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import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
from import Italian
import re
from transformers import pipeline
from gradio.inputs import File
import gradio as gr
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import pytesseract
import tempfile
import os
from gradio.inputs import Dropdown
import gradio as gr
import tempfile
import os
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import pytesseract
import fitz
from pdf2image import convert_from_bytes
def preprocess_punctuation(text):
pattern = r'(?<![a-z])[a-zA-Z\.]{1,4}(?:\.[a-zA-Z\.]{1,4})*\.(?!\s*[A-Z])'
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
res = [*set(matches)]
#res = [r for r in res if not nlp(r).ents or
#not any(ent.label_ in nlp.get_pipe('ner').labels for ent in nlp(r).ents)] #optimized
return res
def preprocess_text(text):
prep_text = re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', '\n', text)
prep_text = re.sub(r'\n{2,}', '\n', prep_text)
#string_with_single_newlines_and_no_blank_lines = re.sub(r' {2,}', ' ', string_with_single_newlines_and_no_blank_lines)
return prep_text
def custom_tokenizer(doc):
# Define a custom rule to ignore colons as a sentence boundary
for token in doc[:-1]:
if (token.text == ":"):
doc[token.i+1].is_sent_start = False
return doc
def get_sentences(text, dictionary = None):
cl_sentences = []
chars_to_strip = [' ', '\n']
chars_to_strip_str = ''.join(set(chars_to_strip))
nlp = spacy.load("it_core_news_lg") #load ita moodel
nlp.add_pipe("custom_tokenizer", before="parser")
for punct in preprocess_punctuation(text):
nlp.tokenizer.add_special_case(punct, [{spacy.symbols.ORTH: punct, spacy.symbols.NORM: punct}])
doc = nlp(text) # Process the text with spaCy
sentences = list(doc.sents) # Split the text into sentences
for sentence in sentences:
sent = sentence.text
cl_sentence = ' '.join(filter(None, sent.lstrip(chars_to_strip_str).rstrip(chars_to_strip_str).split(' ')))
if cl_sentence!= '':
return cl_sentences
def extract_numbers(text, given_strings):
# Split text into a list of words
words = text.split()
# Find the indices of the given strings in the list of words
indices = [i for i, word in enumerate(words) if any(s in word for s in given_strings)]
# Initialize an empty list to store the numbers
numbers = []
# Loop through each index
for index in indices:
# Define the range of words to search for numbers
start = max(index - 1, 0)
end = min(index + 2, len(words))
# Extract the words within the range
context = words[start:end]
# Check if the context contains mathematical operators
if any(re.match(r'[+\*/]', word) for word in context):
# Find all numbers in the context
context_numbers = [
float(re.sub('[^0-9\.,]+', '', word).replace(',', '.'))
if re.sub('[^0-9\.,]+', '', word).replace(',', '.').replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()
else int(re.sub('[^0-9]+', '', word))
if re.sub('[^0-9]+', '', word).isdigit()
else None
for word in context
# Add the numbers to the list
return numbers
def get_text_and_values(text, key_list):
sentences = get_sentences(text)
total_numbers= []
infoDict = {}
for sentence in sentences:
numbers = extract_numbers(text = sentence, given_strings = key_list)
if not numbers:
else: infoDict[sentence] = numbers
return infoDict
def get_useful_text(dictionary):
keysList = list(dictionary.keys())
tes = ('\n'.join(keysList))
return tes
def get_values(dictionary):
pr = list(dictionary.values())
return pr
def initialize_qa_transformer(model):
qa = pipeline("text2text-generation", model=model)
return qa
def get_answers_unfiltered(dictionary, question, qa_pipeline):
keysList = list(dictionary.keys())
answers = []
for kl in keysList:
answer = qa_pipeline(f'{kl} Domanda: {question}')
return answers
def get_total(answered_values, text, keywords, raw_values, unique_values = False):
numeric_list = [num for sublist in raw_values for num in sublist if isinstance(num, (int, float))]
#numbers = [float(x[0]['generated_text']) for x in answered_values if x[0]['generated_text'].isdigit()]
pattern = r'\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?'
numbers = []
for sub_lst in answered_values:
for d in sub_lst:
for k, v in d.items():
# Replace commas with dots
v = v.replace(',', '.')
