import torch | |
def get_image_features(input_image, feature_extractor): | |
with feature_extractor.no_bar(), feature_extractor.no_logging(): | |
test_dl = feature_extractor.dls.test_dl([input_image]) | |
inp, features, _, dec = feature_extractor.get_preds(dl=test_dl, with_input=True, with_decoded=True) | |
return features | |
def get_similar_image(input_image, feature_extractor, features_tensor, image_paths): | |
# Get the features of the input image | |
user_features = get_image_features(input_image, feature_extractor) | |
user_features = user_features.view(1, -1) # Reshape to 2D tensor | |
# Compute cosine similarity | |
similarity_scores = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(user_features, features_tensor) | |
# Get the index of the most similar image | |
most_similar_index = torch.argmax(similarity_scores) | |
# Get the path of the most similar image | |
most_similar_image_path = image_paths[most_similar_index] | |
# Get the maximum similarity score | |
max_similarity = torch.max(similarity_scores) | |
return most_similar_image_path, max_similarity | |
def plot_side_by_side(input_image, similar_image, show=True, save_path=None): | |
similar_image_thumb = similar_image.to_thumb(224) | |
user_image_thumb = input_image.to_thumb(224) | |
# Create a figure with two subplots | |
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) | |
# Display the images | |
ax1.imshow(similar_image_thumb) | |
ax2.imshow(user_image_thumb) | |
# Optionally, remove the axes for a cleaner look | |
ax1.axis('off') | |
ax2.axis('off') | |
fig.suptitle('Is It Really Worth It?', fontsize=20, weight='bold') | |
if save_path: | |
plt.savefig(save_path) | |
plt.close() | |
if show: | | | |
def test_model(feature_extractor, features_tensor, model_name, image_paths, input_dir=Path('input'), output_dir=Path('output'), show=False): | |
save_dir = output_dir / model_name | |
save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) | |
for input_path in input_dir.iterdir(): | |
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_path))[0] + '.jpg') | |
input_image = PILImage.create(input_path) | |
process_image(input_image, feature_extractor, features_tensor, image_paths, save_path=save_path, show=show) | |
def random_crop(input_image, scale=(0.3, 0.4)): | |
width, height = input_image.size | |
# Calculate random width and height | |
new_width = random.randint(int(width * scale[0]), int(width * scale[1])) | |
new_height = random.randint(int(height * scale[0]), int(height * scale[1])) | |
# Calculate random position for the crop | |
left = random.randint(0, width - new_width) | |
top = random.randint(0, height - new_height) | |
# Perform the crop | |
cropped_img = input_image.crop((left, top, left + new_width, top + new_height)) | |
# Resize the cropped image to 224x224 | |
resized_img = cropped_img.resize((224, 224)) | |
# Return the resized image and its coordinates | |
return resized_img, (left, top, left + new_width, top + new_height) | |
def process_image(input_image, feature_extractor, features_tensor, image_paths, show=True, save_path=None): | |
max_similarity = -1 | |
most_similar_image_path = None | |
input_image_crop_coords = None | |
reference_image_crop_coords = None | |
# Apply the transform 10 times to get 10 random crops | |
for i in range(10): | |
# Perform a random crop | |
cropped_img, crop_coords = random_crop(input_image) | |
# Get the most similar image for the cropped image and its similarity score | |
similar_image_path, similarity = get_similar_image(cropped_img, feature_extractor, features_tensor, image_paths) | |
# If this image is more similar than the previous ones, keep it | |
if similarity > max_similarity: | |
max_similarity = similarity | |
most_similar_image_path = similar_image_path | |
input_image_crop_coords = crop_coords | |
reference_image_crop_coords = get_crop_coords_from_filename(similar_image_path) | |
# Get the parent and crop coordinates from the filename | |
parent, filename = os.path.split(most_similar_image_path) | |
# Plot the input image and the most similar image side by side | |
plot_side_by_side(input_image, PILImage.create(most_similar_image_path), input_image_crop_coords, reference_image_crop_coords, show=show, save_path=save_path) | |
return parent, filename, input_image_crop_coords, reference_image_crop_coords |