, scale.dtype, torch.float32)) |
mean_sq = torch.mean(x.to(dtype)**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
scale = scale.to(dtype) * torch.rsqrt(mean_sq + eps) |
return x * scale.to(x.dtype) |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, scale, eps): |
dtype = reduce(torch.promote_types, (q.dtype, k.dtype, scale.dtype, torch.float32)) |
sum_sq_q = torch.sum(q.to(dtype)**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
sum_sq_k = torch.sum(k.to(dtype)**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
sqrt_scale = torch.sqrt(scale.to(dtype)) |
scale_q = sqrt_scale * torch.rsqrt(sum_sq_q + eps) |
scale_k = sqrt_scale * torch.rsqrt(sum_sq_k + eps) |
return q * scale_q.to(q.dtype), k * scale_k.to(k.dtype) |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def scale_for_cosine_sim_qkv(qkv, scale, eps): |
q, k, v = qkv.unbind(2) |
q, k = scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, scale[:, None], eps) |
return torch.stack((q, k, v), dim=2) |
class Linear(nn.Linear): |
def forward(self, x): |
flops.op(flops.op_linear, x.shape, self.weight.shape) |
return super().forward(x) |
class LinearGEGLU(nn.Linear): |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True): |
super().__init__(in_features, out_features * 2, bias=bias) |
self.out_features = out_features |
def forward(self, x): |
flops.op(flops.op_linear, x.shape, self.weight.shape) |
return linear_geglu(x, self.weight, self.bias) |
class FourierFeatures(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, std=1.): |
super().__init__() |
assert out_features % 2 == 0 |
self.register_buffer('weight', torch.randn([out_features // 2, in_features]) * std) |
def forward(self, input): |
f = 2 * math.pi * input @ self.weight.T |
return torch.cat([f.cos(), f.sin()], dim=-1) |
class RMSNorm(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, shape, eps=1e-6): |
super().__init__() |
self.eps = eps |
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(shape)) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"shape={tuple(self.scale.shape)}, eps={self.eps}" |
def forward(self, x): |
return rms_norm(x, self.scale, self.eps) |
class AdaRMSNorm(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, features, cond_features, eps=1e-6): |
super().__init__() |
self.eps = eps |
self.linear = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(cond_features, features, bias=False))) |
tag_module(self.linear, "mapping") |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"eps={self.eps}," |
def forward(self, x, cond): |
return rms_norm(x, self.linear(cond)[:, None, None, :] + 1, self.eps) |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def apply_rotary_emb(x, theta, conj=False): |
out_dtype = x.dtype |
dtype = reduce(torch.promote_types, (x.dtype, theta.dtype, torch.float32)) |
d = theta.shape[-1] |
assert d * 2 <= x.shape[-1] |
x1, x2, x3 = x[..., :d], x[..., d : d * 2], x[..., d * 2 :] |
x1, x2, theta = x1.to(dtype), x2.to(dtype), theta.to(dtype) |
cos, sin = torch.cos(theta), torch.sin(theta) |
sin = -sin if conj else sin |
y1 = x1 * cos - x2 * sin |
y2 = x2 * cos + x1 * sin |
y1, y2 = y1.to(out_dtype), y2.to(out_dtype) |
return torch.cat((y1, y2, x3), dim=-1) |
@flags.compile_wrap |
def _apply_rotary_emb_inplace(x, theta, conj): |
dtype = reduce(torch.promote_types, (x.dtype, theta.dtype, torch.float32)) |
d = theta.shape[-1] |
assert d * 2 <= x.shape[-1] |
x1, x2 = x[..., :d], x[..., d : d * 2] |
x1_, x2_, theta = x1.to(dtype), x2.to(dtype), theta.to(dtype) |
cos, sin = torch.cos(theta), torch.sin(theta) |
sin = -sin if conj else sin |
y1 = x1_ * cos - x2_ * sin |
y2 = x2_ * cos + x1_ * sin |
x1.copy_(y1) |
x2.copy_(y2) |
class ApplyRotaryEmbeddingInplace(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(x, theta, conj): |
_apply_rotary_emb_inplace(x, theta, conj=conj) |
return x |
@staticmethod |
def setup_context(ctx, inputs, output): |
_, theta, conj = inputs |
ctx.save_for_backward(theta) |
ctx.conj = conj |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, grad_output): |
theta, = ctx.saved_tensors |
_apply_rotary_emb_inplace(grad_output, theta, conj=not ctx.conj) |
return grad_output, None, None |
def apply_rotary_emb_(x, theta): |
return ApplyRotaryEmbeddingInplace.apply(x, theta, False) |
class AxialRoPE(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, dim, n_heads): |
super().__init__() |
log_min = math.log(math.pi) |
log_max = math.log(10.0 * math.pi) |
freqs = torch.linspace(log_min, log_max, n_heads * dim // 4 + 1)[:-1].exp() |
self.register_buffer("freqs", freqs.view(dim // 4, n_heads).T.contiguous()) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"dim={self.freqs.shape[1] * 4}, n_heads={self.freqs.shape[0]}" |
def forward(self, pos): |
theta_h = pos[..., None, 0:1] * self.freqs.to(pos.dtype) |
theta_w = pos[..., None, 1:2] * self.freqs.to(pos.dtype) |
return torch.cat((theta_h, theta_w), dim=-1) |
def window(window_size, x): |
*b, h, w, c = x.shape |
x = torch.reshape( |
x, |
(*b, h // window_size, window_size, w // window_size, window_size, c), |
) |
x = torch.permute( |
x, |
(*range(len(b)), -5, -3, -4, -2, -1), |
) |
return x |
def unwindow(x): |
*b, h, w, wh, ww, c = x.shape |
x = torch.permute(x, (*range(len(b)), -5, -3, -4, -2, -1)) |
x = torch.reshape(x, (*b, h * wh, w * ww, c)) |
return x |
def shifted_window(window_size, window_shift, x): |
x = torch.roll(x, shifts=(window_shift, window_shift), dims=(-2, -3)) |
windows = window(window_size, x) |
return windows |
def shifted_unwindow(window_shift, x): |
x = unwindow(x) |
x = torch.roll(x, shifts=(-window_shift, -window_shift), dims=(-2, -3)) |
return x |
@lru_cache |
def make_shifted_window_masks(n_h_w, n_w_w, w_h, w_w, shift, device=None): |
ph_coords = torch.arange(n_h_w, device=device) |
pw_coords = torch.arange(n_w_w, device=device) |
h_coords = torch.arange(w_h, device=device) |
w_coords = torch.arange(w_w, device=device) |
patch_h, patch_w, q_h, q_w, k_h, k_w = torch.meshgrid( |
ph_coords, |
pw_coords, |
h_coords, |
w_coords, |
h_coords, |
w_coords, |
indexing="ij", |
) |
is_top_patch = patch_h == 0 |
is_left_patch = patch_w == 0 |
q_above_shift = q_h < shift |
k_above_shift = k_h < shift |
q_left_of_shift = q_w < shift |
k_left_of_shift = k_w < shift |
m_corner = ( |
is_left_patch |
& is_top_patch |
& (q_left_of_shift == k_left_of_shift) |
& (q_above_shift == k_above_shift) |
) |
m_left = is_left_patch & ~is_top_patch & (q_left_of_shift == k_left_of_shift) |
m_top = ~is_left_patch & is_top_patch & (q_above_shift == k_above_shift) |
m_rest = ~is_left_patch & ~is_top_patch |
m = m_corner | m_left | m_top | m_rest |
return m |
def apply_window_attention(window_size, window_shift, q, k, v, scale=None): |
q_windows = shifted_window(window_size, window_shift, q) |
k_windows = shifted_window(window_size, window_shift, k) |
v_windows = shifted_window(window_size, window_shift, v) |
b, heads, h, w, wh, ww, d_head = q_windows.shape |
mask = make_shifted_window_masks(h, w, wh, ww, window_shift, device=q.device) |
q_seqs = torch.reshape(q_windows, (b, heads, h, w, wh * ww, d_head)) |
k_seqs = torch.reshape(k_windows, (b, heads, h, w, wh * ww, d_head)) |
v_seqs = torch.reshape(v_windows, (b, heads, h, w, wh * ww, d_head)) |
mask = torch.reshape(mask, (h, w, wh * ww, wh * ww)) |
flops.op(flops.op_attention, q_seqs.shape, k_seqs.shape, v_seqs.shape) |
qkv = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(q_seqs, k_seqs, v_seqs, mask, scale=scale) |
qkv = torch.reshape(qkv, (b, heads, h, w, wh, ww, d_head)) |
return shifted_unwindow(window_shift, qkv) |
def use_flash_2(x): |
if not flags.get_use_flash_attention_2(): |
return False |
if flash_attn is None: |
return False |
if x.device.type != "cuda": |
return False |
if x.dtype not in (torch.float16, torch.bfloat16): |
return False |
return True |
class SelfAttentionBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_head, cond_features, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.d_head = d_head |
self.n_heads = d_model // d_head |
self.norm = AdaRMSNorm(d_model, cond_features) |
self.qkv_proj = apply_wd(Linear(d_model, d_model * 3, bias=False)) |
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.full([self.n_heads], 10.0)) |
self.pos_emb = AxialRoPE(d_head // 2, self.n_heads) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.out_proj = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(d_model, d_model, bias=False))) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"d_head={self.d_head}," |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
skip = x |
x = self.norm(x, cond) |
qkv = self.qkv_proj(x) |
pos = rearrange(pos, "... h w e -> ... (h w) e").to(qkv.dtype) |
theta = self.pos_emb(pos) |
if use_flash_2(qkv): |
qkv = rearrange(qkv, "n h w (t nh e) -> n (h w) t nh e", t=3, e=self.d_head) |
qkv = scale_for_cosine_sim_qkv(qkv, self.scale, 1e-6) |
theta = torch.stack((theta, theta, torch.zeros_like(theta)), dim=-3) |
qkv = apply_rotary_emb_(qkv, theta) |
flops_shape = qkv.shape[-5], qkv.shape[-2], qkv.shape[-4], qkv.shape[-1] |
flops.op(flops.op_attention, flops_shape, flops_shape, flops_shape) |
x = flash_attn.flash_attn_qkvpacked_func(qkv, softmax_scale=1.0) |
x = rearrange(x, "n (h w) nh e -> n h w (nh e)", h=skip.shape[-3], w=skip.shape[-2]) |
else: |
q, k, v = rearrange(qkv, "n h w (t nh e) -> t n nh (h w) e", t=3, e=self.d_head) |
q, k = scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, self.scale[:, None, None], 1e-6) |
theta = theta.movedim(-2, -3) |
q = apply_rotary_emb_(q, theta) |
k = apply_rotary_emb_(k, theta) |
flops.op(flops.op_attention, q.shape, k.shape, v.shape) |
x = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, scale=1.0) |
x = rearrange(x, "n nh (h w) e -> n h w (nh e)", h=skip.shape[-3], w=skip.shape[-2]) |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.out_proj(x) |
return x + skip |
class NeighborhoodSelfAttentionBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_head, cond_features, kernel_size, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.d_head = d_head |
self.n_heads = d_model // d_head |
self.kernel_size = kernel_size |
self.norm = AdaRMSNorm(d_model, cond_features) |
self.qkv_proj = apply_wd(Linear(d_model, d_model * 3, bias=False)) |
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.full([self.n_heads], 10.0)) |
self.pos_emb = AxialRoPE(d_head // 2, self.n_heads) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.out_proj = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(d_model, d_model, bias=False))) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"d_head={self.d_head}, kernel_size={self.kernel_size}" |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
skip = x |
x = self.norm(x, cond) |
qkv = self.qkv_proj(x) |
if natten is None: |
raise ModuleNotFoundError("natten is required for neighborhood attention") |
if natten.has_fused_na(): |
q, k, v = rearrange(qkv, "n h w (t nh e) -> t n h w nh e", t=3, e=self.d_head) |
q, k = scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, self.scale[:, None], 1e-6) |
theta = self.pos_emb(pos) |
q = apply_rotary_emb_(q, theta) |
k = apply_rotary_emb_(k, theta) |
flops.op(flops.op_natten, q.shape, k.shape, v.shape, self.kernel_size) |
x = natten.functional.na2d(q, k, v, self.kernel_size, scale=1.0) |
x = rearrange(x, "n h w nh e -> n h w (nh e)") |
else: |
q, k, v = rearrange(qkv, "n h w (t nh e) -> t n nh h w e", t=3, e=self.d_head) |
q, k = scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, self.scale[:, None, None, None], 1e-6) |
theta = self.pos_emb(pos).movedim(-2, -4) |
q = apply_rotary_emb_(q, theta) |
k = apply_rotary_emb_(k, theta) |
flops.op(flops.op_natten, q.shape, k.shape, v.shape, self.kernel_size) |
qk = natten.functional.na2d_qk(q, k, self.kernel_size) |
a = torch.softmax(qk, dim=-1).to(v.dtype) |
x = natten.functional.na2d_av(a, v, self.kernel_size) |
x = rearrange(x, "n nh h w e -> n h w (nh e)") |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.out_proj(x) |
