pinder_inference_template /
danielkovtun's picture
chore: lint
import random
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from biotite.structure.atoms import AtomArrayStack
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from pinder.core import PinderSystem
from pinder.core.structure import atoms
from pinder.core.structure.contacts import get_stack_contacts
from pinder.core.loader.structure import Structure
from pinder.eval.dockq import BiotiteDockQ
import gradio as gr
from gradio_molecule3d import Molecule3D
EVAL_METRICS = ["system", "L_rms", "I_rms", "F_nat", "DOCKQ", "CAPRI_class"]
def predict(
receptor_pdb: Path,
ligand_pdb: Path,
receptor_fasta: Path | None = None,
ligand_fasta: Path | None = None,
) -> tuple[str, float]:
start_time = time.time()
# Do inference here
# return an output pdb file with the protein and two chains R and L.
receptor = atoms.atom_array_from_pdb_file(receptor_pdb, extra_fields=["b_factor"])
ligand = atoms.atom_array_from_pdb_file(ligand_pdb, extra_fields=["b_factor"])
receptor = atoms.normalize_orientation(receptor)
ligand = atoms.normalize_orientation(ligand)
# Number of random poses to generate
M = 50
# Inititalize an empty stack with shape (m x n x 3)
stack = AtomArrayStack(M, ligand.shape[0])
# copy annotations from ligand
for annot in ligand.get_annotation_categories():
stack.set_annotation(annot, np.copy(ligand.get_annotation(annot)))
# Random translations sampled along 0-50 angstroms per axis
translation_magnitudes = np.linspace(0, 26, num=26, endpoint=False)
# generate one pose at a time
for i in range(M):
q = R.random()
translation_vec = [
random.choice(translation_magnitudes), # x
random.choice(translation_magnitudes), # y
random.choice(translation_magnitudes), # z
# transform the ligand chain
stack.coord[i, ...] = q.apply(ligand.coord) + translation_vec
# Find clashes (1.2 A contact radius)
stack_conts = get_stack_contacts(receptor, stack, threshold=1.2)
# Keep the "best" pose based on pose w/fewest clashes
pose_clashes = []
for i in range(stack_conts.shape[0]):
pose_conts = stack_conts[i]
pose_clashes.append((i, np.argwhere(pose_conts != -1).shape[0]))
best_pose_idx = sorted(pose_clashes, key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0]
best_pose = receptor + stack[best_pose_idx]
output_dir = Path(receptor_pdb).parent
# System ID
pdb_name = Path(receptor_pdb).stem + "--" + Path(ligand_pdb).name
output_pdb = output_dir / pdb_name
atoms.write_pdb(best_pose, output_pdb)
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
return str(output_pdb), run_time
def evaluate(
system_id: str,
prediction_pdb: Path,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, float]:
start_time = time.time()
system = PinderSystem(system_id)
native = system.native.filepath
bdq = BiotiteDockQ(native, Path(prediction_pdb), parallel_io=False)
metrics = bdq.calculate()
metrics = metrics[["system", "LRMS", "iRMS", "Fnat", "DockQ", "CAPRI"]].copy()
"LRMS": "L_rms",
"iRMS": "I_rms",
"Fnat": "F_nat",
"DockQ": "DOCKQ",
"CAPRI": "CAPRI_class",
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
pred = Structure(Path(prediction_pdb))
nat = Structure(Path(native))
pred, _, _ = pred.superimpose(nat)
return metrics, [str(prediction_pdb), str(native)], run_time
with gr.Blocks() as app:
with gr.Tab("🧬 PINDER inference template"):
gr.Markdown("Title, description, and other information about the model")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_protein_1 = gr.File(label="Input Protein 1 monomer (PDB)")
input_fasta_1 = gr.File(
label="Input Protein 1 monomer sequence (FASTA)"
with gr.Column():
input_protein_2 = gr.File(label="Input Protein 2 monomer (PDB)")
input_fasta_2 = gr.File(
label="Input Protein 2 monomer sequence (FASTA)"
# define any options here
# for automated inference the default options are used
# slider_option = gr.Slider(0,10, label="Slider Option")
# checkbox_option = gr.Checkbox(label="Checkbox Option")
# dropdown_option = gr.Dropdown(["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], label="Radio Option")
btn = gr.Button("Run Inference")
[input_protein_1, input_fasta_1, input_protein_2, input_fasta_2],
reps = [
"model": 0,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "R",
"color": "whiteCarbon",
"model": 0,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "L",
"color": "greenCarbon",
"model": 0,
"chain": "R",
"style": "stick",
"sidechain": True,
"color": "whiteCarbon",
"model": 0,
"chain": "L",
"style": "stick",
"sidechain": True,
"color": "greenCarbon",
out = Molecule3D(reps=reps)
run_time = gr.Textbox(label="Runtime")
inputs=[input_protein_1, input_protein_2, input_fasta_1, input_fasta_2],
outputs=[out, run_time],
with gr.Tab("⚖️ PINDER evaluation template"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_system_id = gr.Textbox(label="PINDER system ID")
input_prediction_pdb = gr.File(
label="Top ranked prediction (PDB with chains R and L)"
eval_btn = gr.Button("Run Evaluation")
[input_system_id, input_prediction_pdb],
reps = [
"model": 0,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "R",
"color": "greenCarbon",
"model": 0,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "L",
"color": "cyanCarbon",
"model": 1,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "R",
"color": "grayCarbon",
"model": 1,
"style": "cartoon",
"chain": "L",
"color": "blueCarbon",
pred_native = Molecule3D(reps=reps, config={"backgroundColor": "black"})
eval_run_time = gr.Textbox(label="Evaluation runtime")
metric_table = gr.DataFrame(
pd.DataFrame([], columns=EVAL_METRICS), label="Evaluation metrics"
inputs=[input_system_id, input_prediction_pdb],
outputs=[metric_table, pred_native, eval_run_time],