Judge-AI / uae_law.py
darthPanda's picture
judgement structure
import os
from openai import OpenAI
from openai import AzureOpenAI
from llama_index.llms.groq import Groq
from mistralai.client import MistralClient
from mistralai.models.chat_completion import ChatMessage
import time
import re
import mock_constants
import utils
from datetime import date
from prompts import uae_law_stage_prompts
import prompt_tracing
import comet_llm
import llm
from mock_constants_dir import uae_law_mock_constants
import azure_search
from dotenv import load_dotenv
class Uae_law():
def __init__(self):
self.stage_1_chat_history = []
self.stage_2_chat_history = []
self.temp_bool = False
self.additional_message = ""
self.lawsuit_facts = ""
self.lawsuit_extracted_text = ""
self.claim_extracted_text = ""
self.defendant_extracted_text = ""
self.claimant_response_extracted_text = ""
self.defendant_response_extracted_text = ""
self.claimant_evidence_extracted_text = []
self.claimant_evidence_facts = []
self.defendant_evidence_extracted_text = []
self.defendant_evidence_facts = []
self.response_facts = ""
self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts = ""
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = ""
self.evidence_analysis = ""
self.evidence_analysis_conclusion = ""
self.case_fable = "" # stage 5
self.stage_6_ideal_model = ""
utils.clear_or_create_empty_file("data//uae_logs.txt") # Clear log file
def reset(self):
self.stage_1_chat_history = []
self.stage_2_chat_history = []
self.temp_bool = False
self.additional_message = ""
self.claimant_evidence_extracted_text = []
self.claimant_evidence_facts = []
self.defendant_evidence_extracted_text = []
self.defendant_evidence_facts = []
self.lawsuit_facts = ""
self.lawsuit_extracted_text = ""
self.claim_extracted_text = ""
self.defendant_extracted_text = ""
self.claimant_response_extracted_text = ""
self.defendant_response_extracted_text = ""
self.response_facts = ""
self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts = ""
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = ""
self.evidence_analysis = ""
self.evidence_analysis_conclusion = ""
self.case_fable = "" # stage 5
self.stage_6_ideal_model = ""
utils.clear_or_create_empty_file("data//uae_logs.txt") # Clear log file
def stage_1_and_1_1_call(self, input_text):
Function called to execute stage 1 and stage 1_1
stage 1 and 1_1 - getting facts from lawsuit and analysing claimant evidence
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_1_and_1_1_prompt
self.claim_extracted_text = "\n\nText Extracted from Claim:\n" + input_text
prompt = input_text + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_1_and_1_1_response
if llm.check_claim_validity(response.lower()):
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 2
self.additional_message = "Defendant is directed to upload response to claim"
self.claimant_facts_and_evidence = "\nClaimant Facts and Evidence: \n" + response
# self.stage = 2
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 1
self.additional_message = "For instructions on how to properly use JudgeAI, read [JudgeAI cheatsheet](https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=10zj75HDpsn7H7k0Lk5HDCmfWECp0ZtY6)."
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_2_and_2_1_call(self, input_text):
Function called to execute stage 2 and stage 2_1
stage 2 and 2_1 - getting facts from response and analysing defendant evidence
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_2_and_2_1_prompt
self.defendant_extracted_text = "\n\nText Extracted from Response from defendant:\n" + input_text
prompt = input_text + self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
# print(prompt)
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_2_and_2_2_response
if llm.check_prima_facie_rebutted(response.lower()):
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 3
self.additional_message = "Claimant may provide a response"
self.defendant_facts_and_evidence = "\nDefendant Facts and Evidence: \n" + response
# self.stage = 2
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 4.9
self.defendant_facts_and_evidence = "\nDefendant Facts and Evidence: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "Judge is now evaluating evidence submitted by all parties, generating case fables for each party, generating an ideal model and drafting final judgement..."
