import os |
import sys |
import fpdf |
from fpdf import FPDF |
import time |
import pandas as pd |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import dataframe_image as dfi |
from html2image import Html2Image |
import panel as pn |
WIDTH = 210 |
HEIGHT = 297 |
class PDF(FPDF): |
def footer(self): |
self.set_y(-15) |
self.add_font('DejaVu', 'I', r'Assets\fonts\DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf', uni=True) |
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self.cell(0, 10, 'Page ' + str(self.page_no()), 0, 0, 'C') |
def color_pos_neg_value(value): |
if value < 0: |
color = 'red' |
elif value > 0: |
color = 'green' |
else: |
color = 'black' |
return 'color: %s' % color |
def styledWells(df): |
df["CO2 cost"] = df.loc[df["Active"] == True, "Value"] * df.loc[df["Active"] == True, "CO2_m3"] |
df["Draught damage cost"] = df.loc[df["Active"] == True, "Value"] * df.loc[df["Active"] == True, "Drought_m3"] |
df["New Extraction"]= df.loc[df["Active"] == True, "Value"] |
df["Extraction PCT Change"]= ((df["New Extraction"]-df["Current Extraction"])/df["Current Extraction"])*100 |
df = df.drop(columns=["Num_Wells",'Ownership','OPEX_m3','Drought_m3', "CO2_m3", 'Env_m3','envCost',"geometry"]) |
df = df.rename(columns={'Max_permit': 'Maximum permit' }) |
df = df[["Name","Balance area","Active","Current Extraction","New Extraction", "Maximum permit", "CO2 cost", "Draught damage cost", "Extraction PCT Change" ]] |
styled_df = df.style.format({ |
'Maximum permit': "{:.2f} Mm\u00b3/yr", |
'Current Extraction': '{:.2f} Mm\u00b3/yr', |
'New Extraction': '{:.2f} Mm\u00b3/yr', |
'CO2 cost': "{:.2f} M\u20AC/yr", |
'Draught damage cost': "{:.2f} M\u20AC/yr", |
'OPEX': "{:0,.0f} M\u20AC", |
'CAPEX': "{:0,.0f} M\u20AC", |
'Extraction PCT Change': "{:.2f}%", |
}).background_gradient(subset=['Extraction PCT Change'], cmap='RdYlGn') \ |
.set_caption("Water Extraction and Cost Overview") |
html = styled_df.to_html() |
hti = Html2Image(size=(800, 600)) |
hti.screenshot(html_str=html, save_as='Wells_DF.png') |
def generate_matplotlib_stackbars(df, filename): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.plot(df['Name'].values, df['Value'].values, color="#E63946", marker='D') |
ax.set_title('Water extraction per Location', fontweight="bold") |
ax.set_xticks(range(len(df['Name']))) |
ax.set_xticklabels(df['Name'].values, rotation=60) |
plt.xticks(df['Name'].values) |
ax.set_ylabel('Total Water extractedn in Mm\u00b3/yr') |
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) |
def generate_image_fromInd(pane, filename): |
lzh_pane =pn.Column(pane) |
html_content = lzh_pane.save("./Assets/lzh_panel.html", embed=True) |
hti = Html2Image() |
hti.screenshot(html_file="./Assets/lzh_panel.html", save_as=filename) |
def create_letterhead(pdf, WIDTH): |
pdf.image("https://uavonline.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/vitens-logo-1.png", 0, 0, WIDTH/5) |
def create_title(title, pdf): |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'b', 20) |
pdf.ln(20) |
pdf.write(5, title) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 10) |
pdf.set_text_color(r=128,g=128,b=128) |
today = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") |
pdf.write(4, f'{today}') |
pdf.ln(10) |
def createPDF(filename1, popScenario, smallScenario, button3, button4, button6, button7, ButtonDemand, TotalDemand, totalSupply, OPEX, CAPEX, CO2, ENVDmg,Natura): |
pdf = PDF() |
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
fontPath= os.path.join(script_dir, 'Assets', 'fonts', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf') |
fontPathBold = os.path.join(script_dir, 'Assets', 'fonts', 'DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf') |
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pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'b',fontPathBold, uni=True) |
''' |
First Page of PDF |
''' |
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create_letterhead(pdf, WIDTH) |
create_title(TITLE, pdf) |
pdf.set_text_color(r=30,g=30,b=30) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'b', 16) |
pdf.write(5, "1. Secenario Configuration:") |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 11) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Population Scenario: " +popScenario.value)) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Small Business Scenario: " +smallScenario.value)) |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'b', 16) |
pdf.write(5, "2. Measures configuration:") |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 11) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Closed Small wells: " +str(button3.value))) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Closed Natura 2000 Wells: " +str(button4.value))) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Imported Water from WAZ Getelo, NVB Nordhorn and Haaksbergen " +str(button6.value))) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Water demand per capita: " +str(ButtonDemand.value) + " L/d")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Using Industrial water permits excess: " +str(button7.value))) |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'b', 16) |
pdf.write(5, "3. Wells Configuration:") |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 11) |
pdf.write(10, "The table below illustrates the Water extraction configuration for each wells location:") |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.image("Wells_DF.png", w=WIDTH-40) |
pdf.ln(5) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'b', 16) |
pdf.write(5, "4. Indicators Report:") |
pdf.ln(15) |
pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 11) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Total Supply: " +f"{totalSupply.value:.2f} Mm\u00b3/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Total Demand: " +f"{TotalDemand.value:.2f} Mm\u00b3/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Leverenszekerheid " +f"{totalSupply.value * 100 / TotalDemand.value:.2f}"+"%")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 OPEX " +f'{OPEX.value:.2f}'+ " M\u20AC/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 CAPEX " +f'{CAPEX.value:0,.2f}' + " M\u20AC/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 CO2 emission cost " +f'{CO2.value:0,.2f}' + " M\u20AC/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Drought Damage cost " +f'{ENVDmg.value:0,.2f}' + " M\u20AC/yr")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(10, ("\u2022 Natura200 affected area " +f'{Natura.value:.2f}'+ " Ha")) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.write(5, "Water extraction per location:") |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.image(filename1, w=WIDTH-20) |
pdf.ln(10) |
pdf.output("Vitalens_report.pdf", 'F') |