return x + skip |
class ShiftedWindowSelfAttentionBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_head, cond_features, window_size, window_shift, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.d_head = d_head |
self.n_heads = d_model // d_head |
self.window_size = window_size |
self.window_shift = window_shift |
self.norm = AdaRMSNorm(d_model, cond_features) |
self.qkv_proj = apply_wd(Linear(d_model, d_model * 3, bias=False)) |
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.full([self.n_heads], 10.0)) |
self.pos_emb = AxialRoPE(d_head // 2, self.n_heads) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.out_proj = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(d_model, d_model, bias=False))) |
def extra_repr(self): |
return f"d_head={self.d_head}, window_size={self.window_size}, window_shift={self.window_shift}" |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
skip = x |
x = self.norm(x, cond) |
qkv = self.qkv_proj(x) |
q, k, v = rearrange(qkv, "n h w (t nh e) -> t n nh h w e", t=3, e=self.d_head) |
q, k = scale_for_cosine_sim(q, k, self.scale[:, None, None, None], 1e-6) |
theta = self.pos_emb(pos).movedim(-2, -4) |
q = apply_rotary_emb_(q, theta) |
k = apply_rotary_emb_(k, theta) |
x = apply_window_attention(self.window_size, self.window_shift, q, k, v, scale=1.0) |
x = rearrange(x, "n nh h w e -> n h w (nh e)") |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.out_proj(x) |
return x + skip |
class FeedForwardBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.norm = AdaRMSNorm(d_model, cond_features) |
self.up_proj = apply_wd(LinearGEGLU(d_model, d_ff, bias=False)) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.down_proj = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(d_ff, d_model, bias=False))) |
def forward(self, x, cond): |
skip = x |
x = self.norm(x, cond) |
x = self.up_proj(x) |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.down_proj(x) |
return x + skip |
class GlobalTransformerLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, d_head, cond_features, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.self_attn = SelfAttentionBlock(d_model, d_head, cond_features, dropout=dropout) |
self.ff = FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=dropout) |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
x = checkpoint(self.self_attn, x, pos, cond) |
x = checkpoint(self.ff, x, cond) |
return x |
class NeighborhoodTransformerLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, d_head, cond_features, kernel_size, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.self_attn = NeighborhoodSelfAttentionBlock(d_model, d_head, cond_features, kernel_size, dropout=dropout) |
self.ff = FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=dropout) |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
x = checkpoint(self.self_attn, x, pos, cond) |
x = checkpoint(self.ff, x, cond) |
return x |
class ShiftedWindowTransformerLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, d_head, cond_features, window_size, index, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
window_shift = window_size // 2 if index % 2 == 1 else 0 |
self.self_attn = ShiftedWindowSelfAttentionBlock(d_model, d_head, cond_features, window_size, window_shift, dropout=dropout) |
self.ff = FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=dropout) |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
x = checkpoint(self.self_attn, x, pos, cond) |
x = checkpoint(self.ff, x, cond) |
return x |
class NoAttentionTransformerLayer(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.ff = FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, cond_features, dropout=dropout) |
def forward(self, x, pos, cond): |
x = checkpoint(self.ff, x, cond) |
return x |
class Level(nn.ModuleList): |
def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs): |
for layer in self: |
x = layer(x, *args, **kwargs) |
return x |
class MappingFeedForwardBlock(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.norm = RMSNorm(d_model) |
