Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import degirum as dg | |
from PIL import Image | |
zoo=dg.connect(dg.CLOUD,zoo_url='',token=st.secrets["DG_TOKEN"]) | |
st.title('DeGirum Cloud Platform Demo') | |
st.header('Specify Model Options Below') | |"Choose runtime agent device combo",("TFLite-EdgeTPU","N2X-ORCA","N2X-ORCA1","OpenVINO-CPU"),index=2) | |
runtime_agent,device=runtime_agent_device.split('-')[0],runtime_agent_device.split('-')[1] | |
model_options=zoo.list_models(device=device,runtime=runtime_agent) | |
st.header('Choose and Run a Model') | |
st.text('Select a model and upload an image. Then click on the submit button') | |
with st.form("model_form"): | |
model_name=st.selectbox("Choose a Model from the list", model_options) | |
uploaded_file=st.file_uploader('input image') | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") | |
if submitted: | |
model=zoo.load_model(model_name) | |
model.overlay_font_scale=3 | |
model.overlay_line_width=6 | |
model.image_backend='pil' | |
model.measure_time=True | |
if model.output_postprocess_type=='PoseDetection': | |
model.overlay_show_labels=False | |
st.write("Model loaded successfully") | |
image = | |
predictions=model(image) | |
if model.output_postprocess_type=='Classification' or model.output_postprocess_type=='DetectionYoloPlates': | |
st.image(predictions.image,caption='Original Image') | |
st.write(predictions.results) | |
else: | |
st.image(predictions.image_overlay,caption='Image with Bounding Boxes/Keypoints') | |
stats=model.time_stats() | |
st.write(stats["CoreInferenceDuration_ms"].avg) |