# Extract numbers and convert to float
numbers += [float(match) for match in re.findall(pattern, v) if (float(match) >= 5.0) and (float(match) in numeric_list)]
###### remove duplicates
if unique_values:
numbers = list(set(numbers))
total = 0
sum = 0
total_list = []
# Define a regular expression pattern that will match a number
pattern = r'\d+'
# Loop through the keywords and search for them in the text
found = False
for keyword in keywords:
# Build a regular expression pattern that looks for the keyword
# followed by up to three words, then a number
keyword_pattern = f'{keyword}(\\s+\\w+){{0,3}}\\s+({pattern})'
match =, text, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
# If we find a match, print the number and set found to True
number =
if (number in numbers) and (number in numeric_list):
print(f"Found a value ({number}) for keyword '{keyword}'.")
found = True
# If we didn't find a match
if not found:
for value in numbers:
if value in numeric_list:
total += value
#If there is more than one total, it means different lots with many total measures for each house. Calculate the sum of the totals mq
for value in total_list:
sum += value
return numbers, sum
def extractor_clean(text, k_words, transformer, question, total_kwords, return_text = False):
tex = ''
dictionary = get_text_and_values(text, k_words)
raw = get_values(dictionary)
qa = initialize_qa_transformer(transformer)
val = get_answers_unfiltered(dictionary, question = question, qa_pipeline = qa)
keywords = ['totale', 'complessivo', 'complessiva']
values = get_total(answered_values= val, raw_values = raw, text = text, keywords = total_kwords, unique_values = True)
if return_text:
tex = get_useful_text(dictionary)
return values, return_text, tex
elif return_text == False:
return values, return_text
def format_output(extracted_values):
output = {}
values_output = "\n".join([f"mq. {value}" for value in extracted_values[0]])
output["Mq. Values"] = values_output
output["Total"] = extracted_values[1]
if extracted_values[2]:
output["Ref. Text"] = extracted_values[2]
return output
def pdf_ocr(file, model_t, question):
# Convert PDF to image
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path:
with open(file, "rb") as f:
content =
with, filetype="pdf") as doc:
num_pages = len(doc)
# Extract text from the PDF
text = ""
for page in doc:
text += page.get_text()
# Perform OCR on the PDF if the extracted text is empty
if not text:
# Convert PDF pages to images
images = convert_from_bytes(content)
for i, img in enumerate(images):
text += pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang='ita')
# Clear the image list to free up memory
del images
ks = ('mq', 'MQ', 'Mq', 'metri quadri', 'm2')
quest = "Quanti metri quadri misura la superficie?"
totalK = ['totale', 'complessivo', 'complessiva']
extracted_values = extractor_clean(text=text, k_words=ks, transformer=model_t, question=question, total_kwords=totalK, return_text=True)
values_output = extracted_values[0][0]
total_output = f'{extracted_values[0][1]} Mq'
text_output = extracted_values[2]
immobile_values = [f'{i + 1}. Immobile : {value} Mq\n' for i, value in enumerate(values_output)]
immobile_values = '\n'.join(immobile_values)
return immobile_values, total_output, text_output
def ocr_interface(pdf_file, model_t, question):
# Call the pdf_ocr function
values, total, text = pdf_ocr(, model_t, question)
return values, total, text
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:
# PDF Mq Extractor
with gr.Tab("Extractor"):
with gr.Row():
pdf_input = gr.components.File(label="PDF File")
with gr.Row():
model_input = gr.components.Dropdown(['it5/it5-base-question-answering', 'it5/it5-small-question-answering'],
value='it5/it5-base-question-answering', label = 'Select model')
question_input = gr.components.Dropdown(["Quanti metri quadri misura l'immobile?"],
value = "Quanti metri quadri misura l'immobile?", label = 'Question')
with gr.Column():
# Output values
Values extracted from the pdf document
with gr.Row():
values_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="Area Values")
total_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="Total")
text_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="Ref. Text")
with gr.Row():
extract_button = gr.Button("Extract") = ocr_interface,
inputs=[pdf_input, model_input, question_input], outputs=[values_output, total_output, text_output])
gr.Examples(['Example1(scanned).pdf', 'Example2.pdf', 'Example3Large.pdf'], inputs = pdf_input,
cache_examples = True, fn = ocr_interface, outputs = [values_output, total_output, text_output])