Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ import torch
7 |
import torch.nn.functional as F
8 |
from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN, InceptionResnetV1
9 |
import numpy as np
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
app = Flask(__name__)
14 |
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*")
15 |
16 |
# Configuration
17 |
UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads'
18 |
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'mp4', 'avi', 'mov'}
19 |
20 |
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024
21 |
22 |
os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)
23 |
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ DEVICE = 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
27 |
mtcnn = MTCNN(select_largest=False, post_process=False, device=DEVICE).to(DEVICE).eval()
28 |
29 |
model = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained="vggface2", classify=True, num_classes=1, device=DEVICE)
30 |
checkpoint = torch.load("resnetinceptionv1_epoch_32.pth", map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
31 |
32 |
@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ def analyze_video(video_path, sample_rate=30):
60 |
frame_count = 0
61 |
fake_count = 0
62 |
total_processed = 0
63 |
total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
64 |
65 |
while cap.isOpened():
66 |
ret, frame = cap.read()
@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@ def analyze_video(video_path, sample_rate=30):
76 |
if prediction == "fake":
77 |
fake_count += 1
78 |
79 |
# Emit progress update
80 |
progress = (frame_count / total_frames) * 100
81 |
socketio.emit('analysis_progress', {'progress': progress})
82 |
83 |
frame_count += 1
84 |
85 |
@@ -90,12 +86,7 @@ def analyze_video(video_path, sample_rate=30):
90 |
91 |
return 0
92 |
93 |
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
94 |
def home():
95 |
return jsonify({'homepage': 'https://deepfake-checker.dhairyashah.dev'})
96 |
97 |
@app.route('/analyze', methods=['POST'])
98 |
99 |
def analyze_video_api():
100 |
if 'video' not in request.files:
101 |
return jsonify({'error': 'No video file provided'}), 400
@@ -108,23 +99,9 @@ def analyze_video_api():
108 |
if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
109 |
filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
110 |
filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
111 |
112 |
# Save file and emit upload progress
113 |
chunk_size = 4096
114 |
file_size = int(request.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
115 |
bytes_read = 0
116 |
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
117 |
while True:
118 |
chunk = file.read(chunk_size)
119 |
if not chunk:
120 |
121 |
122 |
bytes_read += len(chunk)
123 |
progress = (bytes_read / file_size) * 100
124 |
socketio.emit('upload_progress', {'progress': progress})
125 |
126 |
127 |
socketio.emit('analysis_start', {'message': 'Starting video analysis'})
128 |
fake_percentage = analyze_video(filepath)
129 |
os.remove(filepath) # Remove the file after analysis
130 |
@@ -133,14 +110,12 @@ def analyze_video_api():
133 |
'is_likely_deepfake': fake_percentage >= 60
134 |
135 |
136 |
socketio.emit('analysis_complete', result)
137 |
return jsonify(result), 200
138 |
except Exception as e:
139 |
os.remove(filepath) # Remove the file if an error occurs
140 |
socketio.emit('analysis_error', {'error': str(e)})
141 |
return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 500
142 |
143 |
return jsonify({'error': 'Invalid file type'}), 400
144 |
145 |
if __name__ == '__main__':
146 |
7 |
import torch.nn.functional as F
8 |
from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN, InceptionResnetV1
9 |
import numpy as np
10 |
from pytorch_grad_cam import GradCAM
11 |
from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.model_targets import ClassifierOutputTarget
12 |
import os
13 |
14 |
app = Flask(__name__)
15 |
16 |
# Configuration
17 |
UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads'
18 |
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'mp4', 'avi', 'mov'}
19 |
20 |
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024
21 |
22 |
os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)
23 |
27 |
mtcnn = MTCNN(select_largest=False, post_process=False, device=DEVICE).to(DEVICE).eval()
28 |
29 |
model = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained="vggface2", classify=True, num_classes=1, device=DEVICE)
30 |
# Model Credits: https://huggingface.co/spaces/dhairyashah/deepfake-alpha-version/blob/main/CREDITS.md
31 |
checkpoint = torch.load("resnetinceptionv1_epoch_32.pth", map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
32 |
33 |
61 |
frame_count = 0
62 |
fake_count = 0
63 |
total_processed = 0
64 |
65 |
while cap.isOpened():
66 |
ret, frame = cap.read()
76 |
if prediction == "fake":
77 |
fake_count += 1
78 |
79 |
frame_count += 1
80 |
81 |
86 |
87 |
return 0
88 |
89 |
@app.route('/analyze', methods=['POST'])
90 |
def analyze_video_api():
91 |
if 'video' not in request.files:
92 |
return jsonify({'error': 'No video file provided'}), 400
99 |
if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
100 |
filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
101 |
filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
fake_percentage = analyze_video(filepath)
106 |
os.remove(filepath) # Remove the file after analysis
107 |
110 |
'is_likely_deepfake': fake_percentage >= 60
111 |
112 |
113 |
return jsonify(result), 200
114 |
except Exception as e:
115 |
os.remove(filepath) # Remove the file if an error occurs
116 |
return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 500
117 |
118 |
return jsonify({'error': 'Invalid file type'}), 400
119 |
120 |
if __name__ == '__main__':
121 |
app.run(host='', port=7860)