disc-golf-simulator / disc_golf_simulator.py
Adding faq in a more readable way
history blame
5.14 kB
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
from shotshaper.projectile import DiscGolfDisc
from utilities.visualize import get_plot, get_subplots, stl_meshes, visualize_disc
# Define the default values
default_U = 24.2
default_omega = 116.8
default_z0 = 1.3
default_pitch = 15.5
default_nose = 0.0
default_roll = 14.7
faq = """
# Motivation
I saw some great work by [kegiljarhus](https://github.com/kegiljarhus) [repo](https://github.com/kegiljarhus/shotshaper)
and wanted to make this available as an app so people could learn more about disc golf. I really want to commend
the amazing idea of writing a [scientific article](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12283-022-00390-5)
AND releasing code, and actually executing it well. This is what gets people excited about STEM.
I originally saw this
[reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/yyhbcj/wrote_a_scientific_article_on_disc_golf_flight/)
which really piqued my interest.
# Questions
- I imagine some of you will want to add your disc here, if you can convert your disc into an `.stl` then I will
add it to the database. If this gets common enough I will add an option to upload your own.
- I imagine there will be a barrier to entry to do this.
- If you have any ideas, just let me know in a discussion or in a pull request
def main():
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(['Simulator', 'FAQ'])
vb_link = 'https://visitor-badge.glitch.me/badge?page_id=derek-thomas.disc-golf-simulator&left_color=gray&right_color=blue'
![Total Visitors]({vb_link})
with tab1:
disc_names = {
'Innova Wraith': 'dd2',
'Innova Firebird': 'cd1',
'Innova Roadrunner': 'cd5',
'Innova Fairway Driver': 'fd2',
disc_selected = st.sidebar.selectbox("Disc Selection", disc_names.keys())
disc_name = disc_names[disc_selected]
# Create the sliders with the default values
with st.container():
st.sidebar.markdown("### Disc Orientation")
nose = st.sidebar.slider("Nose Angle (deg) | Up/Down", min_value=0.0, max_value=90.0, value=default_nose,
roll = st.sidebar.slider("Roll Angle (deg) | Tilt Left/Right", min_value=-90.0, max_value=90.0,
with st.sidebar.container():
st.sidebar.markdown("### Throwing Properties")
U = st.sidebar.slider("Throwing Velocity (m/s)", min_value=0.0, max_value=40.0, value=default_U, step=0.1,
help='Fastest Throw on record is ~40m/s by Simon Lizotte')
omega = st.sidebar.slider("Omega", min_value=0.0, max_value=200.0, value=default_omega, step=0.1)
z0 = st.sidebar.slider("Release Height (m)", min_value=0.0, max_value=2.0, value=default_z0, step=0.1)
pitch = st.sidebar.slider("Pitch Angle (deg) | Release angle", min_value=0.0, max_value=90.0,
with st.spinner(text="Calculating Disc Orientation..."):
pos = np.array((0, 0, z0))
disc_dict = DiscGolfDisc(disc_name)
stl_mesh = stl_meshes[disc_name]
fig = visualize_disc(stl_mesh, nose=nose, roll=roll)
st.markdown("""## Disc Orientation""")
with st.spinner(text="Calculating Flight Path..."):
st.markdown("""## Flight Path""")
shot = disc_dict.shoot(speed=U, omega=omega, pitch=pitch,
position=pos, nose_angle=nose, roll_angle=roll)
# Plot trajectory
x, y, z = shot.position
x_new, y_new = -1 * y, x
# Reversed x and y to mimic a throw
fig = get_plot(x_new, y_new, z)
st.plotly_chart(fig, True)
**Arrows in Blue** show you where your *s-turn* is.
**Arrows in Red** show you your *max height* and *lateral deviance*.
Hit Play to watch your animated throw.
| Metric | Value |
| Drift Left | {round(min(x_new), 2)} |
| Drift Right | {round(max(x_new), 2)} |
| Max Height | {round(max(z), 2)} |
| Distance | {round(max(y_new), 2)} |
arc, alphas, betas, lifts, drags, moms, rolls = disc_dict.post_process(shot, omega)
fig = get_subplots(arc, alphas, lifts, drags, moms, rolls, shot.velocity)
st.plotly_chart(fig, True)
with tab2:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Setting up Logger and proj_dir
logger = getLogger(__name__)
proj_dir = Path(__file__).parent
st.title("Disc Golf Simulator")
# initialize_state()