self.up_proj = apply_wd(LinearGEGLU(d_model, d_ff, bias=False)) |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) |
self.down_proj = apply_wd(zero_init(Linear(d_ff, d_model, bias=False))) |
def forward(self, x): |
skip = x |
x = self.norm(x) |
x = self.up_proj(x) |
x = self.dropout(x) |
x = self.down_proj(x) |
return x + skip |
class MappingNetwork(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, n_layers, d_model, d_ff, dropout=0.0): |
super().__init__() |
self.in_norm = RMSNorm(d_model) |
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([MappingFeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, dropout=dropout) for _ in range(n_layers)]) |
self.out_norm = RMSNorm(d_model) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.in_norm(x) |
for block in self.blocks: |
x = block(x) |
x = self.out_norm(x) |
return x |
class TokenMerge(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, patch_size=(2, 2)): |
super().__init__() |
self.h = patch_size[0] |
self.w = patch_size[1] |
self.proj = apply_wd(Linear(in_features * self.h * self.w, out_features, bias=False)) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = rearrange(x, "... (h nh) (w nw) e -> ... h w (nh nw e)", nh=self.h, nw=self.w) |
return self.proj(x) |
class TokenSplitWithoutSkip(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, patch_size=(2, 2)): |
super().__init__() |
self.h = patch_size[0] |
self.w = patch_size[1] |
self.proj = apply_wd(Linear(in_features, out_features * self.h * self.w, bias=False)) |
def forward(self, x): |
x = self.proj(x) |
return rearrange(x, "... h w (nh nw e) -> ... (h nh) (w nw) e", nh=self.h, nw=self.w) |
class TokenSplit(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, patch_size=(2, 2)): |
super().__init__() |
self.h = patch_size[0] |
self.w = patch_size[1] |
self.proj = apply_wd(Linear(in_features, out_features * self.h * self.w, bias=False)) |
self.fac = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1) * 0.5) |
def forward(self, x, skip): |
x = self.proj(x) |
x = rearrange(x, "... h w (nh nw e) -> ... (h nh) (w nw) e", nh=self.h, nw=self.w) |
return torch.lerp(skip, x, self.fac.to(x.dtype)) |
@dataclass |
class GlobalAttentionSpec: |
d_head: int |
@dataclass |
class NeighborhoodAttentionSpec: |
d_head: int |
kernel_size: int |
@dataclass |
class ShiftedWindowAttentionSpec: |
d_head: int |
window_size: int |
@dataclass |
class NoAttentionSpec: |
pass |
@dataclass |
class LevelSpec: |
depth: int |
width: int |
d_ff: int |
self_attn: Union[GlobalAttentionSpec, NeighborhoodAttentionSpec, ShiftedWindowAttentionSpec, NoAttentionSpec] |
dropout: float |
@dataclass |
class MappingSpec: |
depth: int |
width: int |
d_ff: int |
dropout: float |
class ImageTransformerDenoiserModelV2(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, levels, mapping, in_channels, out_channels, patch_size, num_classes=0, mapping_cond_dim=0, degradation_params_dim=None): |
super().__init__() |
self.num_classes = num_classes |
self.patch_in = TokenMerge(in_channels, levels[0].width, patch_size) |
self.mapping_width = mapping.width |
self.time_emb = FourierFeatures(1, mapping.width) |
self.time_in_proj = Linear(mapping.width, mapping.width, bias=False) |
self.aug_emb = FourierFeatures(9, mapping.width) |
self.aug_in_proj = Linear(mapping.width, mapping.width, bias=False) |
self.degradation_proj = Linear(degradation_params_dim, mapping.width, bias=False) if degradation_params_dim else None |
self.class_emb = nn.Embedding(num_classes, mapping.width) if num_classes else None |
self.mapping_cond_in_proj = Linear(mapping_cond_dim, mapping.width, bias=False) if mapping_cond_dim else None |
self.mapping = tag_module(MappingNetwork(mapping.depth, mapping.width, mapping.d_ff, dropout=mapping.dropout), "mapping") |
self.down_levels, self.up_levels = nn.ModuleList(), nn.ModuleList() |
for i, spec in enumerate(levels): |
if isinstance(spec.self_attn, GlobalAttentionSpec): |
