import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
from annotated_text import annotated_text |
import time |
from scripts.predict import InferenceHandler |
history_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=['Text', 'Classification', 'Gender', 'Race', 'Sexuality', 'Disability', 'Religion', 'Unspecified']) |
rc = None |
@st.cache_data |
def load_inference_handler(api_token): |
try: |
return InferenceHandler(api_token) |
except: |
return None |
def extract_data(json_obj): |
row_data = [] |
row_data.append(json_obj['raw_text']) |
row_data.append(json_obj['text_sentiment']) |
cat_dict = json_obj['category_sentiments'] |
for cat in cat_dict.keys(): |
raw_val = cat_dict[cat] |
val = f'{raw_val * 100: .2f}%' if raw_val is not None else 'N/A' |
row_data.append(val) |
return row_data |
def load_history(): |
for result in st.session_state.results: |
history_df.loc[len(history_df)] = extract_data(result) |
def output_results(res): |
label_dict = { |
'Gender': '#4A90E2', |
'Race': '#E67E22', |
'Sexuality': '#3B9C5A', |
'Disability': '#8B5E3C', |
'Religion': '#A347BA', |
'Unspecified': '#A0A0A0' |
} |
with rc: |
st.markdown('### Results') |
with st.container(border=True): |
at_list = [] |
if res['numerical_sentiment'] == 1: |
for entry in res['category_sentiments'].keys(): |
val = res['category_sentiments'][entry] |
if val > 0.0: |
perc = val * 100 |
at_list.append((entry, f'{perc:.2f}%', label_dict[entry])) |
st.markdown(f"#### Text - *\"{res['raw_text']}\"*") |
st.markdown(f"#### Classification - {':red' if res['numerical_sentiment'] == 1 else ':green'}[{res['text_sentiment']}]") |
if len(at_list) > 0: |
annotated_text(at_list) |
@st.cache_data |
def analyze_text(text): |
st.write(f'Text: {text}') |
if ih: |
res = None |
with rc: |
with st.spinner("Processing...", show_time=True) as spnr: |
time.sleep(5) |
res = ih.classify_text(text) |
del spnr |
if res is not None: |
st.session_state.results.append(res) |
history_df.loc[-1] = extract_data(res) |
output_results(res) |
st.title('NLPinitiative Text Classifier') |
st.sidebar.write("") |
API_KEY = st.sidebar.text_input( |
"Enter your HuggingFace API Token", |
help="You can get your free API token in your settings page: https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens", |
type="password", |
) |
ih = load_inference_handler(API_KEY) |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(['Classifier', 'About This App']) |
if "results" not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.results = [] |
load_history() |
with tab1: |
"Text Classifier for determining if entered text is discriminatory (and the categories of discrimination) or Non-Discriminatory." |
hist_container = st.container() |
hist_expander = hist_container.expander('History') |
rc = st.container() |
text_form = st.form(key='classifier', clear_on_submit=True, enter_to_submit=True) |
with text_form: |
entry = None |
text_area = st.text_area('Enter text to classify', value='', disabled=True if ih is None else False) |
form_btn = st.form_submit_button('submit', disabled=True if ih is None else False) |
if form_btn and text_area is not None and len(text_area) > 0: |
analyze_text(text_area) |
with hist_expander: |
st.dataframe(history_df, hide_index=True) |
with tab2: |
st.markdown( |
"""The NLPinitiative Discriminatory Text Classifier is an advanced |
natural language processing tool designed to detect and flag potentially |
discriminatory or harmful language. By analyzing text for biased, offensive, |
or exclusionary content, this classifier helps promote more inclusive and |
respectful communication. Simply enter your text below, and the model will |
assess it based on linguistic patterns and context. While the tool provides |
valuable insights, we encourage users to review flagged content thoughtfully |
and consider context when interpreting results.""" |
) |