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_3_call(self, input_text):
Function called to execute stage 3
stage 3 - analysing clarification response from claimant
self.claimant_response_extracted_text = "\n\nText Extracted from Claimant clarification to defendant's response:\n" + input_text
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_3_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + "Claimant clarification to defendant's response: \n" + input_text + "\n\nPrompt:" + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_3_response_given
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 4
self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts = "\nClaimant clarification to defendant's response: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "Defendant may provide a response"
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts)
return response
def stage_4_call(self, input_text):
Function called to execute stage 4
stage 4 - analysing addendum response from defendant
self.defendant_response_extracted_text = "\n\nText Extracted from Defendant's response to claimant's clarifications:\n" + input_text
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_4_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts + "Defendant's response to claimant's clarifications: \n" + input_text + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_4_response_given
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 4.9
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = "\nDefendant's response to claimant's clarifications: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "Judge is now evaluating evidence submitted by all parties, generating case fables for each party, generating an ideal model and drafting final judgement..."
if llm.go_to_stage_4_1(response.lower()):
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 4.1
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = "\nDefendant's response to claimant's clarifications: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "Claimant may provide a response"
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts)
return response
def stage_4_1_call(self, input_text):
Function called to execute stage 4
stage 4_1 - Optional Stage
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_4_1_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts + self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts + "Claimant's response to defendant's clarifications: \n" + input_text + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_4_response_given
if llm.check_response_given(response.lower()):
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 5
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = "\nDefendant's response to claimant's clarifications: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "Judge is now evaluating evidence submitted by all parties, generating case fables for each party, generating an ideal model and drafting final judgement..."
self.temp_bool = False
self.stage = 5
self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts = "\nDefendant's response to claimant's clarifications: \n" + response
self.additional_message = "proceeding to stage 5 from stage 4 with no objection"
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts)
return response
def stage_4_9_call(self):
Function called to execute stage 4_9
stage 4_9 - analysing evidences
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_4_9_prompt
prompt = self.claim_extracted_text + self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_extracted_text + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + self.claimant_response_extracted_text + self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts + self.defendant_response_extracted_text + self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_4_9_response
self.evidence_analysis = "\nEvidence analysis: \n" + response
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_4_9_5_call(self):
Function called to execute stage 4_9_5
stage 4_9_5 - Pre stage 5
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_4_9_5_prompt
prompt = self.claim_extracted_text + self.defendant_extracted_text + self.claimant_response_extracted_text + self.defendant_response_extracted_text + self.evidence_analysis + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_4_9_response
self.evidence_analysis_conclusion = "\nEvidence analysis Conclusion: \n" + response
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_5_call(self):
Function called to execute stage 5
stage 5 - Case Fable
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_5_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts + self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts + self.evidence_analysis + self.evidence_analysis_conclusion + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_5_case_fable
self.case_fable = "Case Fable: \n" + response
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_5_9_call(self):
Function called to execute stage pre 6
pre stage 6 - getting relevant codified laws
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_5_9_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + gpt_prompt
self.query = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# self.query = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_5_9_query
response = self.query
return response
def stage_5_9_5_call(self):
Function called to execute stage pre 6
pre stage 6 - getting relevant codified laws
response = azure_search.azure_search(self.query)
self.legal_norms = "\nLegal Norms: \n" + response
return response
def stage_6_call(self):
Function called to execute stage 6
stage 6 - Ideal model generation
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_6_prompt
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.defendant_facts_and_evidence + \
self.claimant_response_to_defendant_facts + self.defendant_response_to_claimant_clarification_facts + \
self.case_fable + self.legal_norms + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_6_ideal_model
self.stage_6_ideal_model = "Ideal Behavior Chronology of the Parties: \n " + response
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def stage_7_call(self):
Function called to execute stage 7
stage 7 - Final Judgement
judgement_date = date.today()
gpt_prompt = uae_law_stage_prompts.stage_7_prompt.format(judgement_date=judgement_date)
prompt = self.claimant_facts_and_evidence + self.claim_extracted_text + self.defendant_extracted_text + self.claimant_response_extracted_text + self.defendant_response_extracted_text + self.case_fable + self.stage_6_ideal_model + self.legal_norms + "\n\nPrompt:" + gpt_prompt
response = llm.llm_function_call(prompt, "gpt-4-0125-preview")
# response = uae_law_mock_constants.stage_7_final_judgement
utils.write_string_to_file("data//uae_logs.txt", response)
return response
def generate_response(self, prompt):
if prompt.lower().endswith(".png"):
input_text = self.lawsuit_extracted_text
input_text = prompt
# print(self.stage)
if self.stage == 1:
response = self.stage_1_and_1_1_call(input_text)
elif self.stage == 2:
response = self.stage_2_and_2_1_call(input_text)
elif self.stage == 3:
response = self.stage_3_call(input_text)
elif self.stage == 4:
response = self.stage_4_call(input_text)
elif self.stage == 4.1:
response = self.stage_4_1_call(input_text)
elif self.stage == 4.9:
response = self.stage_4_9_call(input_text)
# elif self.stage == 5:
# response = self.stage_5_call()
return response