layer_factory = lambda _: GlobalTransformerLayer(spec.width, spec.d_ff, spec.self_attn.d_head, mapping.width, dropout=spec.dropout) |
elif isinstance(spec.self_attn, NeighborhoodAttentionSpec): |
layer_factory = lambda _: NeighborhoodTransformerLayer(spec.width, spec.d_ff, spec.self_attn.d_head, mapping.width, spec.self_attn.kernel_size, dropout=spec.dropout) |
elif isinstance(spec.self_attn, ShiftedWindowAttentionSpec): |
layer_factory = lambda i: ShiftedWindowTransformerLayer(spec.width, spec.d_ff, spec.self_attn.d_head, mapping.width, spec.self_attn.window_size, i, dropout=spec.dropout) |
elif isinstance(spec.self_attn, NoAttentionSpec): |
layer_factory = lambda _: NoAttentionTransformerLayer(spec.width, spec.d_ff, mapping.width, dropout=spec.dropout) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"unsupported self attention spec {spec.self_attn}") |
if i < len(levels) - 1: |
self.down_levels.append(Level([layer_factory(i) for i in range(spec.depth)])) |
self.up_levels.append(Level([layer_factory(i + spec.depth) for i in range(spec.depth)])) |
else: |
self.mid_level = Level([layer_factory(i) for i in range(spec.depth)]) |
self.merges = nn.ModuleList([TokenMerge(spec_1.width, spec_2.width) for spec_1, spec_2 in zip(levels[:-1], levels[1:])]) |
self.splits = nn.ModuleList([TokenSplit(spec_2.width, spec_1.width) for spec_1, spec_2 in zip(levels[:-1], levels[1:])]) |
self.out_norm = RMSNorm(levels[0].width) |
self.patch_out = TokenSplitWithoutSkip(levels[0].width, out_channels, patch_size) |
nn.init.zeros_(self.patch_out.proj.weight) |
def param_groups(self, base_lr=5e-4, mapping_lr_scale=1 / 3): |
wd = filter_params(lambda tags: "wd" in tags and "mapping" not in tags, self) |
no_wd = filter_params(lambda tags: "wd" not in tags and "mapping" not in tags, self) |
mapping_wd = filter_params(lambda tags: "wd" in tags and "mapping" in tags, self) |
mapping_no_wd = filter_params(lambda tags: "wd" not in tags and "mapping" in tags, self) |
groups = [ |
{"params": list(wd), "lr": base_lr}, |
{"params": list(no_wd), "lr": base_lr, "weight_decay": 0.0}, |
{"params": list(mapping_wd), "lr": base_lr * mapping_lr_scale}, |
{"params": list(mapping_no_wd), "lr": base_lr * mapping_lr_scale, "weight_decay": 0.0} |
] |
return groups |
def forward(self, x, sigma=None, aug_cond=None, class_cond=None, mapping_cond=None, degradation_params=None): |
x = x.movedim(-3, -1) |
x = self.patch_in(x) |
pos = make_axial_pos(x.shape[-3], x.shape[-2], device=x.device).view(x.shape[-3], x.shape[-2], 2) |
if class_cond is None and self.class_emb is not None: |
raise ValueError("class_cond must be specified if num_classes > 0") |
if mapping_cond is None and self.mapping_cond_in_proj is not None: |
raise ValueError("mapping_cond must be specified if mapping_cond_dim > 0") |
if sigma is not None: |
time_emb = self.time_in_proj(self.time_emb(sigma[..., None])) |
else: |
time_emb = self.time_in_proj(torch.ones(1, 1, device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype).expand(x.shape[0], self.mapping_width)) |
aug_cond = x.new_zeros([x.shape[0], 9]) if aug_cond is None else aug_cond |
aug_emb = self.aug_in_proj(self.aug_emb(aug_cond)) |
class_emb = self.class_emb(class_cond) if self.class_emb is not None else 0 |
mapping_emb = self.mapping_cond_in_proj(mapping_cond) if self.mapping_cond_in_proj is not None else 0 |
degradation_emb = self.degradation_proj(degradation_params) if degradation_params is not None else 0 |
cond = self.mapping(time_emb + aug_emb + class_emb + mapping_emb + degradation_emb) |
skips, poses = [], [] |
for down_level, merge in zip(self.down_levels, self.merges): |
x = down_level(x, pos, cond) |
skips.append(x) |
poses.append(pos) |
x = merge(x) |
pos = downscale_pos(pos) |
x = self.mid_level(x, pos, cond) |
for up_level, split, skip, pos in reversed(list(zip(self.up_levels, self.splits, skips, poses))): |
x = split(x, skip) |
x = up_level(x, pos, cond) |
x = self.out_norm(x) |
x = self.patch_out(x) |
x = x.movedim(-1, -3) |
return x |