import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.express as px |
DATA_PATH = "data.csv" |
INSTRUCTIONS_PATH = "instructions.md" |
GITHUB_LINK = "https://github.com/danielrosehill/Emissions-Monetisation-Calculator" |
def load_data(): |
try: |
df = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH) |
return df |
except FileNotFoundError: |
st.error( |
f"Error: Could not find the data file at {DATA_PATH}. Please ensure the file exists." |
) |
return None |
def load_instructions(): |
try: |
with open(INSTRUCTIONS_PATH, "r") as f: |
return f.read() |
except FileNotFoundError: |
return "Error: Instructions file not found." |
def format_currency(value, display_unit): |
if display_unit == "Millions": |
formatted_value = f"${value / 1_000_000:.2f} MN" |
elif display_unit == "Billions": |
formatted_value = f"${value / 1_000_000_000:.2f} BN" |
return formatted_value |
def main(): |
st.title("GHG Emissions Monetization Calculator") |
st.markdown( |
"The purpose of this tool and demonstration is to allow users to explore How monetizing companies proposed greenhouse gas emissions might work in practice." |
) |
st.markdown( |
"This calculator accompanies a repository shared on Github and Hugging Face which aggregates proposals for the social cost of carbon, which have been advanced at various points in time by various world bodies." |
) |
st.markdown( |
"Detailed notes and instructions about the use of this calculator can be found in the Instructions tab." |
) |
st.markdown( |
"This calculator was developed by Daniel Rosehill in December 2024 (danielrosehill.com)." |
) |
df = load_data() |
instructions = load_instructions() |
if df is None: |
return |
tabs = st.tabs(["Calculator", "Instructions", "SCC Chart", "SCC Details"]) |
with tabs[0]: |
with st.container(): |
left, right = st.columns(2) |
with left: |
st.subheader("Input Values") |
scope1_emissions = st.number_input("Scope 1 Emissions", value=0.0) |
scope2_emissions = st.number_input("Scope 2 Emissions", value=0.0) |
scope3_emissions = st.number_input("Scope 3 Emissions", value=0.0) |
unit_of_reporting = st.selectbox("Unit of Reporting", ["TCO2E", "MTCO2E"]) |
proposal_names = df['proposal_with_date'].tolist() |
selected_proposal = st.selectbox("Social cost of carbon", proposal_names) |
with right: |
st.subheader("Calculated Values") |
scope1_2_emissions = scope1_emissions + scope2_emissions |
all_scopes_emissions = ( |
scope1_emissions + scope2_emissions + scope3_emissions |
) |
st.markdown( |
f"Scope 1 and 2 Emissions: {scope1_2_emissions:.2f} {unit_of_reporting}" |
) |
st.markdown( |
f"All Scopes Emissions: {all_scopes_emissions:.2f} {unit_of_reporting}" |
) |
selected_row = df[df['proposal_with_date'] == selected_proposal].iloc[0] |
multiplier = selected_row['usd_proposed_value'] |
st.subheader("Monetized Emissions") |
display_unit = st.radio("Display units", ["Millions", "Billions"]) |
if unit_of_reporting == "MTCO2E": |
scope1_emissions = scope1_emissions * 1_000_000 |
scope2_emissions = scope2_emissions * 1_000_000 |
scope3_emissions = scope3_emissions * 1_000_000 |
all_scopes_emissions = all_scopes_emissions * 1_000_000 |
monetized_scope1 = scope1_emissions * multiplier |
monetized_scope2 = scope2_emissions * multiplier |
monetized_scope3 = scope3_emissions * multiplier |
monetized_all_scopes = all_scopes_emissions * multiplier |
st.markdown(f"Scope 1: {format_currency(monetized_scope1, display_unit)}") |
st.markdown(f"Scope 2: {format_currency(monetized_scope2, display_unit)}") |
st.markdown(f"Scope 3: {format_currency(monetized_scope3, display_unit)}") |
st.markdown( |
f"All Scopes: {format_currency(monetized_all_scopes, display_unit)}" |
) |
with tabs[1]: |
st.markdown(instructions) |
with tabs[2]: |
st.subheader("Social Cost of Carbon Proposals") |
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) |
df = df.sort_values(by='date') |
bar_fig = px.bar( |
df, |
x="usd_proposed_value", |
y="proposal_with_date", |
title="Social Cost of Carbon Proposals", |
labels={ |
"usd_proposed_value": "USD Proposed Value", |
"proposal_with_date": "Proposal", |
}, |
orientation='h' |
) |
st.plotly_chart(bar_fig) |
line_fig = px.line( |
df, |
x="date", |
y="usd_proposed_value", |
title="Trend of Social Cost of Carbon Proposals Over Time", |
labels={ |
"usd_proposed_value": "USD Proposed Value", |
"date": "Date", |
}, |
hover_data={ |
"usd_proposed_value": False, |
"proposal_with_date": True, |
}, |
) |
line_fig.update_traces( |
mode="lines+markers", |
hovertemplate="<b>%{hovertext}</b>", |
text=df["proposal_with_date"], |
) |
st.plotly_chart(line_fig) |
with tabs[3]: |
st.subheader("Social Cost of Carbon Proposal Details") |
proposal_names = df["proposal_with_date"].tolist() |
selected_proposal = st.selectbox("Select a proposal", proposal_names) |
if selected_proposal: |
selected_row = df[df["proposal_with_date"] == selected_proposal].iloc[0] |
table_data = { |
"Field": [ |
"Organization Name", |
"Organization Description", |
"Date", |
"Country", |
"ISO3", |
"ISO2", |
"HDI Value", |
"HDI Category", |
"Details", |
"Original Proposed Value", |
"Average Value", |
"USD Proposed Value", |
"USD Proposed Value (Empty CO2e)", |
"USD Conversion Date", |
"Value Units", |
"Environmental Units", |
"Methodologies Used", |
"Calculation Scope", |
"Is Range", |
], |
"Value": [ |
selected_row["organization_name"], |
selected_row["organization_description"], |
selected_row["date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), |
selected_row["country"], |
selected_row["iso3"], |
selected_row["iso2"], |
selected_row["hdi_value"], |
selected_row["hdi_category"], |
selected_row["details"], |
f"{selected_row['original_proposed_value']} {selected_row['original_currency_name']}", |
selected_row["average_value"], |
selected_row["usd_proposed_value"], |
selected_row['use_proposed_value_mtco2e'], |
selected_row["usd_conversion_date"], |
selected_row["value_units"], |
selected_row["environmental_units"], |
selected_row["methodologies_used"], |
selected_row["calculation_scope"], |
selected_row["is_range"], |
], |
} |
st.table(table_data) |
st.markdown(f'<a href="{GITHUB_LINK}"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/View%20on%20GitHub-blue?logo=github"></a>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |